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Ben Dudson 9cb9566897 Tidying, minimising differences between steps
Merging fixes in stepA into earlier steps, and
removing differences in comments and spacing
2018-01-04 16:07:01 +00:00

2570 lines
69 KiB

;; nasm -felf64 step9_try.asm && ld step9_try.o && ./a.out
;; Calling convention: Address of input is in RSI
;; Address of return value is in RAX
global _start
%include "types.asm" ; Data types, memory
%include "env.asm" ; Environment type
%include "system.asm" ; System calls
%include "reader.asm" ; String -> Data structures
%include "core.asm" ; Core functions
%include "printer.asm" ; Data structures -> String
%include "exceptions.asm" ; Error handling
section .bss
;; Top-level (REPL) environment
repl_env:resq 1
section .data
;; ------------------------------------------
;; Fixed strings for printing
static prompt_string, db 10,"user> " ; The string to print at the prompt
static error_string, db 27,'[31m',"Error",27,'[0m',": "
static not_found_string, db " not found"
static def_missing_arg_string, db "missing argument to def!",10
static def_expecting_symbol_string, db "expecting symbol as first argument to def!",10
static defmacro_expecting_function_string, db "defmacro expects function",10
static let_missing_bindings_string, db "let* missing bindings",10
static let_bindings_list_string, db "let* expected a list or vector of bindings",10
static let_bind_symbol_string, db "let* expected a symbol in bindings list",10
static let_bind_value_string, db "let* missing value in bindings list",10
static let_missing_body_string, db "let* missing body",10
static eval_list_not_function, db "list does not begin with a function",10
static if_missing_condition_string, db "missing condition in if expression",10
static try_missing_catch, db "try* missing catch*"
static catch_missing_symbol, db "catch* missing symbol"
static catch_missing_form, db "catch* missing form"
;; Symbols used for comparison
static_symbol def_symbol, 'def!'
static_symbol let_symbol, 'let*'
static_symbol do_symbol, 'do'
static_symbol if_symbol, 'if'
static_symbol fn_symbol, 'fn*'
static_symbol defmacro_symbol, 'defmacro!'
static_symbol macroexpand_symbol, 'macroexpand'
static_symbol try_symbol, 'try*'
static_symbol catch_symbol, 'catch*'
static_symbol argv_symbol, '*ARGV*'
static_symbol quote_symbol, 'quote'
static_symbol quasiquote_symbol, 'quasiquote'
static_symbol unquote_symbol, 'unquote'
static_symbol splice_unquote_symbol, 'splice-unquote'
static_symbol concat_symbol, 'concat'
static_symbol cons_symbol, 'cons'
;; Startup string. This is evaluated on startup
static mal_startup_string, db "(do (def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true))) (def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str ",34,"(do",34," (slurp f) ",34,")",34," ))))) (defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw ",34,"odd number of forms to cond",34,")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs))))))) (defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs)))))))) )"
;; Command to run, appending the name of the script to run
static run_script_string, db "(load-file ",34
section .text
;; ----------------------------------------------
;; Evaluates a form
;; Inputs: RSI Form to evaluate
;; RDI Environment
mov r15, rdi ; Save Env in r15
; Check the type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
; Check if this is a list
mov ah, al
and ah, container_mask
cmp ah, container_list
je .list
cmp ah, container_map
je .map
cmp ah, container_vector
je .vector
; Not a list, map or vector
cmp ah, container_symbol
je .symbol
; Not a symbol, list, map or vector
call incref_object ; Increment reference count
mov rax, rsi
; Check if first character of symbol is ':'
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Array.data]
cmp al, ':'
je .keyword
; look in environment
push rsi
xchg rsi, rdi
; symbol is the key in rdi
; Environment in rsi
call env_get
pop rsi
je .done ; result in RAX
; Not found, throw an error
mov r11, rsi ; Symbol in R11
call string_new
mov rsi, rax ; New string in RSI
mov cl, 39 ; quote '
call string_append_char
mov rdx, r11 ; symbol
call string_append_string
mov cl, 39
call string_append_char
mov r11, rsi
mov rsi, not_found_string
mov edx, not_found_string.len
call raw_to_string ; ' not found'
mov r12, rax
mov rdx, rax
mov rsi, r11
call string_append_string
mov r11, rsi
mov rsi, r12
call release_array
mov rsi, r11
jmp error_throw
; ------------------------------
; Just return keywords unaltered
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
; ------------------------------
; Evaluate each element of the list
xor r8, r8 ; The list to return
; r9 contains head of list
mov al, BYTE [rsi] ; Check type
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .list_pointer
; A value in RSI, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_list)
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
; Result in RAX
jmp .list_append
; List element is a pointer to something
push rsi
push r8
push r9
push r15 ; Env
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; Env in RDI, AST in RSI
call incref_object ; AST increment refs
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r9
pop r8
pop rsi
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
je .list_eval_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .list_append
; Got value in RAX, so copy
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Copy in RAX
pop rbx ; Value to copy in RBX
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
and cl, content_mask
or cl, (block_cons + container_list)
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; set type
mov rcx, [rbx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; copy value
; Release the value in RBX
push rsi
push rax
mov rsi, rbx
call release_cons
pop rax
pop rsi
; Fall through to .list_append
; In RAX
cmp r8, 0 ; Check if this is the first
je .list_first
; append to r9
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r9, rax
jmp .list_next
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; fall through to .list_next
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .list_done ; finished list
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; next in list
jmp .list_loop
mov rax, r8 ; Return the list
; ---------------------
; Create a new map, evaluating all the values
; Check if the map is empty
cmp al, maltype_empty_map
jne .map_not_empty
; map empty. Just return it
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
mov r10, rsi ; input in R10
xor r12, r12 ; New map in r12
; Now loop through each key-value pair
; NOTE: This method relies on the implementation
; of map as a list
; Copy the key
call alloc_cons ; New Cons in RAX
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car] ; Value in RCX
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
; Check the type of the key
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .map_got_key ; a value
; a pointer, so increment reference count
mov bx, WORD [rcx + Cons.refcount]
inc bx
mov [rcx + Cons.refcount], WORD bx
cmp r12,0
jne .append_key
; First key
mov r12, rax
mov r13, rax
jmp .map_value
; Appending to previous value in r13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
; Check that we have a value
mov al, BYTE [r10 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .map_error_missing_value
mov r10, [r10 + Cons.cdr]
; Now got value in r10
; Check the type of the value
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .map_value_pointer
; Not a pointer, so make a copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r10 + Cons.typecar]
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
jmp .map_got_value
; A pointer, so need to evaluate
push r10 ; Input
push r12 ; start of result
push r13 ; Current head of result
push r15 ; Env
mov rsi, [r10 + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r13
pop r12
pop r10
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
jne .map_eval_pointer
; A value, so just change the type to a map
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_map)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
jmp .map_got_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_map + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; Append RAX to list in R13
mov [r13 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov r13, rax
; Check if there's another key
mov al, BYTE [r10 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .map_done ; finished map
mov r10, [r10 + Cons.cdr] ; next in map
jmp .map_loop
mov rax, r12
mov rax, r12
; ------------------------------
; Evaluate each element of the vector
xor r8, r8 ; The vector to return
; r9 contains head of vector
mov al, BYTE [rsi] ; Check type
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .vector_pointer
; A value, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [rsi]
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_vector)
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
; Result in RAX
jmp .vector_append
; Vector element is a pointer to something
push rsi
push r8
push r9
push r15 ; Env
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r15
pop r9
pop r8
pop rsi
; Check the type it's evaluated to
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
mov bh, bl
and bh, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp bh, (block_cons + container_value)
je .vector_eval_value
; Not a value, so need a pointer to it
push rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_vector + content_pointer)
pop rbx ; Address to point to
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .vector_append
; Got value in RAX, so copy
push rax
call alloc_cons ; Copy in RAX
pop rbx ; Value to copy in RBX
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
and cl, content_mask
or cl, (block_cons + container_vector)
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; set type
mov rcx, [rbx + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; copy value
; Release the value in RBX
push rsi
push rax
mov rsi, rbx
call release_cons
pop rax
pop rsi
; In RAX
cmp r8, 0 ; Check if this is the first
je .vector_first
; append to r9
mov [r9 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r9 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r9, rax
jmp .vector_next
mov r8, rax
mov r9, rax
; fall through to .vector_next
; Check if there's another
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .vector_done ; finished vector
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; next in vector
jmp .vector_loop
mov rax, r8 ; Return the vector
; ---------------------
;; Comparison of symbols for eval function
;; Compares the symbol in RSI with specified symbol
;; Preserves RSI and RBX
;; Modifies RDI
%macro eval_cmp_symbol 1
push rsi
push rbx
mov rsi, rbx
mov rdi, %1
call compare_char_array
pop rbx
pop rsi
test rax, rax ; ZF set if rax = 0 (equal)
;; ----------------------------------------------------
;; Evaluates a form
;; Input: RSI AST to evaluate [ Released ]
;; RDI Environment [ Released ]
;; Returns: Result in RAX
;; Note: Both the form and environment will have their reference count
;; reduced by one (released). This is for tail call optimisation (Env),
;; quasiquote and macroexpand (AST)
mov r15, rdi ; Env
push rsi ; AST pushed, must be popped before return
; Check type
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_empty_list
je .return_nil
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
je .list
; Not a list. Evaluate and return
call eval_ast
jmp .return ; Releases Env
; --------------------
; A list
; Macro expand
pop rax ; Old AST, discard from stack
call macroexpand ; Replaces RSI
push rsi ; New AST
; Check if RSI is a list, and if
; the first element is a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, container_mask
cmp ah, container_list
je .list_still_list
; Not a list, so call eval_ast on it
mov rdi, r15 ; Environment
call eval_ast
jmp .return
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .list_eval
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rbx]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .list_eval
; Is a symbol, address in RBX
; Compare against special form symbols
eval_cmp_symbol def_symbol ; def!
je .def_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol let_symbol ; let*
je .let_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol do_symbol ; do
je .do_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol if_symbol ; if
je .if_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol fn_symbol ; fn
je .fn_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol quote_symbol ; quote
je .quote_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol quasiquote_symbol ; quasiquote
je .quasiquote_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol defmacro_symbol ; defmacro!
je .defmacro_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol macroexpand_symbol ; macroexpand
je .macroexpand_symbol
eval_cmp_symbol try_symbol ; try*
je .try_symbol
; Unrecognised
jmp .list_eval
; -----------------------------
mov r9, 1
jmp .def_common
xor r9, r9 ; Set R9 to 0
; Define a new symbol in current environment
; If R9 is set to 1 then defmacro
; Next item should be a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_missing_arg
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Now should have a symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_expecting_symbol
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Symbol (?)
mov al, BYTE [r8]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .def_error_expecting_symbol
; R8 now contains a symbol
; expecting a value or pointer next
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .def_error_missing_arg
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
mov ah, al
and ah, content_mask
cmp ah, content_pointer
je .def_pointer
; A value, so copy
; Test if this is defmacro!
test r9, r9
jnz .defmacro_not_function
push rax
call alloc_cons
pop rbx ; BL now contains type
and bl, content_mask
add bl, (block_cons + container_value)
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rcx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
mov rsi, rax
jmp .def_got_value
; A pointer, so evaluate
; This may throw an error, so define a handler
push r8 ; the symbol
push r15 ; Env
push r9
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Pointer
mov rdi, r15
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; since it will be decremented by eval
call incref_object ; AST increment refs
call eval
mov rsi, rax
pop r9
; If this is defmacro, and the object in RSI is a function,
; then change to a macro
test r9, r9
jz .def_not_macro ; Not defmacro
; Check RSI
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_function
jne .defmacro_not_function
; Got a function, change to macro
mov [rsi], BYTE maltype_macro
pop r15
pop r8
; Symbol in R8, value in RSI
mov rdi, r8 ; key (symbol)
mov rcx, rsi ; Value
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment
call env_set
mov rax, rcx
jmp .return
mov rsi, def_missing_arg_string
mov rdx, def_missing_arg_string.len
jmp .def_handle_error
mov rsi, def_expecting_symbol_string
mov rdx, def_expecting_symbol_string.len
jmp .def_handle_error
mov rsi, defmacro_expecting_function_string
mov rdx, defmacro_expecting_function_string.len
jmp .def_handle_error
push rsi
push rdx
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
call print_rawstring ; print message
xor rsi, rsi ; no object to throw
jmp error_throw ; No return
; -----------------------------
; Create a new environment
mov r11, rsi ; Let form in R11
mov rsi, r15 ; Outer env
call env_new ; Increments R15's ref count
mov r14, rax ; New environment in R14
mov rsi, r15
call release_object ; Decrement R15 ref count
; Second element should be the bindings
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_missing_bindings
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bindings_list
mov r12, [r11 + Cons.car] ; should be bindings list
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
; Can be either a list or vector
cmp al, block_cons + container_list
je .let_bind_loop
cmp al, block_cons + container_vector
je .let_bind_loop
; Not a list or vector
jmp .let_error_bindings_list
; R12 now contains a list with an even number of items
; The first should be a symbol, then a value to evaluate
; Get the symbol
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bind_symbol
mov r13, [r12 + Cons.car] ; Symbol (?)
mov al, BYTE [r13]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .let_error_bind_symbol
; R13 now contains a symbol to bind
; The next item in the bindings list (R12)
; should be a value or expression to evaluate
mov al, BYTE [r12 + Cons.typecdr]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_bind_value
mov r12, [r12 + Cons.cdr]
; got value in R12
; Check the type of the value
mov bl, [r12 + Cons.typecar] ; Type in BL
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
je .let_value_pointer
; Not a pointer, so make a copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, [r12 + Cons.typecar]
and bl, content_mask
;or bl, (block_cons + container_value) ; 0
mov [rax + Cons.typecar], bl
mov rcx, [r12 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
jmp .let_got_value
; A pointer, so need to evaluate
push r11 ; let* form list
push r12 ; Position in bindings list
push r13 ; symbol to bind
push r14 ; new environment
mov rsi, r14
call incref_object
mov rdi, r14
mov rsi, [r12 + Cons.car] ; Get the address
call incref_object ; Increment ref count of AST
call eval ; Evaluate it, result in rax
pop r14
pop r13
pop r12
pop r11
mov rsi, r14 ; Env
mov rdi, r13 ; key
mov rcx, rax ; value
call env_set
; Release the value
mov rsi, rcx ; The value
call release_object
; Check if there are more bindings
mov al, BYTE [r12 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_done_binding
mov r12, [r12 + Cons.cdr] ; Next
jmp .let_bind_loop
; Done bindings.
; Evaluate next item in let* form in new environment
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .let_error_missing_body
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Now contains value to evaluate
; Check type of the value
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .body_pointer
; Just a value, so copy
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
mov [rax], BYTE bl ; set type
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; copy value
jmp .let_done
; Evaluate using new environment
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Object pointed to
call incref_object ; will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi ; save new AST
pop rsi ; Old AST
call release_object
mov rsi, r11 ; New AST
mov rdi, r14 ; New environment
jmp eval ; Tail call
; Note: eval will release the new environment on return
; Release the new environment
push rax
mov rsi, r14
call release_object
pop rax
; Release the AST
pop rsi
push rax
call release_object
pop rax
ret ; already released env
mov rsi, let_missing_bindings_string
mov rdx, let_missing_bindings_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bindings_list: ; expected a list or vector, got something else
mov rsi, let_bindings_list_string
mov rdx, let_bindings_list_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bind_symbol: ; expected a symbol, got something else
mov rsi, let_bind_symbol_string
mov rdx, let_bind_symbol_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_bind_value: ; Missing value in binding list
mov rsi, let_bind_value_string
mov rdx, let_bind_value_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
.let_error_missing_body: ; Missing body to evaluate
mov rsi, let_missing_body_string
mov rdx, let_missing_body_string.len
jmp .let_handle_error
push r11 ; For printing later
push rsi
push rdx
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
call print_rawstring ; print message
pop rsi ; let* form
jmp error_throw ; No return
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; do form in RSI
; Environment in R15
; Check if there is a body
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_no_body ; error
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Body in R11
; Need to test if this is the last form
; so we can handle tail call
mov bl, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .do_body_last ; Last expression
; not the last expression
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_next ; A value, so skip
; A pointer, so evaluate
push r15
push r11
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Increase Env reference
; since eval will release Env
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Increment ref count since eval will release
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval ; Result in RAX
; Another form after this.
; Discard the result of the last eval
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
pop r11
pop r15
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Next in list
jmp .do_symbol_loop
; The last form is in R11, which will be returned
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, block_mask + content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .do_body_value_return
jmp .do_body_expr_return
; Got a value as last form (in R11).
; Copy and return
push rax ; Type of value to return
; release Env
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Allocate a Cons object to hold value
call alloc_cons
pop rbx ; type in BL
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
; release the AST
pop rsi
mov r15, rax ; not modified by release
call release_object
mov rax, r15
; An expression to evaluate as the last form
; Tail call optimise, jumping to eval
; Don't increment Env reference count
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; new AST form
call incref_object ; This will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi ; Save new AST
pop rsi ; Remove old AST from stack
call release_object
mov rsi, r11
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
jmp eval ; Tail call
; No expressions to evaluate. Return nil
mov rsi, r15
call release_object ; Release Env
; release the AST
pop rsi
call release_object
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; if form in R11
; Environment in R15
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_no_condition
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Should be a condition
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_cond_value
; A pointer, so evaluate
push r15
push r11
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Increase Env reference
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Increase Form/AST ref count
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval ; Result in RAX
pop r11
pop r15
; Get type of result
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
; release value
push rbx
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
pop rbx
; Check type
cmp bl, maltype_nil
je .if_false
cmp bl, maltype_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; A value
cmp al, content_nil
je .if_false
cmp al, content_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; Skip the next item
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Get the next item in the list and evaluate it
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; Nothing to return
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .if_got_pointer
; copy value in r11
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .return
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
call incref_object ; Will be released by eval
mov r11, rsi
pop rsi
call release_object ; Release old AST
mov rsi, r11 ; New AST
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
jmp eval ; Tail call
.if_no_condition: ; just (if) without a condition
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac if_missing_condition_string
; Release environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
xor rsi, rsi ; No object to throw
jmp error_throw
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; Release environment
mov rsi, r15
mov r15, rax ; Save RAX (return value)
call release_object
; Release the AST
pop rsi ; Pushed at start of eval
call release_object
mov rax, r15 ; return value
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; fn form in R11
; Environment in R15
; Get the binds and body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_empty
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_binds_not_list
mov r12, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Should be binds list
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list)
je .fn_got_binds ; Can be list
cmp al, (block_cons + container_vector)
je .fn_got_binds ; or vector
jmp .fn_binds_not_list
; Next get the body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_no_body
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_is_value ; Body in r11
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.car]
jmp .fn_got_body
; Body is just a value, no expression
mov [r11], BYTE al ; Mark as value, not list
; Now put into function type
; Addr is "apply_fn", the address to call
; Env in R15
; Binds in R12
; Body in R11
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
mov rbx, apply_fn
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Address of apply function
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r13, rax ; Return list in R13
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r15 ; Environment
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object
pop rax
; Binds
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r12 ; Binds list
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r12
call incref_object
pop rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r11 ; Body of function
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rsi, r11
call incref_object
mov rax, r13
jmp .return
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
jmp .return
; -----------------------------
; Just return the arguments in rsi cdr
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; quote empty, so return nil
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .quote_pointer
; RSI contains a value. Remove the list container
mov [rsi + Cons.typecar], BYTE al
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
jmp .return
; RSI contains a pointer, so get the object pointed to
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
jmp .return
; -----------------------------
; call quasiquote function with first argument
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; quasiquote empty, so return nil
mov r11, rsi ; Save original AST in R11
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .quasiquote_pointer
; RSI contains a value. Remove the list container
mov [rsi + Cons.typecar], BYTE al
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
jmp .return
; RSI contains a pointer, so get the object pointed to
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
push r15 ; Environment
; Original AST already on stack
call quasiquote
; New AST in RAX
pop rdi ; Environment
pop rsi ; Old AST
mov r11, rax ; New AST
call release_object ; Release old AST
mov rsi, r11 ; New AST in RSI
jmp eval ; Tail call
; -----------------------------
; Check if we have a second list element
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; No argument
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .macroexpand_pointer
; RSI contains a value. Remove the list container
mov [rsi + Cons.typecar], BYTE al
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
jmp .return
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object ; Since RSI will be released
call macroexpand ; May release and replace RSI
mov rax, rsi
jmp .return ; Releases original AST
; -----------------------------
; Should have the form
; (try* A (catch* B C))
; where B is a symbol, A and C are forms to evaluate
; Check first arg A
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .return_nil ; No argument
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if this is a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecar]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .try_pointer
; RSI contains a value. Copy and return
mov cl, al
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
jmp .return
mov r8, [rsi + Cons.car] ; form A in R8
; Check second arg B
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .try_missing_catch
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .try_missing_catch
mov r9, [rsi + Cons.car] ; (catch* B C) in R9
mov al, BYTE [r9]
cmp al, (container_list + content_pointer)
jne .try_missing_catch
mov rsi, [r9 + Cons.car] ; Should be catch* symbol
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .try_missing_catch
mov rdi, catch_symbol
call compare_char_array
test rax, rax ; ZF set if rax = 0 (equal)
jnz .try_missing_catch
; Check that B is a symbol
mov al, [r9 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .catch_missing_symbol
mov r9, [r9 + Cons.cdr] ; (B C) in R9
mov al, BYTE [r9]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .catch_missing_symbol
mov r10, [r9 + Cons.car] ; B in R10
mov al, BYTE [r10]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .catch_missing_symbol
mov al, BYTE [r9 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .catch_missing_form
mov r9, [r9 + Cons.cdr] ; C in R9
; Now have extracted from (try* A (catch* B C))
; A in R8
; B in R10
; C in T9
push R9
push R10
push r15 ; Env
; Set the error handler
mov rsi, rsp ; Stack pointer
mov rdi, .catch ; Address to jump to
xor rcx, rcx ; No data
call error_handler_push
; Evaluate the form in R8
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object ; Env released by eval
mov rdi, r15 ; Env in RDI
mov rsi, r8 ; The form to evaluate (A)
call incref_object ; AST released by eval
call eval
mov r8, rax ; Result in R8
pop r15 ; Environment
; Discard B and C
;add rsi, 8 ; pop R10 and R9
pop r10
pop r9
; Remove error handler
call error_handler_pop
mov rax, r8
jmp .return
; Jumps here on error
; Value thrown in RSI
push rsi
call error_handler_pop
pop rsi
pop r15 ; Env
pop r12 ; B (symbol to bind)
pop r13 ; C (form to evaluate)
; Check if C is a value or pointer
mov cl, BYTE [r13]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .catch_C_pointer
; A value, so copy and return
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; Set type
mov rbx, [r13 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Set value
jmp .return
mov r11, rsi ; Value thrown in R11
mov rsi, r15 ; Outer env
call env_new ; Increments R15's ref count
mov rsi, rax ; New environment in RSI
mov rdi, r12 ; key (symbol)
mov rcx, r11 ; value
call env_set
mov rdi, rsi ; Env in RDI (will be released)
mov rsi, [r13 + Cons.car] ; Form to evaluate
call incref_object ; will be released
push r15
call eval
pop r15
jmp .return
load_static try_missing_catch
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
load_static catch_missing_symbol
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
load_static catch_missing_form
call raw_to_string
mov rsi, rax
jmp error_throw
; -----------------------------
push rsi
mov rdi, r15 ; Environment
push r15
call eval_ast ; List of evaluated forms in RAX
pop r15
pop rsi
; This point can be called to run a function
; used by swap!
; Inputs: RAX - List with function as first element
; NOTE: This list is released
; Check that the first element of the return is a function
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .list_not_function
mov rbx, [rax + Cons.car] ; Get the address
mov cl, BYTE [rbx]
cmp cl, maltype_function
jne .list_not_function
; Check the rest of the args
mov cl, BYTE [rax + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .list_got_args
; No arguments
push rbx ; Function object
mov rsi, rax ; List with function first
call release_object ; Can be freed now
; Create an empty list for the arguments
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
pop rbx
mov rsi, rax
jmp .list_function_call
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.cdr] ; Rest of list
; Call the function with the rest of the list in RSI
mov rdx, rax ; List to release
mov rdi, rbx ; Function object in RDI
mov rbx, [rbx + Cons.car] ; Call function
cmp rbx, apply_fn
je apply_fn_jmp ; Jump to user function apply
; A built-in function, so call (no recursion)
push rax
push r15
call rbx
; Result in rax
pop r15
pop rsi ; eval'ed list
push rax
call release_cons
pop rax
jmp .return ; Releases Env
; Not a function. Probably an error
push rsi
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
print_str_mac error_string
print_str_mac eval_list_not_function
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
;; Applies a user-defined function
;; Input: RSI - Arguments to bind
;; RDI - Function object
;; RDX - list to release after binding
;; R15 - Env (will be released)
;; R13 - AST released before return
;; Output: Result in RAX
;; This is jumped to from eval, so if it returns
;; then it will return to the caller of eval, not to eval
; This is jumped to from eval with AST on the stack
pop r13
push rsi
; Extract values from the list in RDI
mov rax, [rdi + Cons.cdr]
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Env
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rdi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Binds
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rax, [rax + Cons.car] ; Body
pop rcx ; Exprs
; Check the type of the body
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
and bl, block_mask + container_mask
jnz .bind
; Just a value (in RAX). No eval needed
mov r14, rax ; Save return value in R14
mov rsi, rax
call incref_object
; Release the list passed in RDX
mov rsi, rdx
call release_object
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Release the AST
mov rsi, r13
call release_object
mov rax, r14
; Create a new environment, binding arguments
push rax ; Body
mov r14, r13 ; Old AST. R13 used by env_new_bind
push rdx
call env_new_bind
pop rdx
mov rdi, rax ; New environment in RDI
; Note: Need to increment the reference count
; of the function body before releasing anything,
; since if the function was defined in-place (lambda)
; then the body may be released early
pop rsi ; Body
call incref_object ; Will be released by eval
mov r8, rsi ; Body in R8
; Release the list passed in RDX
mov rsi, rdx
call release_cons
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r15
call release_object
; Release the old AST
mov rsi, r14
call release_object
mov rsi, r8 ; Body
jmp eval ; Tail call
; The new environment (in RDI) will be released by eval
;; Set ZF if RSI is a non-empty list or vector
;; Modifies RAX, does not modify RSI
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
test al, block_mask
jnz .false ; Not a Cons
cmp al, maltype_empty_list
je .false ; Empty list
cmp al, maltype_empty_vector
je .false ; Empty vector
; Something non empty
and al, container_mask
cmp al, container_list
je .true
cmp al, container_vector
je .true
; Not a list or vector -> false
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
lahf ; flags in AH
or ah, 64 ; set zero flag
;; Called by eval with AST in RSI [ modified ]
;; Returns new AST in RAX
; i. Check if AST is an empty list
call is_pair
jne .quote_ast
; ii. Check if the first element of RSI is the symbol
; 'unquote'
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_unquote ; Not a pointer
mov rdi, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the pointer
mov cl, BYTE [rdi]
cmp cl, maltype_symbol
jne .not_unquote
; Compare against 'unquote'
mov r8, rsi
mov r9, rax
mov rsi, unquote_symbol
call compare_char_array
test rax, rax
mov rax, r9
mov rsi, r8
je .unquote
; iii. Handle splice-unquote
; RSI -> ( ( splice-unquote ? ) ? )
; Test if RSI contains a pointer
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_splice
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car] ; Get the object pointer
; RBX -> ( splice-unquote ? )
xchg rbx, rsi
call is_pair
xchg rbx, rsi
jne .not_splice ; First element not a pair
; Check if this list in RBX starts with 'splice-unquote' symbol
mov al, BYTE [rbx]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .not_splice
mov rdi, [rbx + Cons.car] ; Get the pointer
mov al, BYTE [rdi]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .not_splice
mov r8, rsi
mov r9, rbx
; Compare against 'splice-unquote'
mov rsi, splice_unquote_symbol
call compare_char_array
test rax, rax
mov rbx, r9
mov rsi, r8
je .splice_unquote
; iv. Cons first and rest of AST in RSI
; check if pointer or value
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .cons_pointer
; a value, so copy
call alloc_cons
or cl, container_list
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; List + Content
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rcx, rax
jmp .cons_first
; Get the pointer and call quasiquote
push rsi
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call quasiquote
mov rcx, rax
pop rsi
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx
mov rcx, rax
; Have Cons with first object in RCX
; Call quasiquote on the rest of the AST
; Check if this is the end of the list
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .cons_ast_end
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Rest of the list
call incref_object ; Will release after quasiquote call
jmp .cons_quasiquote_ast
; End of the AST, so make an empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
mov rsi, rax
push rcx
push rsi
call quasiquote
mov rdx, rax ; List in RDX
pop rsi
call release_object ; Release input
pop rcx ; Value in RCX
; cons RCX and RDX
; Work from the end of the list to the front
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdx ; The rest of AST
; Link to the RCX Cons
mov [rcx + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rcx + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rdx, rcx
call alloc_cons ; Cons for cons symbol
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rdx
mov rdx, rax
; Get the cons symbol
mov rsi, cons_symbol
call incref_object
mov [rdx], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rdx + Cons.car], rsi
mov rax, rdx
; Return (quote RSI)
call incref_object ; RSI reference count
; Cons for RSI
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rsi
mov rsi, rax
; Cons for quote symbol
call alloc_cons
mov rbx, rax
mov [rbx + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rbx + Cons.cdr], rsi
; Get a quote symbol, incrementing references
mov rsi, quote_symbol
call incref_object
; Put into the Cons in RBX
mov [rbx + Cons.car], rsi
mov [rbx], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov rax, rbx
; -----------------------
; Got unquote symbol. Return second element of RSI
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .empty_list ; No second element
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Check if it's a value or pointer
mov cl, BYTE [rsi]
and cl, content_mask
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .unquote_pointer
; A value, so need a new Cons
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE cl ; content
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Copy content
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.car]
call incref_object
mov rax, rsi
; -----------------------
; RSI -> ( RBX->( splice-unquote A ) B )
; RBX Car points to splice-unquote symbol
; Check if there is anything after the symbol
mov al, BYTE [rbx + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .splice_unquote_empty
; Point to the second element of the splice-unquote list
mov rcx, [rbx + Cons.cdr]
; Check whether it's a value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [rcx]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .splice_unquote_pointer
; A value, so change the container to a value
mov [rcx], BYTE al
; Remove pointer from RBX
mov [rbx + Cons.typecdr], BYTE 0
jmp .splice_unquote_first ; Got the value in RCX
mov rcx, [rcx + Cons.car] ; Get the object pointed to
xchg rcx, rsi
call incref_object
xchg rcx, rsi ; Object in RCX
.splice_unquote_first: ; Got the first object in RCX
; Check if RSI contains anything else
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .splice_unquote_notail
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
; Now have:
; ( ( splice-unquote A ) B )
; RCX->A RSI->( B )
; Need to call quasiquote on the rest of the list
push rcx
call quasiquote
mov rdx, rax
pop rcx
; Need to concat rcx and rdx
; Work from the end of the list to the front
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rdx ; The rest of AST
mov rdx, rax ; Push list into RDX
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], rcx ; The splice-unquote object
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rdx
mov rdx, rax
call alloc_cons ; Cons for concat symbol
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [rax + Cons.cdr], rdx
mov rdx, rax
; Get the concat symbol
mov rsi, concat_symbol
call incref_object
mov [rdx], BYTE (container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rdx + Cons.car], rsi
mov rax, rdx
; Just return the object in RCX
; since nothing to concatenate with
mov rax, rcx
; Nothing in the (splice-unquote) list, so ignore
; Just call quasiquote on the rest of RSI
mov al, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .empty_list ; Nothing else
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr]
jmp quasiquote ; Tail call
; Return an empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
;; Tests if an AST in RSI is a list containing
;; a macro defined in the ENV in R15
;; Inputs: AST in RSI (not modified)
;; ENV in R15 (not modified)
;; Returns: Sets ZF if macro call. If set (true),
;; then the macro object is in RAX
;; Modifies:
;; RAX
;; RBX
;; RCX
;; RDX
;; R8
;; R9
; Test if RSI is a list which contains a pointer
mov al, BYTE [rsi]
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
jne .false
; Test if this is a symbol
mov rbx, [rsi + Cons.car]
mov al, BYTE [rbx]
cmp al, maltype_symbol
jne .false
; Look up symbol in Env
push rsi
push r15
mov rdi, rbx ; symbol in RDI
mov rsi, r15 ; Environment in RSI
call env_get
pop r15
pop rsi
jne .false ; Not in environment
; Object in RAX
; If this is not a macro then needs to be released
mov dl, BYTE [rax]
cmp dl, maltype_macro
je .true
; Not a macro, so release
mov r8, rsi
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
mov rsi, r8
lahf ; flags in AH
and ah, 255-64 ; clear zero flag
mov rbx, rax ; Returning Macro object
lahf ; flags in AH
or ah, 64 ; set zero flag
mov rax, rbx
;; Expands macro calls
;; Input: AST in RSI (released and replaced)
;; Env in R15 (not modified)
;; Result: New AST in RSI
push r15
call is_macro_call
jne .done
mov r13, rsi
mov rdi, rax ; Macro in RDI
; Check the rest of the args
mov cl, BYTE [rsi + Cons.typecdr]
cmp cl, content_pointer
je .got_args
; No arguments. Create an empty list
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
mov rdx, rax
mov rsi, rdx ; Arguments (empty list)
call incref_object
jmp .macro_call
mov rsi, [rsi + Cons.cdr] ; Rest of list
call incref_object
mov rdx, rsi ; Released
; Here have:
; RSI - Arguments
; RDI - Macro object
; RDX - List to release
; R15 - Environment
; R13 - AST
; Increment reference for Environment
; since this will be released by apply_fn
xchg rsi, r15
call incref_object
xchg rsi, r15
call apply_fn
mov rsi, rax ; Result in RSI
pop r15
jmp macroexpand
pop r15
;; Read and eval
; -------------
; Read
call read_str
; -------------
; Eval
mov rsi, rax ; Form to evaluate
mov rdi, [repl_env] ; Environment
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; since it will be decremented by eval
jmp eval ; This releases Env and Form/AST
;; Read-Eval-Print in sequence
;; Input string in RSI
; -------------
; Read
call read_str
; -------------
; Eval
mov rsi, rax ; Form to evaluate
mov rdi, [repl_env] ; Environment
xchg rsi, rdi
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; since it will be decremented by eval
call eval ; This releases Env and Form/AST
push rax ; Save result of eval
; -------------
; Print
mov rsi, rax ; Output of eval into input of print
mov rdi, 1 ; print readably
call pr_str ; String in RAX
mov r8, rax ; Save output
pop rsi ; Result from eval
call release_object
mov rax, r8
; Create and print the core environment
call core_environment ; Environment in RAX
mov [repl_env], rax ; store in memory
; Set the error handler
mov rsi, rsp ; Stack pointer
mov rdi, .catch ; Address to jump to
xor rcx, rcx ; No data
call error_handler_push
; Evaluate the startup string
mov rsi, mal_startup_string
mov edx, mal_startup_string.len
call raw_to_string ; String in RAX
push rax
mov rsi, rax
call read_str ; AST in RAX
pop rsi ; string
push rax ; AST
call release_array ; string
pop rdi ; AST in RDI
mov rsi, [repl_env] ; Environment in RSI
call incref_object ; Environment increment refs
xchg rsi, rdi ; Env in RDI, AST in RSI
call eval
mov rsi, rax
call release_object ; Return from eval
; -----------------------------
; Check command-line arguments
pop rax ; Number of arguments
cmp rax, 1 ; Always have at least one, the path to executable
jg run_script
; No extra arguments, so just set *ARGV* to an empty list
call alloc_cons ; in RAX
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
mov rcx, rax ; value (empty list)
mov rdi, argv_symbol ; symbol (*ARGV*)
mov rsi, [repl_env] ; environment
call env_set
; -----------------------------
; Main loop
; print the prompt
print_str_mac prompt_string
call read_line
; Check if we have a zero-length string
cmp DWORD [rax+Array.length], 0
je .mainLoopEnd
push rax ; Save address of the string
mov rsi, rax
call rep_seq ; Read-Eval-Print
push rax ; Save returned string
mov rsi, rax ; Put into input of print_string
call print_string
; Release string from rep_seq
pop rsi
call release_array
; Release the input string
pop rsi
call release_array
jmp .mainLoop
jmp quit
; Jumps here on error
; Check if an object was thrown
cmp rsi, 0
je .catch_done_print ; nothing to print
mov rdi, 1
call pr_str
mov rsi, rax
call print_string
jmp .mainLoop ; Go back to the prompt
; Called with number of command-line arguments in RAX
mov r8, rax
pop rbx ; executable
dec r8
pop rsi ; Address of first arg
call cstring_to_string ; string in RAX
mov r9, rax
; get the rest of the args
xor r10, r10 ; Zero
dec r8
jz .no_args
; Got some arguments
; Got an argument left.
pop rsi ; Address of C string
call cstring_to_string ; String in RAX
mov r12, rax
;Make a Cons to point to the string
call alloc_cons ; in RAX
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_list + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r12
test r10, r10
jnz .append
; R10 zero, so first arg
mov r10, rax ; Head of list
mov r11, rax ; Tail of list
jmp .next
; R10 not zero, so append to list tail
mov [r11 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov [r11 + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r11, rax
dec r8
jnz .arg_loop
jmp .got_args
; No arguments. Create an emoty list
call alloc_cons ; in RAX
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_empty_list
mov r10, rax
push r9 ; File name string
mov rcx, r10 ; value (list)
mov rdi, argv_symbol ; symbol (*ARGV*)
mov rsi, [repl_env] ; environment
call env_set
mov rsi, run_script_string ; load-file function
mov edx, run_script_string.len
call raw_to_string ; String in RAX
mov rsi, rax
pop rdx ; File name string
call string_append_string
mov cl, 34 ; "
call string_append_char
mov cl, ')'
call string_append_char ; closing brace
; Read-Eval "(load-file <file>)"
call read_eval
jmp quit