mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 14:22:25 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 83665b4fda lib/: add tests, fix detected problems, improve implementations
- fix typos
- let and2 and or2 always return booleans
- when looping in sequences, compare lengths only once
- empty? instead of an equality test
- when looping on a keys, do not check if a contains the current key
- change the `cond` logic: when a is a sequence and b a map, return
  false instead of delegating to scalar-equal?.
- add tests

- make explicit that the function name must be kept
- fix typo in tests

- document
- add a function mapping an object to its type
- add default types for remaining built-in MAL values
- let defprotocol return the new protocol instead of last method
- set the right profile for abstract methods, improving error messages
- replace incomplete example with lots of tests

- escape parenthesis in expected test results

- explain in lib/README.md how to run tests/lib/*.
- rename folds to reducers and composition to threading
- move fib and sumdown from lib/ to tests/
2019-05-18 01:52:13 +02:00

310 lines
4.6 KiB

;;; See IMPL/tests/stepA_mal.mal for implementation specific
;;; interop tests.
;; Testing readline
(readline "mal-user> ")
;; Testing *host-language*
;;; each impl is different, but this should return false
;;; rather than throwing an exception
(= "something bogus" *host-language*)
;>>> deferrable=True
;; ------- Deferrable Functionality ----------
;; ------- (Needed for self-hosting) -------
;; Testing metadata on functions
;; Testing metadata on mal functions
(meta (fn* (a) a))
(meta (with-meta (fn* (a) a) {"b" 1}))
;=>{"b" 1}
(meta (with-meta (fn* (a) a) "abc"))
(def! l-wm (with-meta (fn* (a) a) {"b" 2}))
(meta l-wm)
;=>{"b" 2}
(meta (with-meta l-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
;=>{"new_meta" 123}
(meta l-wm)
;=>{"b" 2}
(def! f-wm (with-meta (fn* [a] (+ 1 a)) {"abc" 1}))
(meta f-wm)
;=>{"abc" 1}
(meta (with-meta f-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
;=>{"new_meta" 123}
(meta f-wm)
;=>{"abc" 1}
(def! f-wm2 ^{"abc" 1} (fn* [a] (+ 1 a)))
(meta f-wm2)
;=>{"abc" 1}
;; Meta of native functions should return nil (not fail)
(meta +)
;; Make sure closures and metadata co-exist
(def! gen-plusX (fn* (x) (with-meta (fn* (b) (+ x b)) {"meta" 1})))
(def! plus7 (gen-plusX 7))
(def! plus8 (gen-plusX 8))
(plus7 8)
(meta plus7)
;=>{"meta" 1}
(meta plus8)
;=>{"meta" 1}
(meta (with-meta plus7 {"meta" 2}))
;=>{"meta" 2}
(meta plus8)
;=>{"meta" 1}
;; Testing hash-map evaluation and atoms (i.e. an env)
(def! e (atom {"+" +}))
(swap! e assoc "-" -)
( (get @e "+") 7 8)
( (get @e "-") 11 8)
(swap! e assoc "foo" (list))
(get @e "foo")
(swap! e assoc "bar" '(1 2 3))
(get @e "bar")
;=>(1 2 3)
;; Testing for presence of optional functions
(do (list time-ms string? number? seq conj) nil)
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;>>> soft=True
;>>> optional=True
;; ------- Optional Functionality --------------
;; ------- (Not needed for self-hosting) -------
;; Testing string? function
(string? "")
(string? 'abc)
(string? "abc")
(string? :abc)
(string? (keyword "abc"))
(string? 234)
(string? nil)
;; Testing number? function
(number? 123)
(number? -1)
(number? nil)
(number? false)
(number? "123")
(def! add1 (fn* (x) (+ x 1)))
;; Testing fn? function
(fn? +)
(fn? add1)
(fn? cond)
(fn? "+")
(fn? :+)
;; Testing macro? function
(macro? cond)
(macro? +)
(macro? add1)
(macro? "+")
(macro? :+)
;; Testing conj function
(conj (list) 1)
(conj (list 1) 2)
;=>(2 1)
(conj (list 2 3) 4)
;=>(4 2 3)
(conj (list 2 3) 4 5 6)
;=>(6 5 4 2 3)
(conj (list 1) (list 2 3))
;=>((2 3) 1)
(conj [] 1)
(conj [1] 2)
;=>[1 2]
(conj [2 3] 4)
;=>[2 3 4]
(conj [2 3] 4 5 6)
;=>[2 3 4 5 6]
(conj [1] [2 3])
;=>[1 [2 3]]
;; Testing seq function
(seq "abc")
;=>("a" "b" "c")
(apply str (seq "this is a test"))
;=>"this is a test"
(seq '(2 3 4))
;=>(2 3 4)
(seq [2 3 4])
;=>(2 3 4)
(seq "")
(seq '())
(seq [])
(seq nil)
;; Testing metadata on collections
(meta [1 2 3])
(with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1})
;=>[1 2 3]
(meta (with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1}))
;=>{"a" 1}
(vector? (with-meta [1 2 3] {"a" 1}))
(meta (with-meta [1 2 3] "abc"))
(with-meta [] "abc")
(meta (with-meta (list 1 2 3) {"a" 1}))
;=>{"a" 1}
(list? (with-meta (list 1 2 3) {"a" 1}))
(with-meta (list) {"a" 1})
(empty? (with-meta (list) {"a" 1}))
(meta (with-meta {"abc" 123} {"a" 1}))
;=>{"a" 1}
(map? (with-meta {"abc" 123} {"a" 1}))
(with-meta {} {"a" 1})
;;; Not actually supported by Clojure
;;;(meta (with-meta (atom 7) {"a" 1}))
;;;;=>{"a" 1}
(def! l-wm (with-meta [4 5 6] {"b" 2}))
;=>[4 5 6]
(meta l-wm)
;=>{"b" 2}
(meta (with-meta l-wm {"new_meta" 123}))
;=>{"new_meta" 123}
(meta l-wm)
;=>{"b" 2}
;; Testing metadata on builtin functions
(meta +)
(def! f-wm3 ^{"def" 2} +)
(meta f-wm3)
;=>{"def" 2}
(meta +)
;; Testing inc
(inc 12)
;; Testing gensym and clean or macro
(= (gensym) (gensym))
(let* [or_FIXME 23] (or false (+ or_FIXME 100)))
;; Loading sumdown from computations.mal
(load-file "../tests/computations.mal")
;; Testing time-ms function
(def! start-time (time-ms))
(= start-time 0)
(sumdown 10) ; Waste some time
(> (time-ms) start-time)
;; Test that defining a macro does not mutate an existing function.
(def! f (fn* [x] (number? x)))
(defmacro! m f)
(f (+ 1 1))
(m (+ 1 1))