Add Aggregation type distinguished from Projection type.

Add projection type (Aggregation) for aggregation
which is distinguished from not aggregated projection type (Projection).
This commit is contained in:
Kei Hibino 2013-05-27 18:07:40 +09:00
parent 5daf8a5f11
commit 2769a6cd3f
3 changed files with 147 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (
Aggregation, projection,
just, flattenMaybe,
pi, piMaybe,
) where
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Database.Record (PersistableWidth)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
newtype Aggregation r = Aggregation (Projection r)
projection :: Aggregation r -> Projection r
projection (Aggregation p) = p
liftAggregation :: (Projection a -> Projection b) -> Aggregation a -> Aggregation b
liftAggregation f = Aggregation . f . projection
unsafeFromProjection :: Projection r -> Aggregation r
unsafeFromProjection = Aggregation
compose :: Aggregation a -> Aggregation b -> Aggregation (c a b)
compose (Aggregation a) (Aggregation b) = Aggregation $ a `Projection.compose` b
just :: Aggregation a -> Aggregation (Maybe a)
just = liftAggregation Projection.just
flattenMaybe :: Aggregation (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> Aggregation (Maybe a)
flattenMaybe = liftAggregation Projection.flattenMaybe
definePi :: (Projection a -> Pi a' b' -> Projection b) -> Aggregation a -> Pi a' b' -> Aggregation b
definePi (!!!) p pi' = liftAggregation (!!! pi') p
pi :: PersistableWidth b => Aggregation a -> Pi a b -> Aggregation b
pi = definePi Projection.pi
piMaybe :: PersistableWidth b => Aggregation (Maybe a) -> Pi a b -> Aggregation (Maybe b)
piMaybe = definePi Projection.piMaybe

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (
Projectable (project),
valueTrue, valueFalse,
@ -10,6 +12,9 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (
SqlProjectable (unsafeProjectSql),
valueNull, placeholder,
count, sum', avg, max', min', every, any', some',
ProjectableShowSql (unsafeShowSql),
@ -25,6 +30,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (
import Prelude hiding (and, or)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
@ -37,6 +43,9 @@ import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe as UnsafeExpr
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection, columns, unsafeFromColumns)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
sqlString :: Projection r -> String
sqlString = d . columns where
@ -56,10 +65,13 @@ instance Projectable Projection where
instance Projectable Expr where
project = toExpr
projectAggregation :: Projectable p => Aggregation a -> p a
projectAggregation = project . Aggregation.projection
unsafeSqlProjection :: String -> Projection t
unsafeSqlProjection = unsafeFromColumns . (:[])
class SqlProjectable p where
unsafeProjectSql :: String -> p t
@ -69,6 +81,9 @@ instance SqlProjectable Projection where
instance SqlProjectable Expr where
unsafeProjectSql = UnsafeExpr.Expr
instance SqlProjectable Aggregation where
unsafeProjectSql = Aggregation.unsafeFromProjection . unsafeProjectSql
valueNull :: SqlProjectable p => p (Maybe a)
valueNull = unsafeProjectSql "NULL"
@ -97,6 +112,43 @@ instance ProjectableShowSql Projection where
instance ProjectableShowSql Expr where
unsafeShowSql = UnsafeExpr.showExpr
instance ProjectableShowSql Aggregation where
unsafeShowSql = unsafeShowSql . Aggregation.projection
paren :: String -> String
paren = ('(' :) . (++[')'])
type SqlUniOp = String -> String
sqlUniOp :: SQL.Keyword -> SqlUniOp
sqlUniOp kw = (SQL.wordShow kw ++) . (' ' :) . paren
unsafeAggregateOp :: SQL.Keyword
-> Projection a -> Aggregation b
unsafeAggregateOp op = unsafeProjectSql . sqlUniOp op . unsafeShowSql
count :: Projection a -> Aggregation Int32
count = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.COUNT
sum' :: Num a => Projection a -> Aggregation a
sum' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.SUM
avg :: (Num a, Fractional b)=> Projection a -> Aggregation b
avg = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.AVG
max' :: Ord a => Projection a -> Aggregation a
max' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.MAX
min' :: Ord a => Projection a -> Aggregation a
min' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.MIN
every = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.EVERY
any' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.ANY
some' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.SOME
every, any', some' :: Projection Bool -> Aggregation Bool
type SqlBinOp = String -> String -> String
@ -108,7 +160,6 @@ unsafeBinOp :: (SqlProjectable p, ProjectableShowSql p)
-> p a -> p b -> p c
unsafeBinOp op a b = unsafeProjectSql . paren
$ op (unsafeShowSql a) (unsafeShowSql b)
where paren = ('(' :) . (++[')'])
compareBinOp :: (SqlProjectable p, ProjectableShowSql p)
=> SqlBinOp
@ -177,6 +228,9 @@ instance ProjectableZip PlaceHolders where
instance ProjectableZip Projection where
projectZip = Projection.compose
instance ProjectableZip Aggregation where
projectZip = Aggregation.compose
(><) ::ProjectableZip p => p a -> p b -> p (a, b)
(><) = projectZip
@ -196,6 +250,10 @@ instance ProjectableMaybe Expr where
just = Expr.just
flattenMaybe = Expr.flattenMaybe
instance ProjectableMaybe Aggregation where
just = Aggregation.just
flattenMaybe = Aggregation.flattenMaybe
infixl 7 .*., ./.
infixl 6 .+., .-.

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@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
module Database.Relational.Query.ProjectableExtended (
ProjectableFlattenMaybe (flatten),
(!), (!?), (!??),
(<!>), (<!?>), (<!??>),
ProjectableGeneralizedZip (generalizedZip), (>?<)
) where
@ -16,8 +19,11 @@ import Database.Record (PersistableWidth)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
(Projectable(project), ProjectableMaybe (flattenMaybe), ProjectableZip(projectZip))
(Projectable(project), projectAggregation,
ProjectableMaybe (flattenMaybe), ProjectableZip(projectZip))
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
class ProjectableFlattenMaybe a b where
@ -38,14 +44,38 @@ p ! pi' = project $ Projection.pi p pi'
=> Projection (Maybe a) -> Pi a b -> p (Maybe b)
p !? pi' = project $ Projection.piMaybe p pi'
piMaybeFlatten :: (PersistableWidth b, ProjectableFlattenMaybe c (Maybe a))
piMaybe' :: (PersistableWidth b, ProjectableFlattenMaybe c (Maybe a))
=> Projection c -> Pi a b -> Projection (Maybe b)
piMaybeFlatten = Projection.piMaybe . flatten
piMaybe' = Projection.piMaybe . flatten
(!??) :: (PersistableWidth b, ProjectableFlattenMaybe c (Maybe a),
Projectable p, ProjectableMaybe p)
=> Projection c -> Pi a b -> p (Maybe b)
p !?? pi' = project $ piMaybeFlatten p pi'
p !?? pi' = project $ piMaybe' p pi'
piMaybeAggregation' :: (PersistableWidth b, ProjectableFlattenMaybe c (Maybe a))
=> Aggregation c -> Pi a b -> Aggregation (Maybe b)
piMaybeAggregation' = Aggregation.piMaybe . flatten
(<!>) :: (PersistableWidth b, Projectable p)
=> Aggregation a
-> Pi a b
-> p b
(<!>) a = projectAggregation . Aggregation.pi a
(<!?>) :: (PersistableWidth b, Projectable p)
=> Aggregation (Maybe a)
-> Pi a b
-> p (Maybe b)
(<!?>) a = projectAggregation . Aggregation.piMaybe a
(<!??>) :: (PersistableWidth b, Projectable p, ProjectableFlattenMaybe c (Maybe a))
=> Aggregation c
-> Pi a b
-> p (Maybe b)
(<!??>) a = projectAggregation . piMaybeAggregation' a
class ProjectableGeneralizedZip a b c where
generalizedZip :: ProjectableZip p => p a -> p b -> p c