mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00
2016-03-29 22:10:32 +02:00

252 lines
8.4 KiB

;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(defun load-relative (file)
(let* ((current-file (or load-file-name buffer-file-name))
(current-file-directory (file-name-directory current-file)))
(load (expand-file-name file current-file-directory) nil t)))
(load-relative "types.el")
(load-relative "env.el")
(load-relative "func.el")
(load-relative "reader.el")
(load-relative "printer.el")
(load-relative "core.el")
(defvar repl-env (mal-env))
(dolist (binding core-ns)
(let ((symbol (car binding))
(fn (cdr binding)))
(mal-env-set repl-env symbol fn)))
(defun mal-pair-p (mal-object)
(let ((type (mal-type mal-object))
(value (mal-value mal-object)))
(if (and (or (eq type 'list) (eq type 'vector))
(not (zerop (length value))))
(defun quasiquote (ast)
(if (not (mal-pair-p ast))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'quote) ast))
(let* ((a (mal-listify ast))
(a0 (car a))
(a0... (cdr a))
(a1 (cadr a)))
((eq (mal-value a0) 'unquote)
((and (mal-pair-p a0)
(eq (mal-value (car (mal-value a0)))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'concat)
(cadr (mal-value a0))
(quasiquote (mal-list a0...)))))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'cons)
(quasiquote a0)
(quasiquote (mal-list a0...)))))))))
(defun macro-call-p (ast env)
(when (mal-list-p ast)
(let ((a0 (car (mal-value ast))))
(when (mal-symbol-p a0)
(let ((value (mal-env-find env (mal-value a0))))
(when (and (mal-func-p value)
(mal-func-macro-p value))
(defun MACROEXPAND (ast env)
(while (macro-call-p ast env)
(let* ((a (mal-value ast))
(a0* (mal-value (car a)))
(a0... (cdr a))
(macro (mal-env-find env a0*)))
(setq ast (apply (mal-value (mal-func-fn macro)) a0...))))
(defun READ (input)
(read-str input))
(defun EVAL (ast env)
(catch 'return
(while t
(when (not (mal-list-p ast))
(throw 'return (eval-ast ast env)))
(setq ast (MACROEXPAND ast env))
(when (or (not (mal-list-p ast)) (not (mal-value ast)))
(throw 'return (eval-ast ast env)))
(let* ((a (mal-value ast))
(a0 (car a))
(a0* (mal-value a0))
(a1 (cadr a))
(a2 (nth 2 a))
(a3 (nth 3 a)))
((eq a0* 'def!)
(let* ((identifier (mal-value a1))
(value (EVAL a2 env)))
(throw 'return (mal-env-set env identifier value))))
((eq a0* 'let*)
(let* ((env* (mal-env env))
(bindings (mal-value a1))
(form a2))
(when (vectorp bindings)
(setq bindings (append bindings nil)))
(while bindings
(let ((key (mal-value (pop bindings)))
(value (EVAL (pop bindings) env*)))
(mal-env-set env* key value)))
(setq env env*
ast form))) ; TCO
((eq a0* 'quote)
(throw 'return a1))
((eq a0* 'quasiquote)
(setq ast (quasiquote a1))) ; TCO
((eq a0* 'defmacro!)
(let ((identifier (mal-value a1))
(value (EVAL a2 env)))
(setf (aref (aref value 1) 4) t)
(throw 'return (mal-env-set env identifier value))))
((eq a0* 'macroexpand)
(throw 'return (MACROEXPAND a1 env)))
((eq a0* 'try*)
(condition-case err
(throw 'return (EVAL a1 env))
(if (and a2 (eq (mal-value (car (mal-value a2))) 'catch*))
(let* ((a2* (mal-value a2))
(identifier (mal-value (cadr a2*)))
(form (nth 2 a2*))
(err* (if (eq (car err) 'mal-custom)
;; throw
(cadr err)
;; normal error
(mal-string (error-message-string err))))
(env* (mal-env env (list identifier) (list err*))))
(throw 'return (EVAL form env*)))
(apply 'signal err)))))
((eq a0* 'do)
(let* ((a0... (cdr a))
(butlast (butlast a0...))
(last (car (last a0...))))
(when butlast
(eval-ast (mal-list butlast) env))
(setq ast last))) ; TCO
((eq a0* 'if)
(let* ((condition (EVAL a1 env))
(condition-type (mal-type condition))
(then a2)
(else a3))
(if (and (not (eq condition-type 'false))
(not (eq condition-type 'nil)))
(setq ast then) ; TCO
(if else
(setq ast else) ; TCO
(throw 'return (mal-nil))))))
((eq a0* 'fn*)
(let* ((binds (mapcar 'mal-value (mal-value a1)))
(body a2)
(fn (mal-fn
(lambda (&rest args)
(let ((env* (mal-env env binds args)))
(EVAL body env*))))))
(throw 'return (mal-func body binds env fn))))
;; not a special form
(let* ((ast* (mal-value (eval-ast ast env)))
(fn (car ast*))
(args (cdr ast*)))
(if (mal-func-p fn)
(let ((env* (mal-env (mal-func-env fn)
(mal-func-params fn)
(setq env env*
ast (mal-func-ast fn))) ; TCO
;; built-in function
(let ((fn* (mal-value fn)))
(throw 'return (apply fn* args)))))))))))
(defun eval-ast (ast env)
(let ((type (mal-type ast))
(value (mal-value ast)))
((eq type 'symbol)
(let ((definition (mal-env-get env value)))
(or definition (error "Definition not found"))))
((eq type 'list)
(mal-list (mapcar (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value)))
((eq type 'vector)
(mal-vector (vconcat (mapcar (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value))))
((eq type 'map)
(let ((map (copy-hash-table value)))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(puthash key (EVAL value env) map))
(mal-map map)))
;; return as is
(mal-env-set repl-env 'eval (mal-fn (let ((env repl-env)) (lambda (form) (EVAL form env)))))
(mal-env-set repl-env '*ARGV* (mal-list (mapcar 'mal-string (cdr argv))))
(defun PRINT (input)
(pr-str input t))
(defun rep (input)
(PRINT (EVAL (READ input) repl-env)))
(rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
(rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
(rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
(rep "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))")
(defun readln (prompt)
;; C-d throws an error
(ignore-errors (read-from-minibuffer prompt)))
(defun println (format-string &rest args)
(if (not args)
(princ format-string)
(princ (apply 'format format-string args)))
(defmacro with-error-handling (&rest body)
`(condition-case err
(progn ,@body)
;; empty input, carry on
(let* ((type (cadr err))
((eq type 'string) ?\")
((eq type 'list) ?\))
((eq type 'vector) ?\])
((eq type 'map) ?}))))
(princ (format "Expected '%c', got EOF\n" end))))
(error ; catch-all
(println (error-message-string err)))))
(defun main ()
(if argv
(rep (format "(load-file \"%s\")" (car argv))))
(let (eof)
(while (not eof)
(let ((input (readln "user> ")))
(if input
(println (rep input)))
(setq eof t)
;; print final newline