Merge pull request #299 from ocheron/ecc-scalar-ext

Extended ECC type class
This commit is contained in:
Olivier Chéron 2019-11-11 17:45:18 +01:00
commit ce35a1e07d
4 changed files with 208 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
-- Elliptic Curve Cryptography
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ module Crypto.ECC
, EllipticCurve(..)
, EllipticCurveDH(..)
, EllipticCurveArith(..)
, EllipticCurveBasepointArith(..)
, KeyPair(..)
, SharedSecret(..)
) where
@ -34,7 +36,9 @@ import Crypto.Error
import Crypto.Internal.Imports
import Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArray, ByteArrayAccess, ScrubbedBytes)
import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B
import Crypto.Number.Basic (numBits)
import Crypto.Number.Serialize (i2ospOf_, os2ip)
import qualified Crypto.Number.Serialize.LE as LE
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve25519 as X25519
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.Curve448 as X448
import Data.ByteArray (convert)
@ -98,7 +102,7 @@ class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveDH curve where
-- value or an exception.
ecdh :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> CryptoFailable SharedSecret
class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveArith curve where
class (EllipticCurve curve, Eq (Point curve)) => EllipticCurveArith curve where
-- | Add points on a curve
pointAdd :: proxy curve -> Point curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
@ -111,6 +115,35 @@ class EllipticCurve curve => EllipticCurveArith curve where
-- -- | Scalar Inverse
-- scalarInverse :: Scalar curve -> Scalar curve
class (EllipticCurveArith curve, Eq (Scalar curve)) => EllipticCurveBasepointArith curve where
-- | Get the curve order size in bits
curveOrderBits :: proxy curve -> Int
-- | Multiply a scalar with the curve base point
pointBaseSmul :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve
-- | Multiply the point @p@ with @s2@ and add a lifted to curve value @s1@
pointsSmulVarTime :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Scalar curve -> Point curve -> Point curve
pointsSmulVarTime prx s1 s2 p = pointAdd prx (pointBaseSmul prx s1) (pointSmul prx s2 p)
-- | Encode an elliptic curve scalar into big-endian form
encodeScalar :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> bs
-- | Try to decode the big-endian form of an elliptic curve scalar
decodeScalar :: ByteArray bs => proxy curve -> bs -> CryptoFailable (Scalar curve)
-- | Convert an elliptic curve scalar to an integer
scalarToInteger :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Integer
-- | Try to create an elliptic curve scalar from an integer
scalarFromInteger :: proxy curve -> Integer -> CryptoFailable (Scalar curve)
-- | Add two scalars and reduce modulo the curve order
scalarAdd :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Scalar curve -> Scalar curve
-- | Multiply two scalars and reduce modulo the curve order
scalarMul :: proxy curve -> Scalar curve -> Scalar curve -> Scalar curve
-- | P256 Curve
-- also known as P256
@ -133,11 +166,11 @@ instance EllipticCurve Curve_P256R1 where
uncompressed = B.singleton 4
xy = P256.pointToBinary p
decodePoint _ mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
Nothing -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Nothing -> CryptoFailed CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Just (m,xy)
-- uncompressed
| m == 4 -> P256.pointFromBinary xy
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
instance EllipticCurveArith Curve_P256R1 where
pointAdd _ a b = P256.pointAdd a b
@ -148,6 +181,17 @@ instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P256R1 where
ecdhRaw _ s p = SharedSecret $ P256.pointDh s p
ecdh prx s p = checkNonZeroDH (ecdhRaw prx s p)
instance EllipticCurveBasepointArith Curve_P256R1 where
curveOrderBits _ = 256
pointBaseSmul _ = P256.toPoint
pointsSmulVarTime _ = P256.pointsMulVarTime
encodeScalar _ = P256.scalarToBinary
decodeScalar _ = P256.scalarFromBinary
scalarToInteger _ = P256.scalarToInteger
scalarFromInteger _ = P256.scalarFromInteger
scalarAdd _ = P256.scalarAdd
scalarMul _ = P256.scalarMul
data Curve_P384R1 = Curve_P384R1
deriving (Show,Data)
@ -171,6 +215,17 @@ instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P384R1 where
prx = Proxy :: Proxy Simple.SEC_p384r1
instance EllipticCurveBasepointArith Curve_P384R1 where
curveOrderBits _ = 384
pointBaseSmul _ = Simple.pointBaseMul
pointsSmulVarTime _ = ecPointsMulVarTime
encodeScalar _ = ecScalarToBinary
decodeScalar _ = ecScalarFromBinary
scalarToInteger _ = ecScalarToInteger
scalarFromInteger _ = ecScalarFromInteger
scalarAdd _ = ecScalarAdd
scalarMul _ = ecScalarMul
data Curve_P521R1 = Curve_P521R1
deriving (Show,Data)
@ -194,6 +249,17 @@ instance EllipticCurveDH Curve_P521R1 where
prx = Proxy :: Proxy Simple.SEC_p521r1
instance EllipticCurveBasepointArith Curve_P521R1 where
curveOrderBits _ = 521
pointBaseSmul _ = Simple.pointBaseMul
pointsSmulVarTime _ = ecPointsMulVarTime
encodeScalar _ = ecScalarToBinary
decodeScalar _ = ecScalarFromBinary
scalarToInteger _ = ecScalarToInteger
scalarFromInteger _ = ecScalarFromInteger
scalarAdd _ = ecScalarAdd
scalarMul _ = ecScalarMul
data Curve_X25519 = Curve_X25519
deriving (Show,Data)
@ -250,6 +316,22 @@ instance EllipticCurveArith Curve_Edwards25519 where
pointNegate _ p = Edwards25519.pointNegate p
pointSmul _ s p = Edwards25519.pointMul s p
instance EllipticCurveBasepointArith Curve_Edwards25519 where
curveOrderBits _ = 253
pointBaseSmul _ = Edwards25519.toPoint
pointsSmulVarTime _ = Edwards25519.pointsMulVarTime
encodeScalar _ = B.reverse . Edwards25519.scalarEncode
decodeScalar _ bs
| B.length bs == 32 = Edwards25519.scalarDecodeLong (B.reverse bs)
| otherwise = CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
scalarToInteger _ s = LE.os2ip (Edwards25519.scalarEncode s :: B.Bytes)
scalarFromInteger _ i =
case LE.i2ospOf 32 i of
Nothing -> CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
Just bs -> Edwards25519.scalarDecodeLong (bs :: B.Bytes)
scalarAdd _ = Edwards25519.scalarAdd
scalarMul _ = Edwards25519.scalarMul
checkNonZeroDH :: SharedSecret -> CryptoFailable SharedSecret
checkNonZeroDH s@(SharedSecret b)
| B.constAllZero b = CryptoFailed CryptoError_ScalarMultiplicationInvalid
@ -271,7 +353,7 @@ encodeECPoint (Simple.Point x y) = B.concat [uncompressed,xb,yb]
decodeECPoint :: (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs) => bs -> CryptoFailable (Simple.Point curve)
decodeECPoint mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
Nothing -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Nothing -> CryptoFailed CryptoError_PointSizeInvalid
Just (m,xy)
-- uncompressed
| m == 4 ->
@ -280,4 +362,47 @@ decodeECPoint mxy = case B.uncons mxy of
x = os2ip xb
y = os2ip yb
in Simple.pointFromIntegers (x,y)
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
| otherwise -> CryptoFailed CryptoError_PointFormatInvalid
ecPointsMulVarTime :: forall curve . Simple.Curve curve
=> Simple.Scalar curve
-> Simple.Scalar curve -> Simple.Point curve
-> Simple.Point curve
ecPointsMulVarTime n1 = Simple.pointAddTwoMuls n1 g
where g = Simple.curveEccG $ Simple.curveParameters (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
ecScalarFromBinary :: forall curve bs . (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArrayAccess bs)
=> bs -> CryptoFailable (Simple.Scalar curve)
ecScalarFromBinary ba
| B.length ba /= size = CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
| otherwise = CryptoPassed (Simple.Scalar $ os2ip ba)
where size = ecCurveOrderBytes (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
ecScalarToBinary :: forall curve bs . (Simple.Curve curve, ByteArray bs)
=> Simple.Scalar curve -> bs
ecScalarToBinary (Simple.Scalar s) = i2ospOf_ size s
where size = ecCurveOrderBytes (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
ecScalarFromInteger :: forall curve . Simple.Curve curve
=> Integer -> CryptoFailable (Simple.Scalar curve)
ecScalarFromInteger s
| numBits s > nb = CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
| otherwise = CryptoPassed (Simple.Scalar s)
where nb = 8 * ecCurveOrderBytes (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
ecScalarToInteger :: Simple.Scalar curve -> Integer
ecScalarToInteger (Simple.Scalar s) = s
ecCurveOrderBytes :: Simple.Curve c => proxy c -> Int
ecCurveOrderBytes prx = (numBits n + 7) `div` 8
where n = Simple.curveEccN $ Simple.curveParameters prx
ecScalarAdd :: forall curve . Simple.Curve curve
=> Simple.Scalar curve -> Simple.Scalar curve -> Simple.Scalar curve
ecScalarAdd (Simple.Scalar a) (Simple.Scalar b) = Simple.Scalar ((a + b) `mod` n)
where n = Simple.curveEccN $ Simple.curveParameters (Proxy :: Proxy curve)
ecScalarMul :: forall curve . Simple.Curve curve
=> Simple.Scalar curve -> Simple.Scalar curve -> Simple.Scalar curve
ecScalarMul (Simple.Scalar a) (Simple.Scalar b) = Simple.Scalar ((a * b) `mod` n)
where n = Simple.curveEccN $ Simple.curveParameters (Proxy :: Proxy curve)

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@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Crypto.PubKey.ECC.P256
, scalarIsZero
, scalarAdd
, scalarSub
, scalarMul
, scalarInv
, scalarCmp
, scalarFromBinary
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ pointAdd a b = withNewPoint $ \dx dy ->
-- | Negate a point
pointNegate :: Point -> Point
pointNegate a = withNewPoint $ \dx dy ->
withPoint a $ \ax ay -> do
withPoint a $ \ax ay ->
ccryptonite_p256e_point_negate ax ay dx dy
-- | Multiply a point by a scalar
@ -187,12 +188,12 @@ pointFromBinary ba = unsafePointFromBinary ba >>= validatePoint
validatePoint :: Point -> CryptoFailable Point
validatePoint p
| pointIsValid p = CryptoPassed p
| otherwise = CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PointCoordinatesInvalid
| otherwise = CryptoFailed CryptoError_PointCoordinatesInvalid
-- | Convert from binary to a point, possibly invalid
unsafePointFromBinary :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> CryptoFailable Point
unsafePointFromBinary ba
| B.length ba /= pointSize = CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_PublicKeySizeInvalid
| B.length ba /= pointSize = CryptoFailed CryptoError_PublicKeySizeInvalid
| otherwise =
CryptoPassed $ withNewPoint $ \px py -> B.withByteArray ba $ \src -> do
ccryptonite_p256_from_bin src (castPtr px)
@ -237,6 +238,14 @@ scalarSub a b =
withNewScalarFreeze $ \d -> withScalar a $ \pa -> withScalar b $ \pb ->
ccryptonite_p256e_modsub ccryptonite_SECP256r1_n pa pb d
-- | Perform multiplication between two scalars
-- > a * b
scalarMul :: Scalar -> Scalar -> Scalar
scalarMul a b =
withNewScalarFreeze $ \d -> withScalar a $ \pa -> withScalar b $ \pb ->
ccryptonite_p256_modmul ccryptonite_SECP256r1_n pa 0 pb d
-- | Give the inverse of the scalar
-- > 1 / a
@ -257,7 +266,7 @@ scalarCmp a b = unsafeDoIO $
-- | convert a scalar from binary
scalarFromBinary :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> CryptoFailable Scalar
scalarFromBinary ba
| B.length ba /= scalarSize = CryptoFailed $ CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
| B.length ba /= scalarSize = CryptoFailed CryptoError_SecretKeySizeInvalid
| otherwise =
CryptoPassed $ withNewScalarFreeze $ \p -> B.withByteArray ba $ \b ->
ccryptonite_p256_from_bin b p

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@ -24,6 +24,19 @@ instance Arbitrary Curve where
, Curve ECC.Curve_X448
data CurveArith = forall curve. (ECC.EllipticCurveBasepointArith curve, Show curve) => CurveArith curve
instance Show CurveArith where
showsPrec d (CurveArith curve) = showsPrec d curve
instance Arbitrary CurveArith where
arbitrary = elements
[ CurveArith ECC.Curve_P256R1
, CurveArith ECC.Curve_P384R1
, CurveArith ECC.Curve_P521R1
, CurveArith ECC.Curve_Edwards25519
data VectorPoint = VectorPoint
{ vpCurve :: Curve
, vpHex :: ByteString
@ -280,7 +293,7 @@ tests = testGroup "ECC"
[ testGroup "decodePoint" $ map doPointDecodeTest (zip [katZero..] vectorsPoint)
, testGroup "ECDH weak points" $ map doWeakPointECDHTest (zip [katZero..] vectorsWeakPoint)
, testGroup "property"
[ testProperty "decodePoint.encodePoint==id" $ \testDRG (Curve curve) -> do
[ testProperty "decodePoint.encodePoint==id" $ \testDRG (Curve curve) ->
let prx = Just curve -- using Maybe as Proxy
keyPair = withTestDRG testDRG $ ECC.curveGenerateKeyPair prx
p1 = ECC.keypairGetPublic keyPair
@ -298,5 +311,33 @@ tests = testGroup "ECC"
bobShared' = ECC.ecdhRaw prx (ECC.keypairGetPrivate bob) (ECC.keypairGetPublic alice)
in aliceShared == bobShared && aliceShared == CryptoPassed aliceShared'
&& bobShared == CryptoPassed bobShared'
, testProperty "decodeScalar.encodeScalar==id" $ \testDRG (CurveArith curve) ->
let prx = Just curve -- using Maybe as Proxy
s1 = withTestDRG testDRG $ ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
bs = ECC.encodeScalar prx s1 :: ByteString
s2 = ECC.decodeScalar prx bs
in CryptoPassed s1 == s2
, testProperty "scalarFromInteger.scalarToInteger==id" $ \testDRG (CurveArith curve) ->
let prx = Just curve -- using Maybe as Proxy
s1 = withTestDRG testDRG $ ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
bs = ECC.scalarToInteger prx s1
s2 = ECC.scalarFromInteger prx bs
in CryptoPassed s1 == s2
, localOption (QuickCheckTests 20) $ testProperty "(a + b).P = a.P + b.P" $ \testDRG (CurveArith curve) ->
let prx = Just curve -- using Maybe as Proxy
(s, a, b) = withTestDRG testDRG $
(,,) <$> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
<*> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
<*> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
p = ECC.pointBaseSmul prx s
in ECC.pointSmul prx (ECC.scalarAdd prx a b) p == ECC.pointAdd prx (ECC.pointSmul prx a p) (ECC.pointSmul prx b p)
, localOption (QuickCheckTests 20) $ testProperty "(a * b).P = a.(b.P)" $ \testDRG (CurveArith curve) ->
let prx = Just curve -- using Maybe as Proxy
(s, a, b) = withTestDRG testDRG $
(,,) <$> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
<*> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
<*> ECC.curveGenerateScalar prx
p = ECC.pointBaseSmul prx s
in ECC.pointSmul prx (ECC.scalarMul prx a b) p == ECC.pointSmul prx a (ECC.pointSmul prx b p)

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@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ unP256Scalar (P256Scalar r) =
unP256 :: P256Scalar -> Integer
unP256 (P256Scalar r) = r
modP256Scalar :: P256Scalar -> P256Scalar
modP256Scalar (P256Scalar r) = P256Scalar (r `mod` curveN)
p256ScalarToInteger :: P256.Scalar -> Integer
p256ScalarToInteger s = os2ip (P256.scalarToBinary s :: Bytes)
@ -92,6 +95,10 @@ tests = testGroup "P256"
let v = unP256 r `mod` curveN
v' = P256.scalarSub (unP256Scalar r) P256.scalarZero
in v `propertyEq` p256ScalarToInteger v'
, testProperty "mul" $ \r1 r2 ->
let r = (unP256 r1 * unP256 r2) `mod` curveN
r' = P256.scalarMul (unP256Scalar r1) (unP256Scalar r2)
in r `propertyEq` p256ScalarToInteger r'
, testProperty "inv" $ \r' ->
let inv = inverseCoprimes (unP256 r') curveN
inv' = P256.scalarInv (unP256Scalar r')
@ -115,9 +122,10 @@ tests = testGroup "P256"
t = P256.pointFromIntegers (xT, yT)
r = P256.pointFromIntegers (xR, yR)
in r @=? P256.pointAdd s t
, testProperty "lift-to-curve" $ propertyLiftToCurve
, testProperty "point-add" $ propertyPointAdd
, testProperty "point-negate" $ propertyPointNegate
, testProperty "lift-to-curve" propertyLiftToCurve
, testProperty "point-add" propertyPointAdd
, testProperty "point-negate" propertyPointNegate
, testProperty "point-mul" propertyPointMul
@ -146,4 +154,15 @@ tests = testGroup "P256"
let p = P256.toPoint (unP256Scalar r)
pe = ECC.pointMul curve (unP256 r) curveGen
pR = P256.pointNegate p
in ECC.pointNegate curve pe `propertyEq` (pointP256ToECC pR)
in ECC.pointNegate curve pe `propertyEq` pointP256ToECC pR
propertyPointMul s' r' =
let s = modP256Scalar s'
r = modP256Scalar r'
p = P256.toPoint (unP256Scalar r)
pe = ECC.pointMul curve (unP256 r) curveGen
pR = P256.toPoint (P256.scalarMul (unP256Scalar s) (unP256Scalar r))
peR = ECC.pointMul curve (unP256 s) pe
in propertyHold [ eqTest "p256" pR (P256.pointMul (unP256Scalar s) p)
, eqTest "ecc" peR (pointP256ToECC pR)