mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-11-10 12:47:45 +03:00
Joel Martin c46b421a24 Haskell: fix simple vector equality. Add test.
- Was missing vector to vector equality but never noticed because test
  was missing.
- Related to #123
2015-12-03 16:27:47 -06:00

138 lines
3.7 KiB

module Types
(MalVal (..), MalError (..), IOThrows (..), Fn (..), EnvData (..), Env,
throwStr, throwMalVal, _get_call, _to_list,
_func, _malfunc,
_nil_Q, _true_Q, _false_Q, _symbol_Q, _keyword_Q,
_list_Q, _vector_Q, _hash_map_Q, _atom_Q)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Exception as CE
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT, Error, noMsg, strMsg, throwError)
-- Base Mal types --
newtype Fn = Fn ([MalVal] -> IOThrows MalVal)
data MalVal = Nil
| MalFalse
| MalTrue
| MalNumber Int
| MalString String
| MalSymbol String
| MalList [MalVal] MalVal
| MalVector [MalVal] MalVal
| MalHashMap (Map.Map String MalVal) MalVal
| MalAtom (IORef MalVal) MalVal
| Func Fn MalVal
| MalFunc {fn :: Fn,
ast :: MalVal,
env :: Env,
params :: MalVal,
macro :: Bool,
meta :: MalVal}
_equal_Q Nil Nil = True
_equal_Q MalFalse MalFalse = True
_equal_Q MalTrue MalTrue = True
_equal_Q (MalNumber a) (MalNumber b) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalString a) (MalString b) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalSymbol a) (MalSymbol b) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalList a _) (MalList b _) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalList a _) (MalVector b _) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalVector a _) (MalList b _) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalVector a _) (MalVector b _) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalHashMap a _) (MalHashMap b _) = a == b
_equal_Q (MalAtom a _) (MalAtom b _) = a == b
_equal_Q _ _ = False
instance Eq MalVal where
x == y = _equal_Q x y
--- Errors/Exceptions ---
data MalError = StringError String
| MalValError MalVal
type IOThrows = ErrorT MalError IO
instance Error MalError where
noMsg = StringError "An error has occurred"
strMsg = StringError
throwStr str = throwError $ StringError str
throwMalVal mv = throwError $ MalValError mv
-- Env types --
-- Note: Env functions are in Env module
data EnvData = EnvPair (Maybe Env, (Map.Map String MalVal))
type Env = IORef EnvData
-- General functions --
_get_call ((Func (Fn f) _) : _) = return f
_get_call (MalFunc {fn=(Fn f)} : _) = return f
_get_call _ = throwStr "_get_call first parameter is not a function "
_to_list (MalList lst _) = return lst
_to_list (MalVector lst _) = return lst
_to_list _ = throwStr "_to_list expected a MalList or MalVector"
-- Errors
--catchAny :: IO a -> (CE.SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
--catchAny = CE.catch
-- Functions
_func fn = Func (Fn fn) Nil
_func_meta fn meta = Func (Fn fn) meta
_malfunc ast env params fn = MalFunc {fn=(Fn fn), ast=ast,
env=env, params=params,
macro=False, meta=Nil}
_malfunc_meta ast env params fn meta = MalFunc {fn=(Fn fn), ast=ast,
env=env, params=params,
macro=False, meta=meta}
-- Scalars
_nil_Q Nil = MalTrue
_nil_Q _ = MalFalse
_true_Q MalTrue = MalTrue
_true_Q _ = MalFalse
_false_Q MalFalse = MalTrue
_false_Q _ = MalFalse
_symbol_Q (MalSymbol _) = MalTrue
_symbol_Q _ = MalFalse
_keyword_Q (MalString ('\x029e':_)) = MalTrue
_keyword_Q _ = MalFalse
-- Lists
_list_Q (MalList _ _) = MalTrue
_list_Q _ = MalFalse
-- Vectors
_vector_Q (MalVector _ _) = MalTrue
_vector_Q _ = MalFalse
-- Hash Maps
_hash_map_Q (MalHashMap _ _) = MalTrue
_hash_map_Q _ = MalFalse
-- Atoms
_atom_Q (MalAtom _ _) = MalTrue
_atom_Q _ = MalFalse