mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 18:48:12 +03:00
Vasilij Schneidermann ae4600c7a5 Implement step 8
2017-07-08 22:20:51 +02:00

119 lines
3.9 KiB

FileStream fileIn: 'types.st'.
FileStream fileIn: 'printer.st'.
FileStream fileIn: 'reader.st'.
Object subclass: Core [
Ns := Dictionary new.
Core class >> Ns [ ^Ns ]
Core class >> coerce: block [
block value ifTrue: [ ^MALObject True ] ifFalse: [ ^MALObject False ]
Core class >> printedArgs: args readable: readable sep: sep [
| items |
items := args collect:
[ :arg | Printer prStr: arg printReadably: readable ].
"NOTE: {} join returns the unchanged array"
items isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^'' ] ifFalse: [ ^items join: sep ]
Core Ns at: #+ put:
[ :args | MALNumber new: args first value + args second value ].
Core Ns at: #- put:
[ :args | MALNumber new: args first value - args second value ].
Core Ns at: #* put:
[ :args | MALNumber new: args first value * args second value ].
Core Ns at: #/ put:
[ :args | MALNumber new: args first value // args second value ].
Core Ns at: #'pr-str' put:
[ :args | MALString new: (Core printedArgs: args readable: true sep: ' ') ].
Core Ns at: #str put:
[ :args | MALString new: (Core printedArgs: args readable: false sep: '') ].
Core Ns at: #prn put:
[ :args | (Core printedArgs: args readable: true sep: ' ') displayNl.
MALObject Nil ].
Core Ns at: #println put:
[ :args | (Core printedArgs: args readable: false sep: ' ') displayNl.
MALObject Nil ].
Core Ns at: #list put: [ :args | MALList new: (OrderedCollection from: args) ].
Core Ns at: #'list?' put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first type = #list ] ].
Core Ns at: #'empty?' put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first value isEmpty ] ].
Core Ns at: #count put:
[ :args | MALNumber new: args first value size ].
Core Ns at: #= put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first = args second ] ].
Core Ns at: #< put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first value < args second value ] ].
Core Ns at: #<= put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first value <= args second value ] ].
Core Ns at: #> put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first value > args second value ] ].
Core Ns at: #>= put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first value >= args second value ] ].
Core Ns at: #'read-string' put:
[ :args | Reader readStr: args first value ].
Core Ns at: #slurp put:
[ :args | MALString new: (File path: args first value) contents ].
Core Ns at: #atom put:
[ :args | MALAtom new: args first ].
Core Ns at: #'atom?' put:
[ :args | Core coerce: [ args first type = #atom ] ].
Core Ns at: #deref put:
[ :args | args first value ].
Core Ns at: #'reset!' put:
[ :args | args first value: args second. args second ].
Core Ns at: #'swap!' put:
[ :args |
| a f x xs result |
a := args first.
f := args second.
f class = Func ifTrue: [ f := f fn ].
x := a value.
xs := args allButFirst: 2.
result := f value: (xs copyWithFirst: x).
a value: result.
Core Ns at: #cons put:
[ :args | MALList new: (args second value copyWithFirst: args first) ].
Core Ns at: #concat put:
[ :args | MALList new: (OrderedCollection join:
(args collect: [ :arg | arg value ])) ].
Core Ns at: #nth put:
[ :args |
| items index |
items := args first value.
index := args second value + 1.
items at: index ifAbsent: [ MALOutOfBounds new signal ]
Core Ns at: #first put:
[ :args |
args first type = #nil ifTrue: [
MALObject Nil
] ifFalse: [
args first value at: 1 ifAbsent: [ MALObject Nil ].
Core Ns at: #rest put:
[ :args |
| items rest |
items := args first value.
(args first type = #nil or: [ items isEmpty ]) ifTrue: [
rest := {}
] ifFalse: [
rest := items allButFirst
MALList new: (OrderedCollection from: rest)