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synced 2024-11-11 00:52:44 +03:00
Some refactoring of Core.hs to make better use of pattern matching. Only remaining thing is exception handling (generic try/throw).
48 lines
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48 lines
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module Printer
( _pr_str, _pr_list )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IORef (readIORef)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Types
--concat (map (++ delim) list)
--join [] delim = []
--join (x:xs) delim = x ++ delim ++ join xs delim
_pr_list :: Bool -> String -> [MalVal] -> String
_pr_list pr sep [] = []
_pr_list pr sep (x:[]) = (_pr_str pr x)
_pr_list pr sep (x:xs) = (_pr_str pr x) ++ sep ++ (_pr_list pr sep xs)
_flatTuples ((a,b):xs) = MalString a : b : _flatTuples xs
_flatTuples _ = []
unescape chr = case chr of
'\n' -> "\\n"
'\\' -> "\\\\"
'"' -> "\\\""
c -> [c]
_pr_str :: Bool -> MalVal -> String
_pr_str _ (MalString ('\x029e':str)) = ":" ++ str
_pr_str True (MalString str) = "\"" ++ concatMap unescape str ++ "\""
_pr_str False (MalString str) = str
_pr_str _ (MalSymbol name) = name
_pr_str _ (MalNumber num) = show num
_pr_str _ (MalTrue) = "true"
_pr_str _ (MalFalse) = "false"
_pr_str _ (Nil) = "nil"
_pr_str pr (MalList items _) = "(" ++ (_pr_list pr " " items) ++ ")"
_pr_str pr (MalVector items _) = "[" ++ (_pr_list pr " " items) ++ "]"
_pr_str pr (MalHashMap m _) = "{" ++ (_pr_list pr " " (_flatTuples $ Map.assocs m)) ++ "}"
_pr_str pr (MalAtom r _) = "(atom " ++ (_pr_str pr (unsafePerformIO (readIORef r))) ++ ")"
_pr_str _ (Func f _) = "#<function>"
_pr_str _ (MalFunc {ast=ast, env=fn_env, params=params}) = "(fn* " ++ (show params) ++ " " ++ (show ast) ++ ")"
instance Show MalVal where show = _pr_str True