mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 10:37:58 +03:00
2016-02-15 23:58:07 -06:00

238 lines
5.9 KiB

import strutils, rdstdin, tables, algorithm, times, sequtils, types, printer, reader
type MalError* = object of Exception
t*: MalType
# String functions
proc pr_str(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
str(xs.map(proc(x: MalType): string = x.pr_str(true)).join(" "))
proc do_str(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
str(xs.map(proc(x: MalType): string = x.pr_str(false)).join)
proc prn(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
echo xs.map(proc(x: MalType): string = x.pr_str(true)).join(" ")
result = nilObj
proc println(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
echo xs.map(proc(x: MalType): string = x.pr_str(false)).join(" ")
result = nilObj
proc read_str(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
proc readline(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
str readLineFromStdin(xs[0].str)
proc slurp(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
str readFile(xs[0].str)
proc cons(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = list(xs[0])
for x in xs[1].list: result.list.add x
proc concat(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = list()
for x in xs:
for i in x.list:
result.list.add i
proc nth(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[1].number < xs[0].list.len: return xs[0].list[xs[1].number]
else: raise newException(ValueError, "nth: index out of range")
proc first(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[0].kind in {List, Vector} and xs[0].list.len > 0:
else: nilObj
proc rest(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[0].kind in {List, Vector} and xs[0].list.len > 0:
list xs[0].list[1 .. ^1]
else: list()
proc throw(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
raise (ref MalError)(t: list xs)
proc assoc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = hash_map()
result.hash_map = xs[0].hash_map
for i in countup(1, xs.high, 2):
result.hash_map[xs[i].str] = xs[i+1]
proc dissoc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = hash_map()
result.hash_map = xs[0].hash_map
for i in 1 .. xs.high:
if result.hash_map.hasKey(xs[i].str): result.hash_map.del(xs[i].str)
proc get(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[0].kind == HashMap:
if xs[1].str in xs[0].hash_map:
result = xs[0].hash_map[xs[1].str]
if not result.isNil: return
result = nilObj
proc contains_q(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
boolObj xs[0].hash_map.hasKey(xs[1].str)
proc keys(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = list()
for key in xs[0].hash_map.keys:
result.list.add str(key)
proc vals(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = list()
for value in xs[0].hash_map.values:
result.list.add value
proc apply(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
var s = newSeq[MalType]()
if xs.len > 2:
for j in 1 .. xs.high-1:
s.add xs[j]
s.add xs[xs.high].list
proc map(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
result = list()
for i in 0 .. xs[1].list.high:
result.list.add xs[0].getFun()(xs[1].list[i])
proc conj(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[0].kind == List:
result = list()
for i in countdown(xs.high, 1):
result.list.add xs[i]
result.list.add xs[0].list
result = vector()
result.list.add xs[0].list
for i in 1..xs.high:
result.list.add xs[i]
result.meta = xs[0].meta
proc seq(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if xs[0].kind == List:
if len(xs[0].list) == 0: return nilObj
result = xs[0]
elif xs[0].kind == Vector:
if len(xs[0].list) == 0: return nilObj
result = list()
result.list.add xs[0].list
elif xs[0].kind == String:
if len(xs[0].str) == 0: return nilObj
result = list()
for i in countup(0, len(xs[0].str) - 1):
result.list.add(str xs[0].str.copy(i,i))
elif xs[0] == nilObj:
result = nilObj
raise newException(ValueError, "seq: called on non-sequence")
proc with_meta(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
new result
result[] = xs[0][]
result.meta = xs[1]
proc meta(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if not xs[0].meta.isNil: xs[0].meta
else: nilObj
proc deref(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
proc reset_bang(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
xs[0].val = xs[1]
result = xs[0].val
proc swap_bang(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
var args = @[xs[0].val]
for i in 2 .. xs.high:
args.add xs[i]
xs[0].val = xs[1].getFun()(args)
result = xs[0].val
proc time_ms(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
number int(epochTime() * 1000)
template wrapNumberFun(op: expr): expr =
fun proc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
number op(xs[0].number, xs[1].number)
template wrapBoolFun(op: expr): expr =
fun proc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
if op(xs[0].number, xs[1].number): trueObj else: falseObj
let ns* = {
"+": wrapNumberFun(`+`),
"-": wrapNumberFun(`-`),
"*": wrapNumberFun(`*`),
"/": wrapNumberFun(`div`),
"<": wrapBoolFun(`<`),
"<=": wrapBoolFun(`<=`),
">": wrapBoolFun(`>`),
">=": wrapBoolFun(`>=`),
"list": fun list,
"list?": fun list_q,
"vector": fun vector,
"vector?": fun vector_q,
"hash-map": fun hash_map,
"map?": fun hash_map_q,
"empty?": fun empty_q,
"assoc": fun assoc,
"dissoc": fun dissoc,
"get": fun get,
"contains?": fun contains_q,
"keys": fun keys,
"vals": fun vals,
"=": fun equal,
"pr-str": fun pr_str,
"str": fun do_str,
"prn": fun prn,
"println": fun println,
"read-string": fun read_str,
"readline": fun readline,
"slurp": fun slurp,
"sequential?": fun seq_q,
"cons": fun cons,
"concat": fun concat,
"count": fun count,
"nth": fun nth,
"first": fun first,
"rest": fun rest,
"apply": fun apply,
"map": fun map,
"conj": fun conj,
"seq": fun seq,
"throw": fun throw,
"nil?": fun nil_q,
"true?": fun true_q,
"false?": fun false_q,
"string?": fun string_q,
"symbol": fun symbol,
"symbol?": fun symbol_q,
"keyword": fun keyword,
"keyword?": fun keyword_q,
"with-meta": fun with_meta,
"meta": fun meta,
"atom": fun atom,
"atom?": fun atom_q,
"deref": fun deref,
"reset!": fun reset_bang,
"swap!": fun swap_bang,
"time-ms": fun time_ms,