mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 18:18:51 +03:00
2016-02-26 21:40:25 -06:00

282 lines
8.7 KiB

% requires types.ps to be included first
/token_delim (;,"` \n{}\(\)[]) def
/token_number (0123456789-) def
% read_number: read a single number from string/idx
% string idx -> read_number -> number string new_idx
/read_number { 5 dict begin
%(in read_number\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
/start idx def
/cnt 0 def
{ % loop
idx str length ge { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx get def % current character
ch 48 ge ch 57 le and 45 ch eq or { %if number
/cnt cnt 1 add def
}{ % else
} ifelse
/idx idx 1 add def % increment idx
} loop
str start cnt getinterval cvi % the matched number
str idx % return: number string new_idx
end } def
% read_symbol: read a single symbol from string/idx
% string idx -> read_symbol -> name string new_idx
/read_symbol { 5 dict begin
%(in read_symbol\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
/start idx def
/cnt 0 def
{ % loop
idx str length ge { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx 1 getinterval def
token_delim ch search { % if token delimeter
pop pop pop exit
}{ % else not a delim
/cnt cnt 1 add def
} ifelse
/idx idx 1 add def % increment idx
} loop
str start cnt getinterval cvn % the matched symbol
str idx % return: symbol string new_idx
end } def
% read_keyword: read a single keyword from string/idx
% string idx -> read_keyword -> name string new_idx
/read_keyword { 5 dict begin
%(in read_keyword\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
/start idx def
/cnt 0 def
{ % loop
idx str length ge { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx 1 getinterval def
token_delim ch search { % if token delimeter
pop pop pop exit
}{ % else not a delim
/cnt cnt 1 add def
} ifelse
/idx idx 1 add def % increment idx
} loop
str start cnt getinterval % the matched keyword string
dup 0 127 put % TODO: something like (\x029e) would be better
str idx % return: keyword string new_idx
end } def
% read_string: read a single string from string/idx
% string idx -> read_string -> new_string string new_idx
/read_string { 5 dict begin
%(in read_string\n) print
/idx exch 1 add def
/str exch def
/start idx def
/cnt 0 def
{ % loop
idx str length ge { %if EOF
(unexpected EOF reading string) _throw
} if
/ch str idx get def % current character
/idx idx 1 add def
ch 92 eq { % if \
str idx get 34 eq { %if \"
/idx idx 1 add def
/cnt cnt 1 add def % 1 more below
} if
} if
ch 34 eq { exit } if % '"' is end of string
/cnt cnt 1 add def
} loop
str start cnt getinterval % the matched string
(\\") (") replace
(\\n) (\n) replace
(\\\\) (\\) replace
str idx % return: new_string string new_idx
end } def
% read_atom: read a single atom from string/idx
% string idx -> read_atom -> int string new_idx
/read_atom { 4 dict begin
%(in read_atom\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
str length idx le { % ifelse
exit % EOF
/ch str idx get def % current character
str length idx 1 add le {
/nextch 0 def
/nextch str idx 1 add get def % next character
} ifelse
ch 48 ge ch 57 le and { %if digit (number)
str idx read_number
}{ ch 45 eq nextch 48 ge nextch 57 le and and { %elseif minus and digit
str idx read_number
}{ ch 34 eq { %elseif double-quote (string)
str idx read_string
}{ ch 58 eq { %elseif colon (keyword)
str idx read_keyword
str idx read_symbol
/idx exch def pop
dup /nil eq { %if nil
pop null str idx
}{ dup /true eq { %elseif true
pop true str idx
}{ dup /false eq { %elseif false
pop false str idx
}{ %else
str idx % return the original symbol/name
} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
% return: atom string new_idx
end } def
% read_until: read a list from string/idx until stopchar is found
% string idx stopchar -> read_until -> list string new_idx
/read_until { 3 dict begin
%(in read_until\n) print
/stopchar exch def
/idx exch 1 add def
/str exch def
{ % loop
str idx read_spaces /idx exch def pop
str length idx le { %if EOF
(unexpected EOF reading list) _throw
} if
/ch str idx get def % current character
ch stopchar eq { exit } if % stop at stopchar
str idx read_form /idx exch def pop
} loop
str idx 1 add
end } def
% read_spaces: advance idx to the first non-whitespace
% string idx -> read_form -> string new_idx
/read_spaces { 3 dict begin
%(in read_spaces\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
{ % loop
str length idx le { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx get def % current character
%(left1.1:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
% eliminate comments
ch 59 eq { %if ';'
{ % loop
/idx idx 1 add def % increment idx
str length idx le { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx get def % current character
%(left1.2:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
% if newline then we are done
ch 10 eq { exit } if
} loop
/idx idx 1 add def
str length idx le { exit } if % EOF, break loop
/ch str idx get def % current character
} if
% if not whitespace then exit
ch 32 ne ch 10 ne ch 44 ne and and { exit } if
/idx idx 1 add def % increment idx
} loop
%(left1.3:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
str idx % return: string new_idx
end } def
% read_form: read the next form from string start at idx
% string idx -> read_form -> ast string new_idx
/read_form { 3 dict begin
%(in read_form\n) print
/idx exch def
/str exch def
%idx str length ge { (unexpected EOF) _throw } if % EOF
idx str length ge { null str idx }{ %if EOF
/ch str idx get def % current character
%(LEFT2.1:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
ch 39 eq { %if '\''
/idx idx 1 add def
str idx read_form
3 -1 roll /quote exch 2 _list 3 1 roll
}{ ch 96 eq { %if '`'
/idx idx 1 add def
str idx read_form
3 -1 roll /quasiquote exch 2 _list 3 1 roll
}{ ch 126 eq { %if '~'
/idx idx 1 add def
/ch str idx get def % current character
ch 64 eq { %if '~@'
/idx idx 1 add def
str idx read_form
3 -1 roll /splice-unquote exch 2 _list 3 1 roll
}{ %else just '~'
str idx read_form
3 -1 roll /unquote exch 2 _list 3 1 roll
} ifelse
}{ ch 94 eq { %if '^'
/idx idx 1 add def
str idx read_form read_form % stack: meta form str idx
4 2 roll exch /with-meta 3 1 roll 3 _list 3 1 roll
}{ ch 64 eq { %if '@'
/idx idx 1 add def
str idx read_form
3 -1 roll /deref exch 2 _list 3 1 roll
}{ ch 40 eq { %if '('
str idx 41 read_until dup /idx exch def
%(LEFT2.2:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
3 -1 roll _list_from_array 3 1 roll
%(LEFT2.3:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
}{ ch 41 eq { %elseif ')'
(unexpected '\)') _throw
}{ ch 91 eq { %if '['
str idx 93 read_until dup /idx exch def
%(LEFT2.4:) print str idx str length idx sub getinterval print (\n) print
3 -1 roll _vector_from_array 3 1 roll
}{ ch 93 eq { %elseif ']'
(unexpected ']') _throw
}{ ch 123 eq { %elseif '{'
str idx 125 read_until dup /idx exch def
3 -1 roll _hash_map_from_array 3 1 roll
}{ ch 125 eq { %elseif '}'
(unexpected '}') _throw
}{ % else
str idx read_atom
} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse
} ifelse % not EOF
% return: ast string new_idx
end } def
% string -> read_str -> ast
/read_str {
%(in read_str\n) print
0 % current index into the string
pop pop % drop the string, idx. return: ast
} def