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Nicolas Boulenguez dcaf3f213c Improve answer to exercises
The identity function is not used in the answers.
Sort list, prn, hash-map by increasing difficulty.
Fix indentation consistency in concat.
Avoid using the same identifier twice.
In do3, make explicit that acc is not used.
In _quasiquote_iter, call the tested quasiquote2 instead of the original quasiquote.
In the quoting section, add foldr_pairs to hide recursions.
The compose function is not used in the answers.
2020-07-21 17:48:45 +02:00

164 lines
5.6 KiB

;; These are the answers to the questions in ../docs/exercise.md.
;; In order to avoid unexpected circular dependencies among solutions,
;; this answer file attempts to be self-contained.
(def! reduce (fn* (f init xs)
(if (empty? xs) init (reduce f (f init (first xs)) (rest xs)))))
(def! foldr (fn* [f init xs]
(if (empty? xs) init (f (first xs) (foldr f init (rest xs))))))
;; Reimplementations.
(def! nil? (fn* [x] (= x nil )))
(def! true? (fn* [x] (= x true )))
(def! false? (fn* [x] (= x false)))
(def! empty? (fn* [x] (= x [] )))
(def! sequential?
(fn* [x]
(if (list? x) true (vector? x))))
(def! > (fn* [a b] (< b a) ))
(def! <= (fn* [a b] (not (< b a))))
(def! >= (fn* [a b] (not (< a b))))
(def! list (fn* [& xs] xs))
(def! prn (fn* [& xs] (println (apply pr-str xs))))
(def! hash-map (fn* [& xs] (apply assoc {} xs)))
(def! swap! (fn* [a f & xs] (reset! a (apply f (deref a) xs))))
(def! count
(fn* [xs]
(if (nil? xs)
(reduce (fn* [acc _] (+ 1 acc)) 0 xs))))
(def! nth
(fn* [xs index]
(if (if (<= 0 index) (not (empty? xs))) ; logical and
(if (= 0 index)
(first xs)
(nth (rest xs) (- index 1)))
(throw "nth: index out of range"))))
(def! map
(fn* [f xs]
(foldr (fn* [x acc] (cons (f x) acc)) () xs)))
(def! concat
(fn* [& xs]
(foldr (fn* [x acc] (foldr cons acc x)) () xs)))
(def! conj
(fn* [xs & ys]
(if (vector? xs)
(apply vector (concat xs ys))
(reduce (fn* [acc x] (cons x acc)) xs ys))))
(def! do2 (fn* [& xs] (nth xs (- (count xs) 1))))
(def! do3 (fn* [& xs] (reduce (fn* [_ x] x) nil xs)))
;; do2 will probably be more efficient when lists are implemented as
;; arrays with direct indexing, but when they are implemented as
;; linked lists, do3 may win because it only does one traversal.
(defmacro! quote2 (fn* [ast]
(list (fn* [] ast))))
(def! _quasiquote_iter (fn* [x acc]
(if (if (list? x) (= (first x) 'splice-unquote)) ; logical and
(list 'concat (first (rest x)) acc)
(list 'cons (list 'quasiquote2 x) acc))))
(defmacro! quasiquote2 (fn* [ast]
(if (list? ast)
(if (= (first ast) 'unquote)
(first (rest ast))
(foldr _quasiquote_iter () ast))
(if (vector? ast)
;; TODO: once tests are fixed, replace 'list with 'vector.
(list 'apply 'list (foldr _quasiquote_iter () ast))
(list 'quote ast)))))
;; Interpret kvs as [k1 v1 k2 v2 ... kn vn] and returns
;; (f k1 v1 (f k2 v2 (f ... (f kn vn)))).
(def! _foldr_pairs (fn* [f init kvs]
(if (empty? kvs)
(let* [key (first kvs)
rst (rest kvs)
val (first rst)
acc (_foldr_pairs f init (rest rst))]
(f key val acc)))))
(defmacro! let*A (fn* [binds form]
(let* [formal (_foldr_pairs (fn* [key val acc] (cons key acc)) () binds)
actual (_foldr_pairs (fn* [key val acc] (cons val acc)) () binds)]
`((fn* ~formal ~form) ~@actual))))
;; Fails for (let* [a 1 b (+ 1 a)] b)
(defmacro! let*B (fn* [binds form]
(let* [f (fn* [key val acc]
`((fn* [~key] ~acc) ~val))]
(_foldr_pairs f form binds))))
;; Fails for (let* (cst (fn* (n) (if (= n 0) nil (cst (- n 1))))) (cst 1))
(def! _c_combinator (fn* [x] (x x)))
(def! _d_combinator (fn* [f] (fn* [x] (f (fn* [v] ((x x) v))))))
(def! _Y_combinator (fn* [x] (_c_combinator (_d_combinator x))))
(defmacro! let*C (fn* [binds form]
(let* [f (fn* [key val acc]
`((fn* [~key] ~acc) (_Y_combinator (fn* [~key] ~val))))]
(_foldr_pairs f form binds))))
;; Fails for mutual recursion.
;; See http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/fixed-point-combinators.html
;; if you are motivated to implement solution D.
(def! apply
;; Replace (f a b [c d]) with ('f 'a 'b 'c 'd) then evaluate the
;; resulting function call (the surrounding environment does not
;; matter when evaluating a function call).
;; Use nil as marker to detect deepest recursive call.
(let* [q (fn* [x] (list 'quote x))
iter (fn* [x acc]
(if (nil? acc) ; x is the last element (a sequence)
(map q x)
(cons (q x) acc)))]
(fn* [& xs] (eval (foldr iter nil xs)))))
;; Folds
(def! sum (fn* [xs] (reduce + 0 xs)))
(def! product (fn* [xs] (reduce * 1 xs)))
(def! conjunction
(let* [and2 (fn* [acc x] (if acc x false))]
(fn* [xs]
(reduce and2 true xs))))
(def! disjunction
(let* [or2 (fn* [acc x] (if acc true x))]
(fn* [xs]
(reduce or2 false xs))))
;; It would be faster to stop the iteration on first failure
;; (conjunction) or success (disjunction). Even better, `or` in the
;; stepA and `and` in `core.mal` stop evaluating their arguments.
;; Yes, -2-3-4 means (((0-2)-3)-4).
;; `(reduce str "" xs)` is equivalent to `apply str xs`
;; and `(reduce concat () xs)` is equivalent to `apply concat xs`.
;; The built-in iterations are probably faster.
;; `(reduce (fn* [acc _] acc) nil xs)` is equivalent to `nil`.
;; For (reduce (fn* [acc x] x) nil xs))), see do3 above.
;; `(reduce (fn* [acc x] (if (< acc x) x acc)) 0 xs)` computes the
;; maximum of a list of non-negative integers. It is hard to find an
;; initial value fitting all purposes.
(def! sum_len
(let* [add_len (fn* [acc x] (+ acc (count x)))]
(fn* [xs]
(reduce add_len 0 xs))))
(def! max_len
(let* [update_max (fn* [acc x] (let* [l (count x)] (if (< acc l) l acc)))]
(fn* [xs]
(reduce update_max 0 xs))))
;; (fn* [& fs] (foldr (fn* [f acc] (fn* [x] (f (acc x)))) identity fs))
;; computes the composition of an arbitrary number of functions.
;; The first anonymous function is the mathematical composition.
;; For practical purposes, `->` and `->>` in `core.mal` are more
;; efficient and general.