mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 14:52:16 +03:00

246 lines
4.5 KiB

(defn make-nil
{:tag :nil
:content "nil"})
(defn make-boolean
{:tag :boolean
:content (string bool)})
(defn make-keyword
{:tag :keyword
:content a-str})
(defn make-number
{:tag :number
:content a-num})
(defn make-string
{:tag :string
:content a-str})
(defn make-symbol
{:tag :symbol
:content a-str})
(defn make-hash-map
[items &opt meta]
(default meta (make-nil))
(let [a-struct (if (dictionary? items)
(struct ;items))]
{:tag :hash-map
:content a-struct
:meta meta}))
(defn make-list
[items &opt meta]
(default meta (make-nil))
{:tag :list
:content items
:meta meta})
(defn make-vector
[items &opt meta]
(default meta (make-nil))
{:tag :vector
:content items
:meta meta})
(defn make-function
[a-fn &opt meta is-macro ast params env]
(default meta (make-nil))
(default is-macro false)
{:tag :function
:content a-fn
:meta meta
:is-macro is-macro
:ast ast
:params params
:env env})
(defn make-atom
@{:tag :atom
:content ast})
(defn set-atom-value!
[atom-ast value-ast]
(put atom-ast
:content value-ast))
(defn make-exception
{:tag :exception
:content ast})
## common accessors
(defn get-value
(ast :content))
(defn get-type
(ast :tag))
(defn get-meta
(ast :meta))
## function-specific accessors
(defn get-is-macro
(ast :is-macro))
(defn get-ast
(ast :ast))
(defn get-params
(ast :params))
(defn get-env
(ast :env))
## function-specific functions
(defn macrofy
(merge fn-ast {:is-macro true}))
(defn clone-with-meta
[fn-ast meta-ast]
(merge fn-ast {:meta meta-ast}))
## predicates
(defn nil?*
(= :nil (get-type ast)))
(defn boolean?*
(= :boolean (get-type ast)))
(defn true?*
(and (boolean?* ast)
(= "true" (get-value ast))))
(defn false?*
(and (boolean?* ast)
(= "false" (get-value ast))))
(defn number?*
(= :number (get-type ast)))
(defn symbol?*
(= :symbol (get-type ast)))
(defn keyword?*
(= :keyword (get-type ast)))
(defn string?*
(= :string (get-type ast)))
(defn list?*
(= :list (get-type ast)))
(defn vector?*
(= :vector (get-type ast)))
(defn hash-map?*
(= :hash-map (get-type ast)))
(defn fn?*
(= :function (get-type ast)))
(defn macro?*
(and (fn?* ast)
(get-is-macro ast)))
(defn atom?*
(= :atom (get-type ast)))
(defn exception?*
(= :exception (get-type ast)))
(defn empty?*
(empty? (get-value ast)))
# XXX: likely this could be simpler
(defn equals?*
[ast-1 ast-2]
(let [type-1 (get-type ast-1)
type-2 (get-type ast-2)]
(if (and (not= type-1 type-2)
# XXX: not elegant
(not (and (list?* ast-1) (vector?* ast-2)))
(not (and (list?* ast-2) (vector?* ast-1))))
(let [val-1 (get-value ast-1)
val-2 (get-value ast-2)]
# XXX: when not a collection...
(if (and (not (list?* ast-1))
(not (vector?* ast-1))
(not (hash-map?* ast-1)))
(= val-1 val-2)
(if (not= (length val-1) (length val-2))
(if (and (not (hash-map?* ast-1))
(not (hash-map?* ast-2)))
(var found-unequal false)
(each [v1 v2] (partition 2 (interleave val-1 val-2))
(when (not (equals?* v1 v2))
(set found-unequal true)
(not found-unequal))
(if (or (not (hash-map?* ast-1))
(not (hash-map?* ast-2)))
(var found-unequal false)
(each [k1 k2] (partition 2 (interleave (keys val-1)
(keys val-2)))
(when (not (equals?* k1 k2))
(set found-unequal true)
(when (not (equals?* (val-1 k1) (val-2 k2)))
(set found-unequal true)
(not found-unequal))))))))))
## highlander types
(def mal-nil
(def mal-true
(make-boolean true))
(def mal-false
(make-boolean false))