mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-19 09:38:28 +03:00
2016-03-27 22:33:20 -04:00

83 lines
2.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(require "readline.rkt" "types.rkt" "reader.rkt" "printer.rkt"
"env.rkt" "core.rkt")
;; read
(define (READ str)
(read_str str))
;; eval
(define (eval-ast ast env)
[(symbol? ast) (send env get ast)]
[(_sequential? ast) (_map (lambda (x) (EVAL x env)) ast)]
[(hash? ast) (make-hash
(dict-map ast (lambda (k v) (cons k (EVAL v env)))))]
[else ast]))
(define (EVAL ast env)
(if (or (not (list? ast)) (empty? ast))
(eval-ast ast env)
(let ([a0 (_nth ast 0)])
[(eq? 'def! a0)
(send env set (_nth ast 1) (EVAL (_nth ast 2) env))]
[(eq? 'let* a0)
(let ([let-env (new Env% [outer env] [binds null] [exprs null])])
(_map (lambda (b_e)
(send let-env set (_first b_e)
(EVAL (_nth b_e 1) let-env)))
(_partition 2 (_to_list (_nth ast 1))))
(EVAL (_nth ast 2) let-env))]
[(eq? 'do a0)
(last (eval-ast (rest ast) env))]
[(eq? 'if a0)
(let ([cnd (EVAL (_nth ast 1) env)])
(if (or (eq? cnd nil) (eq? cnd #f))
(if (> (length ast) 3)
(EVAL (_nth ast 3) env)
(EVAL (_nth ast 2) env)))]
[(eq? 'fn* a0)
(lambda args (EVAL (_nth ast 2)
(new Env% [outer env]
[binds (_nth ast 1)]
[exprs args])))]
[else (let* ([el (eval-ast ast env)]
[f (first el)]
[args (rest el)])
(apply f args))]))))
;; print
(define (PRINT exp)
(pr_str exp true))
;; repl
(define repl-env
(new Env% [outer null] [binds null] [exprs null]))
(define (rep str)
(PRINT (EVAL (READ str) repl-env)))
(for () ;; ignore return values
;; core.rkt: defined using Racket
(hash-for-each core_ns (lambda (k v) (send repl-env set k v)))
;; core.mal: defined using the language itself
(rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
(define (repl-loop)
(let ([line (readline "user> ")])
(when (not (eq? nil line))
([string? (lambda (exc) (printf "Error: ~a~n" exc))]
[blank-exn? (lambda (exc) null)])
(printf "~a~n" (rep line)))