Implementing response cache.

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2017-11-08 09:42:43 +09:00
parent 92b052323b
commit 2da20df54c
6 changed files with 150 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ module Network.DNS.LookupRaw (
, fromDNSFormat
) where
import Data.ByteString.Short (toShort)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Network.DNS.IO
import Network.DNS.Memo
import Network.DNS.Transport
import Network.DNS.Types
import Network.DNS.Types.Internal
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
@ -32,18 +37,69 @@ lookupSection :: (DNSMessage -> [ResourceRecord])
-> Domain
-> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupSection section rlv dom typ = do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
case eans of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right ans -> return $ fromDNSMessage ans toRData
lookupSection section rlv dom typ = case mcacheConf of
Nothing -> do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
case eans of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right ans -> return $ fromDNSMessage ans toRData
Just cacheconf -> lookupCacheSection section rlv dom typ cacheconf
{- CNAME hack
dom' = if "." `isSuffixOf` dom then dom else dom ++ "."
correct r = rrname r == dom' && rrtype r == typ
correct ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == typ
toRData x = map rdata . filter correct $ section x
toRData = map rdata . filter correct . section
mcacheConf = resolvCache $ resolvconf $ resolvseed rlv
lookupCacheSection :: (DNSMessage -> [ResourceRecord])
-> Resolver
-> Domain
-> CacheConf
-> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupCacheSection section rlv dom typ cconf = do
mx <- lookupCacheRef (sdom,typ) cref
case mx of
Nothing -> do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
case eans of
Left err -> do
let v = Left err
insertNegative cconf cref key v
return v
Right ans -> do
let errs = fromDNSMessage ans toRR
case errs of
Left err -> do
let v = Left err
insertNegative cconf cref key v
return v
Right rss -> do
let rds = map rdata rss
v = Right rds
ttls = map rrttl rss
insertPositive cconf cref key v ttls
return v
Just (_,x) -> return x
correct ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == typ
toRR = filter correct . section
cref = cache rlv
sdom = toShort dom
key = (sdom,typ)
insertPositive :: CacheConf -> CacheRef -> Key -> Entry -> [TTL] -> IO ()
insertPositive CacheConf{..} ref k v ttls = do
tim <- addUTCTime life <$> getCurrentTime
insertCacheRef k tim v ref
life = fromIntegral $ case ttls of
[] -> minimumTTL -- fixme: what is a proper value?
ttl:_ -> minimumTTL `max` (maximumTTL `min` ttl)
insertNegative :: CacheConf -> CacheRef -> Key -> Entry -> IO ()
insertNegative CacheConf{..} ref k v = do
let life = fromIntegral negativeTTL
tim <- addUTCTime life <$> getCurrentTime
insertCacheRef k tim v ref
-- | Extract necessary information from 'DNSMessage'
fromDNSMessage :: DNSMessage -> (DNSMessage -> a) -> Either DNSError a
@ -71,6 +127,7 @@ fromDNSFormat = fromDNSMessage
-- from the ANSWER section of the response.
-- See manual the manual of 'lookupRaw'
-- to understand the concrete behavior.
-- Cache is used if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
-- Example:
@ -122,6 +179,8 @@ lookupAuth = lookupSection authority
-- The first received response is accepted even if
-- it is an error.
-- Cache is not used even if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
-- The example code:
-- @

Network/DNS/Memo.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Network.DNS.Memo where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, atomicModifyIORef', IORef)
import Data.OrdPSQ (OrdPSQ)
import qualified Data.OrdPSQ as PSQ
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Network.DNS.Types
type Key = (ShortByteString -- avoiding memory fragmentation
type Prio = UTCTime
type Entry = Either DNSError [RData]
type PSQ = OrdPSQ
newtype CacheRef = CacheRef (IORef (PSQ Key Prio Entry))
newCacheRef :: IO CacheRef
newCacheRef = CacheRef <$> newIORef PSQ.empty
lookupCacheRef :: Key -> CacheRef -> IO (Maybe (Prio, Entry))
lookupCacheRef key (CacheRef ref) = PSQ.lookup key <$> readIORef ref
insertCacheRef :: Key -> Prio -> Entry -> CacheRef -> IO ()
insertCacheRef key tim ent (CacheRef ref) =
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \q -> (PSQ.insert key tim ent q, ())
pruneCacheRef :: Prio -> CacheRef -> IO ()
pruneCacheRef tim (CacheRef ref) =
atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \p -> (snd (PSQ.atMostView tim p), ())

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@ -14,8 +14,15 @@ module Network.DNS.Resolver (
, resolvRetry
, resolvEDNS
, resolvConcurrent
-- ** Related types
, resolvCache
-- ** Specifying DNS servers
, FileOrNumericHost(..)
-- ** Configuring cache
, CacheConf
, defaultCacheConf
, minimumTTL
, maximumTTL
, negativeTTL
-- * Intermediate data type for resolver
, ResolvSeed
, makeResolvSeed
@ -49,6 +56,7 @@ import Network.BSD (getProtocolNumber)
import Network.DNS.Transport
import Network.DNS.Types
import Network.DNS.Types.Internal
import Network.DNS.Memo
import Network.Socket (AddrInfoFlag(..), AddrInfo(..), PortNumber(..), HostName, SocketType(Datagram), getAddrInfo, defaultHints)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
@ -138,7 +146,8 @@ makeResolver seed = do
let n = NE.length $ nameservers seed
refs <- replicateM n (C.drgNew >>= I.newIORef)
let gens = NE.fromList $ map getRandom refs
return $ Resolver seed gens
cacheref <- newCacheRef
return $ Resolver seed gens cacheref
getRandom :: IORef C.ChaChaDRG -> IO Word16
getRandom ref = I.atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \gen ->

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ type Mailbox = ByteString
newtype TYPE = TYPE {
-- | From type to number.
fromTYPE :: Word16
} deriving Eq
} deriving (Eq, Ord)
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ data TYPE = A -- ^ IPv4 address
| ANY -- ^ A request for all records the server/cache
-- has available
| UnknownTYPE Word16 -- ^ Unknown type
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
-- | From type to number.
fromTYPE :: TYPE -> Word16

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Network.Socket (AddrInfo(..), PortNumber(..), HostName)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Network.DNS.Memo
import Network.DNS.Types
@ -22,6 +23,27 @@ data FileOrNumericHost = RCFilePath FilePath -- ^ A path for \"resolv.conf\"
| RCHostPort HostName PortNumber -- ^ A numeric IP address and port number. /Warning/: host names are invalid.
deriving Show
-- | Cache configuration for responses.
data CacheConf = CacheConf {
-- | If RR's TTL is lower than this value, this value is used instead.
minimumTTL :: TTL
-- | If RR's TTL is higher than this value, this value is used instead.
, maximumTTL :: TTL
-- | TTL in the case of 'DNSError'.
, negativeTTL :: TTL
} deriving Show
-- | Default cache configuration.
-- >>> defaultCacheConf
-- CacheConf {minimumTTL = 60, maximumTTL = 300, negativeTTL = 300}
defaultCacheConf :: CacheConf
defaultCacheConf = CacheConf 60 300 300
-- | Type for resolver configuration.
-- Use 'defaultResolvConf' to create a new value.
@ -40,6 +62,10 @@ data FileOrNumericHost = RCFilePath FilePath -- ^ A path for \"resolv.conf\"
-- An example to disable EDNS0 with a 1,280-bytes buffer:
-- >>> let conf = defaultResolvConf { resolvEDNS = [fromEDNS0 defaultEDNS0 { udpSize = 1280 }] }
-- An example to enable cache:
-- >>> let conf = defaultResolvConf { resolvCache = Just defaultCacheConf }
data ResolvConf = ResolvConf {
-- | Server information.
resolvInfo :: FileOrNumericHost
@ -51,6 +77,8 @@ data ResolvConf = ResolvConf {
, resolvEDNS :: [ResourceRecord]
-- | Concurrent queries if multiple DNS servers are specified.
, resolvConcurrent :: Bool
-- | Cache configuration
, resolvCache :: Maybe CacheConf
} deriving Show
-- | Return a default 'ResolvConf':
@ -67,6 +95,7 @@ defaultResolvConf = ResolvConf {
, resolvRetry = 3
, resolvEDNS = [fromEDNS0 defaultEDNS0]
, resolvConcurrent = False
, resolvCache = Nothing
@ -86,8 +115,9 @@ data ResolvSeed = ResolvSeed {
-- | Abstract data type of DNS Resolver.
-- This includes newly seeded identifier generators for all
-- specified DNS servers.
-- specified DNS servers and a cache database.
data Resolver = Resolver {
resolvseed :: ResolvSeed
, genIds :: NonEmpty (IO Word16)
, cache :: CacheRef

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@ -27,14 +27,15 @@ Library
Other-Modules: Network.DNS.Decode.Internal
if impl(ghc < 8)
Build-Depends: semigroups
Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5
, attoparsec
, async
, attoparsec
, base64-bytestring
, binary
, bytestring
@ -45,7 +46,9 @@ Library
, iproute >= 1.3.2
, mtl
, network >= 2.3
, psqueues
, safe == 0.3.*
, time
if os(windows)
Build-Depends: split
C-Sources: cbits/dns.c