mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-19 17:47:53 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 87663bb769 ada.2: let macros use closures. Allow metadata for atoms.
Implement macros as a bit in the function record as advised in the
process. No need to reinvent Apply anymore.

Also add an explicit Unreferenced pragma to silent a new compiler
2019-06-30 23:44:29 +02:00

165 lines
5.5 KiB

with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Types.Atoms;
with Types.Fns;
with Types.Maps;
pragma Warnings (Off, "unit ""Types.Sequences"" is not referenced");
with Types.Sequences;
pragma Warnings (On, "unit ""Types.Sequences"" is not referenced");
package body Printer is
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use all type Types.Kind_Type;
procedure Pr_Str (Buffer : in out Unbounded_String;
Ast : in Types.T;
Readably : in Boolean := True)
procedure Print_Form (Form_Ast : in Types.T);
-- The recursive function traversing Ast for Pr_Str.
-- Form_Ast is the current node.
-- Helpers for Print_Form.
procedure Print_Number (Number : in Integer);
procedure Print_List (List : in Types.T_Array);
procedure Print_Map (Map : in Types.Maps.Instance);
procedure Print_Readably (S : in String);
procedure Print_String (S : in String);
procedure Print_Form (Form_Ast : in Types.T) is
case Form_Ast.Kind is
when Kind_Nil =>
Append (Buffer, "nil");
when Kind_Boolean =>
if Form_Ast.Ada_Boolean then
Append (Buffer, "true");
Append (Buffer, "false");
end if;
when Kind_Symbol =>
Form_Ast.Str.all.Query_Element (Print_String'Access);
when Kind_Number =>
Print_Number (Form_Ast.Number);
when Kind_Keyword =>
Append (Buffer, ':');
Form_Ast.Str.all.Query_Element (Print_String'Access);
when Kind_String =>
if Readably then
Append (Buffer, '"');
Form_Ast.Str.all.Query_Element (Print_Readably'Access);
Append (Buffer, '"');
Form_Ast.Str.all.Query_Element (Print_String'Access);
end if;
when Kind_List =>
Append (Buffer, '(');
Print_List (Form_Ast.Sequence.all.Data);
Append (Buffer, ')');
when Kind_Vector =>
Append (Buffer, '[');
Print_List (Form_Ast.Sequence.all.Data);
Append (Buffer, ']');
when Kind_Map =>
Append (Buffer, '{');
Print_Map (Form_Ast.Map.all);
Append (Buffer, '}');
when Kind_Builtin | Kind_Builtin_With_Meta =>
Append (Buffer, "#<built-in>");
when Kind_Fn =>
Append (Buffer, "#<function (");
Print_List (Form_Ast.Fn.all.Params.all.Data);
Append (Buffer, ") -> ");
Print_Form (Form_Ast.Fn.all.Ast);
Append (Buffer, '>');
when Kind_Macro =>
Append (Buffer, "#<macro (");
Print_List (Form_Ast.Fn.all.Params.all.Data);
Append (Buffer, ") -> ");
Print_Form (Form_Ast.Fn.all.Ast);
Append (Buffer, '>');
when Kind_Atom =>
Append (Buffer, "(atom ");
Print_Form (Form_Ast.Atom.all.Deref);
Append (Buffer, ')');
end case;
end Print_Form;
procedure Print_List (List : in Types.T_Array) is
if 0 < List'Length then
Print_Form (List (List'First));
for I in List'First + 1 .. List'Last loop
Append (Buffer, ' ');
Print_Form (List (I));
end loop;
end if;
end Print_List;
procedure Print_Map (Map : in Types.Maps.Instance) is
use all type Types.Maps.Cursor;
Position : Types.Maps.Cursor := Map.First;
if Has_Element (Position) then
Print_Form (Key (Position));
Append (Buffer, ' ');
Print_Form (Element (Position));
Next (Position);
exit when not Has_Element (Position);
Append (Buffer, ' ');
end loop;
end if;
end Print_Map;
procedure Print_Number (Number : in Integer) is
Image : constant String := Integer'Image (Number);
First : Positive := Image'First;
if Image (First) = ' ' then
First := First + 1;
end if;
Append (Buffer, Image (First .. Image'Last));
end Print_Number;
procedure Print_Readably (S : in String) is
for C of S loop
case C is
when '"' | '\' =>
Append (Buffer, '\');
Append (Buffer, C);
when Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF =>
Append (Buffer, "\n");
when others =>
Append (Buffer, C);
end case;
end loop;
end Print_Readably;
procedure Print_String (S : in String) is
Append (Buffer, S);
end Print_String;
begin -- Pr_Str
Print_Form (Ast);
end Pr_Str;
function Pr_Str (Ast : in Types.T;
Readably : in Boolean := True) return Unbounded_String
return Buffer : Unbounded_String do
Pr_Str (Buffer, Ast, Readably);
end return;
end Pr_Str;
end Printer;