relational-query: add module to export SQL string representation for other systems.

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Kei Hibino 2021-07-19 16:49:04 +09:00
parent 3bad3ad72c
commit 21bf1f0acf

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.Relational.Export
-- Copyright : 2021 Kei Hibino
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module defines templates to export SQL string representation to other systems.
module Database.Relational.Export (
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString, toShort)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, Dec, stringE)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase (varName, varCamelcaseName)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib.Extra (simpleValD)
import Database.Relational
(Query, Update, Insert, InsertQuery, Delete,
untypeQuery, UntypeableNoFetch (untypeNoFetch))
inlineSQL_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string
-> String -- ^ SQL String
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined SQL
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineSQL_ check sql declName = do
check sql
simpleValD (varName $ varCamelcaseName declName)
[t| ShortByteString |]
[| toShort $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $(stringE sql) |]
-- IsString instance of ShortByteString type does not handle multi-byte characters.
inlineQuery_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> Query p a -- ^ query to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineQuery_ check q declName = inlineSQL_ check (untypeQuery q) declName
inlineNoFetch_ :: UntypeableNoFetch s
=> (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> s a -- ^ statement to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineNoFetch_ check q declName = inlineSQL_ check (untypeNoFetch q) declName
inlineUpdate_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> Update p -- ^ statement to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineUpdate_ = inlineNoFetch_
inlineInsertValue_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> Insert p -- ^ statement to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineInsertValue_ = inlineNoFetch_
inlineInsertQuery_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> InsertQuery p -- ^ statement to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineInsertQuery_ = inlineNoFetch_
inlineDelete_ :: (String -> Q ()) -- ^ action to check SQL string. for example to call prepare. if you do not need this, pass (const $ pure ())
-> Delete p -- ^ statement to inline
-> String -- ^ Variable name to define as inlined query
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Result declarations
inlineDelete_ = inlineNoFetch_