Add join operators, but I have no good idea how 'on' restriction is denoted.

This commit is contained in:
Kei Hibino 2013-05-21 19:08:24 +09:00
parent 780af9d7d2
commit 0ceebca6ee
2 changed files with 107 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Join (
PrimeRelation, Relation,
inner', left', right', full',
inner, left, right, full,
@ -40,7 +43,9 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Product
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
(Projectable(project), PlaceHolders, addPlaceHolders)
(Projectable(project), PlaceHolders, addPlaceHolders, projectZip)
import Database.Relational.Query.ProjectableExtended
(ProjectableGeneralizedZip (generalizedZip))
import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Sub as SubQuery
@ -127,6 +132,12 @@ qualify rel =
do n <- newAlias
return $ AliasId.qualify rel n
subQueryWithAttr :: NodeAttr -> SubQuery -> QueryJoin (Projection t)
subQueryWithAttr attr sub = do
qsub <- qualify sub
updateContext (updateProduct (`growProduct` (attr, qsub)))
return $ Projection.fromQualifiedSubQuery qsub
unsafeMergeAnother :: NodeAttr -> QueryJoin a -> QueryJoin a
unsafeMergeAnother naR qR = do
ros <- takeOrderByRevs
@ -141,17 +152,13 @@ queryMergeWithAttr = unsafeMergeAnother
queryWithAttr :: NodeAttr -> PrimeRelation p r -> QueryJoin (PlaceHolders p, Projection r)
queryWithAttr attr = addPlaceHolders . d where
d (SubQuery sub) = do
qsub <- qualify sub
updateContext (updateProduct (`growProduct` (attr, qsub)))
return $ Projection.fromQualifiedSubQuery qsub
d (PrimeRelation q) =
queryMergeWithAttr attr q
d (SubQuery sub) = subQueryWithAttr attr sub
d (PrimeRelation q) = queryMergeWithAttr attr q
query' :: PrimeRelation p r -> QueryJoin (PlaceHolders p, Projection r)
query' = queryWithAttr Just'
query :: PrimeRelation p r -> QueryJoin (Projection r)
query :: Relation r -> QueryJoin (Projection r)
query = fmap snd . query'
queryMaybe' :: PrimeRelation p r -> QueryJoin (PlaceHolders p, Projection (Maybe r))
@ -168,8 +175,76 @@ relation = PrimeRelation
relation' :: QueryJoin (PlaceHolders p, Projection r) -> PrimeRelation p r
relation' = PrimeRelation . fmap snd
from :: Table r -> QueryJoin (Projection r)
from = query . table
from :: Table r -> Relation r
from = relation . query . table
join' :: ProjectableGeneralizedZip pa pb pc
=> (qa -> QueryJoin (PlaceHolders pa, Projection a))
-> (qb -> QueryJoin (PlaceHolders pb, Projection b))
-> qa
-> qb
-> PrimeRelation pc (a, b)
join' qL qR r0 r1 = relation' $ do
(ph0, pj0) <- qL r0
(ph1, pj1) <- qR r1
return $ (ph0 `generalizedZip` ph1, pj0 `projectZip` pj1)
inner' :: ProjectableGeneralizedZip pa pb pc
=> PrimeRelation pa a
-> PrimeRelation pb b
-> PrimeRelation pc (a, b)
inner' = join' query' query'
left' :: ProjectableGeneralizedZip pa pb pc
=> PrimeRelation pa a
-> PrimeRelation pb b
-> PrimeRelation pc (a, Maybe b)
left' = join' query' queryMaybe'
right' :: ProjectableGeneralizedZip pa pb pc
=> PrimeRelation pa a
-> PrimeRelation pb b
-> PrimeRelation pc(Maybe a, b)
right' = join' queryMaybe' query'
full' :: ProjectableGeneralizedZip pa pb pc
=> PrimeRelation pa a
-> PrimeRelation pb b
-> PrimeRelation pc (Maybe a, Maybe b)
full' = join' queryMaybe' queryMaybe'
join :: (qa -> QueryJoin (Projection a))
-> (qb -> QueryJoin (Projection b))
-> qa
-> qb
-> Relation (a, b)
join qL qR r0 r1 = relation $ do
pj0 <- qL r0
pj1 <- qR r1
return $ pj0 `projectZip` pj1
inner :: Relation a
-> Relation b
-> Relation (a, b)
inner = join query query
left :: Relation a
-> Relation b
-> Relation (a, Maybe b)
left = join query queryMaybe
right :: Relation a
-> Relation b
-> Relation (Maybe a, b)
right = join queryMaybe query
full :: Relation a
-> Relation b
-> Relation (Maybe a, Maybe b)
full = join queryMaybe queryMaybe
infix 8 `inner'`, `left'`, `right'`, `full'`, `inner`, `left`, `right`, `full`
toSQL :: PrimeRelation p r -> String
toSQL = d where

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@ -5,14 +5,17 @@
module Database.Relational.Query.ProjectableExtended (
ProjectableFlattenMaybe (flatten),
(!), (!?), (!??)
(!), (!?), (!??),
ProjectableGeneralizedZip (generalizedZip), (>?<)
) where
import Database.Record (PersistableWidth)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (Projectable(project), ProjectableMaybe (flattenMaybe))
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
(Projectable(project), ProjectableMaybe (flattenMaybe), ProjectableZip(projectZip))
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
class ProjectableFlattenMaybe a b where
@ -38,4 +41,21 @@ p !? pi' = project $ Projection.piMaybe p pi'
=> Projection c -> Pi a b -> p (Maybe b)
p !?? pi' = project $ Projection.piMaybe (flatten p) pi'
class ProjectableGeneralizedZip a b c where
generalizedZip :: ProjectableZip p => p a -> p b -> p c
instance ProjectableGeneralizedZip a () a where
generalizedZip = const
instance ProjectableGeneralizedZip () a a where
generalizedZip = const id
instance ProjectableGeneralizedZip a b (a, b) where
generalizedZip = projectZip
(>?<) :: (ProjectableGeneralizedZip a b c, ProjectableZip p)
=> p a -> p b -> p c
(>?<) = generalizedZip
infixl 8 !, !?, !??
infixl 1 >?<