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synced 2024-11-14 11:36:18 +03:00
192 lines
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192 lines
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import rdstdin, tables, sequtils, os, types, reader, printer, env, core
proc read(str: string): MalType = str.read_str
proc is_pair(x: MalType): bool =
x.kind in {List, Vector} and x.list.len > 0
proc quasiquote(ast: MalType): MalType =
if not ast.is_pair:
return list(symbol "quote", ast)
elif ast.list[0] == symbol "unquote":
return ast.list[1]
elif ast.list[0].is_pair and ast.list[0].list[0] == symbol "splice-unquote":
return list(symbol "concat", ast.list[0].list[1],
quasiquote(list ast.list[1 .. -1]))
return list(symbol "cons", quasiquote(ast.list[0]), quasiquote(list(ast.list[1 .. -1])))
proc is_macro_call(ast: MalType, env: Env): bool =
ast.kind == List and ast.list.len > 0 and ast.list[0].kind == Symbol and
env.find(ast.list[0].str) != nil and env.get(ast.list[0].str).macro_q
proc macroexpand(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType =
result = ast
while result.is_macro_call(env):
let mac = env.get(result.list[0].str)
result = mac.malfun.fn(result.list[1 .. -1]).macroexpand(env)
proc eval(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType
proc eval_ast(ast: MalType, env: var Env): MalType =
case ast.kind
of Symbol:
result = env.get(ast.str)
of List:
result = list ast.list.mapIt(MalType, it.eval(env))
of Vector:
result = vector ast.list.mapIt(MalType, it.eval(env))
of HashMap:
result = hash_map()
for k, v in ast.hash_map.pairs:
result.hash_map[k] = v.eval(env)
result = ast
proc eval(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType =
var ast = ast
var env = env
template defaultApply =
let el = ast.eval_ast(env)
let f = el.list[0]
case f.kind
of MalFun:
ast = f.malfun.ast
env = initEnv(f.malfun.env, f.malfun.params, list(el.list[1 .. -1]))
return f.fun(el.list[1 .. -1])
while true:
if ast.kind != List: return ast.eval_ast(env)
ast = ast.macroexpand(env)
if ast.kind != List: return ast
if ast.list.len == 0: return ast
let a0 = ast.list[0]
case a0.kind
of Symbol:
case a0.str
of "def!":
a1 = ast.list[1]
a2 = ast.list[2]
res = a2.eval(env)
return env.set(a1.str, res)
of "let*":
a1 = ast.list[1]
a2 = ast.list[2]
var let_env = Env(env)
case a1.kind
of List, Vector:
for i in countup(0, a1.list.high, 2):
let_env.set(a1.list[i].str, a1.list[i+1].eval(let_env))
else: raise newException(ValueError, "Illegal kind in let*")
ast = a2
env = let_env
# Continue loop (TCO)
of "quote":
return ast.list[1]
of "quasiquote":
ast = ast.list[1].quasiquote
# Continue loop (TCO)
of "defmacro!":
var fun = ast.list[2].eval(env)
fun.malfun.is_macro = true
return env.set(ast.list[1].str, fun)
of "macroexpand":
return ast.list[1].macroexpand(env)
of "try*":
a1 = ast.list[1]
a2 = ast.list[2]
if a2.list[0].str == "catch*":
return a1.eval(env)
except MalError:
let exc = (ref MalError) getCurrentException()
var catchEnv = initEnv(env, list a2.list[1], exc.t)
return a2.list[2].eval(catchEnv)
let exc = getCurrentExceptionMsg()
var catchEnv = initEnv(env, list a2.list[1], list str(exc))
return a2.list[2].eval(catchEnv)
return a1.eval(env)
of "do":
let last = ast.list.high
let el = (list ast.list[1 .. <last]).eval_ast(env)
ast = ast.list[last]
# Continue loop (TCO)
of "if":
a1 = ast.list[1]
a2 = ast.list[2]
cond = a1.eval(env)
if cond.kind in {Nil, False}:
if ast.list.len > 3: ast = ast.list[3]
else: ast = nilObj
else: ast = a2
of "fn*":
a1 = ast.list[1]
a2 = ast.list[2]
var env2 = env
let fn = proc(a: varargs[MalType]): MalType =
var newEnv = initEnv(env2, a1, list(a))
return malfun(fn, a2, a1, env)
else: defaultApply()
else: defaultApply()
proc print(exp: MalType): string = exp.pr_str
var repl_env = initEnv()
for k, v in ns.items:
repl_env.set(k, v)
repl_env.set("eval", fun(proc(xs: varargs[MalType]): MalType = eval(xs[0], repl_env)))
var ps = commandLineParams()
repl_env.set("*ARGV*", list((if paramCount() > 1: ps[1..ps.high] else: @[]).map(str)))
# core.nim: defined using nim
proc rep(str: string): string {.discardable.} =
# core.mal: defined using mal itself
rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))"
rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"
rep "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))"
rep "(def! *host-language* \"nim\")"
if paramCount() >= 1:
rep "(load-file \"" & paramStr(1) & "\")"
rep "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))"
while true:
let line = readLineFromStdin("user> ")
echo line.rep
except Blank: discard
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()
echo getCurrentException().getStackTrace()