mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 06:40:14 +03:00
Joel Martin 8a19f60386 Move implementations into impls/ dir
- Reorder README to have implementation list after "learning tool"

- This also moves tests/ and libs/ into impls. It would be preferrable
  to have these directories at the top level.  However, this causes
  difficulties with the wasm implementations which need pre-open
  directories and have trouble with paths starting with "../../". So
  in lieu of that, symlink those directories to the top-level.

- Move the run_argv_test.sh script into the tests directory for
  general hygiene.
2020-02-10 23:50:16 -06:00

300 lines
11 KiB

module Core
open System
open Types
let inline toBool b = if b then Node.TRUE else Node.FALSE
let inline twoNumberOp (f : int64 -> int64 -> Node) = function
| [Number(a); Number(b)] -> f a b
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let inline twoNodeOp (f : Node -> Node -> Node) = function
| [a; b] -> f a b
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let add = twoNumberOp (fun a b -> a + b |> Number)
let subtract = twoNumberOp (fun a b -> a - b |> Number)
let multiply = twoNumberOp (fun a b -> a * b |> Number)
let divide = twoNumberOp (fun a b -> a / b |> Number)
let lt = twoNodeOp (fun a b -> a < b |> toBool)
let le = twoNodeOp (fun a b -> a <= b |> toBool)
let ge = twoNodeOp (fun a b -> a >= b |> toBool)
let gt = twoNodeOp (fun a b -> a > b |> toBool)
let eq = twoNodeOp (fun a b -> a = b |> toBool)
let time_ms _ =
DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond |> int64 |> Number
let list = Node.makeList
let isList = function
| [List(_, _)] -> Node.TRUE
| [_] -> Node.FALSE
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let isEmpty = function
| [List(_, [])] -> Node.TRUE
| [Vector(_, seg)] when seg.Count <= 0 -> Node.TRUE
| _ -> Node.FALSE
let count = function
| [List(_, lst)] -> lst |> List.length |> int64 |> Number
| [Vector(_, seg)] -> seg.Count |> int64 |> Number
| [Nil] -> Node.ZERO
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let pr_str nodes = nodes |> Printer.pr_str |> String
let str nodes = nodes |> Printer.str |> String
let prn nodes = nodes |> Printer.prn |> printfn "%s"; Nil
let println nodes = nodes |> Printer.println |> printfn "%s"; Nil
let read_str = function
| [String(s)] ->
match Reader.read_str s with
| [node] -> node
| nodes -> Symbol("do")::nodes |> Node.makeList
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let slurp = function
| [String(s)] -> System.IO.File.ReadAllText s |> String
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let cons = function
| [node; List(_, lst)] -> node::lst |> Node.makeList
| [node; Vector(_, seg)] -> node::(List.ofSeq seg) |> Node.makeList
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let concat nodes =
let cons st node = node::st
let accumNode acc = function
| List(_, lst) -> lst |> List.fold cons acc
| Vector(_, seg) -> seg |> Seq.fold cons acc
| _ -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
|> List.fold accumNode []
|> List.rev
|> Node.makeList
let nth = function
| [List(_, lst); Number(n)] ->
let rec nth_list n = function
| [] -> raise <| Error.indexOutOfBounds ()
| h::_ when n = 0L -> h
| _::t -> nth_list (n - 1L) t
nth_list n lst
| [Vector(_, seg); Number(n)] ->
if n < 0L || n >= int64(seg.Count) then
raise <| Error.indexOutOfBounds ()
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let first = function
| [List(_, [])] -> Node.NIL
| [List(_, h::_)] -> h
| [Vector(_, seg)] when seg.Count > 0 -> seg.Array.[0]
| [Vector(_, _)] -> Node.NIL
| [Nil] -> Node.NIL
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let rest = function
| [List(_, [])] -> Node.EmptyLIST
| [List(_, _::t)] -> t |> Node.makeList
| [Vector(_, seg)] when seg.Count < 2 -> Node.EmptyLIST
| [Vector(_, seg)] -> seg |> Seq.skip 1 |> List.ofSeq |> Node.makeList
| [Nil] -> Node.EmptyLIST
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let throw = function
| [node] -> raise <| Error.MalError(node)
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let map = function
| [BuiltInFunc(_, _, f); Node.Seq seq]
| [Func(_, _, f, _, _, _); Node.Seq seq] ->
seq |> Seq.map (fun node -> f [node]) |> List.ofSeq |> Node.makeList
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let apply = function
| BuiltInFunc(_, _, f)::rest
| Func(_, _, f, _, _, _)::rest ->
let rec getArgsAndCall acc = function
| [] -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
| [Node.Seq seq] ->
seq |> Seq.fold (fun acc node -> node::acc) acc |> List.rev |> f
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| h::rest -> getArgsAndCall (h::acc) rest
getArgsAndCall [] rest
| _::_ -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| [] -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let isConst cmp = function
| [node] -> if node = cmp then Node.TRUE else Node.FALSE
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let isPattern f = function
| [node] -> if f node then Node.TRUE else Node.FALSE
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let isSymbol = isPattern (function Symbol(_) -> true | _ -> false)
let isKeyword = isPattern (function Keyword(_) -> true | _ -> false)
let isString = isPattern (function String(_) -> true | _ -> false)
let isNumber = isPattern (function Number(_) -> true | _ -> false)
let isFn = isPattern (function BuiltInFunc(_, _, _) | Func(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let isMacro = isPattern (function Macro(_, _, _, _, _, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let isSequential = isPattern (function Node.Seq(_) -> true | _ -> false)
let isVector = isPattern (function Vector(_, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let isMap = isPattern (function Map(_, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let isAtom = isPattern (function Atom(_, _) -> true | _ -> false)
let fromString f = function
| [String(str)] -> f str
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let symbol = fromString (fun s -> Symbol(s))
let keyword = fromString (fun s -> Keyword(s))
let vector lst = lst |> Array.ofList |> Node.ofArray
let rec getPairs lst =
seq {
match lst with
| first::second::t ->
yield first, second
yield! getPairs t
| [_] -> raise <| Error.expectedEvenNodeCount ()
| [] -> ()
let mapOpN f = function
| Map(_, map)::rest -> f rest map
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let mapOp1 f =
mapOpN (fun rest map ->
match rest with
| [v] -> f v map
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ())
let mapOp0 f =
mapOpN (fun rest map ->
match rest with
| [] -> f map
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ())
let mapKV f =
mapOp0 (fun map -> map |> Map.toSeq |> Seq.map f |> List.ofSeq |> Node.makeList)
let hashMap lst = lst |> getPairs |> Map.ofSeq |> Node.makeMap
let assoc = mapOpN (fun rest map ->
|> getPairs
|> Seq.fold (fun map (k, v) -> Map.add k v map) map
|> Node.makeMap)
let dissoc = mapOpN (fun keys map ->
|> List.fold (fun map k -> Map.remove k map) map
|> Node.makeMap)
let get = function
| [Nil; _] -> Node.NIL
| _ as rest ->
rest |> mapOp1 (fun key map ->
match Map.tryFind key map with
| Some(node) -> node
| None -> Node.NIL)
let containsKey key map = if Map.containsKey key map then Node.TRUE else Node.FALSE
let contains = mapOp1 containsKey
let keys = mapKV (fun (k, v) -> k)
let vals = mapKV (fun (k, v) -> v)
let atom nextValue = function
| [node] -> Atom((nextValue ()), ref node)
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let deref = function
| [Atom(_, r)] -> !r
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let reset = function
| [Atom(_, r); node] ->
r := node
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let swap = function
| Atom(_, r)
::(BuiltInFunc(_, _, f) | Func(_, _, f, _, _, _))
::rest ->
r := f (!r::rest)
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let conj = function
| List(_, lst)::rest ->
|> List.fold (fun lst node -> node::lst) lst
|> Node.makeList
| Vector(_, seg)::rest ->
(* Might be nice to implement a persistent vector here someday. *)
let cnt = List.length rest
if cnt > 0 then
let target : Node array = seg.Count + cnt |> Array.zeroCreate
System.Array.Copy(seg.Array :> System.Array, seg.Offset,
target :> System.Array, 0, seg.Count)
let rec copyElem i = function
| h::t ->
Array.set target i h
copyElem (i + 1) t
| [] -> ()
copyElem (seg.Count) rest
target |> Node.ofArray
seg |> Node.makeVector
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let seq = function
| [Nil] -> Node.NIL
| [List(_, [])] -> Node.NIL
| [List(_, _) as l] -> l
| [Vector(_, seg)] when seg.Count < 1 -> Node.NIL
| [Vector(_, seg)] -> seg |> List.ofSeq |> Node.makeList
| [String(s)] when String.length s < 1 -> Node.NIL
| [String(s)] -> s |> Seq.map Node.ofChar |> List.ofSeq |> Node.makeList
| [_] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let withMeta = function
| [List(_, lst); m] -> List(m, lst)
| [Vector(_, seg); m] -> Vector(m, seg)
| [Map(_, map); m] -> Map(m, map)
| [BuiltInFunc(_, tag, f); m] -> BuiltInFunc(m, tag, f)
| [Func(_, tag, f, a, b, c); m] -> Func(m, tag, f, a, b, c)
| [Macro(_, tag, f, a, b, c); m] -> Macro(m, tag, f, a, b, c)
| [_; _] -> raise <| Error.argMismatch ()
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()
let meta = function
| [List(m, _)]
| [Vector(m, _)]
| [Map(m, _)]
| [BuiltInFunc(m, _, _)]
| [Func(m, _, _, _, _, _)]
| [Macro(m, _, _, _, _, _)] -> m
| [_] -> Node.NIL
| _ -> raise <| Error.wrongArity ()