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130 lines
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--- step9_try -----------------------------------
import types, reader, printer, env, core
READ(str): return reader.read_str(str)
quasiquote(ast): return ... // quasiquote
macro?(ast, env): return ... // true if macro call
macroexpand(ast, env): return ... // recursive macro expansion
switch type(ast):
symbol: return env.get(ast)
list,vector: return ast.map((x) -> EVAL(x,env))
hash: return ast.map((k,v) -> list(k, EVAL(v,env)))
_default_: return ast
while true:
if not list?(ast): return eval_ast(ast, env)
ast = macroexpand(ast, env)
if not list?(ast): return eval_ast(ast, env)
if empty?(ast): return ast
switch ast[0]:
'def!: return env.set(ast[1], EVAL(ast[2], env))
'let*: env = ...; ast = ast[2] // TCO
'quote: return ast[1]
'quasiquote: ast = quasiquote(ast[1]) // TCO
'defmacro!: return ... // like def!, but set macro property
'macroexpand: return macroexpand(ast[1], env)
'try*: return ... // try/catch native and malval exceptions
'do: ast = eval_ast(ast[1..-1], env)[-1] // TCO
'if: EVAL(ast[1], env) ? ast = ast[2] : ast = ast[3] // TCO
'fn*: return new MalFunc(...)
_default_: f, args = eval_ast(ast, env)
if malfunc?(f): ast = f.fn; env = ... // TCO
else: return apply(f, args)
PRINT(exp): return printer.pr_str(exp)
repl_env = new Env()
rep(str): return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str),repl_env))
;; core.EXT: defined using the host language.
core.ns.map((k,v) -> (repl_env.set(k, v)))
repl_env.set('eval, (ast) -> EVAL(ast, repl-env))
repl_env.set('*ARGV*, cmdline_args[1..])
;; core.mal: defined using the language itself
rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))")
rep("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))");
if cmdline_args: rep("(load-file \"" + args[0] + "\")"); exit 0
main loop:
try: println(rep(readline("user> ")))
catch e: println("Error: ", e)
--- env module ----------------------------------
class Env (outer=null,binds=[],exprs=[])
data = hash_map()
foreach b, i in binds:
if binds[i] == '&: data[binds[i+1]] = exprs.drop(i); break
else: data[binds[i]] = exprs[i]
set(k,v): return data.set(k,v)
find(k): return data.has(k) ? this : (if outer ? find(outer) : null)
get(k): return data.find(k).get(k) OR raise "'" + k + "' not found"
--- core module ---------------------------------
ns = {'=: equal?,
'throw: throw,
'nil?: nil?,
'true?: true?,
'false?: false?,
'symbol: symbol,
'symbol?: symbol?,
'keyword: keyword,
'keyword?: keyword?,
'pr-str: (a) -> a.map(|s| pr_str(e,true)).join(" ")),
'str: (a) -> a.map(|s| pr_str(e,false)).join("")),
'prn: (a) -> println(a.map(|s| pr_str(e,true)).join(" ")),
'println: (a) -> println(a.map(|s| pr_str(e,false)).join(" ")),
'read-string: read_str,
'slurp read-file,
'<: lt,
'<=: lte,
'>: gt,
'>=: gte,
'+: add,
'-: sub,
'*: mult,
'/: div,
'list: list,
'list?: list?,
'vector: vector,
'vector?: vector?,
'hash-map: hash_map,
'map?: hash_map?,
'assoc: assoc,
'dissoc: dissoc,
'get: get,
'contains?: contains?,
'keys: keys,
'vals: vals,
'sequential? sequential?,
'cons: (a) -> concat([a[0]], a[1]),
'concat: (a) -> reduce(concat, [], a),
'vec: (l) -> l converted to vector,
'nth: (a) -> a[0][a[1]] OR raise "nth: index out of range",
'first: (a) -> a[0][0] OR nil,
'rest: (a) -> a[0][1..] OR list(),
'empty?: empty?,
'count: count,
'apply: apply,
'map: map,
'atom: (a) -> new Atom(a[0]),
'atom?: (a) -> type(a[0]) == "atom",
'deref: (a) -> a[0].val,
'reset!: (a) -> a[0].val = a[1],
'swap!: swap!}