mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez fbfe6784d2 Change quasiquote algorithm
- Add a `vec` built-in function in step7 so that `quasiquote` does not
  require `apply` from step9.
- Introduce quasiquoteexpand special in order to help debugging step7.
  This may also prepare newcomers to understand step8.
- Add soft tests.
- Do not quote numbers, strings and so on.

Should ideally have been in separate commits:
- elisp: simplify and fix (keyword :k)
- factor: fix copy/paste error in let*/step7, simplify eval-ast.
- guile: improve list/vector types
- haskell: revert evaluation during quasiquote
- logo, make: cosmetic issues
2020-08-11 01:01:56 +02:00

629 lines
22 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const warn = @import("std").debug.warn;
const reader = @import("reader.zig");
const printer = @import("printer.zig");
const getline = @import("readline.zig").getline;
const string_eql = @import("utils.zig").string_eql;
const string_copy = @import("utils.zig").string_copy;
const string_concat = @import("utils.zig").string_concat;
const apply_function_unsafe = @import("types.zig").apply_function;
const linked_list = @import("linked_list.zig");
const hash_map = @import("hmap.zig");
const core = @import("core.zig");
const error_string_repr = @import("error.zig").error_string_repr;
const CAllocator = @import("std").heap.c_allocator;
const AllocatorType = @import("std").mem.Allocator;
pub var Allocator: *AllocatorType = undefined;
const MalType = @import("types.zig").MalType;
const MalTypeValue = @import("types.zig").MalTypeValue;
const MalData = @import("types.zig").MalData;
const MalError = @import("error.zig").MalError;
const MalFuncData = @import("types.zig").MalFuncData;
const MalLinkedList = @import("linked_list.zig").MalLinkedList;
const Env = @import("env.zig").Env;
var repl_environment: *Env = undefined;
fn READ(a: []const u8) MalError!?*MalType {
var read = try reader.read_str(a);
var optional_mal = reader.read_form(&read);
return optional_mal;
fn EVAL(mal_arg: *MalType, env_arg: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
var mal = mal_arg;
var env = env_arg;
while(true) {
mal = try macroexpand(mal, env);
switch(mal.data) {
.List => |ll| {
if(ll.len == 0) {
return mal;
var first_mal = linked_list.first(&ll) orelse return MalError.ArgError;
var symbol = switch(first_mal.data) {
.Generic => |symbol| symbol,
else => "",
if(string_eql(symbol, "def!")) {
return EVAL_def(mal, env, false);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "defmacro!")) {
return EVAL_def(mal, env, true);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "let*")) {
try EVAL_let(&mal, &env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "do")) {
try EVAL_do(&mal, &env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "if")) {
try EVAL_if(&mal, &env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "fn*")) {
return EVAL_fn(mal, env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "quote")) {
return EVAL_quote(mal, env);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "quasiquoteexpand")) {
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
var second = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
return try quasiquote(second);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "quasiquote")) {
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
var second = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
mal = try quasiquote(second);
else if(string_eql(symbol, "macroexpand")) {
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
var second = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const expanded = macroexpand(second, env);
return expanded;
else if(string_eql(symbol, "try*")) {
return EVAL_try(mal, env);
else {
var new_list = try eval_ast(mal, try env.copy(Allocator));
if(MalTypeValue((try new_list.sequence_nth(0)).data) == MalTypeValue.Func) {
try do_user_func(try new_list.sequence_linked_list(), &mal, &env);
const res = try apply_function((try new_list.sequence_linked_list()).*);
return res;
else => {
return eval_ast(mal, env);
fn eval(a1: *MalType) MalError!*MalType {
return EVAL(try a1.copy(Allocator), try repl_environment.copy(Allocator));
fn starts_with(ast: *MalType, sym: []const u8) bool {
const ll = switch(ast.data) {
.List => |l| l,
else => return false,
if(ll.count() < 2) {
return false;
const ss = switch(ll.at(0).data) {
.Generic => |s| s,
else => return false,
return string_eql(ss, sym);
fn is_macro_call(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) ?*MalType {
const ll = switch(mal.data) {
.List => |l| l,
else => return null,
const first_node = linked_list.first(&ll) orelse return null;
const symbol = switch(first_node.data) {
.Generic => |s| s,
else => return null,
const val = lookup(env, symbol, false) catch return null;
const is_macro = switch(val.data) {
.Func => |f| f.is_macro,
else => false,
if(is_macro) {
return val;
return null;
fn macroexpand(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
var cur_mal = mal;
var optional_macro = is_macro_call(cur_mal, env);
while(optional_macro) |macro| {
var new_list = (try cur_mal.sequence_linked_list()).*;
if(new_list.count() > 0) {
const first = try linked_list.pop_first(Allocator, &new_list);
try linked_list.prepend_mal(Allocator, &new_list, macro);
var new_mal = try apply_function_unsafe(Allocator, new_list);
linked_list.destroy(Allocator, &new_list, false);
cur_mal = new_mal;
optional_macro = is_macro_call(cur_mal, env);
return cur_mal;
fn EVAL_def(mal: *MalType, env: *Env, macro: bool) MalError!*MalType {
const first_arg = try mal.sequence_nth(1);
const second_arg = try mal.sequence_nth(2);
const second_arg_copy = try second_arg.copy(Allocator);
const symbol_name = try first_arg.as_symbol();
const new_value = try EVAL(second_arg_copy, try env.copy(Allocator));
if(macro) {
var func_data = switch(new_value.data) {
.Func => |*f| f,
else => return MalError.TypeError,
func_data.*.is_macro = true;
try env.set(symbol_name, new_value);
return new_value.copy(Allocator);
fn EVAL_let(mal_ptr: **MalType, env_ptr: **Env) MalError!void {
//TODO: make faster
const mal = mal_ptr.*;
const env = env_ptr.*;
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
const binding_arg = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const eval_arg = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const new_env = try Env.new(Allocator, env);
var binding_ll = switch(binding_arg.data) {
.List => |l| l,
.Vector => |v| v,
else => return MalError.TypeError,
var iterator = binding_ll.iterator();
var optional_node = iterator.next();
while(optional_node) |node| {
const key_mal = node;
const key = try key_mal.as_symbol();
const val_mal = iterator.next() orelse return MalError.ArgError;
const evaled_mal = try EVAL(val_mal, try new_env.copy(Allocator));
try new_env.set(key, evaled_mal);
optional_node = iterator.next();
linked_list.destroy(Allocator, &binding_ll, true);
binding_arg.data = MalData{.Nil=undefined};
// We use eval_arg_copy, since we just deleted eval_arg above
mal_ptr.* = eval_arg;
env_ptr.* = new_env;
fn EVAL_do(mal_ptr: **MalType, env_ptr: **Env) MalError!void {
var mal = mal_ptr.*;
var env = env_ptr.*;
var ll = &mal.data.List;
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
var last_mal = try mal.sequence_pop_last(Allocator);
var evaled_mal = try eval_ast(mal, try env.copy(Allocator));
mal_ptr.* = last_mal;
fn EVAL_if(mal_ptr: **MalType, env_ptr: **Env) MalError!void {
var mal = mal_ptr.*;
var env = env_ptr.*;
defer mal.delete(Allocator);
const first_arg = try mal.sequence_nth(1);
const first_arg_copy = try first_arg.copy(Allocator);
const evaled = try EVAL(first_arg_copy, try env.copy(Allocator));
const is_true = switch(evaled.data) {
.False => false,
.Nil => false,
else => true,
if(is_true) {
const second_arg = try mal.sequence_nth(2);
mal_ptr.* = try second_arg.copy(Allocator);
if((try mal.sequence_length()) < 4) {
mal_ptr.* = try MalType.new_nil(Allocator);
const third_arg = try mal.sequence_nth(3);
const third_arg_copy = try third_arg.copy(Allocator);
mal_ptr.* = third_arg_copy;
fn EVAL_fn(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
defer mal.delete(Allocator);
const arg_mal = try (try mal.sequence_nth(1)).copy(Allocator);
const body_mal = try (try mal.sequence_nth(2)).copy(Allocator);
const func_data = MalFuncData {
.arg_list = arg_mal,
.body = body_mal,
.environment = env,
.is_macro = false,
.eval_func = &EVAL,
const new_func = try MalType.new_nil(Allocator);
new_func.data = MalData{.Func = func_data};
return new_func;
fn EVAL_quote(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
defer mal.delete(Allocator);
defer env.delete();
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
return try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
fn EVAL_try(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
defer mal.delete(Allocator);
(try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
var mal_to_try = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
if(0 == try mal.sequence_length()) {
return EVAL(mal_to_try, env);
var catch_mal = try mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const evaled_mal = EVAL(mal_to_try, try env.copy(Allocator)) catch |err| {
switch(err) {
MalError.ThrownError => {
else => {
const error_mal = try MalType.new_string(Allocator, error_string_repr(err));
try env.set("__error", error_mal);
// TODO: check that first element of catch is "catch*"
(try catch_mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
const err_symbol = try catch_mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const err_body =try catch_mal.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
const err_val = try lookup(env, "__error", false);
var new_env = try Env.new(Allocator, env);
try new_env.set(try err_symbol.as_symbol(), err_val);
const result = EVAL(err_body, try new_env.copy(Allocator));
return result;
return evaled_mal;
fn quasiquote(ast: *MalType) MalError!*MalType {
const kind = MalTypeValue(ast.data);
if(kind == MalTypeValue.Generic or kind == MalTypeValue.HashMap) {
const new_list = try MalType.new_list_empty(Allocator);
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try MalType.new_generic(Allocator, "quote"));
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, ast);
return new_list;
if(kind != MalTypeValue.List and kind != MalTypeValue.Vector) {
return ast;
defer ast.delete(Allocator);
if(starts_with(ast, "unquote")) {
(try ast.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
return ast.sequence_pop_first(Allocator);
var result = try MalType.new_list_empty(Allocator);
while(0 < (try ast.sequence_length())) {
var elt = try ast.sequence_pop_last(Allocator);
const new_list = try MalType.new_list_empty(Allocator);
if(starts_with(elt, "splice-unquote")) {
(try elt.sequence_pop_first(Allocator)).delete(Allocator);
defer elt.delete(Allocator);
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try MalType.new_generic(Allocator, "concat"));
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try elt.sequence_pop_first(Allocator));
} else {
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try MalType.new_generic(Allocator, "cons"));
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try quasiquote(elt));
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, result);
result = new_list;
if(kind == MalTypeValue.Vector) {
const new_list = try MalType.new_list_empty(Allocator);
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, try MalType.new_generic(Allocator, "vec"));
try new_list.sequence_append(Allocator, result);
result = new_list;
return result;
fn PRINT(optional_mal: ?*MalType) MalError![] u8 {
return printer.print_str(optional_mal);
fn rep(environment: *Env, input: [] const u8) MalError!?[] u8 {
var read_input = (try READ(input)) orelse return null;
var eval_input = try EVAL(read_input, try environment.copy(Allocator));
var print_input = try PRINT(eval_input);
return print_input;
fn rep_and_print_errors(environment: *Env, input: [] const u8) ?[]u8 {
return rep(environment, input) catch |err| {
switch(err) {
MalError.KeyError => { },
MalError.OutOfBounds => {
warn("Error: out of bounds\n");
MalError.ThrownError => {
warn("Thrown error: ");
const error_mal = lookup(environment, "__error", false)
catch {warn("<ERROR WHILE LOOKING UP ERROR>\n"); return null;};
const warning = PRINT(error_mal)
catch {warn("<ERROR WHILE PRINTING ERROR>\n"); return null;};
warn("{}\n", warning);
MalError.ReaderUnmatchedParen => {
warn("Error: expected closing paren, got EOF\n");
else => {
warn("Error: {}\n", error_string_repr(err));
return null;
fn lookup(environment: *Env, symbol: []const u8, do_warn: bool) MalError!*MalType {
var mal = environment.get(symbol) catch |err| {
if(do_warn) {
const s1 = string_concat(Allocator, "'", symbol) catch return MalError.SystemError;
const s2 = string_concat(Allocator, s1, "' not found") catch return MalError.SystemError;
defer Allocator.free(s1);
defer Allocator.free(s2);
_ = try throw(try MalType.new_string(Allocator, s2));
return MalError.KeyError;
var new_mal = try mal.copy(Allocator);
return new_mal;
fn eval_ast(mal: *MalType, env: *Env) MalError!*MalType {
defer env.delete();
switch(mal.data) {
.Generic => |symbol| {
defer mal.delete(Allocator);
return lookup(env, symbol, true);
.List => |*ll| {
var new_ll = MalLinkedList.init(Allocator);
var iterator = ll.iterator();
while(iterator.next()) |next_mal| {
const new_mal = try EVAL(next_mal, try env.copy(Allocator));
try linked_list.append_mal(Allocator, &new_ll, new_mal);
linked_list.destroy(Allocator, ll, true);
const ret_mal = MalType.new_list(Allocator, new_ll);
return ret_mal;
.Vector => |*ll| {
var new_ll = MalLinkedList.init(Allocator);
var iterator = ll.iterator();
while(iterator.next()) |next_mal| {
const new_mal = try EVAL(next_mal, try env.copy(Allocator));
try linked_list.append_mal(Allocator, &new_ll, new_mal);
linked_list.destroy(Allocator, ll, true);
const ret_mal = MalType.new_vector(Allocator, new_ll);
return ret_mal;
.HashMap => |hmap| {
var new_hashmap = try MalType.new_hashmap(Allocator);
var iterator = hmap.iterator();
var optional_pair = iterator.next();
while(true) {
const pair = optional_pair orelse break;
const key = pair.key;
const value = pair.value;
const evaled_value = try EVAL(value, try env.copy(Allocator));
try new_hashmap.hashmap_insert(key, evaled_value);
optional_pair = iterator.next();
hash_map.destroy(Allocator, hmap, true);
return new_hashmap;
else => {
return mal;
fn throw(a1: *MalType) MalError!*MalType {
const error_mal = try a1.copy(Allocator);
try repl_environment.set("__error", error_mal);
return MalError.ThrownError;
fn make_environment() MalError!*Env {
repl_environment = try Env.new(Allocator, null);
var environment = try repl_environment.copy(Allocator);
for(core.core_namespace) |pair| {
const name = pair.name;
const func_mal: *MalType = try MalType.new_nil(Allocator);
func_mal.data = switch(pair.func) {
core.CorePairType.Fn0 => |func| MalData{.Fn0 = func},
core.CorePairType.Fn1 => |func| MalData{.Fn1 = func},
core.CorePairType.Fn2 => |func| MalData{.Fn2 = func},
core.CorePairType.Fn3 => |func| MalData{.Fn3 = func},
core.CorePairType.Fn4 => |func| MalData{.Fn4 = func},
core.CorePairType.FVar => |func| MalData{.FVar = func},
else => return MalError.TypeError,
try environment.set(name, func_mal);
const eval_mal = try MalType.new_nil(Allocator);
eval_mal.data = MalData{.Fn1 = &eval};
try environment.set("eval", eval_mal);
const throw_mal = try MalType.new_nil(Allocator);
throw_mal.data = MalData{.Fn1 = &throw};
try environment.set("throw", throw_mal);
const def_not_string: [] const u8 =
\\(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))
var optional_output = try rep(environment, def_not_string);
if(optional_output) |output| {
const load_file_string: [] const u8 =
\\(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))
optional_output = try rep(environment, load_file_string);
if(optional_output) |output| {
const def_cond_macro_string: [] const u8 =
\\(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))
optional_output = try rep(environment, def_cond_macro_string);
if(optional_output) |output| {
try environment.set("*host-language*", try MalType.new_string(Allocator, "Zig"));
return environment;
fn do_print_header(environment: *Env) MalError!void {
const welcome_msg_cmd: [] const u8 =
\\(println (str "Mal [" *host-language* "]"))
var optional_output = try rep(environment, welcome_msg_cmd);
if(optional_output) |output| {
fn do_user_func(args: *MalLinkedList, mal_ptr: **MalType, env_ptr: **Env) MalError!void {
const mal_func = try linked_list.pop_first(Allocator, args);
const env = env_ptr.*;
// First check if it is a user-defined Mal function
if(MalTypeValue(mal_func.data) == MalTypeValue.Func) {
const func_data = mal_func.data.Func;
const args_ll = try func_data.arg_list.sequence_linked_list();
const func_env = func_data.environment;
var new_env = try Env.new(Allocator, func_env);
try new_env.set_list(args_ll.*, args.*);
linked_list.destroy(Allocator, args, true);
mal_ptr.* = func_data.body;
env_ptr.* = new_env;
return MalError.TypeError;
fn apply_function(args: MalLinkedList) MalError!*MalType {
const return_mal = apply_function_unsafe(Allocator, args) catch |err| {
if(err == MalError.ReaderUnmatchedParen) {
warn("Error: expected closing paren, got EOF\n");
} else if(err == MalError.ReaderUnmatchedString) {
warn("Error: expected closing string, got EOF\n");
return err;
return return_mal;
pub fn main() !void {
const stdout_file = try std.io.getStdOut();
Allocator = CAllocator;
var environment = try make_environment();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(Allocator);
var arg_list = try MalType.new_list_empty(Allocator);
for(args) |arg,i| {
if(i < 2) continue;
const new_mal = try MalType.new_string(Allocator, arg);
try arg_list.sequence_append(Allocator, new_mal);
try environment.set("*ARGV*", arg_list);
if(args.len > 1) {
const run_cmd = try string_concat(Allocator, try string_concat(Allocator, "(load-file \"", args[1]), "\")");
var output = rep_and_print_errors(environment, run_cmd);
try do_print_header(repl_environment);
while(true) {
var line = (try getline(Allocator)) orelse break;
var output = rep_and_print_errors(environment, line) orelse continue;
try stdout_file.write(output);
try stdout_file.write("\n");