mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-17 16:47:22 +03:00
Joel Martin 8a19f60386 Move implementations into impls/ dir
- Reorder README to have implementation list after "learning tool"

- This also moves tests/ and libs/ into impls. It would be preferrable
  to have these directories at the top level.  However, this causes
  difficulties with the wasm implementations which need pre-open
  directories and have trouble with paths starting with "../../". So
  in lieu of that, symlink those directories to the top-level.

- Move the run_argv_test.sh script into the tests directory for
  general hygiene.
2020-02-10 23:50:16 -06:00

499 lines
16 KiB

entity step9_try is
end entity step9_try;
library STD;
use STD.textio.all;
library WORK;
use WORK.pkg_readline.all;
use WORK.types.all;
use WORK.printer.all;
use WORK.reader.all;
use WORK.env.all;
use WORK.core.all;
architecture test of step9_try is
shared variable repl_env: env_ptr;
procedure mal_READ(str: in string; ast: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
read_str(str, ast, err);
end procedure mal_READ;
procedure is_pair(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; pair: out boolean) is
pair := is_sequential_type(ast.val_type) and ast.seq_val'length > 0;
end procedure is_pair;
procedure quasiquote(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable ast_pair, a0_pair: boolean;
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable a0, rest: mal_val_ptr;
is_pair(ast, ast_pair);
if not ast_pair then
seq := new mal_seq(0 to 1);
new_symbol("quote", seq(0));
seq(1) := ast;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end if;
a0 := ast.seq_val(0);
if a0.val_type = mal_symbol and a0.string_val.all = "unquote" then
result := ast.seq_val(1);
is_pair(a0, a0_pair);
if a0_pair and a0.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_symbol and a0.seq_val(0).string_val.all = "splice-unquote" then
seq := new mal_seq(0 to 2);
new_symbol("concat", seq(0));
seq(1) := a0.seq_val(1);
seq_drop_prefix(ast, 1, rest);
quasiquote(rest, seq(2));
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
seq := new mal_seq(0 to 2);
new_symbol("cons", seq(0));
quasiquote(a0, seq(1));
seq_drop_prefix(ast, 1, rest);
quasiquote(rest, seq(2));
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result);
end if;
end if;
end procedure quasiquote;
-- Forward declaration
procedure EVAL(in_ast: inout mal_val_ptr; in_env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr);
procedure apply_func(fn: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr);
procedure is_macro_call(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; env: inout env_ptr; is_macro: out boolean) is
variable f, env_err: mal_val_ptr;
is_macro := false;
if ast.val_type = mal_list and
ast.seq_val'length > 0 and
ast.seq_val(0).val_type = mal_symbol then
env_get(env, ast.seq_val(0), f, env_err);
if env_err = null and f /= null and
f.val_type = mal_fn and f.func_val.f_is_macro then
is_macro := true;
end if;
end if;
end procedure is_macro_call;
procedure macroexpand(in_ast: inout mal_val_ptr; env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable ast, macro_fn, call_args, macro_err: mal_val_ptr;
variable is_macro: boolean;
ast := in_ast;
is_macro_call(ast, env, is_macro);
while is_macro loop
env_get(env, ast.seq_val(0), macro_fn, macro_err);
seq_drop_prefix(ast, 1, call_args);
apply_func(macro_fn, call_args, ast, macro_err);
if macro_err /= null then
err := macro_err;
end if;
is_macro_call(ast, env, is_macro);
end loop;
result := ast;
end procedure macroexpand;
procedure fn_eval(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
EVAL(args.seq_val(0), repl_env, result, err);
end procedure fn_eval;
procedure fn_swap(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable atom: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable fn: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
variable call_args_seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable call_args, eval_res, sub_err: mal_val_ptr;
call_args_seq := new mal_seq(0 to args.seq_val'length - 2);
call_args_seq(0) := atom.seq_val(0);
call_args_seq(1 to call_args_seq'length - 1) := args.seq_val(2 to args.seq_val'length - 1);
new_seq_obj(mal_list, call_args_seq, call_args);
apply_func(fn, call_args, eval_res, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
atom.seq_val(0) := eval_res;
result := eval_res;
end procedure fn_swap;
procedure fn_apply(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable fn: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable rest: mal_val_ptr;
variable mid_args_count, rest_args_count: integer;
variable call_args: mal_val_ptr;
variable call_args_seq: mal_seq_ptr;
rest := args.seq_val(args.seq_val'high);
mid_args_count := args.seq_val'length - 2;
rest_args_count := rest.seq_val'length;
call_args_seq := new mal_seq(0 to mid_args_count + rest_args_count - 1);
call_args_seq(0 to mid_args_count - 1) := args.seq_val(1 to args.seq_val'length - 2);
call_args_seq(mid_args_count to call_args_seq'high) := rest.seq_val(rest.seq_val'range);
new_seq_obj(mal_list, call_args_seq, call_args);
apply_func(fn, call_args, result, err);
end procedure fn_apply;
procedure fn_map(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable fn: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0);
variable lst: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1);
variable call_args, sub_err: mal_val_ptr;
variable new_seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable i: integer;
new_seq := new mal_seq(lst.seq_val'range); -- (0 to lst.seq_val.length - 1);
for i in new_seq'range loop
new_one_element_list(lst.seq_val(i), call_args);
apply_func(fn, call_args, new_seq(i), sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
end loop;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, new_seq, result);
end procedure fn_map;
procedure apply_native_func(func_sym: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
if func_sym.string_val.all = "eval" then
fn_eval(args, result, err);
elsif func_sym.string_val.all = "swap!" then
fn_swap(args, result, err);
elsif func_sym.string_val.all = "apply" then
fn_apply(args, result, err);
elsif func_sym.string_val.all = "map" then
fn_map(args, result, err);
eval_native_func(func_sym, args, result, err);
end if;
end procedure apply_native_func;
procedure apply_func(fn: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable fn_env: env_ptr;
case fn.val_type is
when mal_nativefn =>
apply_native_func(fn, args, result, err);
when mal_fn =>
new_env(fn_env, fn.func_val.f_env, fn.func_val.f_args, args);
EVAL(fn.func_val.f_body, fn_env, result, err);
when others =>
new_string("not a function", err);
end case;
end procedure apply_func;
procedure eval_ast_seq(ast_seq: inout mal_seq_ptr; env: inout env_ptr; result: inout mal_seq_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable eval_err: mal_val_ptr;
result := new mal_seq(0 to ast_seq'length - 1);
for i in result'range loop
EVAL(ast_seq(i), env, result(i), eval_err);
if eval_err /= null then
err := eval_err;
end if;
end loop;
end procedure eval_ast_seq;
procedure eval_ast(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable key, val, eval_err, env_err: mal_val_ptr;
variable new_seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable i: integer;
case ast.val_type is
when mal_symbol =>
env_get(env, ast, val, env_err);
if env_err /= null then
err := env_err;
end if;
result := val;
when mal_list | mal_vector | mal_hashmap =>
eval_ast_seq(ast.seq_val, env, new_seq, eval_err);
if eval_err /= null then
err := eval_err;
end if;
new_seq_obj(ast.val_type, new_seq, result);
when others =>
result := ast;
end case;
end procedure eval_ast;
procedure EVAL(in_ast: inout mal_val_ptr; in_env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable i: integer;
variable ast, evaled_ast, a0, call_args, val, vars, sub_err, fn: mal_val_ptr;
variable env, let_env, catch_env, fn_env: env_ptr;
ast := in_ast;
env := in_env;
if ast.val_type /= mal_list then
eval_ast(ast, env, result, err);
end if;
macroexpand(ast, env, ast, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
if ast.val_type /= mal_list then
eval_ast(ast, env, result, err);
end if;
if ast.seq_val'length = 0 then
result := ast;
end if;
a0 := ast.seq_val(0);
if a0.val_type = mal_symbol then
if a0.string_val.all = "def!" then
EVAL(ast.seq_val(2), env, val, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
env_set(env, ast.seq_val(1), val);
result := val;
elsif a0.string_val.all = "let*" then
vars := ast.seq_val(1);
new_env(let_env, env);
i := 0;
while i < vars.seq_val'length loop
EVAL(vars.seq_val(i + 1), let_env, val, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
env_set(let_env, vars.seq_val(i), val);
i := i + 2;
end loop;
env := let_env;
ast := ast.seq_val(2);
next; -- TCO
elsif a0.string_val.all = "quote" then
result := ast.seq_val(1);
elsif a0.string_val.all = "quasiquote" then
quasiquote(ast.seq_val(1), ast);
next; -- TCO
elsif a0.string_val.all = "defmacro!" then
EVAL(ast.seq_val(2), env, val, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
val.func_val.f_is_macro := true;
env_set(env, ast.seq_val(1), val);
result := val;
elsif a0.string_val.all = "macroexpand" then
macroexpand(ast.seq_val(1), env, result, err);
elsif a0.string_val.all = "try*" then
EVAL(ast.seq_val(1), env, result, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
if ast.seq_val'length > 2 and
ast.seq_val(2).val_type = mal_list and
ast.seq_val(2).seq_val(0).val_type = mal_symbol and
ast.seq_val(2).seq_val(0).string_val.all = "catch*" then
new_one_element_list(ast.seq_val(2).seq_val(1), vars);
new_one_element_list(sub_err, call_args);
new_env(catch_env, env, vars, call_args);
EVAL(ast.seq_val(2).seq_val(2), catch_env, result, err);
err := sub_err;
end if;
end if;
elsif a0.string_val.all = "do" then
for i in 1 to ast.seq_val'high - 1 loop
EVAL(ast.seq_val(i), env, result, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
end loop;
ast := ast.seq_val(ast.seq_val'high);
next; -- TCO
elsif a0.string_val.all = "if" then
EVAL(ast.seq_val(1), env, val, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
if val.val_type = mal_nil or val.val_type = mal_false then
if ast.seq_val'length > 3 then
ast := ast.seq_val(3);
end if;
ast := ast.seq_val(2);
end if;
next; -- TCO
elsif a0.string_val.all = "fn*" then
new_fn(ast.seq_val(2), ast.seq_val(1), env, result);
end if;
end if;
eval_ast(ast, env, evaled_ast, sub_err);
if sub_err /= null then
err := sub_err;
end if;
seq_drop_prefix(evaled_ast, 1, call_args);
fn := evaled_ast.seq_val(0);
case fn.val_type is
when mal_nativefn =>
apply_native_func(fn, call_args, result, err);
when mal_fn =>
new_env(fn_env, fn.func_val.f_env, fn.func_val.f_args, call_args);
env := fn_env;
ast := fn.func_val.f_body;
next; -- TCO
when others =>
new_string("not a function", err);
end case;
end loop;
end procedure EVAL;
procedure mal_PRINT(exp: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out line) is
pr_str(exp, true, result);
end procedure mal_PRINT;
procedure RE(str: in string; env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable ast, read_err: mal_val_ptr;
mal_READ(str, ast, read_err);
if read_err /= null then
err := read_err;
result := null;
end if;
if ast = null then
result := null;
end if;
EVAL(ast, env, result, err);
end procedure RE;
procedure REP(str: in string; env: inout env_ptr; result: out line; err: out mal_val_ptr) is
variable eval_res, eval_err: mal_val_ptr;
RE(str, env, eval_res, eval_err);
if eval_err /= null then
err := eval_err;
result := null;
end if;
mal_PRINT(eval_res, result);
end procedure REP;
procedure set_argv(e: inout env_ptr; program_file: inout line) is
variable argv_var_name: string(1 to 6) := "*ARGV*";
variable argv_sym, argv_list: mal_val_ptr;
file f: text;
variable status: file_open_status;
variable one_line: line;
variable seq: mal_seq_ptr;
variable element: mal_val_ptr;
program_file := null;
seq := new mal_seq(0 to -1);
file_open(status, f, external_name => "vhdl_argv.tmp", open_kind => read_mode);
if status = open_ok then
if not endfile(f) then
readline(f, program_file);
while not endfile(f) loop
readline(f, one_line);
new_string(one_line.all, element);
seq := new mal_seq'(seq.all & element);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, argv_list);
new_symbol(argv_var_name, argv_sym);
env_set(e, argv_sym, argv_list);
end procedure set_argv;
procedure repl is
variable is_eof: boolean;
variable program_file, input_line, result: line;
variable eval_sym, eval_fn, dummy_val, err: mal_val_ptr;
variable outer: env_ptr;
variable eval_func_name: string(1 to 4) := "eval";
outer := null;
new_env(repl_env, outer);
-- core.EXT: defined using VHDL (see core.vhdl)
new_symbol(eval_func_name, eval_sym);
new_nativefn(eval_func_name, eval_fn);
env_set(repl_env, eval_sym, eval_fn);
set_argv(repl_env, program_file);
-- core.mal: defined using the language itself
RE("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env, dummy_val, err);
RE("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str " & '"' & "(do " & '"' & " (slurp f) " & '"' & "\nnil)" & '"' & ")))))", repl_env, dummy_val, err);
RE("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw " & '"' & "odd number of forms to cond" & '"' & ")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))", repl_env, dummy_val, err);
if program_file /= null then
REP("(load-file " & '"' & program_file.all & '"' & ")", repl_env, result, err);
end if;
mal_readline("user> ", is_eof, input_line);
exit when is_eof;
next when input_line'length = 0;
REP(input_line.all, repl_env, result, err);
if err /= null then
pr_str(err, false, result);
result := new string'("Error: " & result.all);
end if;
if result /= null then
end if;
end loop;
end procedure repl;
end architecture test;