mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 02:27:10 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 5a07bb5331 ada.2: fix memory leaks with garbage collection. Various simplifications.
Cyclic references were never deallocated by reference conuting.
Symbols cannot create cyclic structures and are less frequent (one
allocation per symbol), keep reference counting for them.

This slightly improves performances even though many previous
optimizations are removed (environment stack, reuse of memory).

Step caching hash of symbols. This does not seem to improve
performances. Hashing them instead of ordering them does.

Define Repl in the step file instead of globally. Move the eval
built-in function from core into the step file.

When possible, pass Ada records instead of explicit pointers.

In the reader, construct more objects directly as described in the MAL
process, reserve the buffer for sequences and maps

In eval, iterate on vectors without delegation. The increased
complexity was not improving performances.  Keep demonstrating Ada
type-safe genericity for maps, where iterating outside Types.Maps
would be less easy and/or efficient.

In quasiquote_list, concatenate in one buffer instead of allocating a
list for each element. The buffer may be reallocated behind the
curtain, but not once per element anymore.

In environments, illustrate tail call optimization when recursion is
more readable than a loop.
2019-03-31 19:06:00 +02:00

102 lines
3.3 KiB

with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Err;
with Printer;
with Types.Sequences;
with Types.Symbols.Names;
package body Envs is
use Types;
procedure Dump_Stack (Env : in Instance) is
use Ada.Text_IO;
Put_Line ("environment:");
for P in Env.Data.Iterate loop
-- Do not print builtins for repl.
if HM.Element (P).Kind /= Kind_Builtin or Env.Outer /= null then
Put (" ");
Put (HM.Key (P).To_String);
Put (':');
Unbounded_IO.Put (Printer.Pr_Str (HM.Element (P)));
end if;
end loop;
if Env.Outer /= null then
Put ("outer is ");
end if;
end Dump_Stack;
function Get (Env : in Instance;
Key : in Symbols.Ptr) return Mal.T
-- Trust the compiler to detect the tail call. A loop would
-- require a Ptr parameter or a separated first iteration.
Position : constant HM.Cursor := Env.Data.Find (Key);
if HM.Has_Element (Position) then
return HM.Element (Position);
end if;
Err.Check (Env.Outer /= null,
"'" & Symbols.To_String (Key) & "' not found");
return Env.Outer.all.Get (Key);
end Get;
procedure Keep_References (Object : in out Instance) is
-- Same remarks than for Get.
for Element of Object.Data loop
Mal.Keep (Element);
end loop;
if Object.Outer /= null then
end if;
end Keep_References;
function New_Env (Outer : in Ptr := null;
Binds : in Symbols.Symbol_Array := No_Binds;
Exprs : in Mal.T_Array := No_Exprs) return Ptr
use type Symbols.Ptr;
Ref : constant Ptr := new Instance'(Garbage_Collected.Instance with
Outer => Outer,
Data => HM.Empty_Map);
Garbage_Collected.Register (Garbage_Collected.Pointer (Ref));
if 2 <= Binds'Length
and then Binds (Binds'Last - 1) = Symbols.Names.Ampersand
Err.Check (Binds'Length - 2 <= Exprs'Length,
"not enough actual parameters for vararg function");
for I in 0 .. Binds'Length - 3 loop
Ref.all.Data.Include (Key => Binds (Binds'First + I),
New_Item => Exprs (Exprs'First + I));
end loop;
Ref.all.Data.Include (Key => Binds (Binds'Last),
New_Item => Sequences.List
(Exprs (Exprs'First + Binds'Length - 2 .. Exprs'Last)));
Err.Check (Binds'Length = Exprs'Length,
"wrong parameter count for (not vararg) function");
for I in 0 .. Binds'Length - 1 loop
Ref.all.Data.Include (Key => Binds (Binds'First + I),
New_Item => Exprs (Exprs'First + I));
end loop;
end if;
return Ref;
end New_Env;
procedure Set (Env : in out Instance;
Key : in Symbols.Ptr;
New_Item : in Mal.T)
Env.Data.Include (Key, New_Item);
end Set;
end Envs;