mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 446964e734 make: improve efficiency and encapsulation
* Use implicit parameter transmission ($(_list?) instead of $(call
  first/lastword instead of word 1/words,
  $1 instead of $(1).
* Use an undefined $(rem) macro and some automatic stripping (if,
  foreach) to indent code with less calls to `strip` functions.
* Name the Make macro implementing a MAL core function exactly like the
  function (modulo the encoding above) and simplify core_ns accordingly.
* Replace empty results representing `nil` with explicit MAL values.
* Implement large conditionals with a computed variable name, as already
  done in printer.mk.  For QUASIQUOTE and EVAL, this reduces a lot the
  diff between steps.
* Represent the reader state as an explicit global variable instead of
  passing the same name as argument again and again.
* Merge read-atom into read-form so that the switch on first character
  is more visible.

* Hide most representations into types.mk.
* Implement the type as a suffix in order to avoid a conditional in
* Implement _error with throw.
* Create distinct types for keywords and macros.
* Move most metadata and atom stuff from core.mk to types.mk.
* Move parameter association from env to types because it hides more
  about the representation of functions.

* Encode Make special characters in all strings/keywords/symbols, so
  they can be used directly as spaced words and/or variable names for
  map keys. (The encoding adding separating characters is kept for
  read-string and seq).
* Change representation of numbers/strings/keywords/symbols, reducing
  the number of Make variables.

* Allow keyword argument for keyword core function.
* Shorten time-mes,slurp,readline...
* Remove obsolete stuff:
  * `get` and `contains?` for vectors
  * `count` for hash-maps
  * `_join` from util.mk.
  * `type` from core.mk.
* Add a function listing env_keys for DEBUG-EVAL.
* Fix some includes.
2024-08-08 09:15:01 -05:00

202 lines
6.2 KiB

# mal (Make a Lisp) Core functions
ifndef __mal_core_included
__mal_core_included := true
_TOP_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
include $(_TOP_DIR)util.mk
include $(_TOP_DIR)types.mk
include $(_TOP_DIR)readline.mk
include $(_TOP_DIR)reader.mk
include $(_TOP_DIR)printer.mk
# General functions
$(encoded_equal) = $(if $(call _equal?,$(firstword $1),$(lastword $1)),$(__true),$(__false))
# Scalar functions
nil? = $(if $(_nil?),$(__true),$(__false))
true? = $(if $(_true?),$(__true),$(__false))
false? = $(if $(_false?),$(__true),$(__false))
# Symbol functions
symbol = $(call _symbol,$(_string_val))
symbol? = $(if $(_symbol?),$(__true),$(__false))
# Keyword functions
keyword = $(if $(_keyword?),$1,$(call _keyword,$(_string_val)))
keyword? = $(if $(_keyword?),$(__true),$(__false))
# Number functions
number? = $(if $(_number?),$(__true),$(__false))
define <
$(if $(call int_lt,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1)))\
define <$(encoded_equal)
$(if $(call int_lte,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1)))\
define >
$(if $(call int_gt,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1)))\
define >$(encoded_equal)
$(if $(call int_gte,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1)))\
+ = $(call _number,$(call int_add,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1))))
- = $(call _number,$(call int_sub,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1))))
* = $(call _number,$(call int_mult,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1))))
/ = $(call _number,$(call int_div,$(call _number_val,$(firstword $1)),$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1))))
time-ms = $(call _number,$(shell date +%s%3N))
# String functions
string? = $(if $(_string?),$(__true),$(__false))
pr-str = $(call _string,$(call _pr_str_mult,$1,yes,$(_SP)))
str = $(call _string,$(_pr_str_mult))
prn = $(__nil)$(call print,$(call _pr_str_mult,$1,yes,$(_SP)))
println = $(__nil)$(call print,$(call _pr_str_mult,$1,,$(_SP)))
readline = $(or $(foreach res,$(call READLINE,$(_string_val))\
,$(call _string,$(res:ok=)))\
read-string = $(call READ_STR,$(_string_val))
slurp = $(call _string,$(call _read_file,$(_string_val)))
# Function functions
fn? = $(if $(_fn?),$(__true),$(__false))
macro? = $(if $(_macro?),$(__true),$(__false))
# List functions
list? = $(if $(_list?),$(__true),$(__false))
# Vector functions
vector? = $(if $(_vector?),$(__true),$(__false))
vec = $(if $(_list?)\
,$(call vector,$(_seq_vals))$(rem \
),$(if $(_vector?)\
,$1$(rem \
),$(call _error,vec$(encoded_colon)$(_SP)called$(_SP)on$(_SP)non-sequence)))
# Hash map (associative array) functions
hash-map = $(call _map_new,,$1)
map? = $(if $(_hash_map?),$(__true),$(__false))
# set a key/value in a copy of the hash map
assoc = $(call _map_new,$(firstword $1),$(_rest))
# unset keys in a copy of the hash map
dissoc = $(call _map_new,$(firstword $1),,$(_rest))
keys = $(call list,$(_keys))
vals = $(call list,$(foreach k,$(_keys),$(call _get,$1,$k)))
# retrieve the value of a string key object from the hash map, or
# return nil if the key is not found.
get = $(or $(call _get,$(firstword $1),$(lastword $1)),$(__nil))
contains? = $(if $(call _get,$(firstword $1),$(lastword $1)),$(__true),$(__false))
# sequence operations
sequential? = $(if $(_sequential?),$(__true),$(__false))
# Strip in case seq_vals is empty.
cons = $(call list,$(strip $(firstword $1) $(call _seq_vals,$(lastword $1))))
# Strip in case foreach introduces a space after an empty argument.
concat = $(call list,$(strip $(foreach l,$1,$(call _seq_vals,$l))))
nth = $(or $(word $(call int_add,1,$(call _number_val,$(lastword $1))),\
$(call _seq_vals,$(firstword $1)))\
,$(call _error,nth: index out of range))
first = $(or $(if $(_sequential?),$(firstword $(_seq_vals))),$(__nil))
empty? = $(if $(_seq_vals),$(__false),$(__true))
count = $(call _number,$(words $(if $(_sequential?),$(_seq_vals))))
# Creates a new vector/list of the everything after but the first
# element
rest = $(call list,$(if $(_sequential?),$(call _rest,$(_seq_vals))))
# Takes a space separated arguments and invokes the first argument
# (function object) using the remaining arguments.
# Strip in case wordlist or _seq_vals is empty.
apply = $(call _apply,$(firstword $1),$(strip \
$(wordlist 2,$(call int_sub,$(words $1),1),$1) \
$(call _seq_vals,$(lastword $1))))
# Map a function object over a list object
map = $(call list,$(foreach e,$(call _seq_vals,$(lastword $1))\
,$(call _apply,$(firstword $1),$e)))
conj = $(foreach seq,$(firstword $1)\
,$(call conj_$(call _obj_type,$(seq)),$(call _seq_vals,$(seq)),$(_rest)))
# Strip in case $1 or $2 is empty.
# Also, _reverse introduces blanks.
conj_vector = $(call vector,$(strip $1 $2))
conj_list = $(call list,$(strip $(call _reverse,$2) $1))
seq = $(or $(seq_$(_obj_type))\
,$(call _error,seq: called on non-sequence))
seq_list = $(if $(_seq_vals),$1,$(__nil))
seq_vector = $(if $(_seq_vals),$(call list,$(_seq_vals)),$(__nil))
seq_nil = $1
seq_string = $(if $(_string_val)\
,$(call list,$(foreach c,$(call str_encode,$(_string_val))\
,$(call _string,$(call str_decode,$c))))$(rem \
# Metadata functions
# are implemented in types.mk.
# Atom functions
atom? = $(if $(_atom?),$(__true),$(__false))
reset! = $(foreach v,$(lastword $1),$(call _reset,$(firstword $1),$v)$v)
swap! = $(foreach a,$(firstword $1)\
,$(call reset!,$a $(call _apply,$(word 2,$1),$(call deref,$a) $(_rest2))))
# Namespace of core functions
core_ns := $(encoded_equal) throw nil? true? false? string? symbol \
symbol? keyword keyword? number? fn? macro? \
pr-str str prn println readline read-string slurp \ < \
<$(encoded_equal) > >$(encoded_equal) + - * / time-ms \
list list? vector vector? hash-map map? assoc dissoc get \
contains? keys vals \
sequential? cons concat vec nth first rest empty? count apply map \
conj seq \
with-meta meta atom atom? deref reset! swap!