mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 22:28:26 +03:00
Joel Martin 8f8608a989 ci.sh/GHA: Add docker-build-push step/action
A major maintainability issue for years has been that the CI assumes
that a docker image for the implementation exists in Docker's registry
(named kanaka/mal-test-IMPL). This means the upstream maintainers have
to be involved in the PR loop to build the implementation Dockerfile,
push to the docker registry and then have the PR submitter re-run CI.

To address this, in ci.sh, the docker-build-push action will try to pull
the image and then continue as normal. If the pull fails then it will
build the image and push it (if the build is running in the context of
the upstream repo's main branch) and then continue.

Also, this switches to using ghcr.io as the default repo for images
which will make image transfer more local (during CI) and hopefully
a fair bit faster (and avoid potential docker pull limits).

Add a steps to the GHA main workflow that do a docker login to ghcr.io
and then call `ci.sh docker-build-push ${IMPL}`.
2024-08-02 11:10:06 -05:00

361 lines
13 KiB

# Usage/help
all help:
@echo 'USAGE:'
@echo 'Rules/Targets:'
@echo 'make "IMPL" # build all steps of IMPL'
@echo 'make "build^IMPL" # build all steps of IMPL'
@echo 'make "IMPL^STEP" # build STEP of IMPL'
@echo 'make "build^IMPL^STEP" # build STEP of IMPL'
@echo 'make "test" # test all implementations'
@echo 'make "test^IMPL" # test all steps of IMPL'
@echo 'make "test^STEP" # test STEP for all implementations'
@echo 'make "test^IMPL^STEP" # test STEP of IMPL'
@echo 'make "perf" # run microbenchmarks for all implementations'
@echo 'make "perf^IMPL" # run microbenchmarks for IMPL'
@echo 'make "repl^IMPL" # run stepA of IMPL'
@echo 'make "repl^IMPL^STEP" # test STEP of IMPL'
@echo 'make "clean" # run 'make clean' for all implementations'
@echo 'make "clean^IMPL" # run 'make clean' for IMPL'
@echo 'make "stats" # run 'make stats' for all implementations'
@echo 'make "stats-lisp" # run 'make stats-lisp' for all implementations'
@echo 'make "stats^IMPL" # run 'make stats' for IMPL'
@echo 'make "stats-lisp^IMPL" # run 'make stats-lisp' for IMPL'
@echo 'Options/Settings:'
@echo 'make MAL_IMPL=IMPL "test^mal..." # use IMPL for self-host tests'
@echo 'make REGRESS=1 "test..." # test with previous step tests too'
@echo 'make DOCKERIZE=1 ... # to dockerize above rules/targets'
@echo 'make TEST_OPTS="--opt ..." # options to pass to runtest.py'
@echo 'Other:'
@echo 'make "docker-build^IMPL" # build docker image for IMPL'
@echo 'make "docker-shell^IMPL" # start bash shell in docker image for IMPL'
# Implementation specific settings are here:
include Makefile.impls
# General command line settings
# Path to loccount for counting LOC stats
LOCCOUNT = loccount
# Extra options to pass to runtest.py
# Test with previous test files not just the test files for the
# current step. Step 0 and 1 tests are special and not included in
# later steps.
# Run target/rule within docker image for the implementation
# General settings and utility functions
step0 = step0_repl
step1 = step1_read_print
step2 = step2_eval
step3 = step3_env
step4 = step4_if_fn_do
step5 = step5_tco
step6 = step6_file
step7 = step7_quote
step8 = step8_macros
step9 = step9_try
stepA = stepA_mal
argv_STEP = step6_file
regress_step0 = step0
regress_step1 = step1
regress_step2 = step2
regress_step3 = $(regress_step2) step3
regress_step4 = $(regress_step3) step4
regress_step5 = $(regress_step4) step5
regress_step6 = $(regress_step5) step6
regress_step7 = $(regress_step6) step7
regress_step8 = $(regress_step7) step8
regress_step9 = $(regress_step8) step9
regress_stepA = $(regress_step9) stepA
# Needed some argument munging
noop =
SPACE = $(noop) $(noop)
export FACTOR_ROOTS := .
opt_HARD = $(if $(strip $(HARD)),$(if $(filter t true T True TRUE 1 y yes Yes YES,$(HARD)),--hard,),)
opt_DEFERRABLE = $(if $(strip $(DEFERRABLE)),$(if $(filter t true T True TRUE 1 y yes Yes YES,$(DEFERRABLE)),--deferrable,--no-deferrable),--no-deferrable)
opt_OPTIONAL = $(if $(strip $(OPTIONAL)),$(if $(filter t true T True TRUE 1 y yes Yes YES,$(OPTIONAL)),--optional,--no-optional),--no-optional)
# Return list of test files for a given step. If REGRESS is set then
# test files will include step 2 tests through tests for the step
# being tested.
STEP_TEST_FILES = $(strip $(wildcard \
$(foreach s,$(if $(strip $(REGRESS)),\
$(filter-out $(if $(filter $(1),$(step5_EXCLUDES)),step5,),\
impls/$(1)/tests/$($(s))$(EXTENSION) impls/tests/$($(s))$(EXTENSION))))
# DOCKERIZE utility functions
lc = $(subst A,a,$(subst B,b,$(subst C,c,$(subst D,d,$(subst E,e,$(subst F,f,$(subst G,g,$(subst H,h,$(subst I,i,$(subst J,j,$(subst K,k,$(subst L,l,$(subst M,m,$(subst N,n,$(subst O,o,$(subst P,p,$(subst Q,q,$(subst R,r,$(subst S,s,$(subst T,t,$(subst U,u,$(subst V,v,$(subst W,w,$(subst X,x,$(subst Y,y,$(subst Z,z,$1))))))))))))))))))))))))))
impl_to_image = ghcr.io/kanaka/mal-test-$(call lc,$(1)):$(shell ./voom-like-version.sh impls/$(1)/Dockerfile)
actual_impl = $(if $(filter mal,$(1)),$(patsubst %-mal,%,$(MAL_IMPL)),$(1))
# Takes impl
# Returns nothing if DOCKERIZE is not set, otherwise returns the
# docker prefix necessary to run make within the docker environment
# for this impl
get_build_command = $(strip $(foreach mode,$(1)_MODE, \
$(if $(strip $(DOCKERIZE)),\
docker run \
-it --rm -u $(shell id -u) \
-v $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))):/mal \
-w /mal/impls/$(1) \
$(if $(strip $($(mode))),-e $(mode)=$($(mode)),) \
$(if $(filter factor,$(1)),-e FACTOR_ROOTS=$(FACTOR_ROOTS),) \
$(call impl_to_image,$(1)) \
make $(if $(strip $($(mode))),$(mode)=$($(mode)),) \
$(MAKE) $(if $(strip $($(mode))),$(mode)=$($(mode)),) -C impls/$(impl))))
# Takes impl and step args. Optional env vars and dockerize args
# Returns a command prefix (docker command and environment variables)
# necessary to launch the given impl and step
get_run_prefix = $(strip $(foreach mode,$(call actual_impl,$(1))_MODE, \
$(if $(strip $(DOCKERIZE) $(4)),\
docker run -e STEP=$($2) -e MAL_IMPL=$(MAL_IMPL) \
-it --rm -u $(shell id -u) \
-v $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))):/mal \
-w /mal/impls/$(call actual_impl,$(1)) \
$(if $(strip $($(mode))),-e $(mode)=$($(mode)),) \
$(if $(filter factor,$(1)),-e FACTOR_ROOTS=$(FACTOR_ROOTS),) \
$(foreach env,$(3),-e $(env)) \
$(call impl_to_image,$(call actual_impl,$(1))) \
env STEP=$($2) MAL_IMPL=$(MAL_IMPL) \
$(if $(strip $($(mode))),$(mode)=$($(mode)),) \
$(if $(filter factor,$(1)),FACTOR_ROOTS=$(FACTOR_ROOTS),) \
# Takes impl and step
# Returns the runtest command prefix (with runtest options) for testing the given step
get_runtest_cmd = $(call get_run_prefix,$(1),$(2),$(if $(filter cs fsharp mal tcl vb,$(1)),RAW=1,)) \
../../runtest.py $(opt_HARD) $(opt_DEFERRABLE) $(opt_OPTIONAL) $(call $(1)_TEST_OPTS) $(TEST_OPTS)
# Takes impl and step
# Returns the runtest command prefix (with runtest options) for testing the given step
get_argvtest_cmd = $(call get_run_prefix,$(1),$(2)) ../tests/run_argv_test.sh
# Derived lists
STEPS = $(sort $(filter-out %_EXCLUDES,$(filter step%,$(.VARIABLES))))
DO_IMPLS = $(filter-out $(SKIP_IMPLS),$(IMPLS))
IMPL_TESTS = $(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),test^$(impl))
STEP_TESTS = $(foreach step,$(STEPS),test^$(step))
ALL_TESTS = $(filter-out $(foreach e,$(step5_EXCLUDES),test^$(e)^step5),\
$(strip $(sort \
$(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),\
$(foreach step,$(STEPS),test^$(impl)^$(step))))))
ALL_BUILDS = $(strip $(sort \
$(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),\
$(foreach step,$(STEPS),build^$(impl)^$(step)))))
DOCKER_BUILD = $(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),docker-build^$(impl))
DOCKER_SHELL = $(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),docker-shell^$(impl))
IMPL_PERF = $(foreach impl,$(filter-out $(perf_EXCLUDES),$(DO_IMPLS)),perf^$(impl))
IMPL_STATS = $(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),stats^$(impl))
IMPL_REPL = $(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),repl^$(impl))
ALL_REPL = $(strip $(sort \
$(foreach impl,$(DO_IMPLS),\
$(foreach step,$(STEPS),repl^$(impl)^$(step)))))
# Build rules
# Enable secondary expansion for all rules
# Build a program in an implementation directory
# Make sure we always try and build first because the dependencies are
# encoded in the implementation Makefile not here
.PHONY: $(foreach i,$(DO_IMPLS),$(foreach s,$(STEPS),$(call $(i)_STEP_TO_PROG,$(s))))
$(foreach i,$(DO_IMPLS),$(foreach s,$(STEPS),$(call $(i)_STEP_TO_PROG,$(s)))):
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst /, ,$(@))),\
$(if $(DOCKERIZE), \
$(call get_build_command,$(impl)) $(patsubst impls/$(impl)/%,%,$(@)), \
$(call get_build_command,$(impl)) $(subst impls/$(impl)/,,$(@))))
# Allow IMPL, build^IMPL, IMPL^STEP, and build^IMPL^STEP
$(DO_IMPLS): $$(foreach s,$$(STEPS),$$(call $$(@)_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(s)))
$(foreach i,$(DO_IMPLS),$(foreach s,$(STEPS),build^$(i))): $$(foreach s,$$(STEPS),$$(call $$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(s)))
$(foreach i,$(DO_IMPLS),$(foreach s,$(STEPS),$(i)^$(s))): $$(call $$(word 1,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))))
$(foreach i,$(DO_IMPLS),$(foreach s,$(STEPS),build^$(i)^$(s))): $$(call $$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(word 3,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))))
# Test rules
$(ALL_TESTS): $$(call $$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(word 3,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))))
@$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
$(foreach step,$(word 3,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "(call STEP_TEST_FILES,$(impl),$(step)): $(call STEP_TEST_FILES,$(impl),$(step))" && \
cd impls/$(call actual_impl,$(impl)) && \
$(foreach test,$(patsubst impls/%,%,$(call STEP_TEST_FILES,$(impl),$(step))),\
echo '----------------------------------------------' && \
echo 'Testing $@; step file: $+, test file: $(test)' && \
echo 'Running: $(call get_runtest_cmd,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(test) -- ../$(impl)/run' && \
$(call get_runtest_cmd,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(test) -- ../$(impl)/run && \
$(if $(filter tests/$(argv_STEP)$(EXTENSION),$(test)),\
echo '----------------------------------------------' && \
echo 'Testing ARGV of $@; step file: $+' && \
echo 'Running: $(call get_argvtest_cmd,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(impl)/run ' && \
$(call get_argvtest_cmd,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(impl)/run && ,\
true && ))\
# Allow test, tests, test^STEP, test^IMPL, and test^IMPL^STEP
test: $(ALL_TESTS)
tests: $(ALL_TESTS)
$(IMPL_TESTS): $$(filter $$@^%,$$(ALL_TESTS))
$(STEP_TESTS): $$(foreach step,$$(subst test^,,$$@),$$(filter %^$$(step),$$(ALL_TESTS)))
# Docker build rules
docker-build: $(DOCKER_BUILD)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "Running: docker build -t $(call impl_to_image,$(impl)) .:"; \
cd impls/$(impl) && docker build -t $(call impl_to_image,$(impl)) .)
# Docker shell rules
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "Running: $(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA,,dockerize) bash"; \
$(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA,,dockerize) bash)
# Performance test rules
perf: $(IMPL_PERF)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
cd impls/$(call actual_impl,$(impl)); \
echo "Performance test for $(impl):"; \
echo 'Running: $(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf1.mal'; \
$(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf1.mal; \
echo 'Running: $(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf2.mal'; \
$(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf2.mal; \
echo 'Running: $(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf3.mal'; \
$(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),stepA) ../$(impl)/run ../tests/perf3.mal)
# REPL invocation rules
$(ALL_REPL): $$(call $$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@)))_STEP_TO_PROG,$$(word 3,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))))
@$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
$(foreach step,$(word 3,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
cd impls/$(call actual_impl,$(impl)); \
echo 'REPL implementation $(impl), step file: $+'; \
echo 'Running: $(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(impl)/run $(RUN_ARGS)'; \
$(call get_run_prefix,$(impl),$(step)) ../$(impl)/run $(RUN_ARGS);))
# Allow repl^IMPL^STEP and repl^IMPL (which starts REPL of stepA)
$(IMPL_REPL): $$@^stepA
# Stats test rules
# For a concise summary:
# make stats | egrep -A1 "^Stats for|^all" | egrep -v "^all|^--"
stats: $(IMPL_STATS)
@$(foreach impl,$(word 2,$(subst ^, ,$(@))),\
echo "Stats for $(impl):"; \
$(LOCCOUNT) -x "[sS]tep[0-9]_.*|[.]md$$|tests|examples|Makefile|package.json|tsconfig.json|Cargo.toml|project.clj|node_modules|getline.cs|terminal.cs|elm-stuff|objpascal/regexpr|rdyncall|swift/templates" impls/$(impl))
# Utility functions
@echo "$($(*))"
# Recursive rules (call make FOO in each subdirectory)
define recur_template
.PHONY: $(1)
$(1): $(2)
@echo "----------------------------------------------"; \
$$(foreach impl,$$(word 2,$$(subst ^, ,$$(@))),\
echo "Running: $$(call get_build_command,$$(impl)) --no-print-directory $(1)"; \
$$(call get_build_command,$$(impl)) --no-print-directory $(1))
recur_impls_ = $(filter-out $(foreach impl,$($(1)_EXCLUDES),$(1)^$(impl)),$(foreach impl,$(IMPLS),$(1)^$(impl)))
# recursive clean
$(eval $(call recur_template,clean,$(call recur_impls_,clean)))
# recursive dist
$(eval $(call recur_template,dist,$(call recur_impls_,dist)))