Vincent Hanquez db7c3bbb4f [hash] massive overhaul of the hash interface
use the typeclass for the lowest IO impure C bindings definitions,
and define the pure interface as generic on top of this.

At the same time define an Hash.IO interface to allow mutable manipulations
of hash contextes when necessary.

Use HashAlgorithm instead of HashFunction in the [PubKey] sections

Tweak the HMAC, PBKDF2 functions to be more efficient and use the new interface
2015-04-30 06:18:07 +01:00

173 lines
6.0 KiB

-- |
-- Module : Template
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer : Vincent Hanquez <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- A very simple template engine
module Template
-- * Types
, Attrs
-- * methods
, parseTemplate
, renderTemplate
) where
import Data.Char (isDigit, isAlpha)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
data TAtom =
Text String
| Var String
| Tpl String Template
deriving (Show)
type Template = [TAtom]
type Attrs = [(String, String)]
renderTemplate :: Template
-> Attrs
-> [(String, [Attrs])]
-> String
renderTemplate template attrs multiAttrs =
concat $ map renderAtom template
renderAtom :: TAtom -> String
renderAtom (Text b) = b
renderAtom (Var s) = maybe "" id $ lookup s attrs
renderAtom (Tpl n t) =
case lookup n multiAttrs of
Nothing -> error ("cannot find inner template attributes for: " ++ n)
Just [] -> error ("empty multiattrs for: " ++ n)
Just (i:is) ->
renderTemplate t (i ++ attrs) [] ++
concatMap (\inAttrs -> renderTemplate t (inAttrs ++ attrs ++ [("COMMA", ",")]) []) is
parseTemplate :: String -> Template
parseTemplate = parseTemplateFromTokens . tokenize
parseTemplateFromTokens :: [Token] -> Template
parseTemplateFromTokens toks =
case runStreamParser parse toks of
Left err -> error ("template parse error: " ++ err)
Right (tatoms, []) -> tatoms
Right (_, over) -> error ("template left over: " ++ show over)
where parse = do
done <- isDone
if done
then return []
else do next <- getTemplate <|> getVariable <|> getOther
liftM (next:) parse
-- parser methods
getVariable :: StreamParser TAtom
getVariable = StreamParser $ \toks ->
case toks of
[] -> Left "variable: end of stream"
TokVariableMarker:TokText t:TokVariableMarker:rest
| isVariable t -> Right (Var t, rest)
| otherwise -> Left "not a variable, variable name invalid"
_ -> Left "not a variable: not starting by %%"
getTemplate :: StreamParser TAtom
getTemplate = StreamParser $ \toks ->
case toks of
[] -> Left "template: end of stream"
TokGroupStart:TokText t:TokGroupEnd:rest
| isVariable t ->
case break (== TokGroupStart) rest of
(_, []) -> Left "template: no end found"
(inner, TokGroupStart:TokText t2:TokGroupEnd:rest2)
| isVariable t2 ->
if t == t2
then Right (Tpl t (parseTemplateFromTokens inner), rest2)
else Left ("template: end name " ++ show t2 ++ " not matching start name " ++ show t)
| otherwise -> Left "template: end sequence: invalid name"
(_, _) -> Left "template: end sequence: not found"
| otherwise -> Left "template: start sequence: invalid name"
_ -> Left "template: not right starting sequence"
getOther :: StreamParser TAtom
getOther = StreamParser $ \toks ->
case toks of
(x:xs) -> Right (Text (show x), xs)
[] -> Left "getOther: end of string"
isVariable :: String -> Bool
isVariable = and . map isVariableChar
where isVariableChar :: Char -> Bool
isVariableChar c = isAlpha c || isDigit c || c == '_'
isDone :: StreamParser Bool
isDone = StreamParser $ \s -> Right (null s, s)
-- parser subsystem
newtype StreamParser a = StreamParser { runStreamParser :: [Token] -> Either String (a, [Token]) }
instance Functor StreamParser where
fmap f x = StreamParser $ \s ->
case (runStreamParser x) s of
Right (a, s') -> Right (f a, s')
Left err -> Left err
instance Applicative StreamParser where
pure = return
(<*>) fm m = StreamParser $ \s1 ->
case runStreamParser m s1 of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a, s2) ->
case runStreamParser fm s2 of
Left err -> Left err
Right (f, s3) -> Right (f a, s3)
instance Alternative StreamParser where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance Monad StreamParser where
return a = StreamParser $ \s -> Right (a, s)
(>>=) m1 m2 = StreamParser $ \s1 ->
case (runStreamParser m1) s1 of
Left err -> Left err
Right (a, s2) -> runStreamParser (m2 a) s2
instance MonadPlus StreamParser where
mzero = StreamParser $ \_ -> Left "empty"
mplus m1 m2 = StreamParser $ \s ->
case (runStreamParser m1) s of
Left _ -> (runStreamParser m2) s
Right (a, s2) -> Right (a, s2)
-- token parsing
data Token = TokVariableMarker
| TokGroupStart
| TokGroupEnd
| TokText String
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Token where
show TokVariableMarker = "%%"
show TokGroupStart = "%{"
show TokGroupEnd = "%}"
show (TokText t) = t
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
tokenize s
| "%%" `isPrefixOf` s = TokVariableMarker : tokenize (drop 2 s)
| "%{" `isPrefixOf` s = TokGroupStart : tokenize (drop 2 s)
| "%}" `isPrefixOf` s = TokGroupEnd : tokenize (drop 2 s)
| otherwise =
case break (== '%') s of
(t, "") -> [TokText t]
(t1, t2) -> TokText t1 : tokenize t2