mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

771 lines
26 KiB

// MAL - core
import Foundation
// This is a simple type distinct from all MalVal types so that we can pass a
// sequence to a function and be able to distinguish between those functions
// that want a sequence as a parameter and those that want a sequence that holds
// the rest of the function parameters.
final class MalVarArgs {
init(_ value: MalSequence) { self.value = value }
init(_ value: MalVal) { self.value = as_sequence(value) }
let value: MalSequence
private func fn_eq(obj1: MalVal, obj2: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return obj1 == obj2
private func fn_throw(exception: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
try throw_error(exception)
private func fn_nilQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_nil(obj)
private func fn_trueQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_true(obj)
private func fn_falseQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_false(obj)
private func fn_stringQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_string(obj)
private func fn_symbol(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
return make_symbol(s)
private func fn_symbolQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_symbol(obj)
private func fn_keyword(s: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if is_keyword(s) {
return s
if is_string(s) {
return make_keyword(as_string(s))
try throw_error("expected string or keyword")
private func fn_keywordQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_keyword(obj)
private func fn_numberQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_integer(obj) || is_float(obj)
private func fn_functionQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_function(obj)
private func fn_macroQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_macro(obj)
private func fn_prstr(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> String {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, true) }
return args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_str(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> String {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, false) }
return args_str_array.joinWithSeparator("")
private func fn_prn(args: MalVarArgs) {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, true) }
let args_str = args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_println(args: MalVarArgs) {
let args_str_array = args.value.map { pr_str($0, false) }
let args_str = args_str_array.joinWithSeparator(" ")
private func fn_readstring(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
return try read_str(s)
private func fn_readline(s: String) throws -> String? {
return _readline(s)
private func fn_slurp(s: String) throws -> MalVal {
do {
let result = try String(contentsOfFile: s, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)
return make_string(result)
} catch let error as NSError {
try throw_error("unknown error reading file \(error)")
private func fn_lt(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 < arg2
private func fn_lte(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 <= arg2
private func fn_gt(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 > arg2
private func fn_gte(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> Bool {
return arg1 >= arg2
private func fn_add(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 + arg2
private func fn_subtract(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 - arg2
private func fn_multiply(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 * arg2
private func fn_divide(arg1: MalIntType, arg2: MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType {
return arg1 / arg2
private func fn_timems() throws -> MalIntType {
var time = timeval(tv_sec: 0, tv_usec: 0)
let res = gettimeofday(&time, nil)
if res == 0 {
return (MalIntType(time.tv_sec) * 1_000_000 + MalIntType(time.tv_usec)) / 1000
return -1
private func fn_list(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_list(args.value)
private func fn_listQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_list(obj)
private func fn_vector(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_vector(args.value)
private func fn_vectorQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_vector(obj)
private func fn_hashmap(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return make_hashmap(args.value)
private func fn_hashmapQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_hashmap(obj)
private func fn_assoc(hash: MalHashMap, args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.value.count % 2 == 0 else {
try throw_error("expected even number of elements, got \(args.value.count)")
var new_dictionary = hash.hash
for var index: MalIntType = 0; index < args.value.count; index += 2 {
new_dictionary[try! args.value.nth(index)] = try! args.value.nth(index + 1)
return make_hashmap(new_dictionary)
private func fn_dissoc(hash: MalHashMap, args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var new_dictionary = hash.hash
for value in args.value {
return make_hashmap(new_dictionary)
private func fn_get(obj: MalVal, key: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let as_vec = as_vectorQ(obj) {
guard let index = as_integerQ(key) else {
try throw_error("expected integer key for get(vector), got \(key)")
let n = as_inttype(index)
guard n >= as_vec.count else { try throw_error("index out of range: \(n) >= \(as_vec.count)") }
return try! as_vec.nth(n)
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
if let value = as_hash.value_for(key) { return value }
return make_nil()
if is_nil(obj) {
return obj
try throw_error("get called on unsupported type: \(obj)")
private func fn_containsQ(obj: MalVal, key: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let as_vec = as_vectorQ(obj) {
guard let index = as_integerQ(key) else {
try throw_error("expected integer key for contains(vector), got \(key)")
let n = as_inttype(index)
return n < as_vec.count ? make_true() : make_false()
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
return as_hash.value_for(key) != nil ? make_true() : make_false()
try throw_error("contains? called on unsupported type: \(obj)")
private func fn_keys(hash: MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal {
return hash.keys
private func fn_values(hash: MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal {
return hash.values
private func fn_sequentialQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_sequence(obj)
private func fn_cons(first: MalVal, rest: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
return rest.cons(first)
private func fn_concat(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var result = make_list()
for arg in args.value {
guard let arg_as_seq = as_sequenceQ(arg) else {
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg)")
result = try! as_sequence(result).concat(arg_as_seq)
return result
private func fn_vec(seq: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
return make_vector(seq)
private func fn_nth(list: MalSequence, index: MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try list.nth(index)
private func fn_first(arg: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if is_nil(arg) {
return arg
if let list = as_sequenceQ(arg) {
return list.first()
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg)")
private func fn_rest(arg: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if is_nil(arg) {
return make_list()
if let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg) {
return seq.rest()
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg)")
private func fn_emptyQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
if let list = as_sequenceQ(obj) {
return list.isEmpty
return true
private func fn_count(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalIntType {
if is_nil(obj) {
return 0
if let as_seq = as_sequenceQ(obj) {
return as_seq.count
if let as_hash = as_hashmapQ(obj) {
return as_hash.count
if let as_str = as_stringQ(obj) {
return MalIntType(as_stringtype(as_str).characters.count)
return 0
private func fn_apply(args: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.value.count >= 2 else {
try throw_error("expected at least 2 arguments to apply, got \(args.value.count)")
let first = args.value.first()
let middle = args.value.range_from(1, to: args.value.count - 1)
let last = args.value.last()
guard let fn = as_functionQ(first) else {
try throw_error("expected function for first argument to apply, got \(first)")
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(last) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence for last argument to apply, got \(last)")
let exprs = try! as_sequence(middle).concat(seq)
return try fn.apply(as_sequence(exprs))
private func fn_map(fn: MalFunction, list: MalSequence) throws -> MalVal {
var result = [MalVal]()
for var index: MalIntType = 0; index < list.count; ++index {
let apply_res = try fn.apply(as_sequence(make_list_from(try! list.nth(index))))
return make_list(result)
private func fn_conj(first: MalSequence, rest: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
return try first.conj(rest.value)
private func fn_seq(seq: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let list = as_listQ(seq) {
return list.count > 0 ? list : make_nil()
} else if let vector = as_vectorQ(seq) {
return vector.count > 0 ? make_list(vector) : make_nil()
} else if let str = as_stringQ(seq) {
if str.string.characters.count == 0 { return make_nil() }
return make_list(str.string.characters.map { make_string(String($0)) })
} else if is_nil(seq) {
return make_nil()
} else {
try throw_error("seq: called with non-sequence")
return seq
private func fn_meta(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
if let meta = get_meta(obj) {
return meta
return make_nil()
private func fn_withmeta(form: MalVal, meta: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return with_meta(form, meta)
private func fn_atom(obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return make_atom(obj)
private func fn_atomQ(obj: MalVal) throws -> Bool {
return is_atom(obj)
private func fn_deref(atom: MalAtom) throws -> MalVal {
return atom.object
private func fn_resetBang(atom: MalAtom, obj: MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return atom.set_object(obj)
private func fn_swapBang(let atom: MalAtom, fn: MalFunction, rest: MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal {
var new_args = make_list_from(atom.object)
new_args = try as_sequence(new_args).concat(rest.value)
let result = try fn.apply(as_sequence(new_args))
return atom.set_object(result)
// The facility for invoking built-in functions makes use of a name ->
// function-pointer table (defined down below). The function-pointers accept a
// sequence of MalVals and return a MalVal as a result. Each built-in function
// that does actual work, on the other hand, may expect a different set of
// parameters of different types, and may naturally return a result of any type.
// In order to convert between these two types of interfaces, we have these
// unwrap_args functions. These functions implement the (MalSequence) -> MalVal
// interface expected by EVAL, and convert that information into Ints, Strings,
// etc. expected by the built-in functions.
private func with_one_parameter(args: MalSequence, @noescape fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.count >= 1 else { try throw_error("expected at least 1 parameter, got \(args.count)") }
let arg1 = try! args.nth(0)
return try fn(arg1)
private func with_two_parameters(args: MalSequence, @noescape fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
guard args.count >= 2 else { try throw_error("expected at least 2 parameter, got \(args.count)") }
let arg1 = try! args.nth(0)
let arg2 = try! args.nth(1)
return try fn(arg1, arg2)
// ========== 0-parameter functions ==========
// () -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: () throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return make_integer(try fn())
// () -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: () throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try fn()
// ========== 1-parameter functions ==========
// (MalAtom) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(atom)
// (MalHashMap) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalHashMap) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let hash = as_hashmapQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected hashmap, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(hash)
// (MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected list, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(seq)
// (MalVal) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalVal) -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return make_integer(try fn(arg1))
// (MalVal) -> MalVal
func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1)
// (String) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(as_stringtype(str))
// (String) -> MalVal?
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> MalVal?) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
let res = try fn(as_stringtype(str))
return res != nil ? res! : make_nil()
// (String) -> String
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> String) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
return make_string(try fn(as_stringtype(str)))
// (String) -> String?
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (String) throws -> String?) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let str = as_stringQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected string, got \(arg1)")
let res = try fn(as_stringtype(str))
return res != nil ? make_string(res!) : make_nil()
// ========== 2-parameter functions ==========
// (MalIntType, MalIntType) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalIntType, MalIntType) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let int1 = as_integerQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg1)")
guard let int2 = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(as_inttype(int1), as_inttype(int2)) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalIntType, MalIntType) -> MalIntType
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalIntType, MalIntType) throws -> MalIntType) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let int1 = as_integerQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg1)")
guard let int2 = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return make_integer(try fn(as_inttype(int1), as_inttype(int2)))
// (MalAtom, MalVal) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(atom, arg2)
// (MalFunction, MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalFunction, MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let fn1 = as_functionQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected function, got \(arg1)")
guard let seq2 = as_sequenceQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(fn1, seq2)
// (MalSequence, MalIntType) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence, MalIntType) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg1)")
guard let int = as_integerQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected number, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(seq, as_inttype(int))
// (MalVal, MalSequence) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalSequence) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(arg1, seq)
// (MalVal, MalVal) -> Bool
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> Bool) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1, arg2) ? make_true() : make_false()
// (MalVal, MalVal) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVal, MalVal) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
return try fn(arg1, arg2)
// ========== Variadic functions ==========
// (MalVarArgs) -> ()
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> ()) throws -> MalVal {
try fn(MalVarArgs(args))
return make_nil()
// (MalVarArgs) -> String
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> String) throws -> MalVal {
return make_string(try fn(MalVarArgs(args)))
// (MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try fn(MalVarArgs(args))
// (MalAtom, MalFunction, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalAtom, MalFunction, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_two_parameters(args) { (arg1, arg2) -> MalVal in
guard let atom = as_atomQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected atom, got \(arg1)")
guard let fn2 = as_functionQ(arg2) else {
try throw_error("expected function, got \(arg2)")
return try fn(atom, fn2, MalVarArgs(as_sequence(args.rest()).rest()))
// (MalHashMap, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalHashMap, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let hash = as_hashmapQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected hashmap, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(hash, MalVarArgs(args.rest()))
// (MalSequence, MalVarArgs) -> MalVal
private func unwrap_args(args: MalSequence, @noescape forFunction fn: (MalSequence, MalVarArgs) throws -> MalVal) throws -> MalVal {
return try with_one_parameter(args) { (arg1) -> MalVal in
guard let seq = as_sequenceQ(arg1) else {
try throw_error("expected sequence, got \(arg1)")
return try fn(seq, MalVarArgs(args.rest()))
// *o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*
let ns: [String: MalBuiltin.Signature] = [
"=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_eq) },
"throw": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_throw) },
"nil?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_nilQ) },
"true?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_trueQ) },
"false?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_falseQ) },
"string?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_stringQ) },
"symbol": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_symbol) },
"symbol?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_symbolQ) },
"keyword": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keyword) },
"keyword?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keywordQ) },
"number?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_numberQ) },
"fn?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_functionQ) },
"macro?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_macroQ) },
"pr-str": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_prstr) },
"str": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_str) },
"prn": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_prn) },
"println": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_println) },
"read-string": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_readstring) },
"readline": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_readline) },
"slurp": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_slurp) },
"<": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_lt) },
"<=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_lte) },
">": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_gt) },
">=": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_gte) },
"+": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_add) },
"-": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_subtract) },
"*": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_multiply) },
"/": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_divide) },
"time-ms": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_timems) },
"list": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_list) },
"list?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_listQ) },
"vector": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_vector) },
"vector?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_vectorQ) },
"hash-map": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_hashmap) },
"map?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_hashmapQ) },
"assoc": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_assoc) },
"dissoc": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_dissoc) },
"get": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_get) },
"contains?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_containsQ) },
"keys": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_keys) },
"vals": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_values) },
"sequential?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_sequentialQ) },
"cons": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_cons) },
"concat": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_concat) },
"vec": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_vec) },
"nth": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_nth) },
"first": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_first) },
"rest": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_rest) },
"empty?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_emptyQ) },
"count": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_count) },
"apply": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_apply) },
"map": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_map) },
"conj": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_conj) },
"seq": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_seq) },
"meta": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_meta) },
"with-meta": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_withmeta) },
"atom": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_atom) },
"atom?": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_atomQ) },
"deref": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_deref) },
"reset!": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_resetBang) },
"swap!": { try unwrap_args($0, forFunction: fn_swapBang) },
func load_builtins(env: Environment) {
for (name, fn) in ns {
env.set(as_symbol(make_symbol(name)), make_builtin(fn))