introducing extensible OData

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2022-09-14 18:38:22 +09:00
parent bab7c9cb60
commit 560d2b48c8
5 changed files with 232 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ module Network.DNS.Types (
, maxUdpSize
, minUdpSize
-- *** EDNS options
, OData (..)
, OptCode (
@ -182,6 +181,19 @@ module Network.DNS.Types (
, fromOptCode
, toOptCode
, OData (..)
, OD_NSID(..)
, OD_DAU(..)
, OD_DHU(..)
, OD_N3U(..)
, OD_ClientSubnet(..)
, od_nsid
, od_dau
, od_dhu
, od_n3u
, od_clientSubnet
, od_ecsGeneric
, od_unknown
-- ** DNS Body
, Question (..)
-- * DNS Error

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@ -52,18 +52,3 @@ prune oldpsq = do
return $ \newpsq -> foldl' ins pruned $ PSQ.toList newpsq
ins psq (k,p,v) = PSQ.insert k p v psq
copyOData :: OData -> OData
copyOData (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits bs) =
OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits $ B.copy bs
copyOData (OD_NSID nsid) = OD_NSID $ B.copy nsid
copyOData (UnknownOData c b) = UnknownOData c $ B.copy b
-- No copying required for the rest, but avoiding a wildcard pattern match
-- so that if more option types are added in the future, the compiler will
-- complain about a partial function.
copyOData o@OD_ClientSubnet {} = o
copyOData o@OD_DAU {} = o
copyOData o@OD_DHU {} = o
copyOData o@OD_N3U {} = o

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Network.DNS.Types.EDNS (
@ -15,10 +16,25 @@ module Network.DNS.Types.EDNS (
, fromOptCode
, toOptCode
, odataToOptCode
, OData(..)
, putOData
, getOData
, OptData(..)
, fromOData
, toOData
, encodeOData
, decodeOData
, copyOData
, OData(..)
, OD_NSID(..)
, OD_DAU(..)
, OD_DHU(..)
, OD_N3U(..)
, OD_ClientSubnet(..)
, od_nsid
, od_dau
, od_dhu
, od_n3u
, od_clientSubnet
, od_ecsGeneric
, od_unknown
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -129,82 +145,153 @@ instance Show OptCode where
toOptCode :: Word16 -> OptCode
toOptCode = OptCode
-- | RData formats for a few EDNS options, and an opaque catchall
data OData =
-- | Name Server Identifier (RFC5001). Bidirectional, empty from client.
-- (opaque octet-string). May contain binary data, which MUST be empty
-- in queries.
OD_NSID ByteString
-- | DNSSEC Algorithm Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported DNSKEY algorithms.
| OD_DAU [Word8]
-- | DS Hash Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported DS hash algorithms.
| OD_DHU [Word8]
-- | NSEC3 Hash Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported NSEC3 hash algorithms.
| OD_N3U [Word8]
-- | Client subnet (RFC7871). Bidirectional.
-- (source bits, scope bits, address).
-- The address is masked and truncated when encoding queries. The
-- address is zero-padded when decoding. Invalid input encodings
-- result in an 'OD_ECSgeneric' value instead.
| OD_ClientSubnet Word8 Word8 IP
-- | Unsupported or malformed IP client subnet option. Bidirectional.
-- (address family, source bits, scope bits, opaque address).
| OD_ECSgeneric Word16 Word8 Word8 ByteString
-- | Generic EDNS option.
-- (numeric 'OptCode', opaque content)
| UnknownOData Word16 ByteString
deriving (Eq,Ord)
class (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a) => OptData a where
optDataCode :: a -> OptCode
encodeOptData :: a -> SPut
decodeOptData :: proxy a -> Int -> SGet a
copyOptData :: a -> a
-- | Recover the (often implicit) 'OptCode' from a value of the 'OData' sum
-- type.
odataToOptCode :: OData -> OptCode
odataToOptCode OD_NSID {} = NSID
odataToOptCode OD_DAU {} = DAU
odataToOptCode OD_DHU {} = DHU
odataToOptCode OD_N3U {} = N3U
odataToOptCode OD_ClientSubnet {} = ClientSubnet
odataToOptCode OD_ECSgeneric {} = ClientSubnet
odataToOptCode (UnknownOData code _) = toOptCode code
-- | A type to uniform 'OptData' 'a'.
data OData = forall a . (Typeable a, Eq a, Show a, OptData a) => OData a
-- | Extracting the original type.
fromOData :: Typeable a => OData -> Maybe a
fromOData (OData x) = cast x
-- | Wrapping the original type with 'OData'.
toOData :: (Typeable a, OptData a) => a -> OData
toOData = OData
instance Show OData where
show (OData x) = show x
instance Eq OData where
x@(OData xi) == y@(OData yi) = typeOf x == typeOf y && Just xi == cast yi
-- | Getting 'OptCode' of 'OData'.
odataToOptCode :: OData -> OptCode
odataToOptCode (OData x) = optDataCode x
encodeOData :: OData -> SPut
encodeOData (OData x) = encodeOptData x
decodeOData :: OptCode -> Int -> SGet OData
decodeOData NSID len = toOData <$> decodeOptData (Proxy :: Proxy OD_NSID) len
decodeOData DAU len = toOData <$> decodeOptData (Proxy :: Proxy OD_DAU) len
decodeOData DHU len = toOData <$> decodeOptData (Proxy :: Proxy OD_DHU) len
decodeOData N3U len = toOData <$> decodeOptData (Proxy :: Proxy OD_N3U) len
decodeOData ClientSubnet len = toOData <$> decodeOptData (Proxy :: Proxy OD_ClientSubnet) len
decodeOData code len = toOData <$> OD_Unknown (fromOptCode code) <$> getNByteString len
copyOData :: OData -> OData
copyOData (OData x) = OData $ copyOptData x
-- | Name Server Identifier (RFC5001). Bidirectional, empty from client.
-- (opaque octet-string). May contain binary data, which MUST be empty
-- in queries.
newtype OD_NSID = OD_NSID ByteString deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_NSID where
show (OD_NSID nsid) = _showNSID nsid
show (OD_DAU as) = _showAlgList "DAU" as
instance OptData OD_NSID where
optDataCode _ = NSID
encodeOptData (OD_NSID nsid) = putODBytes (fromOptCode NSID) nsid
decodeOptData _ len = OD_NSID <$> getNByteString len
copyOptData (OD_NSID nsid) = OD_NSID $ BS.copy nsid
od_nsid :: ByteString -> OData
od_nsid x = toOData $ OD_NSID x
-- | DNSSEC Algorithm Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported DNSKEY algorithms.
newtype OD_DAU = OD_DAU [Word8] deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_DAU where
show (OD_DAU as) = _showAlgList "DAU" as
instance OptData OD_DAU where
optDataCode _ = DAU
encodeOptData (OD_DAU as) = putODWords (fromOptCode DAU) as
decodeOptData _ len = OD_DAU <$> getNoctets len
copyOptData = id
od_dau :: [Word8] -> OData
od_dau a = toOData $ OD_DAU a
-- | DS Hash Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported DS hash algorithms.
newtype OD_DHU = OD_DHU [Word8] deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_DHU where
show (OD_DHU hs) = _showAlgList "DHU" hs
instance OptData OD_DHU where
optDataCode _ = DHU
encodeOptData (OD_DHU hs) = putODWords (fromOptCode DHU) hs
decodeOptData _ len = OD_DHU <$> getNoctets len
copyOptData = id
od_dhu :: [Word8] -> OData
od_dhu a = toOData $ OD_DHU a
-- | NSEC3 Hash Understood (RFC6975). Client to server.
-- (array of 8-bit numbers). Lists supported NSEC3 hash algorithms.
newtype OD_N3U = OD_N3U [Word8] deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_N3U where
show (OD_N3U hs) = _showAlgList "N3U" hs
instance OptData OD_N3U where
optDataCode _ = N3U
encodeOptData (OD_N3U hs) = putODWords (fromOptCode N3U) hs
decodeOptData _ len = OD_N3U <$> getNoctets len
copyOptData = id
od_n3u :: [Word8] -> OData
od_n3u a = toOData $ OD_N3U a
-- | ECS(EDNS client subnet) (RFC7871).
data OD_ClientSubnet =
-- | Valid client subnet.
-- Bidirectional. (source bits, scope bits, address).
-- The address is masked and truncated when encoding queries.
-- The address is zero-padded when decoding.
OD_ClientSubnet Word8 Word8 IP
-- | Unsupported or malformed IP client subnet option. Bidirectional.
-- (address family, source bits, scope bits, opaque address).
| OD_ECSgeneric Word16 Word8 Word8 ByteString
deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_ClientSubnet where
show (OD_ClientSubnet b1 b2 ip@(IPv4 _)) = _showECS 1 b1 b2 $ show ip
show (OD_ClientSubnet b1 b2 ip@(IPv6 _)) = _showECS 2 b1 b2 $ show ip
show (OD_ECSgeneric fam b1 b2 a) = _showECS fam b1 b2 $ _b16encode a
show (UnknownOData code bs) =
"UnknownOData " ++ show code ++ " " ++ _b16encode bs
_showAlgList :: String -> [Word8] -> String
_showAlgList nm ws = nm ++ " " ++ intercalate "," (map show ws)
instance OptData OD_ClientSubnet where
optDataCode _ = ClientSubnet
encodeOptData = encodeClientSubnet
decodeOptData _ len = decodeClientSubnet len
copyOptData (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits bs) =
OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits $ BS.copy bs
copyOptData x = x
_showNSID :: ByteString -> String
_showNSID nsid = "NSID" ++ " " ++ _b16encode nsid ++ ";" ++ printable nsid
printable = S8.unpack. (\c -> if c < ' ' || c > '~' then '?' else c)
_showECS :: Word16 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> String -> String
_showECS family srcBits scpBits address =
show family ++ " " ++ show srcBits
++ " " ++ show scpBits ++ " " ++ address
putOData :: OData -> SPut
putOData (OD_NSID nsid) = putODBytes (fromOptCode NSID) nsid
putOData (OD_DAU as) = putODWords (fromOptCode DAU) as
putOData (OD_DHU hs) = putODWords (fromOptCode DHU) hs
putOData (OD_N3U hs) = putODWords (fromOptCode N3U) hs
putOData (OD_ClientSubnet srcBits scpBits ip) =
encodeClientSubnet :: OD_ClientSubnet -> SPut
encodeClientSubnet (OD_ClientSubnet srcBits scpBits ip) =
-- o ADDRESS, variable number of octets, contains either an IPv4 or
@ -231,7 +318,7 @@ putOData (OD_ClientSubnet srcBits scpBits ip) =
, put8 scpBits
, mconcat $ fmap putInt8 raw
putOData (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits addr) =
encodeClientSubnet (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits addr) =
mconcat [ put16 $ fromOptCode ClientSubnet
, putInt16 $ 4 + S8.length addr
, put16 family
@ -239,32 +326,9 @@ putOData (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits addr) =
, put8 scpBits
, putByteString addr
putOData (UnknownOData code bs) = putODBytes code bs
-- | Encode EDNS OPTION consisting of a list of octets.
putODWords :: Word16 -> [Word8] -> SPut
putODWords code ws =
mconcat [ put16 code
, putInt16 $ length ws
, mconcat $ map put8 ws
-- | Encode an EDNS OPTION byte string.
putODBytes :: Word16 -> ByteString -> SPut
putODBytes code bs =
mconcat [ put16 code
, putInt16 $ S8.length bs
, putByteString bs
getOData :: OptCode -> Int -> SGet OData
getOData NSID len = OD_NSID <$> getNByteString len
getOData DAU len = OD_DAU <$> getNoctets len
getOData DHU len = OD_DHU <$> getNoctets len
getOData N3U len = OD_N3U <$> getNoctets len
getOData ClientSubnet len = do
decodeClientSubnet :: Int -> SGet OD_ClientSubnet
decodeClientSubnet len = do
family <- get16
srcBits <- get8
scpBits <- get8
@ -310,19 +374,61 @@ getOData ClientSubnet len = do
1 -> checkBits toIPv4 IPv4 srcBits scpBits $ take 4 $ zeropad bs
2 -> checkBits toIPv6b IPv6 srcBits scpBits $ take 16 $ zeropad bs
_ -> Nothing
getOData opc len = UnknownOData (fromOptCode opc) <$> getNByteString len
copyOData :: OData -> OData
copyOData (OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits bs) =
OD_ECSgeneric family srcBits scpBits $ BS.copy bs
copyOData (OD_NSID nsid) = OD_NSID $ BS.copy nsid
copyOData (UnknownOData c b) = UnknownOData c $ BS.copy b
od_clientSubnet :: Word8 -> Word8 -> IP -> OData
od_clientSubnet a b c = toOData $ OD_ClientSubnet a b c
-- No copying required for the rest, but avoiding a wildcard pattern match
-- so that if more option types are added in the future, the compiler will
-- complain about a partial function.
copyOData o@OD_ClientSubnet {} = o
copyOData o@OD_DAU {} = o
copyOData o@OD_DHU {} = o
copyOData o@OD_N3U {} = o
od_ecsGeneric :: Word16 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> ByteString -> OData
od_ecsGeneric a b c d = toOData $ OD_ECSgeneric a b c d
-- | Generic EDNS option.
-- (numeric 'OptCode', opaque content)
data OD_Unknown = OD_Unknown Word16 ByteString deriving (Eq)
instance Show OD_Unknown where
show (OD_Unknown code bs) =
"OD_Unknown " ++ show code ++ " " ++ _b16encode bs
instance OptData OD_Unknown where
optDataCode (OD_Unknown n _) = toOptCode n
encodeOptData (OD_Unknown code bs) = putODBytes code bs
decodeOptData = undefined -- never used
copyOptData (OD_Unknown c b) = OD_Unknown c $ BS.copy b
od_unknown :: Word16 -> ByteString -> OData
od_unknown code bs = toOData $ OD_Unknown code bs
_showAlgList :: String -> [Word8] -> String
_showAlgList nm ws = nm ++ " " ++ intercalate "," (map show ws)
_showNSID :: ByteString -> String
_showNSID nsid = "NSID" ++ " " ++ _b16encode nsid ++ ";" ++ printable nsid
printable = S8.unpack. (\c -> if c < ' ' || c > '~' then '?' else c)
_showECS :: Word16 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> String -> String
_showECS family srcBits scpBits address =
show family ++ " " ++ show srcBits
++ " " ++ show scpBits ++ " " ++ address
-- | Encode EDNS OPTION consisting of a list of octets.
putODWords :: Word16 -> [Word8] -> SPut
putODWords code ws =
mconcat [ put16 code
, putInt16 $ length ws
, mconcat $ map put8 ws
-- | Encode an EDNS OPTION byte string.
putODBytes :: Word16 -> ByteString -> SPut
putODBytes code bs =
mconcat [ put16 code
, putInt16 $ S8.length bs
, putByteString bs

View File

@ -336,14 +336,14 @@ newtype RD_OPT = RD_OPT [OData] deriving (Eq)
instance ResourceData RD_OPT where
resourceDataType = \_ -> OPT
encodeResourceData = \(RD_OPT options) -> mconcat $ fmap putOData options
encodeResourceData = \(RD_OPT options) -> mconcat $ fmap encodeOData options
decodeResourceData = \_ len ->
RD_OPT <$> sGetMany "EDNS option" len getoption
getoption = do
code <- toOptCode <$> get16
olen <- getInt16
getOData code olen
decodeOData code olen
copyResourceData (RD_OPT od) = RD_OPT $ map copyOData od
instance Show RD_OPT where

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ genOData = oneof
-- | Choose from the range reserved for local use
genOD_Unknown = UnknownOData <$> elements [65001, 65534] <*> genByteString
genOD_Unknown = od_unknown <$> elements [65001, 65534] <*> genByteString
-- | Only valid ECS prefixes round-trip, make sure the prefix is
-- is consistent with the mask.
@ -249,11 +249,11 @@ genOData = oneof
more = less ++ [0xFF]
if srcBits == bits1
then if scpBits == bits2
then pure $ OD_ClientSubnet bits1 scpBits $ toIP addr
else pure $ OD_ECSgeneric fam bits1 scpBits $ B.pack bytes
then pure $ od_clientSubnet bits1 scpBits $ toIP addr
else pure $ od_ecsGeneric fam bits1 scpBits $ B.pack bytes
else if srcBits < bits1
then pure $ OD_ECSgeneric fam srcBits scpBits $ B.pack more
else pure $ OD_ECSgeneric fam srcBits scpBits $ B.pack less
then pure $ od_ecsGeneric fam srcBits scpBits $ B.pack more
else pure $ od_ecsGeneric fam srcBits scpBits $ B.pack less
genExtRCODE :: Gen RCODE
genExtRCODE = elements $ map toRCODE [0..4095]