mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 14:22:25 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez c9c504ac20 haskell: make grammar readable as reference, misc
Split user functions and macros, merge user functions and core functions.

Add a flag triggering debugging info in EVAL.

Reserve mutable environments for REPL and let*.
Move env type declaration from Types to Env.
Check let* arguments only once.

Share more code between map constructions and key type checks.

Stop copying metadata when evaluating collections.

The strict variant of Data.Map.Strict is recommended for general use.

simplify printer.
2021-07-11 17:38:14 -06:00

153 lines
4.6 KiB

import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
import Control.Monad.Except (liftIO, runExceptT)
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Readline (addHistory, readline, load_history)
import Types
import Reader (read_str)
import Printer(_pr_list, _pr_str)
import Env (Env, env_apply, env_get, env_let, env_put, env_repl, env_set)
import Core (ns)
-- Set this to True for a trace of each call to Eval.
traceEval :: Bool
traceEval = False
-- read
mal_read :: String -> IOThrows MalVal
mal_read = read_str
-- eval
let_bind :: Env -> [MalVal] -> IOThrows ()
let_bind _ [] = return ()
let_bind env (MalSymbol b : e : xs) = do
liftIO . env_set env b =<< eval env e
let_bind env xs
let_bind _ _ = throwStr "invalid let*"
apply_ast :: MalVal -> [MalVal] -> Env -> IOThrows MalVal
apply_ast (MalSymbol "def!") [MalSymbol a1, a2] env = do
evd <- eval env a2
liftIO $ env_set env a1 evd
return evd
apply_ast (MalSymbol "def!") _ _ = throwStr "invalid def!"
apply_ast (MalSymbol "let*") [MalSeq _ _ params, a2] env = do
let_env <- liftIO $ env_let env
let_bind let_env params
eval let_env a2
apply_ast (MalSymbol "let*") _ _ = throwStr "invalid let*"
apply_ast (MalSymbol "do") args env = foldlM (const $ eval env) Nil args
apply_ast (MalSymbol "if") [a1, a2, a3] env = do
cond <- eval env a1
eval env $ case cond of
Nil -> a3
MalBoolean False -> a3
_ -> a2
apply_ast (MalSymbol "if") [a1, a2] env = do
cond <- eval env a1
case cond of
Nil -> return Nil
MalBoolean False -> return Nil
_ -> eval env a2
apply_ast (MalSymbol "if") _ _ = throwStr "invalid if"
apply_ast (MalSymbol "fn*") [MalSeq _ _ params, ast] env = return $ MalFunction (MetaData Nil) fn where
fn :: [MalVal] -> IOThrows MalVal
fn args = do
case env_apply env params args of
Just fn_env -> eval fn_env ast
Nothing -> do
p <- liftIO $ _pr_list True " " params
a <- liftIO $ _pr_list True " " args
throwStr $ "actual parameters: " ++ a ++ " do not match signature: " ++ p
apply_ast (MalSymbol "fn*") _ _ = throwStr "invalid fn*"
apply_ast first rest env = do
evd <- eval env first
case evd of
MalFunction _ f -> f =<< mapM (eval env) rest
_ -> throwStr . (++) "invalid apply: " =<< liftIO (_pr_list True " " $ first : rest)
eval :: Env -> MalVal -> IOThrows MalVal
eval env ast = do
case traceEval of
True -> liftIO $ do
putStr "EVAL: "
putStr =<< _pr_str True ast
putStr " "
env_put env
putStrLn ""
hFlush stdout
False -> pure ()
case ast of
MalSymbol sym -> do
maybeVal <- liftIO $ env_get env sym
case maybeVal of
Nothing -> throwStr $ "'" ++ sym ++ "' not found"
Just val -> return val
MalSeq _ (Vect False) (a1 : as) -> apply_ast a1 as env
MalSeq _ (Vect True) xs -> MalSeq (MetaData Nil) (Vect True) <$> mapM (eval env) xs
MalHashMap _ xs -> MalHashMap (MetaData Nil) <$> mapM (eval env) xs
_ -> return ast
-- print
mal_print :: MalVal -> IOThrows String
mal_print = liftIO . Printer._pr_str True
-- repl
rep :: Env -> String -> IOThrows String
rep env line = mal_print =<< eval env =<< mal_read line
repl_loop :: Env -> IO ()
repl_loop env = do
line <- readline "user> "
case line of
Nothing -> return ()
Just "" -> repl_loop env
Just str -> do
addHistory str
res <- runExceptT $ rep env str
out <- case res of
Left mv -> (++) "Error: " <$> liftIO (Printer._pr_str True mv)
Right val -> return val
putStrLn out
hFlush stdout
repl_loop env
-- Read and evaluate a line. Ignore successful results, but crash in
-- case of error. This is intended for the startup procedure.
re :: Env -> String -> IO ()
re repl_env line = do
res <- runExceptT $ eval repl_env =<< mal_read line
case res of
Left mv -> error . (++) "Startup failed: " <$> Printer._pr_str True mv
Right _ -> return ()
defBuiltIn :: Env -> (String, Fn) -> IO ()
defBuiltIn env (sym, f) =
env_set env sym $ MalFunction (MetaData Nil) f
main :: IO ()
main = do
repl_env <- env_repl
-- core.hs: defined using Haskell
mapM_ (defBuiltIn repl_env) Core.ns
-- core.mal: defined using the language itself
re repl_env "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
repl_loop repl_env