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synced 2024-11-10 12:47:45 +03:00
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113 lines
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import types
import types.MalException
import types.MalSymbol
import reader
import printer
class core {
def static do_pr_str(args) {
return printer._pr_list(args, " ", true)
def static do_str(args) {
return printer._pr_list(args, "", false)
def static do_prn(args) {
println(printer._pr_list(args, " ", true))
def static do_println(args) {
println(printer._pr_list(args, " ", false))
def static do_concat(args) {
args.inject([], { a, b -> a + (b as List) })
def static do_nth(args) {
if (args[0].size() <= args[1]) {
throw new MalException("nth: index out of range")
def static do_conj(args) {
if (types.list_Q(args[0])) {
args.drop(1).inject(args[0], { a, b -> [b] + a })
} else {
types.vector(args.drop(1).inject(args[0], { a, b -> a + [b] }))
def static do_apply(args) {
def start_args = args.drop(1).take(args.size()-2) as List
args[0](start_args + (args.last() as List))
def static do_swap_BANG(args) {
def (atm,f) = [args[0], args[1]]
atm.value = f([atm.value] + (args.drop(2) as List))
static ns = [
"=": { a -> a[0]==a[1]},
"throw": { a -> throw new MalException(a[0]) },
"nil?": { a -> a[0] == null },
"true?": { a -> a[0] == true },
"false?": { a -> a[0] == false },
"symbol": { a -> new MalSymbol(a[0]) },
"symbol?": { a -> a[0] instanceof MalSymbol },
"keyword": { a -> types.keyword(a[0]) },
"keyword?": { a -> types.keyword_Q(a[0]) },
"pr-str": core.&do_pr_str,
"str": core.&do_str,
"prn": core.&do_prn,
"println": core.&do_println,
"read-string": reader.&read_str,
"readline": { a -> System.console().readLine(a[0]) },
"slurp": { a -> new File(a[0]).text },
"<": { a -> a[0]<a[1]},
"<=": { a -> a[0]<=a[1]},
">": { a -> a[0]>a[1]},
">=": { a -> a[0]>=a[1]},
"+": { a -> a[0]+a[1]},
"-": { a -> a[0]-a[1]},
"*": { a -> a[0]*a[1]},
"/": { a -> a[0]/a[1]}, // /
"time-ms": { a -> System.currentTimeMillis() },
"list": { a -> a},
"list?": { a -> types.list_Q(a[0]) },
"vector": { a -> types.vector(a) },
"vector?": { a -> types.vector_Q(a[0]) },
"hash-map": { a -> types.hash_map(a) },
"map?": { a -> types.hash_map_Q(a[0]) },
"assoc": { a -> types.assoc_BANG(types.copy(a[0]), a.drop(1)) },
"dissoc": { a -> types.dissoc_BANG(types.copy(a[0]), a.drop(1)) },
"get": { a -> a[0] == null ? null : a[0][a[1]] },
"contains?": { a -> a[0].containsKey(a[1]) },
"keys": { a -> a[0].keySet() as List },
"vals": { a -> a[0].values() as List },
"sequential?": { a -> types.&sequential_Q(a[0]) },
"cons": { a -> [a[0]] + (a[1] as List) },
"concat": core.&do_concat,
"nth": core.&do_nth,
"first": { a -> a[0].size() == 0 ? null : a[0][0] },
"rest": { a -> a[0].drop(1) },
"empty?": { a -> a[0] == null || a[0].size() == 0 },
"count": { a -> a[0] == null ? 0 : a[0].size() },
"apply": core.&do_apply,
"map": { a -> a[1].collect { x -> a[0].call([x]) } },
"conj": core.&do_conj,
"meta": { a -> a[0].hasProperty("meta") ? a[0].getProperties().meta : null },
"with-meta": { a -> def b = types.copy(a[0]); b.getMetaClass().meta = a[1]; b },
"atom": { a -> new types.MalAtom(a[0]) },
"atom?": { a -> a[0] instanceof types.MalAtom },
"deref": { a -> a[0].value },
"reset!": { a -> a[0].value = a[1] },
"swap!": core.&do_swap_BANG