mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 02:27:10 +03:00
Joel Martin 0a19c2f1c7 wasm: update to 2019 wat syntax, use .wat extension
wasm: update to wat syntax as of Jan 2019.

- get_local -> local.get
- i32.wrap/i64 -> i32.warp_i64
- etc

The distinction between wat and wast has been clarified:
- wat: textual format for web assembly modules
- wast: superset of wat used in the specification to define tests.
2019-01-16 00:13:51 -06:00

466 lines
16 KiB

(module $mem
(global $MEM_SIZE i32 1048576)
(global $STRING_MEM_SIZE i32 1048576)
(global $heap_start (mut i32) 0)
(global $heap_end (mut i32) 0)
(global $mem (mut i32) 0)
(global $mem_unused_start (mut i32) 0)
(global $mem_free_list (mut i32) 0)
(global $mem_user_start (mut i32) 0)
(global $string_mem (mut i32) 0)
(global $string_mem_next (mut i32) 0)
(global $string_mem_user_start (mut i32) 0)
;; General type storage/pointer functions
(func $VAL0_ptr (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.add $mv 4))
(func $VAL1_ptr (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.add $mv 8))
(func $VAL0 (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.load (i32.add $mv 4)))
(func $VAL1 (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.load (i32.add $mv 8)))
(func $MEM_VAL0_ptr (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.add (global.get $mem)
(i32.mul (i32.load (i32.add $mv 4)) 4)))
(func $MEM_VAL1_ptr (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.add (global.get $mem)
(i32.mul (i32.load (i32.add $mv 8)) 4)))
(func $MEM_VAL2_ptr (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(i32.add (global.get $mem)
(i32.mul (i32.load (i32.add $mv 12)) 4)))
;; Returns the memory index mem of mv
;; Will usually be used with a load or store by the caller
(func $IDX (param $mv i32) (result i32)
;; MalVal memory 64 bit (2 * i32) aligned
(i32.div_u (i32.sub $mv (global.get $mem)) 4))
;; Returns the address of 'mem[mv_idx]'
(func $MalVal_ptr (param $mv_idx i32) (result i32)
;; MalVal memory 64 bit (2 * i32) aligned
;;; mem[mv_idx].refcnt_type
(i32.add (global.get $mem) (i32.mul $mv_idx 4)))
;; Returns the address of 'mem[mv_idx].refcnt_type'
(func $MalVal_refcnt_type (param $mv_idx i32) (result i32)
(i32.load ($MalVal_ptr $mv_idx)))
(func $TYPE (param $mv i32) (result i32)
;;; type = mv->refcnt_type & 31
(i32.and (i32.load $mv) 0x1f)) ;; 0x1f == 31
(func $SET_TYPE (param $mv i32 $type i32)
;;; type = mv->refcnt_type & 31
;;; mv->refcnt_type += - (mv->refcnt_type & 31) + type
(i32.store $mv (i32.or
(i32.and $type 0x1f) ;; 0x1f == 31
(i32.and (i32.load $mv) 0xffffffe1)))
(func $REFS (param $mv i32) (result i32)
;;; type = mv->refcnt_type & 31
(i32.shr_u (i32.load $mv) 5)) ;; / 32
;; Returns the address of 'mem[mv_idx].val[val]'
;; Will usually be used with a load or store by the caller
(func $MalVal_val_ptr (param $mv_idx i32 $val i32) (result i32)
(i32.add (i32.add ($MalVal_ptr $mv_idx) 4)
(i32.mul $val 4)))
;; Returns the value of 'mem[mv_idx].val[val]'
(func $MalVal_val (param $mv_idx i32 $val i32) (result i32)
(i32.load ($MalVal_val_ptr $mv_idx $val)))
(func $MalType_size (param $type i32) (result i32)
;;; if (type <= 5 || type == 9 || type == 12)
(if (result i32) (OR (i32.le_u $type 5)
(i32.eq $type 9)
(i32.eq $type 12))
(then 2)
;;; else if (type == 8 || type == 10 || type == 11)
(if (result i32) (OR (i32.eq $type 8)
(i32.eq $type 10)
(i32.eq $type 11))
(then 4)
(else 3)))))
(func $MalVal_size (param $mv i32) (result i32)
(LET $type ($TYPE $mv))
;; if (type == FREE_T)
(if (result i32) (i32.eq $type (global.get $FREE_T))
;;; return (mv->refcnt_type & 0xffe0)>>5
(i32.shr_u (i32.and (i32.load $mv) 0xffe0) 5)) ;;; / 32
;;; return MalType_size(type)
($MalType_size $type))))
;; init_memory
(func $init_memory
(LET $heap_size 0)
;; ($print ">>> init_memory\n")
;; error_str string buffer
(global.set $error_str (STATIC_ARRAY 100))
;; reader token string buffer
(global.set $token_buf (STATIC_ARRAY 256))
;; printer string buffer
(global.set $printer_buf (STATIC_ARRAY 4096))
(local.set $heap_size (i32.add (global.get $MEM_SIZE)
(global.get $STRING_MEM_SIZE)))
(global.set $heap_start (i32.add (global.get $memoryBase)
(global.get $S_STRING_END)))
(global.set $heap_end (i32.add (global.get $heap_start)
(global.set $mem (global.get $heap_start))
(global.set $mem_unused_start 0)
(global.set $mem_free_list 0)
(global.set $string_mem (i32.add (global.get $heap_start)
(global.get $MEM_SIZE)))
(global.set $string_mem_next (global.get $string_mem))
(global.set $mem_user_start (global.get $mem_unused_start))
(global.set $string_mem_user_start (global.get $string_mem_next))
;; Empty values
(global.set $NIL
($ALLOC_SCALAR (global.get $NIL_T) 0))
(global.set $FALSE
($ALLOC_SCALAR (global.get $BOOLEAN_T) 0))
(global.set $TRUE
($ALLOC_SCALAR (global.get $BOOLEAN_T) 1))
(global.set $EMPTY_LIST
($ALLOC (global.get $LIST_T)
(global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL)))
(global.set $EMPTY_VECTOR
($ALLOC (global.get $VECTOR_T)
(global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL)))
(global.set $EMPTY_HASHMAP
($ALLOC (global.get $HASHMAP_T)
(global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL) (global.get $NIL)))
;; ($print "<<< init_memory\n")
;; memory management
(func $ALLOC_INTERNAL (param $type i32
$val1 i32 $val2 i32 $val3 i32) (result i32)
(LET $prev (global.get $mem_free_list)
$res (global.get $mem_free_list)
$size ($MalType_size $type))
(block $loop_done
(loop $loop
;; res == mem_unused_start
(if (i32.eq $res (global.get $mem_unused_start))
;;; if (res + size > MEM_SIZE)
(if (i32.gt_u (i32.add $res $size) (global.get $MEM_SIZE))
;; Out of memory, exit
($fatal 7 "Out of mal memory!\n"))
;;; if (mem_unused_start += size)
(global.set $mem_unused_start
(i32.add (global.get $mem_unused_start) $size))
;;; if (prev == res)
(if (i32.eq $prev $res)
(global.set $mem_free_list (global.get $mem_unused_start)))
;;; mem[prev].val[0] = mem_unused_start
($MalVal_val_ptr $prev 0)
(global.get $mem_unused_start))))
(br $loop_done)))
;; if (MalVal_size(mem+res) == size)
(if (i32.eq ($MalVal_size ($MalVal_ptr $res))
;;; if (res == mem_free_list)
(if (i32.eq $res (global.get $mem_free_list))
;; set free pointer (mem_free_list) to next free
;;; mem_free_list = mem[res].val[0];
(global.set $mem_free_list ($MalVal_val $res 0)))
;; if (res != mem_free_list)
(if (i32.ne $res (global.get $mem_free_list))
;; set previous free to next free
;;; mem[prev].val[0] = mem[res].val[0]
(i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $prev 0) ($MalVal_val $res 0)))
(br $loop_done)))
;;; prev = res
(local.set $prev $res)
;;; res = mem[res].val[0]
(local.set $res ($MalVal_val $res 0))
(br $loop)
;;; mem[res].refcnt_type = type + 32
(i32.store ($MalVal_ptr $res) (i32.add $type 32))
;; set val to default val1
;;; mem[res].val[0] = val1
(i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $res 0) $val1)
;;; if (type > 5 && type != 9)
(if (AND (i32.gt_u $type 5)
(i32.ne $type 9))
;; inc refcnt of referenced value
;;; mem[val1].refcnt_type += 32
(i32.store ($MalVal_ptr $val1)
(i32.add ($MalVal_refcnt_type $val1) 32))))
;;; if (size > 2)
(if (i32.gt_u $size 2)
;; inc refcnt of referenced value
;;; mem[val2].refcnt_type += 32
(i32.store ($MalVal_ptr $val2)
(i32.add ($MalVal_refcnt_type $val2) 32))
;;; mem[res].val[1] = val2
(i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $res 1) $val2)))
;;; if (size > 3)
(if (i32.gt_u $size 3)
;; inc refcnt of referenced value
;;; mem[val3].refcnt_type += 32
(i32.store ($MalVal_ptr $val3)
(i32.add ($MalVal_refcnt_type $val3) 32))
;;; mem[res].val[2] = val3
(i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $res 2) $val3)))
;;; return mem + res
($MalVal_ptr $res)
(func $ALLOC_SCALAR (param $type i32 $val1 i32) (result i32)
($ALLOC_INTERNAL $type $val1 0 0)
(func $ALLOC (param $type i32 $val1 i32 $val2 i32 $val3 i32) (result i32)
($ALLOC_INTERNAL $type ($IDX $val1) ($IDX $val2) ($IDX $val3))
(func $RELEASE (param $mv i32)
(LET $idx 0 $type 0 $size 0)
;; Ignore NULLs
;;; if (mv == NULL) { return; }
(if (i32.eqz $mv) (return))
;;; idx = mv - mem
(local.set $idx ($IDX $mv))
;;; type = mv->refcnt_type & 31
(local.set $type (i32.and (i32.load $mv) 0x1f)) ;; 0x1f == 31
;;; size = MalType_size(type)
(local.set $size ($MalType_size $type))
;;; printf(">>> RELEASE idx: %d, type: %d, size: %d\n", idx, type, size)
(if (i32.eq 0 $mv)
($fatal 7 "RELEASE of NULL!\n"))
(if (i32.eq (global.get $FREE_T) $type)
($printf_2 "RELEASE of already free mv: 0x%x, idx: 0x%x\n" $mv $idx)
($fatal 1 "")))
(if (i32.lt_u ($MalVal_refcnt_type $idx) 15)
($printf_2 "RELEASE of unowned mv: 0x%x, idx: 0x%x\n" $mv $idx)
($fatal 1 "")))
;; decrease reference count by one
(i32.store ($MalVal_ptr $idx)
(i32.sub ($MalVal_refcnt_type $idx) 32))
;; nil, false, true, empty sequences
(if (i32.le_u $mv (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
(if (i32.lt_u ($MalVal_refcnt_type $idx) 32)
($printf_2 "RELEASE of unowned mv: 0x%x, idx: 0x%x\n" $mv $idx)
($fatal 1 "")))
;; our reference count is not 0, so don't release
(if (i32.ge_u ($MalVal_refcnt_type $idx) 32)
(block $done
(block (block (block (block (block (block (block (block (block
(br_table 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 0 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 $type))
;; nil, boolean, integer, float
(br $done))
;; string, kw, symbol
;; release string, then FREE reference
($RELEASE_STRING (i32.add (global.get $string_mem) ($VAL0 $mv)))
(br $done))
;; list, vector
(if (i32.ne ($MalVal_val $idx 0) 0)
;; release next element and value
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $mv))))
(br $done))
;; hashmap
(if (i32.ne ($MalVal_val $idx 0) 0)
;; release next element, value, and key
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $mv))))
(br $done))
;; mal / macro function
;; release ast, params, and environment
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
(br $done))
;; atom
;; release contained/referred value
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
(br $done))
;; env
;; if outer is set then release outer
(if (i32.ne ($MalVal_val $idx 1) 0)
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $mv)))
;; release the env data (hashmap)
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
(br $done))
;; metadata
;; release object and metdata object
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $mv))
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $mv))
(br $done))
;; default/unknown
;; FREE, free the current element
;; set type(FREE/15) and size
;;; mv->refcnt_type = size*32 + FREE_T
(i32.store $mv (i32.add (i32.mul $size 32) (global.get $FREE_T)))
(i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $idx 0) (global.get $mem_free_list))
(global.set $mem_free_list $idx)
(if (i32.ge_u $size 3) (i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $idx 1) 0))
(if (i32.eq $size 4) (i32.store ($MalVal_val_ptr $idx 2) 0))
;; find string in string memory or 0 if not found
(func $FIND_STRING (param $str i32) (result i32)
(LET $ms (global.get $string_mem))
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (i32.ge_s $ms (global.get $string_mem_next)))
(if (i32.eqz ($strcmp $str (i32.add $ms 4)))
(return $ms))
(local.set $ms (i32.add $ms (i32.load16_u (i32.add $ms 2))))
(br $loop)
;; str is a NULL terminated string
;; size is number of characters in the string not including the
;; trailing NULL
(func $ALLOC_STRING (param $str i32 $size i32 $intern i32) (result i32)
(LET $ms 0)
;; search for matching string in string_mem
(if $intern
(local.set $ms ($FIND_STRING $str))
(if $ms
;;; ms->refcnt += 1
(i32.store16 $ms (i32.add (i32.load16_u $ms) 1))
(return $ms)))))
;; no existing matching string so create a new one
(local.set $ms (global.get $string_mem_next))
(i32.store16 $ms 1)
;;; ms->size = sizeof(MalString)+size+1
(i32.store16 offset=2 $ms (i32.add (i32.add 4 $size) 1))
($memmove (i32.add $ms 4) $str (i32.add $size 1))
;;; string_mem_next = (void *)ms + ms->size
(global.set $string_mem_next
;;(i32.add $ms (i32.load16_u (i32.add $ms 2))))
(i32.add $ms (i32.load16_u offset=2 $ms)))
;;($printf_2 "ALLOC_STRING 6 ms 0x%x, refs: %d\n" $ms (i32.load16_u $ms))
(func $RELEASE_STRING (param $ms i32)
(LET $size 0 $next 0 $ms_idx 0 $idx 0 $type 0 $mv 0)
(if (i32.le_s (i32.load16_u $ms) 0)
($printf_2 "Release of already free string: %d (0x%x)\n"
(i32.sub $ms (global.get $string_mem)) $ms)
($fatal 1 "")))
;;; size = ms->size
(local.set $size (i32.load16_u (i32.add $ms 2)))
;;; *next = (void *)ms + size
(local.set $next (i32.add $ms $size))
;;; ms->refcnt -= 1
(i32.store16 $ms (i32.sub (i32.load16_u $ms) 1))
(if (i32.eqz (i32.load16_u $ms))
(if (i32.gt_s (global.get $string_mem_next) $next)
;; If no more references to this string then free it up by
;; shifting up every string afterwards to fill the gap
;; (splice).
($memmove $ms $next (i32.sub (global.get $string_mem_next)
;; Scan the mem values for string types after the freed
;; string and shift their indexes by size
(local.set $ms_idx (i32.sub $ms (global.get $string_mem)))
(local.set $idx ($IDX (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)))
(loop $loop
(local.set $mv ($MalVal_ptr $idx))
(local.set $type ($TYPE $mv))
(if (AND (i32.gt_s ($VAL0 $mv) $ms_idx)
(OR (i32.eq $type (global.get $STRING_T))
(i32.eq $type (global.get $SYMBOL_T))))
(i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $mv) (i32.sub ($VAL0 $mv) $size)))
(local.set $idx (i32.add $idx ($MalVal_size $mv)))
(br_if $loop (i32.lt_s $idx (global.get $mem_unused_start)))
(global.set $string_mem_next
(i32.sub (global.get $string_mem_next) $size))))