mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-19 01:28:26 +03:00
Nicolas Boulenguez 87663bb769 ada.2: let macros use closures. Allow metadata for atoms.
Implement macros as a bit in the function record as advised in the
process. No need to reinvent Apply anymore.

Also add an explicit Unreferenced pragma to silent a new compiler
2019-06-30 23:44:29 +02:00

462 lines
18 KiB

with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO;
with Err;
with Printer;
with Reader;
with Types.Atoms;
with Types.Builtins;
with Types.Fns;
with Types.Maps;
with Types.Sequences;
with Types.Strings;
package body Core is
package ASU renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use all type Types.Kind_Type;
-- Used by time_ms.
Start_Time : constant Ada.Calendar.Time := Ada.Calendar.Clock;
Kind : in Types.Kind_Type;
function Generic_Kind_Test (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Generic_Kind_Test (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind);
end Generic_Kind_Test;
with function Ada_Operator (Left, Right : in Integer) return Integer;
function Generic_Mal_Operator (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Generic_Mal_Operator (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 2
and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_Number
and then Args (Args'Last).Kind = Kind_Number,
"expected two numbers");
return (Kind_Number, Ada_Operator (Args (Args'First).Number,
Args (Args'Last).Number));
end Generic_Mal_Operator;
with function Ada_Operator (Left, Right : in Integer) return Boolean;
function Generic_Comparison (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Generic_Comparison (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 2
and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_Number
and then Args (Args'Last).Kind = Kind_Number,
"expected two numbers");
return (Kind_Boolean, Ada_Operator (Args (Args'First).Number,
Args (Args'Last).Number));
end Generic_Comparison;
function Addition is new Generic_Mal_Operator ("+");
function Apply (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Division is new Generic_Mal_Operator ("/");
function Equals (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Greater_Equal is new Generic_Comparison (">=");
function Greater_Than is new Generic_Comparison (">");
function Is_Atom is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Atom);
function Is_False (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Is_Function (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Is_Keyword is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Keyword);
function Is_List is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_List);
function Is_Macro is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Macro);
function Is_Map is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Map);
function Is_Nil is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Nil);
function Is_Number is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Number);
function Is_Sequential (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Is_String is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_String);
function Is_Symbol is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Symbol);
function Is_True (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Is_Vector is new Generic_Kind_Test (Kind_Vector);
function Keyword (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Less_Equal is new Generic_Comparison ("<=");
function Less_Than is new Generic_Comparison ("<");
function Meta (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Pr_Str (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Println (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Prn (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Product is new Generic_Mal_Operator ("*");
function Read_String (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Readline (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Seq (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Slurp (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Str (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Subtraction is new Generic_Mal_Operator ("-");
function Symbol (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Time_Ms (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function With_Meta (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T;
function Apply (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (2 <= Args'Length
and then Args (Args'Last).Kind in Types.Kind_Sequence,
"expected a function, optional arguments then a sequence");
use type Types.T_Array;
F : Types.T renames Args (Args'First);
A : constant Types.T_Array
:= Args (Args'First + 1 .. Args'Last - 1)
& Args (Args'Last).Sequence.all.Data;
case F.Kind is
when Kind_Builtin =>
return F.Builtin.all (A);
when Kind_Builtin_With_Meta =>
return F.Builtin_With_Meta.all.Builtin.all (A);
when Kind_Fn =>
return F.Fn.all.Apply (A);
when others =>
Err.Raise_With ("parameter 1 must be a function");
end case;
end Apply;
function Equals (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
use type Types.T;
Err.Check (Args'Length = 2, "expected 2 parameters");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First) = Args (Args'Last));
end Equals;
function Is_False (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_Boolean
and then not Args (Args'First).Ada_Boolean);
end Is_False;
function Is_Function (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Kind in Types.Kind_Function);
end Is_Function;
function Is_Sequential (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Kind in Types.Kind_Sequence);
end Is_Sequential;
function Is_True (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
return (Kind_Boolean, Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_Boolean
and then Args (Args'First).Ada_Boolean);
end Is_True;
function Keyword (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_String,
"expected a string");
return (Kind_Keyword, Args (Args'First).Str);
end Keyword;
function Meta (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
A1 : Types.T renames Args (Args'First);
case A1.Kind is
when Types.Kind_Sequence =>
return A1.Sequence.all.Meta;
when Kind_Map =>
return A1.Map.all.Meta;
when Kind_Fn =>
return A1.Fn.all.Meta;
when Kind_Builtin_With_Meta =>
return A1.Builtin_With_Meta.all.Meta;
when Kind_Builtin =>
return Types.Nil;
when Kind_Atom =>
return A1.Atom.all.Meta;
when others =>
Err.Raise_With ("expected an atom, function, map or sequence");
end case;
end Meta;
procedure NS_Add_To_Repl (Repl : in Envs.Ptr) is
procedure P (S : in String;
B : in Types.Builtin_Ptr) with Inline;
procedure P (S : in String;
B : in Types.Builtin_Ptr)
Repl.all.Set ((Kind_Symbol, Types.Strings.Alloc (S)),
(Kind_Builtin, B));
end P;
P ("+", Addition'Access);
P ("apply", Apply'Access);
P ("assoc", Types.Maps.Assoc'Access);
P ("atom", Types.Atoms.Atom'Access);
P ("concat", Types.Sequences.Concat'Access);
P ("conj", Types.Sequences.Conj'Access);
P ("cons", Types.Sequences.Cons'Access);
P ("contains?", Types.Maps.Contains'Access);
P ("count", Types.Sequences.Count'Access);
P ("deref", Types.Atoms.Deref'Access);
P ("dissoc", Types.Maps.Dissoc'Access);
P ("/", Division'Access);
P ("=", Equals'Access);
P ("first", Types.Sequences.First'Access);
P ("get", Types.Maps.Get'Access);
P (">=", Greater_Equal'Access);
P (">", Greater_Than'Access);
P ("hash-map", Types.Maps.Hash_Map'Access);
P ("atom?", Is_Atom'Access);
P ("empty?", Types.Sequences.Is_Empty'Access);
P ("false?", Is_False'Access);
P ("fn?", Is_Function'Access);
P ("keyword?", Is_Keyword'Access);
P ("list?", Is_List'Access);
P ("macro?", Is_Macro'Access);
P ("map?", Is_Map'Access);
P ("nil?", Is_Nil'Access);
P ("number?", Is_Number'Access);
P ("sequential?", Is_Sequential'Access);
P ("string?", Is_String'Access);
P ("symbol?", Is_Symbol'Access);
P ("true?", Is_True'Access);
P ("vector?", Is_Vector'Access);
P ("keys", Types.Maps.Keys'Access);
P ("keyword", Keyword'Access);
P ("<=", Less_Equal'Access);
P ("<", Less_Than'Access);
P ("list", Types.Sequences.List'Access);
P ("map", Types.Sequences.Map'Access);
P ("meta", Meta'Access);
P ("nth", Types.Sequences.Nth'Access);
P ("pr-str", Pr_Str'Access);
P ("println", Println'Access);
P ("prn", Prn'Access);
P ("*", Product'Access);
P ("read-string", Read_String'Access);
P ("readline", Readline'Access);
P ("reset!", Types.Atoms.Reset'Access);
P ("rest", Types.Sequences.Rest'Access);
P ("seq", Seq'Access);
P ("slurp", Slurp'Access);
P ("str", Str'Access);
P ("-", Subtraction'Access);
P ("swap!", Types.Atoms.Swap'Access);
P ("symbol", Symbol'Access);
P ("throw", Err.Throw'Access);
P ("time-ms", Time_Ms'Access);
P ("vals", Types.Maps.Vals'Access);
P ("vector", Types.Sequences.Vector'Access);
P ("with-meta", With_Meta'Access);
end NS_Add_To_Repl;
function Pr_Str (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
R : ASU.Unbounded_String;
Started : Boolean := False;
for A of Args loop
if Started then
ASU.Append (R, ' ');
Started := True;
end if;
Printer.Pr_Str (R, A);
end loop;
return (Kind_String, Types.Strings.Alloc (ASU.To_String (R)));
end Pr_Str;
function Println (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Started : Boolean := False;
Buffer : ASU.Unbounded_String;
for A of Args loop
if Started then
ASU.Append (Buffer, ' ');
Started := True;
end if;
Printer.Pr_Str (Buffer, A, Readably => False);
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put_Line (Buffer);
return Types.Nil;
end Println;
function Prn (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
-- Calling Pr_Str would create an intermediate copy.
Buffer : ASU.Unbounded_String;
Started : Boolean := False;
for A of Args loop
if Started then
ASU.Append (Buffer, ' ');
Started := True;
end if;
Printer.Pr_Str (Buffer, A);
end loop;
Ada.Text_IO.Unbounded_IO.Put_Line (Buffer);
return Types.Nil;
end Prn;
function Readline (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_String,
"expected a string");
Ada.Text_IO.Put (Args (Args'First).Str.all.To_String);
if Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File then
return Types.Nil;
return (Kind_String, Types.Strings.Alloc (Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line));
end if;
end Readline;
function Read_String (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Result : Types.T;
procedure Process (Element : in String);
procedure Process (Element : in String) is
R : constant Types.T_Array := Reader.Read_Str (Element);
Err.Check (R'Length = 1, "parameter must contain 1 expression");
Result := R (R'First);
end Process;
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_String,
"expected a string");
Args (Args'First).Str.all.Query_Element (Process'Access);
return Result;
end Read_String;
function Seq (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1, "expected 1 parameter");
case Args (Args'First).Kind is
when Kind_Nil =>
return Types.Nil;
when Kind_String =>
Result : Types.T;
procedure Process (S : in String);
procedure Process (S : in String) is
if S'Length = 0 then
Result := Types.Nil;
Result := (Kind_List,
Types.Sequences.Constructor (S'Length));
for I in S'Range loop
Result.Sequence.all.Data (S'First - 1 + I)
:= (Kind_String, Types.Strings.Alloc (S (I .. I)));
end loop;
end if;
end Process;
Args (Args'First).Str.all.Query_Element (Process'Access);
return Result;
when Types.Kind_Sequence =>
if Args (Args'First).Sequence.all.Length = 0 then
return Types.Nil;
return (Kind_List, Args (Args'First).Sequence);
end if;
when others =>
Err.Raise_With ("expected nil, a sequence or a string");
end case;
end Seq;
function Slurp (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
use Ada.Text_IO;
File : File_Type;
Buffer : ASU.Unbounded_String;
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_String,
"expected a string");
Open (File, In_File, Args (Args'First).Str.all.To_String);
while not End_Of_File (File) loop
ASU.Append (Buffer, Get_Line (File));
ASU.Append (Buffer, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF);
end loop;
Close (File);
return (Kind_String, Types.Strings.Alloc (ASU.To_String (Buffer)));
-- Catch I/O errors, but not Err.Error...
when E : Status_Error | Name_Error | Use_Error | Mode_Error =>
if Is_Open (File) then
Close (File);
end if;
Err.Raise_In_Mal (E);
end Slurp;
function Str (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
R : ASU.Unbounded_String;
for Arg of Args loop
Printer.Pr_Str (R, Arg, Readably => False);
end loop;
return (Kind_String, Types.Strings.Alloc (ASU.To_String (R)));
end Str;
function Symbol (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 1 and then Args (Args'First).Kind = Kind_String,
"expected a string");
return (Kind_Symbol, Args (Args'First).Str);
end Symbol;
function Time_Ms (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
use type Ada.Calendar.Time;
Err.Check (Args'Length = 0, "expected no parameter");
return (Kind_Number,
Integer (1000.0 * (Ada.Calendar.Clock - Start_Time)));
end Time_Ms;
function With_Meta (Args : in Types.T_Array) return Types.T is
Err.Check (Args'Length = 2, "expected 2 parameters");
A1 : Types.T renames Args (Args'First);
A2 : Types.T renames Args (Args'Last);
case A1.Kind is
when Kind_Builtin_With_Meta =>
return A1.Builtin_With_Meta.all.With_Meta (A2);
when Kind_Builtin =>
return Types.Builtins.With_Meta (A1.Builtin, A2);
when Kind_List =>
return R : constant Types.T
:= Types.Sequences.List (A1.Sequence.all.Data)
R.Sequence.all.Meta := A2;
end return;
when Kind_Vector =>
return R : constant Types.T
:= Types.Sequences.Vector (A1.Sequence.all.Data)
R.Sequence.all.Meta := A2;
end return;
when Kind_Map =>
return A1.Map.all.With_Meta (A2);
when Kind_Fn =>
return (Kind_Fn, Types.Fns.New_Function
(A1.Fn.all.Params, A1.Fn.all.Ast, A1.Fn.all.Env, A2));
when Kind_Atom =>
return A1.Atom.all.With_Meta (A2);
when others =>
("parameter 1 must be a function, map or sequence");
end case;
end With_Meta;
end Core;