mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 10:07:45 +03:00
Joel Martin c6c1a94f1b perl: fix keys on hash-map in perl 5.20
Otherwise throw error "keys on reference is experimental".
2015-11-18 21:44:58 -06:00

240 lines
5.3 KiB

package types;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch";
use feature qw(switch);
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(_sequential_Q _equal_Q _clone
$nil $true $false _nil_Q _true_Q _false_Q
_symbol _symbol_Q _keyword _keyword_Q _list_Q _vector_Q
_hash_map _hash_map_Q _assoc_BANG _dissoc_BANG _atom_Q);
use Data::Dumper;
# General functions
sub _sequential_Q {
return _list_Q($_[0]) || _vector_Q($_[0])
sub _equal_Q {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my ($ota, $otb) = (ref $a, ref $b);
if (!(($ota eq $otb) || (_sequential_Q($a) && _sequential_Q($b)))) {
return 0;
given (ref $a) {
when (/^Symbol/) {
return $$a eq $$b;
when (/^List/ || /^Vector/) {
if (! (scalar(@{$a->{val}}) == scalar(@{$b->{val}}))) {
return 0;
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@{$a->{val}}); $i++) {
if (! _equal_Q($a->nth($i), $b->nth($i))) {
return 0;
return 1;
when (/^HashMap/) {
if (! (scalar(keys %{ $a->{val} }) == scalar(keys %{ $b->{val} }))) {
return 0;
foreach my $k (keys %{ $a->{val} }) {
if (!_equal_Q($a->{val}->{$k}, $b->{val}->{$k})) {
return 0;
return 1;
default {
return $$a eq $$b;
return 0;
sub _clone {
my ($obj) = @_;
given (ref $obj) {
when (/^CODE/) {
return FunctionRef->new( $obj );
default {
return bless {%{$obj}}, ref $obj;
# Errors/Exceptions
package BlankException;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless String->new("Blank Line") => $class }
# Scalars
package Nil;
sub new { my $class = shift; my $s = 'nil'; bless \$s => $class }
package True;
sub new { my $class = shift; my $s = 'true'; bless \$s => $class }
package False;
sub new { my $class = shift; my $s = 'false'; bless \$s => $class }
our $nil = Nil->new();
our $true = True->new();
our $false = False->new();
sub _nil_Q { return $_[0] eq $nil }
sub _true_Q { return $_[0] eq $true }
sub _false_Q { return $_[0] eq $false }
package Integer;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless \do { my $x=$_[0] }, $class }
package Symbol;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless \do { my $x=$_[0] }, $class }
sub _symbol_Q { (ref $_[0]) =~ /^Symbol/ }
sub _keyword { return String->new(("\x{029e}".$_[0])); }
sub _keyword_Q { ((ref $_[0]) =~ /^String/) && ${$_[0]} =~ /^\x{029e}/; }
package String;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless \$_[0] => $class }
# Lists
package List;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless {'meta'=>$nil, 'val'=>$_[0]}, $class }
sub nth { $_[0]->{val}->[$_[1]]; }
#sub _val { $_[0]->{val}->[$_[1]]->{val}; } # return value of nth item
sub rest { my @arr = @{$_[0]->{val}}; List->new([@arr[1..$#arr]]); }
sub slice { my @arr = @{$_[0]->{val}}; List->new([@arr[$_[1]..$_[2]]]); }
sub _list_Q { (ref $_[0]) =~ /^List/ }
# Vectors
package Vector;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless {'meta'=>$nil, 'val'=>$_[0]}, $class }
sub nth { $_[0]->{val}->[$_[1]]; }
#sub _val { $_[0]->{val}->[$_[1]]->{val}; } # return value of nth item
sub rest { my @arr = @{$_[0]->{val}}; List->new([@arr[1..$#arr]]); }
sub slice { my @arr = @{$_[0]->{val}}; List->new([@arr[$_[1]..$_[2]]]); }
sub _vector_Q { (ref $_[0]) =~ /^Vector/ }
# Hash Maps
package HashMap;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless {'meta'=>$nil, 'val'=>$_[0]}, $class }
sub get { $_[0]->{val}->{$_[1]}; }
sub _hash_map {
my $hsh = {};
return _assoc_BANG($hsh, @_);
sub _assoc_BANG {
my $hsh = shift;
my @lst = @_;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@lst); $i+=2) {
my $str = $lst[$i];
$hsh->{$$str} = $lst[$i+1];
return HashMap->new($hsh);
sub _dissoc_BANG {
my $hsh = shift;
my @lst = @_;
for(my $i=0; $i<scalar(@lst); $i++) {
my $str = $lst[$i];
delete $hsh->{$$str};
return HashMap->new($hsh);
sub _hash_map_Q { (ref $_[0]) =~ /^HashMap/ }
# Functions
package Function;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($eval, $ast, $env, $params) = @_;
bless {'meta'=>$nil,
'ismacro'=>0}, $class
sub gen_env {
my $self = $_[0];
return Env->new($self->{env}, $self->{params}, $_[1]);
sub apply {
my $self = $_[0];
return &{ $self->{eval} }($self->{ast}, gen_env($self, $_[1]));
# FunctionRef
package FunctionRef;
sub new {
my ($class, $code) = @_;
bless {'meta'=>$nil,
'code'=>$code}, $class
sub apply {
my $self = $_[0];
return &{ $self->{code} }($_[1]);
# Atoms
package Atom;
sub new { my $class = shift; bless {'meta'=>$nil, 'val'=>$_[0]}, $class }
sub _atom_Q { (ref $_[0]) =~ /^Atom/ }