mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 22:28:26 +03:00
Joel Martin 6c4cc8adb2 Various small self-host mode fixes.
- clojure (cljs): self-host arity fix. Apparently ClojureScript
  functions that have metadata attached only support arity of 20. This
  is problem during self-host because the main EVAL cond macro is 22
  items so it blows up when applied in macroexpand. So we preserve the
  origin unadorned function through to macroexpand and use it there
  instead of the adorned function/macro.
- basic: fix build when in self-host qbasic mode.
- coffee, cs, dart, elisp, hy, rexx, vb: fix self-host reader errs. Preserve
  or extract the correct error message in try*/catch* loops so that it
  works for self-host error message printing as well.
- mal: pathing issue in ./run script that affected the wasm
  implementation path permissions
- miniMAL: remove extraneous command line printing of "nil".
- ps: inc function was not actually defined.
- rust: write warning about missing .mal-history to stderr to fix
  self-host failure in step6.
- wasm: the map function was stopping on nil values; fix the list end
  check. Double the macroexpand stack so that sumdown test in stepA
  tests passes without mac stack overflow.
- yorick: read from /dev/stdin in readline builtin function.
2019-05-29 21:18:52 -05:00

727 lines
24 KiB

(module $core
;; it would be nice to have this in types.wam but it uses
;; ENV_NEW_BINDS which is not available until step3 but types is
;; used in step1
(func $APPLY (param $f i32) (param $args i32) (result i32)
(local $res i32 $env i32 $ftype i32 $a i32)
(local.set $f ($DEREF_META $f))
(local.set $ftype ($TYPE $f))
(if (i32.eq $ftype (global.get $FUNCTION_T))
;; Must be kept in sync with EVAL's FUNCTION_T evaluation
(if (i32.eq ($VAL0 $f) 0) ;; eval
(local.set $res ($EVAL ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
(global.get $repl_env))))
(local.set $res (call_indirect (type $fnT) $args ($VAL0 $f))))))
(else (if (OR (i32.eq $ftype (global.get $MALFUNC_T))
(i32.eq $ftype (global.get $MACRO_T)))
;; create new environment using env and params stored in function
(local.set $env ($ENV_NEW_BINDS ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $f)
($MEM_VAL1_ptr $f) $args))
;; claim the AST before releasing the list containing it
(local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $f))
(drop ($INC_REF $a))
(local.set $res ($EVAL $a $env))
($RELEASE $env)
($RELEASE $a))
($THROW_STR_1 "APPLY of non-function type: %d\n" $ftype)
(local.set $res 0)))))
;; core functions
(type $fnT (func (param i32) (result i32)))
(func $equal_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE ($EQUAL_Q ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))
(func $throw (param $args i32) (result i32)
(global.set $error_type 2)
(global.set $error_val ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(func $nil_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $NIL_T))))
(func $true_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $BOOLEAN_T))
(i32.eq ($VAL0 $ast) 1)))
(func $false_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $BOOLEAN_T))
(i32.eq ($VAL0 $ast) 0)))
(func $number_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $INTEGER_T))))
(func $string_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $mv ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $mv) (global.get $STRING_T))
(i32.ne (i32.load8_u ($to_String $mv))
(CHR "\x7f"))))
(func $keyword (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $str ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(if (result i32) (i32.eq (i32.load8_u $str) (CHR "\x7f"))
(then ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(drop ($sprintf_1 (global.get $printf_buf) "\x7f%s" $str))
($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) (global.get $printf_buf))))
(func $keyword_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $ast ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($TRUE_FALSE (AND (i32.eq ($TYPE $ast) (global.get $STRING_T))
(i32.eq (i32.load8_u ($to_String $ast))
(CHR "\x7f"))))
(func $fn_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $type ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
($TRUE_FALSE (OR (i32.eq $type (global.get $FUNCTION_T))
(i32.eq $type (global.get $MALFUNC_T)))))
(func $macro_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $MACRO_T))))
(func $symbol (param $args i32) (result i32)
($STRING (global.get $SYMBOL_T) ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(func $symbol_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $SYMBOL_T))))
(func $core_pr_str (param $args i32) (result i32)
($pr_str_seq $args 1 " "))
(func $str (param $args i32) (result i32)
($pr_str_seq $args 0 ""))
(func $prn (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $res ($pr_str_seq $args 1 " "))
($printf_1 "%s\n" ($to_String $res))
($RELEASE $res)
($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))
(func $println (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $res ($pr_str_seq $args 0 " "))
($printf_1 "%s\n" ($to_String $res))
($RELEASE $res)
($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))
(func $core_readline (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $line (STATIC_ARRAY 201)
$mv 0)
(if (i32.eqz ($readline ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) $line))
(return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))))
(local.set $mv ($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) $line))
(func $read_string (param $args i32) (result i32)
($read_str ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(func $slurp (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $mv ($STRING_INIT (global.get $STRING_T))
$size ($read_file ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($to_String $mv)))
(if (i32.eqz $size)
($THROW_STR_1 "failed to read file '%s'" ($to_String ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)))))
(local.set $mv ($STRING_FINALIZE $mv $size))
(func $lt (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.lt_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $lte (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.le_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $gt (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.gt_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $gte (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.ge_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $add (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.add ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $subtract (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.sub ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $multiply (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.mul ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $divide (param $args i32) (result i32)
(i32.div_s ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))))
(func $time_ms (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INTEGER ($get_time_ms)))
(func $list (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INC_REF $args))
(func $list_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(global.get $LIST_T))))
(func $vector (param $args i32) (result i32)
($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $VECTOR_T) $args))
(func $vector_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(global.get $VECTOR_T))))
(func $hash_map (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $type (global.get $HASHMAP_T)
$res ($MAP_LOOP_START $type)
$val2 0
$val3 0
$c 0
;; push MAP_LOOP stack
$ret $res
$current $res
$empty $res)
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $args)))
(local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(local.set $val3 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))
;; skip two
(local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
;; update the return sequence structure
(local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE $type $empty $current $val2 $val3))
(if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
;; if first element, set return to new element
(local.set $ret $res))
;; update current to point to new element
(local.set $current $res)
(br $loop)
(func $hash_map_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($DEREF_META ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(global.get $HASHMAP_T))))
(func $assoc (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$key 0)
(local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))
(drop ($INC_REF $hm))
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (OR (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $args))
(i32.eqz ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))))
(local.set $hm ($ASSOC1 $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))))
(local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
(br $loop)
(func $get (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$key ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
(if (result i32) (i32.eq $hm (global.get $NIL))
(then ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)))
(else ($INC_REF (i32.wrap_i64 ($HASHMAP_GET $hm $key)))))
(func $contains_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $hm ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$key ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
(if (result i32) (i32.eq $hm (global.get $NIL))
(then 0)
(else (i32.wrap_i64
(i64.shr_u ($HASHMAP_GET $hm $key) (i64.const 32))))))
(func $keys_or_vals (param $hm i32 $keys i32) (result i32)
(LET $res ($MAP_LOOP_START (global.get $LIST_T))
$val2 0
;; MAP_LOOP stack
$ret $res
$current $res
$empty $res)
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $hm)))
(if $keys
(then (local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $hm))))
(else (local.set $val2 ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL2_ptr $hm)))))
;; next element
(local.set $hm ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $hm))
;; update the return sequence structure
;; do not release val2 since we are pulling it from the
;; arguments and not creating it here
(local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (global.get $LIST_T)
$empty $current $val2 0))
(if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
;; if first element, set return to new element
(local.set $ret $res))
;; update current to point to new element
(local.set $current $res)
(br $loop)
(func $keys (param $args i32) (result i32)
($keys_or_vals ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) 1))
(func $vals (param $args i32) (result i32)
($keys_or_vals ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args) 0))
(func $sequential_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (OR (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $LIST_T))
(i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(global.get $VECTOR_T)))))
(func $cons (param $args i32) (result i32)
($LIST ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)) ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)))
(func $concat (param $args i32) (result i32)
(local $last_sl i64)
(LET $res ($INC_REF (global.get $EMPTY_LIST))
$current $res
$sl 0
$last 0
$arg 0)
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (i32.le_u $args (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP)))
(local.set $arg ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
;; skip empty elements
(if (i32.le_s $arg (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
(local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))
(br $loop)))
(local.set $last_sl ($SLICE $arg 0 -1))
(local.set $sl (i32.wrap_i64 $last_sl))
(local.set $last (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.shr_u $last_sl (i64.const 32))))
(if (i32.eq $res (global.get $EMPTY_LIST))
;; if this is the first element, set the return to the slice
(local.set $res $sl))
;; otherwise attach current to sliced
(i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $current) ($IDX $sl))))
;; update current to end of sliced list
(local.set $current $last)
;; release empty since no longer part of the slice
($RELEASE (global.get $EMPTY_LIST))
(local.set $args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))
(br $loop)
(func $nth (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$idx ($VAL0 ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
$i 0)
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (OR (i32.ge_s $i $idx) (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $a))))
(local.set $i (i32.add $i 1))
(local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a))
(br $loop)
(if (i32.eq ($VAL0 $a) 0)
($THROW_STR_0 "nth: index out of range")
(return 0)))
($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $a))
(func $first (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $res (global.get $NIL)
$a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(if (AND (i32.ne $a (global.get $NIL))
(i32.ne ($VAL0 $a) 0))
(local.set $res ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $a)))
($INC_REF $res)
(func $rest (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $a ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))
(if (i32.eq $a (global.get $NIL))
(return ($INC_REF (global.get $EMPTY_LIST))))
(if (i32.ne ($VAL0 $a) 0)
(local.set $a ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $a)))
($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $LIST_T) $a)
(func $empty_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE ($EMPTY_Q ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(func $count (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INTEGER ($COUNT ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(func $apply (param $args i32) (result i32)
(local $last_sl i64)
(LET $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$f_args 0
$rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)
$rest_count ($COUNT $rest_args)
$last 0
$res 0)
(if (i32.le_s $rest_count 1)
;; no intermediate args
(if (i32.ne ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args)) (global.get $LIST_T))
;; not a list, so convert it first
(local.set $f_args ($FORCE_SEQ_TYPE (global.get $LIST_T)
($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args))))
;; inc ref since we will release after APPLY
(local.set $f_args ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args))))))
;; 1 or more intermediate args
(local.set $last_sl ($SLICE $rest_args 0 (i32.sub $rest_count 1)))
(local.set $f_args (i32.wrap_i64 $last_sl))
(local.set $last (i32.wrap_i64 (i64.shr_u $last_sl (i64.const 32))))
;; release the terminator of the new list (we skip over it)
;; we already checked for an empty list above, so $last is
;; a real non-empty list
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $last))
;; attach end of slice to final args element
(i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $last) ($IDX ($LAST $rest_args)))
(local.set $res ($APPLY $f $f_args))
;; release new args
($RELEASE $f_args)
(func $map (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$rest_args ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args))
$f_args 0
$res ($MAP_LOOP_START (global.get $LIST_T))
;; push MAP_LOOP stack
$ret $res
$current $res
$empty $res)
(block $done
(loop $loop
(br_if $done (i32.eqz ($VAL0 $rest_args)))
;; create argument list for apply
(local.set $f_args ($ALLOC (global.get $LIST_T)
(global.get $EMPTY_LIST)
($MEM_VAL1_ptr $rest_args)
(local.set $res ($APPLY $f $f_args))
($RELEASE $f_args)
;; go to the next element
(local.set $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $rest_args))
(if (global.get $error_type)
;; if error, release the unattached element
($RELEASE $res)
(br $done)))
;; update the return sequence structure
(local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE (global.get $LIST_T)
$empty $current $res 0))
(if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
;; if first element, set return to new element
(local.set $ret $res))
;; update current to point to new element
(local.set $current $res)
(br $loop)
(func $with_meta (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $mv ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$meta ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
;; remove existing metadata first
($ALLOC (global.get $METADATA_T) ($DEREF_META $mv) $meta 0)
(func $meta (param $args i32) (result i32)
(if (result i32) (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $METADATA_T))
(then ($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(else ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)))))
(func $atom (param $args i32) (result i32)
($ALLOC_SCALAR (global.get $ATOM_T) ($VAL1 $args)))
(func $atom_Q (param $args i32) (result i32)
($TRUE_FALSE (i32.eq ($TYPE ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)) (global.get $ATOM_T))))
(func $deref (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INC_REF ($MEM_VAL0_ptr ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args))))
(func $_reset_BANG (param $atom i32 $val i32) (result i32)
;; release current value since we are about to overwrite it
($RELEASE ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $atom))
;; inc ref by 2 for atom ownership and since we are returning it
(drop ($INC_REF ($INC_REF $val)))
;; update the value
(i32.store ($VAL0_ptr $atom) ($IDX $val))
(func $reset_BANG (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $atom ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$val ($MEM_VAL1_ptr ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)))
($_reset_BANG $atom $val)
(func $swap_BANG (param $args i32) (result i32)
(LET $atom ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $args)
$f_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $args)
$rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $f_args)
;; add atom value to front of the args list
$s_args ($LIST $rest_args ($MEM_VAL0_ptr $atom)) ;; cons
$f ($MEM_VAL1_ptr $f_args)
$res ($APPLY $f $s_args))
;; release args
($RELEASE $s_args)
;; use reset to update the value
(drop ($_reset_BANG $atom $res))
;; but decrease the ref cnt of return by 1 (not sure why)
($RELEASE $res)
(func $pr_memory_summary (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))
(func $nop (param $args i32) (result i32)
($INC_REF (global.get $NIL)))
(elem $nop ;; placeholder for eval which will use 0
;; 14
;; 30
$nop ;; $dissoc
;; 42
$nop ;; $conj
$nop ;; $seq
;; 54
(func $add_core_ns (param $env i32)
;;(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "eval" ($FUNCTION 0)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "=" ($FUNCTION 1)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "throw" ($FUNCTION 2)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "nil?" ($FUNCTION 3)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "true?" ($FUNCTION 4)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "false?" ($FUNCTION 5)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "number?" ($FUNCTION 6)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "string?" ($FUNCTION 7)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "symbol" ($FUNCTION 8)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "symbol?" ($FUNCTION 9)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keyword" ($FUNCTION 10)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keyword?" ($FUNCTION 11)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "fn?" ($FUNCTION 12)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "macro?" ($FUNCTION 13)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "pr-str" ($FUNCTION 14)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "str" ($FUNCTION 15)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "prn" ($FUNCTION 16)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "println" ($FUNCTION 17)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "readline" ($FUNCTION 18)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "read-string" ($FUNCTION 19)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "slurp" ($FUNCTION 20)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "<" ($FUNCTION 21)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "<=" ($FUNCTION 22)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env ">" ($FUNCTION 23)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env ">=" ($FUNCTION 24)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "+" ($FUNCTION 25)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "-" ($FUNCTION 26)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "*" ($FUNCTION 27)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "/" ($FUNCTION 28)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "time-ms" ($FUNCTION 29)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "list" ($FUNCTION 30)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "list?" ($FUNCTION 31)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vector" ($FUNCTION 32)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vector?" ($FUNCTION 33)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "hash-map" ($FUNCTION 34)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "map?" ($FUNCTION 35)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "assoc" ($FUNCTION 36)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "dissoc" ($FUNCTION 37)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "get" ($FUNCTION 38)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "contains?" ($FUNCTION 39)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "keys" ($FUNCTION 40)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "vals" ($FUNCTION 41)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "sequential?" ($FUNCTION 42)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "cons" ($FUNCTION 43)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "concat" ($FUNCTION 44)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "nth" ($FUNCTION 45)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "first" ($FUNCTION 46)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "rest" ($FUNCTION 47)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "empty?" ($FUNCTION 48)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "count" ($FUNCTION 49)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "apply" ($FUNCTION 50)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "map" ($FUNCTION 51)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "conj" ($FUNCTION 52)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "seq" ($FUNCTION 53)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "with-meta" ($FUNCTION 54)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "meta" ($FUNCTION 55)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "atom" ($FUNCTION 56)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "atom?" ($FUNCTION 57)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "deref" ($FUNCTION 58)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "reset!" ($FUNCTION 59)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "swap!" ($FUNCTION 60)))
(drop ($ENV_SET_S $env "pr-memory-summary" ($FUNCTION 61)))