mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-19 09:38:28 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

278 lines
8.6 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'core.dart';
import 'env.dart';
import 'printer.dart' as printer;
import 'reader.dart' as reader;
import 'types.dart';
final Env replEnv = new Env();
void setupEnv(List<String> argv) {
ns.forEach((sym, fun) => replEnv.set(sym, fun));
replEnv.set(new MalSymbol('eval'),
new MalBuiltin((List<MalType> args) => EVAL(args.single, replEnv)));
replEnv.set(new MalSymbol('*ARGV*'),
new MalList(argv.map((s) => new MalString(s)).toList()));
replEnv.set(new MalSymbol('*host-language*'), new MalString('dart'));
rep('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))');
rep("(def! load-file "
" (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))");
rep("(defmacro! cond "
" (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) "
" (list 'if (first xs) "
" (if (> (count xs) 1) "
" (nth xs 1) "
" (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) "
" (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))");
/// Returns `true` if [ast] is a macro call.
/// This checks that [ast] is a list whose first element is a symbol that refers
/// to a function in the current [env] that is a macro.
bool isMacroCall(MalType ast, Env env) {
if (ast is MalList) {
if (ast.isNotEmpty && ast.first is MalSymbol) {
try {
var value = env.get(ast.first);
if (value is MalCallable) {
return value.isMacro;
} on NotFoundException {
return false;
return false;
MalType macroexpand(MalType ast, Env env) {
while (isMacroCall(ast, env)) {
var macroSymbol = (ast as MalList).first;
var macro = env.get(macroSymbol) as MalCallable;
ast = macro((ast as MalList).sublist(1));
return ast;
bool starts_with(MalType ast, String sym) {
return ast is MalList && ast.length == 2 && ast.first == new MalSymbol(sym);
MalType qq_loop(List<MalType> xs) {
var acc = new MalList([]);
for (var i=xs.length-1; 0<=i; i-=1) {
if (starts_with(xs[i], "splice-unquote")) {
acc = new MalList([new MalSymbol("concat"), (xs[i] as MalList)[1], acc]);
} else {
acc = new MalList([new MalSymbol("cons"), quasiquote(xs[i]), acc]);
return acc;
MalType quasiquote(MalType ast) {
if (starts_with(ast, "unquote")) {
return (ast as MalList).elements[1];
} else if (ast is MalList) {
return qq_loop(ast.elements);
} else if (ast is MalVector) {
return new MalList([new MalSymbol("vec"), qq_loop(ast.elements)]);
} else if (ast is MalSymbol || ast is MalHashMap) {
return new MalList([new MalSymbol("quote"), ast]);
} else {
return ast;
MalType READ(String x) => reader.read_str(x);
MalType eval_ast(MalType ast, Env env) {
if (ast is MalSymbol) {
return env.get(ast);
} else if (ast is MalList) {
return new MalList(ast.elements.map((x) => EVAL(x, env)).toList());
} else if (ast is MalVector) {
return new MalVector(ast.elements.map((x) => EVAL(x, env)).toList());
} else if (ast is MalHashMap) {
var newMap = new Map<MalType, MalType>.from(ast.value);
for (var key in newMap.keys) {
newMap[key] = EVAL(newMap[key], env);
return new MalHashMap(newMap);
} else {
return ast;
MalType EVAL(MalType ast, Env env) {
while (true) {
if (ast is! MalList) {
return eval_ast(ast, env);
} else {
if ((ast as MalList).elements.isEmpty) {
return ast;
} else {
ast = macroexpand(ast, env);
if (ast is! MalList) return eval_ast(ast, env);
if ((ast as MalList).isEmpty) return ast;
var list = ast as MalList;
if (list.elements.first is MalSymbol) {
var symbol = list.elements.first as MalSymbol;
var args = list.elements.sublist(1);
if (symbol.value == "def!") {
MalSymbol key = args.first;
MalType value = EVAL(args[1], env);
env.set(key, value);
return value;
} else if (symbol.value == "defmacro!") {
MalSymbol key = args.first;
MalClosure macro = EVAL(args[1], env) as MalClosure;
macro.isMacro = true;
env.set(key, macro);
return macro;
} else if (symbol.value == "let*") {
// TODO(het): If elements.length is not even, give helpful error
Iterable<List<MalType>> pairs(List<MalType> elements) sync* {
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 2) {
yield [elements[i], elements[i + 1]];
var newEnv = new Env(env);
MalIterable bindings = args.first;
for (var pair in pairs(bindings.elements)) {
MalSymbol key = pair[0];
MalType value = EVAL(pair[1], newEnv);
newEnv.set(key, value);
ast = args[1];
env = newEnv;
} else if (symbol.value == "do") {
eval_ast(new MalList(args.sublist(0, args.length - 1)), env);
ast = args.last;
} else if (symbol.value == "if") {
var condition = EVAL(args[0], env);
if (condition is MalNil ||
condition is MalBool && condition.value == false) {
// False side of branch
if (args.length < 3) {
return new MalNil();
ast = args[2];
} else {
// True side of branch
ast = args[1];
} else if (symbol.value == "fn*") {
var params = (args[0] as MalIterable)
.map((e) => e as MalSymbol)
return new MalClosure(
(List<MalType> funcArgs) =>
EVAL(args[1], new Env(env, params, funcArgs)));
} else if (symbol.value == "quote") {
return args.single;
} else if (symbol.value == "quasiquoteexpand") {
return quasiquote(args.first);
} else if (symbol.value == "quasiquote") {
ast = quasiquote(args.first);
} else if (symbol.value == 'macroexpand') {
return macroexpand(args.first, env);
} else if (symbol.value == 'try*') {
var body = args.first;
if (args.length < 2) {
ast = EVAL(body, env);
var catchClause = args[1] as MalList;
try {
ast = EVAL(body, env);
} catch (e) {
assert((catchClause.first as MalSymbol).value == 'catch*');
var exceptionSymbol = catchClause[1] as MalSymbol;
var catchBody = catchClause[2];
MalType exceptionValue;
if (e is MalException) {
exceptionValue = e.value;
} else if (e is reader.ParseException) {
exceptionValue = new MalString(e.message);
} else {
exceptionValue = new MalString(e.toString());
var newEnv = new Env(env, [exceptionSymbol], [exceptionValue]);
ast = EVAL(catchBody, newEnv);
var newAst = eval_ast(ast, env) as MalList;
var f = newAst.elements.first;
var args = newAst.elements.sublist(1);
if (f is MalBuiltin) {
return f.call(args);
} else if (f is MalClosure) {
ast = f.ast;
env = new Env(f.env, f.params, args);
} else {
throw 'bad!';
String PRINT(MalType x) => printer.pr_str(x);
String rep(String x) {
return PRINT(EVAL(READ(x), replEnv));
const prompt = 'user> ';
main(List<String> args) {
setupEnv(args.isEmpty ? const <String>[] : args.sublist(1));
if (args.isNotEmpty) {
rep("(load-file \"${args.first}\")");
rep("(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))");
while (true) {
var input = stdin.readLineSync();
if (input == null) return;
var output;
try {
output = rep(input);
} on reader.ParseException catch (e) {
stdout.writeln("Error: '${e.message}'");
} on NotFoundException catch (e) {
stdout.writeln("Error: '${e.value}' not found");
} on MalException catch (e) {
stdout.writeln("Error: ${printer.pr_str(e.value)}");
} on reader.NoInputException {