Merge cache fixes.

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2017-11-15 12:20:49 +09:00
commit c127cef270
2 changed files with 77 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Network.DNS.LookupRaw (
) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.ByteString.Short (toShort)
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Network.DNS.IO
@ -33,31 +32,43 @@ import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- choose which section (answer, authority, or additional) you would like
-- to inspect for the result.
lookupSection :: (DNSMessage -> [ResourceRecord])
lookupSection :: Section
-> Resolver
-> Domain
-> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupSection section rlv dom typ = case mcacheConf of
Nothing -> do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
case eans of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right ans -> return $ fromDNSMessage ans toRData
Just cacheconf -> lookupCacheSection section rlv dom typ cacheconf
lookupSection section rlv dom typ
| section == Authority = lookupFleshSection rlv dom typ section
| otherwise = case mcacheConf of
Nothing -> lookupFleshSection rlv dom typ section
Just cacheconf -> lookupCacheSection rlv dom typ cacheconf
correct ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == typ
toRData = map rdata . filter correct . section
mcacheConf = resolvCache $ resolvconf $ resolvseed rlv
lookupCacheSection :: (DNSMessage -> [ResourceRecord])
-> Resolver
lookupFleshSection :: Resolver
-> Domain
-> Section
-> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupFleshSection rlv dom typ section = do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
case eans of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right ans -> return $ fromDNSMessage ans toRData
correct ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == typ
toRData = map rdata . filter correct . sectionF
sectionF = case section of
Answer -> answer
Authority -> authority
lookupCacheSection :: Resolver
-> Domain
-> CacheConf
-> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupCacheSection section rlv dom typ cconf = do
mx <- lookupCache (sdom,typ) c
lookupCacheSection rlv dom typ cconf = do
mx <- lookupCache (dom,typ) c
case mx of
Nothing -> do
eans <- lookupRaw rlv dom typ
@ -67,30 +78,30 @@ lookupCacheSection section rlv dom typ cconf = do
-- We do not cache anything.
return $ Left err
Right ans -> do
let errs = fromDNSMessage ans toRR
case errs of
Left err -> do
let v = Left err
let ex = fromDNSMessage ans toRR
case ex of
Left NameError -> do
let v = Left NameError
case filter (SOA `isTypeOf`) $ authority ans of
(ResourceRecord _ _ _ _ (RD_SOA _ _ _ _ _ _ ttl)):_
-> insertNegative cconf c key v ttl
_ -> return () -- does not cache anything
soa:_ -> insertNegative cconf c key v $ rrttl soa
_ -> return () -- does not cache anything
return v
Right rss -> do
let rds = map rdata rss
v = Right rds
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right rss0 -> do
let rds0 = map rdata rss0
rss = filter ((/= 0) . rrttl) rss0
rds = map rdata rss
case map rrttl rss of
[] -> return () -- does not cache anything
ttls -> let ttl = minimum ttls
in insertPositive cconf c key v ttl
return v
in insertPositive cconf c key (Right rds) ttl
return $ Right rds0
Just (_,x) -> return x
isTypeOf t ResourceRecord{..} = rrtype == t
toRR = filter (typ `isTypeOf`) . section
toRR = filter (typ `isTypeOf`) . answer
Just c = cache rlv
sdom = toShort dom
key = (sdom,typ)
key = (dom,typ)
insertPositive :: CacheConf -> Cache -> Key -> Entry -> TTL -> IO ()
insertPositive CacheConf{..} c k v ttl = when (ttl /= 0) $ do
@ -141,15 +152,16 @@ fromDNSFormat = fromDNSMessage
-- Right []
lookup :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookup = lookupSection answer
lookup = lookupSection Answer
-- | Look up resource records of a specified type for a domain,
-- collecting the results
-- from the AUTHORITY section of the response.
-- See manual the manual of 'lookupRaw'
-- to understand the concrete behavior.
-- Cache is used even if 'resolvCache' is 'Just'.
lookupAuth :: Resolver -> Domain -> TYPE -> IO (Either DNSError [RData])
lookupAuth = lookupSection authority
lookupAuth = lookupSection Authority

View File

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module Network.DNS.Memo where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Reaper as R
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.OrdPSQ (OrdPSQ)
import qualified Data.OrdPSQ as PSQ
@ -10,7 +11,9 @@ import Data.Time (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Network.DNS.Types
type Key = (ShortByteString -- avoiding memory fragmentation
data Section = Answer | Authority deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Key = (ByteString
type Prio = UTCTime
@ -33,7 +36,12 @@ lookupCache :: Key -> Cache -> IO (Maybe (Prio, Entry))
lookupCache key reaper = PSQ.lookup key <$> R.reaperRead reaper
insertCache :: Key -> Prio -> Entry -> Cache -> IO ()
insertCache key tim ent reaper = R.reaperAdd reaper (key,tim,ent)
insertCache (dom,typ) tim ent0 reaper = R.reaperAdd reaper (key,tim,ent)
key = (B.copy dom,typ)
ent = case ent0 of
l@(Left _) -> l
(Right rds) -> Right $ map copy rds
-- Theoretically speaking, atMostView itself is good enough for pruning.
-- But auto-update assumes a list based db which does not provide atMost
@ -45,3 +53,25 @@ prune oldpsq = do
return $ \newpsq -> foldl' ins pruned $ PSQ.toList newpsq
ins psq (k,p,v) = PSQ.insert k p v psq
copy :: RData -> RData
copy r@(RD_A _) = r
copy (RD_NS dom) = RD_NS $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_CNAME dom) = RD_CNAME $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_SOA mn mr a b c d e) = RD_SOA (B.copy mn) (B.copy mr) a b c d e
copy (RD_PTR dom) = RD_PTR $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_MX prf dom) = RD_MX prf $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_TXT txt) = RD_TXT $ B.copy txt
copy r@(RD_AAAA _) = r
copy (RD_SRV a b c dom) = RD_SRV a b c $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_DNAME dom) = RD_DNAME $ B.copy dom
copy (RD_OPT od) = RD_OPT $ map copyOData od
copy (RD_DS t a dt dv) = RD_DS t a dt $ B.copy dv
copy (RD_DNSKEY f p a k) = RD_DNSKEY f p a $ B.copy k
copy (RD_TLSA a b c dgst) = RD_TLSA a b c $ B.copy dgst
copy (UnknownRData is) = UnknownRData $ B.copy is
copyOData :: OData -> OData
copyOData o@(OD_ClientSubnet _ _ _) = o
copyOData (UnknownOData c b) = UnknownOData c $ B.copy b