mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 446964e734 make: improve efficiency and encapsulation
* Use implicit parameter transmission ($(_list?) instead of $(call
  first/lastword instead of word 1/words,
  $1 instead of $(1).
* Use an undefined $(rem) macro and some automatic stripping (if,
  foreach) to indent code with less calls to `strip` functions.
* Name the Make macro implementing a MAL core function exactly like the
  function (modulo the encoding above) and simplify core_ns accordingly.
* Replace empty results representing `nil` with explicit MAL values.
* Implement large conditionals with a computed variable name, as already
  done in printer.mk.  For QUASIQUOTE and EVAL, this reduces a lot the
  diff between steps.
* Represent the reader state as an explicit global variable instead of
  passing the same name as argument again and again.
* Merge read-atom into read-form so that the switch on first character
  is more visible.

* Hide most representations into types.mk.
* Implement the type as a suffix in order to avoid a conditional in
* Implement _error with throw.
* Create distinct types for keywords and macros.
* Move most metadata and atom stuff from core.mk to types.mk.
* Move parameter association from env to types because it hides more
  about the representation of functions.

* Encode Make special characters in all strings/keywords/symbols, so
  they can be used directly as spaced words and/or variable names for
  map keys. (The encoding adding separating characters is kept for
  read-string and seq).
* Change representation of numbers/strings/keywords/symbols, reducing
  the number of Make variables.

* Allow keyword argument for keyword core function.
* Shorten time-mes,slurp,readline...
* Remove obsolete stuff:
  * `get` and `contains?` for vectors
  * `count` for hash-maps
  * `_join` from util.mk.
  * `type` from core.mk.
* Add a function listing env_keys for DEBUG-EVAL.
* Fix some includes.
2024-08-08 09:15:01 -05:00

517 lines
21 KiB

# mal (Make a Lisp) number types
ifndef __mal_numbers_included
__mal_numbers_included := true
_TOP_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
include $(_TOP_DIR)util.mk
LIST20_X := x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
LIST100_X := $(foreach x,$(LIST20_X),X X X X X)
LIST100_0 := $(foreach x,$(LIST20_X),0 0 0 0 0)
LIST100_9 := $(foreach x,$(LIST20_X),9 9 9 9 9)
### general numeric utility functions
int_encode = $(strip $(call _reverse,\
$(eval __temp := $(1))\
$(foreach a,- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,\
$(eval __temp := $$(subst $$a,$$a$$(SPACE),$(__temp))))$(__temp)))
int_decode = $(subst $(SPACE),,$(_reverse))
# trim extaneous zero digits off the end (front of number)
_trim_zeros = $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(strip $(1))),0,$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(word 1,$(1))),$(call _trim_zeros,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))),$(1)))
trim_zeros = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(strip $(filter-out -,$(1)))),\
$(filter-out -,$(1)),\
$(call _reverse,$(call _trim_zeros,$(call _reverse,$(filter-out -,$(1))))))\
$(if $(filter -,$(1)), -,))
# drop the last element of a list of words/digits
drop_last = $(call _reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(call _reverse,$(1))))
### utility function tests
#$(info $(filter-out 1,$(filter 1%,1 132 456)))
#$(info (int_encode 13): [$(call int_encode,13)])
#$(info (int_encode 156463): [$(call int_encode,156463)])
#$(info (int_encode -156463): [$(call int_encode,-156463)])
#$(info (int_decode (int_encode 156463)): [$(call int_decode,$(call int_encode,156463))])
#$(info trim_zeros(0 0 0): [$(call trim_zeros,0 0 0)])
#$(info trim_zeros(0 0 0 -): [$(call trim_zeros,0 0 0 -)])
### comparisons
# compare two digits and return 'true' if digit 1 is less than or
# equal to digit 2
_lte_digit = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,$(1),$(2)),\
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(1)),\
$(if $(wordlist $(1),$(2),$(LIST20_X)),\
# compare two lists of digits (MSB->LSB) of equal length and return
# 'true' if number 1 is less than number 2
_lte_digits = $(strip \
$(if $(strip $(1)),\
$(if $(call _EQ,$(word 1,$(1)),$(word 1,$(2))),\
$(call _lte_digits,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(2)),$(2))),\
$(if $(call _lte_digit,$(word 1,$(1)),$(word 1,$(2))),true,)),\
### lte/less than or equal to
_int_lte_encoded = $(strip \
$(foreach len1,$(words $(1)),$(foreach len2,$(words $(2)),\
$(if $(call _EQ,$(len1),$(len2)),\
$(call _lte_digits,$(call _reverse,$(1)),$(call _reverse,$(2))),\
$(if $(wordlist $(len1),$(len2),$(LIST100_X)),\
int_lte_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_lte_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(2)),$(filter-out -,$(1))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_lte_encoded,$(1),$(2)))))
int_lte = $(call int_lte_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2)))
### lt/less than
int_lt_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,$(strip $(1)),$(strip $(2))),\
$(call int_lte_encoded,$(1),$(2))))
int_lt = $(call int_lt_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2)))
### gte/greater than or equal to
int_gte_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,$(strip $(1)),$(strip $(2))),\
$(if $(call int_lte_encoded,$(1),$(2)),,true)))
int_gte = $(call int_gte_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2)))
### gt/greater than
int_gt_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,$(strip $(1)),$(strip $(2))),\
$(call int_gte_encoded,$(1),$(2))))
int_gt = $(call int_gt_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2)))
#$(info _lte_digit,7,8: [$(call _lte_digit,7,8)])
#$(info _lte_digit,8,8: [$(call _lte_digit,8,8)])
#$(info _lte_digit,2,1: [$(call _lte_digit,2,1)])
#$(info _lte_digit,0,0: [$(call _lte_digit,0,0)])
#$(info _lte_digit,0,1: [$(call _lte_digit,0,1)])
#$(info _lte_digit,1,0: [$(call _lte_digit,1,0)])
#$(info _lte_digits,1 2 3,1 2 4: [$(call _lte_digits,1 2 3,1 2 4)])
#$(info _lte_digits,1 2 4,1 2 4: [$(call _lte_digits,1 2 4,1 2 4)])
#$(info _lte_digits,1 2 5,1 2 4: [$(call _lte_digits,1 2 5,1 2 4)])
#$(info _lte_digits,4 1,9 0: [$(call _lte_digits,4 1,9 0)])
# The main comparison operator (others are built on this)
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1,1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1,1)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1,2: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1,2)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,2,1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,2,1)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,0,3: [$(call int_lte_encoded,0,3)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,3,0: [$(call int_lte_encoded,3,0)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1 4,0 9: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1 4,0 9)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,4 3 2 1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,4 3 2 1)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,5 3 2 1,4 3 2 1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,5 3 2 1,4 3 2 1)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,5 3 2 1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,5 3 2 1)])
# negative numbers
#$(info int_lte_encoded,7 -,7: [$(call int_lte_encoded,7 -,7)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,7,7 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,7,7 -)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,7 -,7 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,7 -,7 -)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1 7 -,0 7: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1 7 -,0 7)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1 7,0 7 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1 7,0 7 -)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,1 7 -,0 7 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,1 7 -,0 7 -)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1 -,4 3 2 1: [$(call int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1 -,4 3 2 1)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,4 3 2 1 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1,4 3 2 1 -)])
#$(info int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1 -,4 3 2 1 -: [$(call int_lte_encoded,4 3 2 1 -,4 3 2 1 -)])
#$(info int_lte,1,1: [$(call int_lte,1,1)])
#$(info int_lte,1,2: [$(call int_lte,1,2)])
#$(info int_lte,2,1: [$(call int_lte,2,1)])
#$(info int_lte,0,3: [$(call int_lte,0,3)])
#$(info int_lte,3,0: [$(call int_lte,3,0)])
#$(info int_lte,1234,1234: [$(call int_lte,1234,1234)])
#$(info int_lte,1235,1234: [$(call int_lte,1235,1234)])
#$(info int_lte,1234,1235: [$(call int_lte,1234,1235)])
#$(info int_lte,-1234,1235: [$(call int_lte,-1234,1235)])
#$(info int_lte,1234,-1235: [$(call int_lte,1234,-1235)])
#$(info int_lte,-1234,-1235: [$(call int_lte,-1234,-1235)])
#$(info int_lt,1,1: [$(call int_lt,1,1)])
#$(info int_lt,1,2: [$(call int_lt,1,2)])
#$(info int_lt,2,1: [$(call int_lt,2,1)])
#$(info int_lt,0,3: [$(call int_lt,0,3)])
#$(info int_lt,3,0: [$(call int_lt,3,0)])
#$(info int_lt,1234,1234: [$(call int_lt,1234,1234)])
#$(info int_lt,1235,1234: [$(call int_lt,1235,1234)])
#$(info int_lt,1234,1235: [$(call int_lt,1234,1235)])
#$(info int_gte,1,1: [$(call int_gte,1,1)])
#$(info int_gte,1,2: [$(call int_gte,1,2)])
#$(info int_gte,2,1: [$(call int_gte,2,1)])
#$(info int_gte,0,3: [$(call int_gte,0,3)])
#$(info int_gte,3,0: [$(call int_gte,3,0)])
#$(info int_gte,1234,1234: [$(call int_gte,1234,1234)])
#$(info int_gte,1235,1234: [$(call int_gte,1235,1234)])
#$(info int_gte,1234,1235: [$(call int_gte,1234,1235)])
#$(info int_gt,1,1: [$(call int_gt,1,1)])
#$(info int_gt,1,2: [$(call int_gt,1,2)])
#$(info int_gt,2,1: [$(call int_gt,2,1)])
#$(info int_gt,0,3: [$(call int_gt,0,3)])
#$(info int_gt,3,0: [$(call int_gt,3,0)])
#$(info int_gt,1234,1234: [$(call int_gt,1234,1234)])
#$(info int_gt,1235,1234: [$(call int_gt,1235,1234)])
#$(info int_gt,1234,1235: [$(call int_gt,1234,1235)])
#$(info int_gt,-1234,1235: [$(call int_gt,-1234,1235)])
#$(info int_gt,-1234,-1235: [$(call int_gt,-1234,-1235)])
### addition
# add_digits_with_carry
_add_digit = $(words $(if $(strip $(1)),$(wordlist 1,$(1),$(LIST20_X)),) \
$(if $(strip $(2)),$(wordlist 1,$(2),$(LIST20_X)),))
# add one to a single digit
_inc_digit = $(words $(wordlist 1,$(if $(1),$(1),0),$(LIST20_X)) x)
# add two encoded numbers digit by digit without resolving carries
# (each digit will be larger than 9 if there is a carry value)
_add = $(if $(1)$(2),$(call _add_digit,$(word 1,$(1)),$(word 1,$(2))) $(call _add,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(2)),$(2))),)
# take the result of _add and resolve the carry values digit by digit
_resolve_carries = $(strip \
$(if $(1),\
$(foreach num,$(word 1,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter-out 1,$(filter 1%,$(num))),\
$(call _resolve_carries,$(call _inc_digit,$(word 2,$(1))) $(wordlist 3,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(2) $(patsubst 1%,%,$(num))),\
$(call _resolve_carries,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(2) $(num)))),\
_negate = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(strip $(1))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(1) -)))
# add two encoded numbers, returns encoded number
_int_add_encoded = $(call _resolve_carries,$(call _add,$(1),$(2)))
int_add_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_add_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(filter-out -,$(2)))),\
$(call int_sub_encoded,$(2),$(filter-out -,$(1)))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call int_sub_encoded,$(1),$(filter-out -,$(2))),\
$(call _int_add_encoded,$(1),$(2)))))
# add two unencoded numbers, returns unencoded number
int_add = $(call int_decode,$(call int_add_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2))))
### addition tests
#$(info _add_digit(7,6,1): [$(call _add_digit,7,6,1)])
#$(info _add_digit(7,6,0): [$(call _add_digit,7,6,0)])
#$(info _add_digit(7,6,0): [$(call _add_digit,7,6,0)])
#$(info _carries(12 14 15): [$(call _carries,12 14 15)])
#$(info _inc_digit(0): $(call _inc_digit,0))
#$(info _inc_digit(1): $(call _inc_digit,1))
#$(info _inc_digit(9): $(call _inc_digit,9))
#$(info _inc_digit(18): $(call _inc_digit,18))
#$(info int_add_encoded(0,0): [$(call int_add_encoded,0,0)])
#$(info int_add(1,2): [$(call int_add,1,2)])
#$(info int_add(9,9): [$(call int_add,9,9)])
#$(info int_add(0,9): [$(call int_add,0,9)])
#$(info int_add(9,0): [$(call int_add,9,0)])
#$(info int_add(0,0): [$(call int_add,0,0)])
#$(info int_add(123,456): [$(call int_add,123,456)])
#$(info int_add(678,789): [$(call int_add,678,789)])
#$(info int_add(1,12): [$(call int_add,1,12)])
#$(info int_add(123,5): [$(call int_add,123,5)])
#$(info int_add(123456,9): [$(call int_add,123456,9)])
#$(info int_add(999999991,9): [$(call int_add,999999991,9)])
# negative numbers
#$(info int_add(-2,2): [$(call int_add,-2,2)])
#$(info int_add(-1,2): [$(call int_add,-1,2)])
#$(info int_add(1,-2): [$(call int_add,1,-2)])
#$(info int_add(-1,-2): [$(call int_add,-1,-2)])
### subtraction
_get_zeros = $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(word 1,$(1))),$(call _get_zeros,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(2) 0),$(2))
# return a 9's complement of a single digit
_complement9 = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(1)),9,\
$(if $(call _EQ,1,$(1)),8,\
$(if $(call _EQ,2,$(1)),7,\
$(if $(call _EQ,3,$(1)),6,\
$(if $(call _EQ,4,$(1)),5,\
$(if $(call _EQ,5,$(1)),4,\
$(if $(call _EQ,6,$(1)),3,\
$(if $(call _EQ,7,$(1)),2,\
$(if $(call _EQ,8,$(1)),1,\
$(if $(call _EQ,9,$(1)),0)))))))))))
# return a 10's complement of a single digit
_complement10 = $(call _inc_digit,$(call _complement9,$(1)))
_complement_rest = $(if $(strip $(1)),\
$(strip \
$(call _complement10,$(word 1,$(1))) \
$(foreach digit,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\
$(call _complement9,$(digit)))),)
# return the complement of a number
_complement = $(strip $(call _get_zeros,$(1)) \
$(call _complement_rest,$(wordlist $(call _inc_digit,$(words $(call _get_zeros,$(1)))),$(words $(1)),$(1))))
# subtracted encoded number 2 from encoded number 1 and return and
# encoded number result. both numbers must be positive but may have
# a negative result
__int_sub_encoded = $(strip \
$(call trim_zeros,\
$(call drop_last,\
$(call int_add_encoded,\
$(wordlist 1,$(words $(1)),$(call _complement,$(2)) $(LIST100_9))))))
_int_sub_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(strip $(2))),\
$(if $(call _int_lte_encoded,$(2),$(1)),\
$(call __int_sub_encoded,$(1),$(2)),\
$(call _negate,$(call __int_sub_encoded,$(2),$(1))))))
int_sub_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_sub_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(2)),$(filter-out -,$(1))),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_add_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(2)))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_add_encoded,$(1),$(filter-out -,$(2))),\
$(call _int_sub_encoded,$(1),$(2)))))
# subtract unencoded number 2 from unencoded number 1 and return
# unencoded result
int_sub = $(call int_decode,$(call int_sub_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2))))
### subtraction tests
#$(info _get_zeros(5 7): [$(call _get_zeros,5 7)])
#$(info _get_zeros(0 0 0 2): [$(call _get_zeros,0 0 0 2)])
#$(info _get_zeros(0 0 0 2 5): [$(call _get_zeros,0 0 0 2 5)])
#$(info _complement(0): [$(call _complement,0)])
#$(info _complement(1): [$(call _complement,1)])
#$(info _complement(9): [$(call _complement,9)])
#$(info _complement(5 7): [$(call _complement,5 7)])
#$(info _complement(0 0 0 2): [$(call _complement,0 0 0 2)])
#$(info _complement(0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1): [$(call _complement,0 0 0 5 4 3 2 1)])
#$(info int_sub_encoded(0 0 1, 3 1): [$(call int_sub_encoded,0 0 1,3 1)])
#$(info int_sub_encoded(2, 2): [$(call int_sub_encoded,2,2)])
#$(info int_sub(2,1): [$(call int_sub,2,1)])
#$(info int_sub(2,0): [$(call int_sub,2,0)])
#$(info int_sub(2,2): [$(call int_sub,2,2)])
#$(info int_sub(100,13): [$(call int_sub,100,13)])
#$(info int_sub(100,99): [$(call int_sub,100,99)])
#$(info int_sub(91,19): [$(call int_sub,91,19)])
# negative numbers
#$(info int_sub(1,2): [$(call int_sub,1,2)])
#$(info int_sub(-1,2): [$(call int_sub,-1,2)])
#$(info int_sub(1,-2): [$(call int_sub,1,-2)])
#$(info int_sub(-1,-2): [$(call int_sub,-1,-2)])
#$(info int_sub(-2,-1): [$(call int_sub,-2,-1)])
#$(info int_sub(19,91): [$(call int_sub,19,91)])
#$(info int_sub(91,-19): [$(call int_sub,91,-19)])
#$(info int_sub(-91,19): [$(call int_sub,-91,19)])
#$(info int_sub(-91,-19): [$(call int_sub,-91,-19)])
### multiplication
# multiply two digits
#_mult_digit = $(words $(foreach x,$(1),$(2)))
_mult_digit = $(strip \
$(words $(foreach x,$(wordlist 1,$(1),$(LIST20_X)),\
$(wordlist 1,$(2),$(LIST20_X)))))
# multipy every digit of number 1 with number 2
# params: digits, digit, indent_zeros, results
_mult_row = $(if $(strip $(1)),$(call _mult_row,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),$(2),$(3)0,$(4) $(call _mult_digit,$(word 1,$(1)),$(2))$(3)),$(4))
# multiply every digit of number 2 with every digit of number 1 adding
# correct zero padding to the end of each result
# params: digits, digits, indent_zeros, results
_mult_each = $(if $(strip $(2)),$(call _mult_each,$(1),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(2)),$(2)),$(3)0,$(4) $(call _mult_row,$(1),$(word 1,$(2)),$(3))),$(4))
# add up a bunch of unencoded numbers. Basically reduce into the first number
_add_many = $(if $(word 2,$(1)),$(call _add_many,$(call int_add,$(word 1,$(1)),$(word 2,$(1))) $(wordlist 3,$(words $(1)),$(1))),$(1))
# multiply two encoded numbers, returns encoded number
_int_mult_encoded = $(call trim_zeros,$(call int_encode,$(call _add_many,$(call _mult_each,$(1),$(2)))))
int_mult_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_mult_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(filter-out -,$(2))),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_mult_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(2)))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_mult_encoded,$(1),$(filter-out -,$(2)))),\
$(call _int_mult_encoded,$(1),$(2)))))
# multiply two unencoded numbers, returns unencoded number
int_mult = $(call int_decode,$(call int_mult_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2))))
#$(info _mult_digit(8,6): [$(call _mult_digit,8,6)])
#$(info _mult_digit(7,6): [$(call _mult_digit,7,6)])
#$(info _mult_row(8,6): [$(call _mult_row,8,6)])
#$(info _mult_row(8 7,6): [$(call _mult_row,8 7,6)])
#$(info _mult_row(8 7 3,6): [$(call _mult_row,8 7 3,6)])
#$(info _mult_each(8 7 6, 4 3 2): [$(call _mult_each,8 7 6,4 3 2)])
#$(info _add_many(123 234 345 456): [$(call _add_many,123 234 345 456)])
#$(info int_mult_encoded(8 7 3,6): [$(call int_mult_encoded,8 7 3,6)])
#$(info int_mult_encoded(8 7 3,0): [$(call int_mult_encoded,8 7 3,0)])
#$(info int_mult(378,6): [$(call int_mult,378,6)])
#$(info int_mult(678,234): [$(call int_mult,678,234)])
#$(info int_mult(1,23456): [$(call int_mult,1,23456)])
#$(info int_mult(0,23456): [$(call int_mult,0,23456)])
#$(info int_mult(0,0): [$(call int_mult,0,0)])
# negative numbers
#$(info int_mult(-378,6): [$(call int_mult,-378,6)])
#$(info int_mult(678,-234): [$(call int_mult,678,-234)])
#$(info int_mult(-1,-23456): [$(call int_mult,-1,-23456)])
#$(info int_mult(0,-23456): [$(call int_mult,0,-23456)])
### division
# return list of zeros needed to pad number 2 to the same length as number 1
_zero_pad = $(strip $(wordlist 1,$(call int_sub,$(words $(1)),$(words $(2))),$(LIST100_0)))
# num1, num2, zero pad, result_accumulator
# algorithm:
# - B = pad with zeros to make same digit length as A
# - loop
# - if (B <= A)
# - A = subtract B from A
# - C = C + 10^(B pad.length)
# - else
# - if B.length < origin B.length: break
# - chop least significant digit of B
_div = $(strip \
$(if $(call int_lte_encoded,$(3) $(2),$(1)),\
$(call _div,$(call int_sub_encoded,$(1),$(3) $(2)),$(2),$(3),$(call int_add_encoded,$(4),$(3) 1)),\
$(if $(3),\
$(call _div,$(1),$(2),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(3)),$(3)),$(4)),\
# divide two encoded numbers, returns encoded number
_int_div_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(call _EQ,0,$(1)),\
$(if $(call _EQ,$(1),$(2)),\
$(if $(call int_gt_encoded,$(2),$(1)),\
$(call _div,$(1),$(2),$(call _zero_pad,$(1),$(2)),0)))))
int_div_encoded = $(strip \
$(if $(filter -,$(1)),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _int_div_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(filter-out -,$(2))),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_div_encoded,$(filter-out -,$(1)),$(2)))),\
$(if $(filter -,$(2)),\
$(call _negate,$(call _int_div_encoded,$(1),$(filter-out -,$(2)))),\
$(call _int_div_encoded,$(1),$(2)))))
# divide two unencoded numbers, returns unencoded number
int_div = $(call int_decode,$(call int_div_encoded,$(call int_encode,$(1)),$(call int_encode,$(2))))
### division tests
#$(info _zero_pad(1 2 3 4,1 3): [$(call _zero_pad,1 2 3 4,1 3)])
#$(info _zero_pad(1 2,1 3): [$(call _zero_pad,1 2,1 3)])
#$(info _zero_pad(2,1 3): [$(call _zero_pad,1 2,1 3)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(2,1): [$(call int_div_encoded,2,1)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(3,1): [$(call int_div_encoded,3,1)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(3,2): [$(call int_div_encoded,3,2)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(0,7): [$(call int_div_encoded,0,7)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(0 3,0 2): [$(call int_div_encoded,0 3,0 2)])
#$(info int_div_encoded(0 3,5): [$(call int_div_encoded,0 3,5)])
#$(info int_div(5,1): [$(call int_div,5,1)])
#$(info int_div(5,2): [$(call int_div,5,2)])
#$(info int_div(123,7): [$(call int_div,123,7)])
#$(info int_div(100,7): [$(call int_div,100,7)])
# negative numbers
#$(info int_div(-5,1): [$(call int_div,-5,1)])
#$(info int_div(5,-2): [$(call int_div,5,-2)])
#$(info int_div(-123,-7): [$(call int_div,-123,-7)])
### combination tests
# (/ (- (+ 515 (* 222 311)) 300) 41) = 1689
#$(info int_mult,222,311: [$(call int_mult,222,311)])
#$(info int_add(515,69042): [$(call int_add,515,69042)])
#$(info int_sub(69557,300): [$(call int_sub,69557,300)])
#$(info int_div(69257,41): [$(call int_div,69257,41)])
# (/ (- (+ 515 (* -222 311)) 300) 41) = -1678
#$(info int_mult,-222,311: [$(call int_mult,-222,311)])
#$(info int_add(515,-69042): [$(call int_add,515,-69042)])
#$(info int_sub(-68527,300): [$(call int_sub,-68527,300)])
#$(info int_div(-68827,41): [$(call int_div,-68827,41)])
# vim: ts=2 et