Apply query context tag types.

This commit is contained in:
Kei Hibino 2013-08-25 16:15:21 +09:00
parent 3dc3098378
commit 6885e3bb1a
23 changed files with 225 additions and 356 deletions

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ library

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@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Database.Relational.Query (
module Database.Relational.Query.Expr,
module Database.Relational.Query.Sub,
module Database.Relational.Query.Projection,
module Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation,
module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable,
module Database.Relational.Query.ProjectableExtended,
module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class,
@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Constraint
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr hiding (fromJust, just)
import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery, unitSQL, queryWidth)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
import Database.Relational.Query.ProjectableExtended
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class

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@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation
-- Copyright : 2013 Kei Hibino
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
-- This module defines aggregated query projection type structure and interfaces.
module Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (
-- * Projection definition for Aggregated query
-- * Aggregated Query Projections
pi, piMaybe, piMaybe',
flattenMaybe, just
) where
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
-- | Projection for aggregated query.
newtype Aggregation r = Aggregation (Projection r)
-- | Get projection of normal query.
unsafeProjection :: Aggregation r -> Projection r
unsafeProjection (Aggregation p) = p
-- | Map from 'Projection' into 'Aggregation'.
mapAggregation :: (Projection a -> Projection b) -> Aggregation a -> Aggregation b
mapAggregation f = Aggregation . f . unsafeProjection
-- | Unsafely make 'Aggregation' from 'Projection'.
unsafeFromProjection :: Projection r -> Aggregation r
unsafeFromProjection = Aggregation
-- | Concatenate 'Aggregation'.
compose :: Aggregation a -> Aggregation b -> Aggregation (c a b)
compose (Aggregation a) (Aggregation b) = Aggregation $ a `Projection.compose` b
-- | Map Projection path into Aggregation.
definePi :: (Projection a -> Pi a' b' -> Projection b) -> Aggregation a -> Pi a' b' -> Aggregation b
definePi (!!!) p pi' = mapAggregation (!!! pi') p
-- | Trace projection path to get smaller 'Aggregation'.
pi :: Aggregation a -- ^ Source projection. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> Aggregation b -- ^ Narrower projection
pi = definePi Projection.pi
-- | Trace projection path to get smaller 'Aggregation'. From 'Maybe' type to 'Maybe' type.
piMaybe :: Aggregation (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> Aggregation (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projection. 'Maybe' type result
piMaybe = definePi Projection.piMaybe
-- | Trace projection path to get smaller 'Aggregation'. From 'Maybe' type to 'Maybe' type.
-- Projection path's leaf is 'Maybe' case.
piMaybe' :: Aggregation (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a (Maybe b) -- ^ Projection path. 'Maybe' type leaf
-> Aggregation (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projection. 'Maybe' type result
piMaybe' = definePi Projection.piMaybe'
-- | Composite nested 'Maybe' on projection phantom type.
flattenMaybe :: Aggregation (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> Aggregation (Maybe a)
flattenMaybe = mapAggregation Projection.flattenMaybe
-- | Cast into 'Maybe' on projection phantom type.
just :: Aggregation a -> Aggregation (Maybe a)
just = mapAggregation Projection.just

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe
-- Copyright : 2013 Kei Hibino
@ -17,7 +15,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe (
) where
-- | Phantom typed SQL expression object. Project from projection type 'p'.
newtype Expr (p :: * -> *) a = Expr (String)
newtype Expr p a = Expr String
-- | Get SQL expression from typed object.
showExpr :: Expr p t -> String

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@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Product (
) where
import Prelude hiding (and, product)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (fromTriBool, exprAnd)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Expr as Expr
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe (showExpr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (valueTrue)
import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery, Qualified)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Sub as SubQuery
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable (foldMap))
type Expr = Expr.Expr Projection
type Expr = Expr.Expr Flat
-- | node attribute for product.
data NodeAttr = Just' | Maybe

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@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Aggregate (
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat, Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
import Database.Relational.Query.SQL (selectSeedSQL)
import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery, subQuery)
@ -43,28 +42,28 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Type (QueryCore)
-- | Aggregated query monad type.
type QueryAggregate = Orderings Aggregation (Aggregatings QueryCore)
type QueryAggregate = Orderings Aggregated (Aggregatings QueryCore)
-- | Aggregated query type. AggregatedQuery r == QueryAggregate (Aggregation r).
type AggregatedQuery r = OrderedQuery Aggregation (Aggregatings QueryCore) r
-- | Aggregated query type. AggregatedQuery r == QueryAggregate (Projection Aggregated r).
type AggregatedQuery r = OrderedQuery Aggregated (Aggregatings QueryCore) r
-- | Lift from qualified table forms into 'QueryAggregate'.
aggregatedQuery :: Qualify a -> QueryAggregate a
aggregatedQuery = orderings . aggregatings . restrictings . join'
-- | Instance to lift from qualified table forms into 'QueryAggregate'.
instance MonadQualify Qualify (Orderings Aggregation (Aggregatings QueryCore)) where
instance MonadQualify Qualify (Orderings Aggregated (Aggregatings QueryCore)) where
liftQualify = aggregatedQuery
expandPrepend :: AggregatedQuery r
-> Qualify ((((Aggregation r, OrderByPrepend), GroupBysPrepend), WherePrepend), FromPrepend)
-> Qualify ((((Projection Aggregated r, OrderByPrepend), GroupBysPrepend), WherePrepend), FromPrepend)
expandPrepend = extractFrom . extractWheres . extractGroupBys . extractOrderBys
-- | Run 'AggregatedQuery' to get SQL string.
expandSQL :: AggregatedQuery r -> Qualify (String, Projection r)
expandSQL :: AggregatedQuery r -> Qualify (String, Projection Flat r)
expandSQL q = do
((((aggr, ao), ag), aw), af) <- expandPrepend q
let projection = Aggregation.unsafeProjection aggr
let projection = Projection.unsafeToFlat aggr
return (selectSeedSQL projection . prependFrom af . prependWhere aw
. prependGroupBys ag . prependOrderBy ao $ "",

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@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class (
groupBy, havingE, having
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat, Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (expr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery, Qualified)
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Product (NodeAttr)
-- | Restrict context interface
class (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadRestrict m where
-- | Add restriction to this context.
restrictContext :: Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Projection' which represent restriction
restrictContext :: Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Projection' which represent restriction
-> m () -- ^ Restricted query context
-- | Query building interface.
class (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadQuery m where
-- | Add restriction to last join.
restrictJoin :: Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Projection' which represent restriction
restrictJoin :: Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Projection' which represent restriction
-> m () -- ^ Restricted query context
-- -- | Add restriction to this query.
-- restrictQuery :: Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Projection' which represent restriction
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class (Functor m, Monad m) => MonadQuery m where
-- | Unsafely join subquery with this query.
unsafeSubQuery :: NodeAttr -- ^ Attribute maybe or just
-> Qualified SubQuery -- ^ 'SubQuery' to join
-> m (Projection r) -- ^ Result joined context and 'SubQuery' result projection.
-> m (Projection Flat r) -- ^ Result joined context and 'SubQuery' result projection.
-- unsafeMergeAnotherQuery :: NodeAttr -> m (Projection r) -> m (Projection r)
-- | Lift interface from base qualify monad.
@ -57,38 +57,38 @@ class (Functor q, Monad q, MonadQuery m) => MonadQualify q m where
-- | Aggregated query building interface extends 'MonadQuery'.
class MonadQuery m => MonadAggregate m where
-- | Add /group by/ term into context and get aggregated projection.
aggregateKey :: Projection r -- ^ Projection to add into group by
-> m (Aggregation r) -- ^ Result context and aggregated projection
aggregateKey :: Projection Flat r -- ^ Projection to add into group by
-> m (Projection Aggregated r) -- ^ Result context and aggregated projection
-- | Add restriction to this aggregated query.
restrictAggregatedQuery :: Expr Aggregation (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Aggregation' which represent restriction
restrictAggregatedQuery :: Expr Aggregated (Maybe Bool) -- ^ 'Expr' 'Aggregated' which represent restriction
-> m () -- ^ Restricted query context
-- | Add restriction to last join.
onE :: MonadQuery m => Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
onE :: MonadQuery m => Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
onE = restrictJoin
-- | Add restriction to last join. Projection type version.
on :: MonadQuery m => Projection (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
on :: MonadQuery m => Projection Flat (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
on = restrictJoin . expr
-- | Add restriction to this query.
wheresE :: MonadRestrict m => Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
wheresE :: MonadRestrict m => Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
wheresE = restrictContext
-- | Add restriction to this query. Projection type version.
wheres :: MonadRestrict m => Projection (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
wheres :: MonadRestrict m => Projection Flat (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
wheres = restrictContext . expr
-- | Add /group by/ term into context and get aggregated projection.
groupBy :: MonadAggregate m
=> Projection r -- ^ Projection to add into group by
-> m (Aggregation r) -- ^ Result context and aggregated projection
=> Projection Flat r -- ^ Projection to add into group by
-> m (Projection Aggregated r) -- ^ Result context and aggregated projection
groupBy = aggregateKey
-- | Add restriction to this aggregated query.
havingE :: MonadAggregate m => Expr Aggregation (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
havingE :: MonadAggregate m => Expr Aggregated (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
havingE = restrictAggregatedQuery
-- | Add restriction to this aggregated query. Aggregation type version.
having :: MonadAggregate m => Aggregation (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
-- | Add restriction to this aggregated query. Aggregated Projection type version.
having :: MonadAggregate m => Projection Aggregated (Maybe Bool) -> m ()
having = restrictAggregatedQuery . expr

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@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Restrict (
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..), runIdentity)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.Restricting
(Restrictings, WherePrepend, extractWheres)
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ type Restrict = Restrictings Identity
-- | RestrictedStatement type synonym.
-- Projection record type 'r' must be
-- the same as 'Restrictings' type parameter 'r'.
type RestrictedStatement r a = Projection r -> Restrict a
type RestrictedStatement r a = Projection Flat r -> Restrict a
-- -- | 'return' of 'Restrict'
-- restricted :: a -> Restrict a

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Simple (
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.SQL (selectSeedSQL)
@ -40,25 +41,25 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Sub (SubQuery, subQuery)
-- | Simple query (not-aggregated) monad type.
type QuerySimple = Orderings Projection QueryCore
type QuerySimple = Orderings Flat QueryCore
-- | Simple query (not-aggregated) query type. 'SimpleQuery' r == 'QuerySimple' ('Projection' r).
type SimpleQuery r = OrderedQuery Projection QueryCore r
type SimpleQuery r = OrderedQuery Flat QueryCore r
-- | Lift from qualified table forms into 'QuerySimple'.
simple :: Qualify a -> QuerySimple a
simple = orderings . restrictings . join'
-- | Instance to lift from qualified table forms into 'QuerySimple'.
instance MonadQualify Qualify (Orderings Projection QueryCore) where
instance MonadQualify Qualify (Orderings Flat QueryCore) where
liftQualify = simple
expandPrepend :: SimpleQuery r
-> Qualify (((Projection r, OrderByPrepend), WherePrepend), FromPrepend)
-> Qualify (((Projection Flat r, OrderByPrepend), WherePrepend), FromPrepend)
expandPrepend = extractFrom . extractWheres . extractOrderBys
-- | Run 'SimpleQuery' to get SQL string.
expandSQL :: SimpleQuery r -> Qualify (String, Projection r)
expandSQL :: SimpleQuery r -> Qualify (String, Projection Flat r)
expandSQL q = do
(((pj, ao), aw), af) <- expandPrepend q
return (selectSeedSQL pj . prependFrom af . prependWhere aw . prependOrderBy ao $ "", pj)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Target (
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Table (Table)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Restrict (Restrict, expandWhere)
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ type Target r = Assignings r Restrict
-- | TargetStatement type synonym.
-- Table and projection record type must be
-- the same as 'Target' type parameter 'r'.
type TargetStatement r a = Table r -> Projection r -> Target r a
type TargetStatement r a = Table r -> Projection Flat r -> Target r a
-- -- | 'return' of 'Update'
-- updateStatement :: a -> Assignings r (Restrictings Identity) a

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, modify)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.Arrow (second, (>>>))
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat, Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.StatePrepend (Prepend, prepend, liftToString)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.AggregatingState
(AggregatingContext, primeAggregatingContext, addGroupBy, composeGroupBys)
@ -31,8 +32,6 @@ import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.AggregatingState as State
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class
(MonadRestrict(..), MonadQuery(..), MonadAggregate(..))
@ -77,17 +76,17 @@ addGroupBys' gbs = updateAggregatingContext . foldr (>>>) id $ map addGroupBy gb
-- | Add restrictions for aggregated query.
addRestriction :: MonadQuery m
=> Expr Aggregation (Maybe Bool) -- ^ Restriction to add
=> Expr Aggregated (Maybe Bool) -- ^ Restriction to add
-> Aggregatings m () -- ^ Result restricted context
addRestriction = updateAggregatingContext . State.addRestriction
-- | Add aggregating terms.
addGroupBys :: MonadQuery m
=> Projection r -- ^ Group-by term to add
-> Aggregatings m (Aggregation r) -- ^ Result aggregated context
=> Projection Flat r -- ^ Group-by term to add
-> Aggregatings m (Projection Aggregated r) -- ^ Result aggregated context
addGroupBys p = do
addGroupBys' . Projection.columns $ p
return $ Aggregation.unsafeFromProjection p
return $ Projection.unsafeToAggregated p
-- | Aggregated query instance.
instance MonadQuery m => MonadAggregate (Aggregatings m) where

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@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ import qualified Data.DList as DList
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Applicative (pure)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr, fromTriBool, exprAnd)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe (showExpr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..), unwordsSQL)
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type GroupBys = DList GroupByTerm
data AggregatingContext =
{ groupByTerms :: GroupBys
, restriction :: Maybe (Expr Aggregation Bool)
, restriction :: Maybe (Expr Aggregated Bool)
-- | Initial value of 'AggregatingContext'.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ addGroupBy :: String -> AggregatingContext -> AggregatingContext
addGroupBy t c = c { groupByTerms = groupByTerms c <> pure t }
-- | Add having restriction into 'AggregatingContext'.
addRestriction :: Expr Aggregation (Maybe Bool) -> AggregatingContext -> AggregatingContext
addRestriction :: Expr Aggregated (Maybe Bool) -> AggregatingContext -> AggregatingContext
addRestriction e1 ctx =
ctx { restriction = Just . uf . restriction $ ctx }
where uf Nothing = fromTriBool e1

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.Assigning (
SetPrepend, prependSet
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans (lift))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, runStateT, modify)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
@ -70,12 +71,12 @@ instance MonadRestrict m => MonadRestrict (Assignings r m) where
-- | Target of assignment.
newtype AssignTarget r v = AssignTarget (Table r, Pi r v)
targetProjection :: AssignTarget r v -> Projection v
targetProjection :: AssignTarget r v -> Projection Flat v
targetProjection (AssignTarget (tbl, pi')) =
Projection.pi (Projection.unsafeFromTable tbl) pi'
-- | Add an assignment.
assignTo :: Monad m => Projection v -> AssignTarget r v -> Assignings r m ()
assignTo :: Monad m => Projection Flat v -> AssignTarget r v -> Assignings r m ()
assignTo vp target = updateAssigningContext . foldr (>>>) id
$ zipWith updateAssignments lefts rights where
lefts = Projection.columns $ targetProjection target
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ assignTo vp target = updateAssigningContext . foldr (>>>) id
(!#) = curry AssignTarget
-- | Add and assginment.
(<-#) :: Monad m => AssignTarget r v -> Projection v -> Assignings r m ()
(<-#) :: Monad m => AssignTarget r v -> Projection Flat v -> Assignings r m ()
(<-#) = flip assignTo
infix 8 !#

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State (modify, StateT, runStateT)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.StatePrepend (Prepend, prepend, liftToString)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.JoinState
(JoinContext, primeJoinContext, updateProduct, composeFrom)
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ updateContext :: Monad m => (JoinContext -> JoinContext) -> QueryJoin m ()
updateContext = QueryJoin . modify
-- | Add last join product restriction.
updateJoinRestriction :: Monad m => Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -> QueryJoin m ()
updateJoinRestriction :: Monad m => Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -> QueryJoin m ()
updateJoinRestriction e = updateContext (updateProduct d) where
d Nothing = error "on: product is empty!"
d (Just pt) = restrictProduct pt (fromTriBool e)
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ instance (Monad q, Functor q) => MonadQuery (QueryJoin q) where
unsafeSubQueryWithAttr :: Monad q
=> NodeAttr -- ^ Attribute maybe or just
-> Qualified SubQuery -- ^ 'SubQuery' to join
-> QueryJoin q (Projection r) -- ^ Result joined context and 'SubQuery' result projection.
-> QueryJoin q (Projection Flat r) -- ^ Result joined context and 'SubQuery' result projection.
unsafeSubQueryWithAttr attr qsub = do
updateContext (updateProduct (`growProduct` (attr, qsub)))
return $ Projection.unsafeFromQualifiedSubQuery qsub

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.OrderingState
(Order(Asc, Desc), OrderingContext, primeOrderingContext, updateOrderBy, composeOrderBys)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class
(MonadRestrict(..), MonadQuery(..), MonadAggregate(..))
@ -43,7 +41,7 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class
-- | 'StateT' type to accumulate ordering context.
-- Type 'p' is ordering term projection type.
newtype Orderings (p :: * -> *) m a =
newtype Orderings p m a =
Orderings { orderingState :: StateT OrderingContext m a }
deriving (MonadTrans, Monad, Functor, Applicative)
@ -78,28 +76,24 @@ instance MonadAggregate m => MonadAggregate (Orderings p m) where
restrictAggregatedQuery = orderings . restrictAggregatedQuery
-- | OrderedQuery type synonym. Projection must be the same as 'Orderings' type parameter 'p'
type OrderedQuery p m r = Orderings p m (p r)
type OrderedQuery p m r = Orderings p m (Projection p r)
-- | Ordering term projection type interface.
class OrderingTerms p where
orderTerms :: p t -> [String]
-- | 'Projection' is ordering term.
instance OrderingTerms Projection where
instance OrderingTerms (Projection c) where
orderTerms = Projection.columns
-- | 'Aggregation' is ordering term.
instance OrderingTerms Aggregation where
orderTerms = Projection.columns . Aggregation.unsafeProjection
-- | Unsafely update ordering context.
updateOrderingContext :: Monad m => (OrderingContext -> OrderingContext) -> Orderings p m ()
updateOrderingContext = Orderings . modify
-- | Add ordering terms.
updateOrderBys :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms p)
updateOrderBys :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms (Projection p))
=> Order -- ^ Order direction
-> p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
-> Projection p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
-> Orderings p m () -- ^ Result context with ordering
updateOrderBys order p = updateOrderingContext . foldr (>>>) id $ updates where
updates = updateOrderBy order `map` orderTerms p
@ -125,14 +119,14 @@ unsafeMergeAnotherOrderBys naR qR = do
-- | Add ascendant ordering term.
asc :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms p)
=> p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
asc :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms (Projection p))
=> Projection p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
-> Orderings p m () -- ^ Result context with ordering
asc = updateOrderBys Asc
-- | Add descendant ordering term.
desc :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms p)
=> p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
desc :: (Monad m, OrderingTerms (Projection p))
=> Projection p t -- ^ Ordering terms to add
-> Orderings p m () -- ^ Result context with ordering
desc = updateOrderBys Desc

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@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State (modify, StateT, runStateT)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, (<$>))
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.StatePrepend (Prepend, prepend, liftToString)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.RestrictingState
(RestrictContext, primeRestrictContext, addRestriction, composeWheres)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class (MonadRestrict(..), MonadQuery (..))
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ updateRestrictContext :: Monad m => (RestrictContext -> RestrictContext) -> Rest
updateRestrictContext = Restrictings . modify
-- | Add whole query restriction.
updateRestriction :: Monad m => Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -> Restrictings m ()
updateRestriction :: Monad m => Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -> Restrictings m ()
updateRestriction e = updateRestrictContext (addRestriction e)
-- | 'MonadRestrict' instance.

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@ -20,11 +20,10 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.RestrictingState (
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr, fromTriBool, exprAnd)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr.Unsafe (showExpr)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..), unwordsSQL)
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
@ -32,21 +31,21 @@ import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
-- | Context type for Restrict.
data RestrictContext =
{ restriction :: Maybe (Expr Projection Bool) }
{ restriction :: Maybe (Expr Flat Bool) }
-- | Initial 'RestrictContext'.
primeRestrictContext :: RestrictContext
primeRestrictContext = RestrictContext Nothing
-- | Add restriction of 'RestrictContext'.
addRestriction :: Expr Projection (Maybe Bool) -> RestrictContext -> RestrictContext
addRestriction :: Expr Flat (Maybe Bool) -> RestrictContext -> RestrictContext
addRestriction e1 ctx =
ctx { restriction = Just . uf . restriction $ ctx }
where uf Nothing = fromTriBool e1
uf (Just e0) = e0 `exprAnd` fromTriBool e1
-- | Compose SQL String from 'RestrictContext' object.
composeWheres' :: Maybe (Expr Projection Bool) -> String
composeWheres' :: Maybe (Expr Flat Bool) -> String
composeWheres' = maybe [] (\e -> unwordsSQL [WHERE, SQL.word . showExpr $ e])
-- | Compose SQL String from 'RestrictContext' object.

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-- This module defines operators on various polymorphic projections.
module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (
-- * Conversion between individual Projections
ExpressionProjectable (expr),
ProjectablePi (pi, piMaybe, piMaybe'),
-- ProjectablePi (pi, piMaybe, piMaybe'),
-- * Projectable from SQL strings
SqlProjectable (unsafeProjectSqlTerms), unsafeProjectSql,
@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Projectable (
-- * Projectable into SQL strings
ProjectableShowSql (unsafeShowSql),
-- * Binary Operators
@ -72,9 +71,6 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi, piZip)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection, columns, unsafeFromColumns)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation as Aggregation
-- | Parened String.
paren :: String -> String
@ -88,24 +84,17 @@ sqlTermsString = d where
d (cs) = paren $ intercalate ", " cs
-- | SQL expression strings which represent projection.
sqlStringOfProjection :: Projection r -> String
sqlStringOfProjection :: Projection c r -> String
sqlStringOfProjection = sqlTermsString . columns
-- | 'Expr' from 'Projection'
exprOfProjection :: Projection r -> Expr Projection r
exprOfProjection :: Projection c r -> Expr c r
exprOfProjection = UnsafeExpr.Expr . sqlStringOfProjection
-- | Projection interface into expression.
class ExpressionProjectable p where
-- | Project from Projection type 'p' into expression type.
expr :: p a -> Expr p a
instance ExpressionProjectable Projection where
-- | Project from Projection type into expression type.
expr :: Projection p a -> Expr p a
expr = exprOfProjection
instance ExpressionProjectable Aggregation where
expr = UnsafeExpr.Expr . sqlStringOfProjection . Aggregation.unsafeProjection
-- | Projection interface.
class ProjectablePi p where
-- | Trace projection path 'Pi' to get narrower projection type 'p'.
@ -116,19 +105,14 @@ class ProjectablePi p where
-- Leaf type of projection path is 'Maybe'.
piMaybe' :: p (Maybe a) -> Pi a (Maybe b) -> p (Maybe b)
instance ProjectablePi Projection where
instance ProjectablePi (Projection c) where
pi = Projection.pi
piMaybe = Projection.piMaybe
piMaybe' = Projection.piMaybe'
instance ProjectablePi Aggregation where
pi = Aggregation.pi
piMaybe = Aggregation.piMaybe
piMaybe' = Aggregation.piMaybe'
-- | Unsafely generate 'Projection' from SQL expression strings.
unsafeSqlTermsProjection :: [String] -> Projection t
unsafeSqlTermsProjection :: [String] -> Projection c t
unsafeSqlTermsProjection = unsafeFromColumns
-- | Interface to project SQL terms unsafely.
@ -138,17 +122,13 @@ class SqlProjectable p where
-> p t -- ^ Result projection object
-- | Unsafely make 'Projection' from SQL terms.
instance SqlProjectable Projection where
instance SqlProjectable (Projection c) where
unsafeProjectSqlTerms = unsafeSqlTermsProjection
-- | Unsafely make 'Expr' from SQL terms.
instance SqlProjectable (Expr p) where
unsafeProjectSqlTerms = UnsafeExpr.Expr . sqlTermsString
-- | Unsafely make 'Aggregation' from SQL terms.
instance SqlProjectable Aggregation where
unsafeProjectSqlTerms = Aggregation.unsafeFromProjection . unsafeProjectSqlTerms
-- | Unsafely Project single SQL term.
unsafeProjectSql :: SqlProjectable p => String -> p t
unsafeProjectSql = unsafeProjectSqlTerms . (:[])
@ -189,21 +169,13 @@ instance ProjectableShowSql (Expr p) where
unsafeShowSql = unsafeShowSqlExpr
-- | Unsafely get SQL term from 'Proejction'.
unsafeShowSqlProjection :: Projection r -> String
unsafeShowSqlProjection :: Projection c r -> String
unsafeShowSqlProjection = sqlStringOfProjection
-- | Unsafely get SQL term from 'Proejction'.
instance ProjectableShowSql Projection where
instance ProjectableShowSql (Projection c) where
unsafeShowSql = unsafeShowSqlProjection
-- | Unsafely get SQL term from 'Aggregation'.
unsafeShowSqlAggregation :: Aggregation a -> String
unsafeShowSqlAggregation = unsafeShowSql . Aggregation.unsafeProjection
-- | Unsafely get SQL term from 'Aggregation'.
instance ProjectableShowSql Aggregation where
unsafeShowSql = unsafeShowSqlAggregation
-- | Binary operator type for SQL String.
type SqlBinOp = String -> String -> String
@ -394,13 +366,9 @@ instance ProjectableZip PlaceHolders where
projectZip PlaceHolders PlaceHolders = PlaceHolders
-- | Zip 'Projection'.
instance ProjectableZip Projection where
instance ProjectableZip (Projection c) where
projectZip = Projection.compose
-- | Zip 'Aggregation'
instance ProjectableZip Aggregation where
projectZip = Aggregation.compose
-- | Zip 'Pi'
instance ProjectableZip (Pi a) where
projectZip = piZip
@ -422,7 +390,7 @@ instance ProjectableMaybe PlaceHolders where
flattenMaybe = unsafeCastPlaceHolders
-- | Control phantom 'Maybe' type in projection type 'Projection'.
instance ProjectableMaybe Projection where
instance ProjectableMaybe (Projection c) where
just = Projection.just
flattenMaybe = Projection.flattenMaybe
@ -431,11 +399,6 @@ instance ProjectableMaybe (Expr p) where
just = Expr.just
flattenMaybe = Expr.fromJust
-- | Control phantom 'Maybe' type in aggregate projection type 'Projection'.
instance ProjectableMaybe Aggregation where
just = Aggregation.just
flattenMaybe = Aggregation.flattenMaybe
-- | Zipping except for identity element laws.
class ProjectableZip p => ProjectableIdZip p where
leftId :: p ((), a) -> p a

View File

@ -43,21 +43,21 @@ import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat, Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Expr (Expr, fromJust)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
(ExpressionProjectable (expr), ProjectablePi, PlaceHolders,
(expr, PlaceHolders,
ProjectableMaybe (flattenMaybe), ProjectableIdZip (leftId, rightId),
SqlProjectable, unsafeProjectSql, ProjectableShowSql (unsafeShowSql))
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projectable as Projectable
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
-- | Projection interface.
class Projectable p0 p1 where
-- Project from projection type 'p0' into weaken projection types 'p1'.
project :: p0 a -> p1 a
project :: p0 c a -> p1 c a
-- | Parened String.
paren :: String -> String
@ -71,40 +71,40 @@ sqlUniOp :: SQL.Keyword -> SqlUniOp
sqlUniOp kw = (SQL.wordShow kw ++) . (' ' :) . paren
-- | Unsafely make aggregation uni-operator from SQL keyword.
unsafeAggregateOp :: (SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p)
=> SQL.Keyword -> Projection a -> p b
unsafeAggregateOp :: SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)
=> SQL.Keyword -> Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated b
unsafeAggregateOp op = unsafeProjectSql . sqlUniOp op . unsafeShowSql
-- | Aggregation function COUNT.
count :: (SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection a -> p Int32
count :: SqlProjectable (p Aggregated) => Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated Int32
count = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.COUNT
-- | Aggregation function SUM.
sum' :: (Num a, SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection a -> p a
sum' :: (Num a, SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated a
sum' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.SUM
-- | Aggregation function AVG.
avg :: (Num a, Fractional b, SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p)=> Projection a -> p b
avg :: (Num a, Fractional b, SqlProjectable (p Aggregated))=> Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated b
avg = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.AVG
-- | Aggregation function MAX.
max' :: (Ord a, SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection a -> p a
max' :: (Ord a, SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated a
max' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.MAX
-- | Aggregation function MIN.
min' :: (Ord a, SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection a -> p a
min' :: (Ord a, SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat a -> p Aggregated a
min' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.MIN
-- | Aggregation function EVERY.
every :: (SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection (Maybe Bool) -> p (Maybe Bool)
every :: (SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat (Maybe Bool) -> p Aggregated (Maybe Bool)
every = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.EVERY
-- | Aggregation function ANY.
any' :: (SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection (Maybe Bool) -> p (Maybe Bool)
any' :: (SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat (Maybe Bool) -> p Aggregated (Maybe Bool)
any' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.ANY
-- | Aggregation function SOME.
some' :: (SqlProjectable p, Projectable Aggregation p) => Projection (Maybe Bool) -> p (Maybe Bool)
some' :: (SqlProjectable (p Aggregated)) => Projection Flat (Maybe Bool) -> p Aggregated (Maybe Bool)
some' = unsafeAggregateOp SQL.SOME
-- | Project from 'Projection' into 'Projection'.
@ -112,93 +112,75 @@ instance Projectable Projection Projection where
project = id
-- | Project from 'Projection' into 'Expr' 'Projection'.
instance Projectable Projection (Expr Projection) where
instance Projectable Projection Expr where
project = expr
-- | Project from 'Aggregation' into 'Aggregation'.
instance Projectable Aggregation Aggregation where
project = id
projectPi :: Projectable Projection p1 => Projection c a -> Pi a b -> p1 c b
projectPi p = project . Projection.pi p
-- | Project from 'Aggregation' into 'Expr' 'Aggregation'.
instance Projectable Aggregation (Expr Aggregation) where
project = expr
projectPiMaybe :: Projectable Projection p1 => Projection c (Maybe a) -> Pi a b -> p1 c (Maybe b)
projectPiMaybe p = project . Projection.piMaybe p
projectPi :: (ProjectablePi p0, Projectable p0 p1) => p0 a -> Pi a b -> p1 b
projectPi p = project . Projectable.pi p
projectPiMaybe :: (ProjectablePi p0, Projectable p0 p1) => p0 (Maybe a) -> Pi a b -> p1 (Maybe b)
projectPiMaybe p = project . Projectable.piMaybe p
projectPiMaybe' :: (ProjectablePi p0, Projectable p0 p1) => p0 (Maybe a) -> Pi a (Maybe b) -> p1 (Maybe b)
projectPiMaybe' p = project . Projectable.piMaybe' p
projectPiMaybe' :: Projectable Projection p1 => Projection c (Maybe a) -> Pi a (Maybe b) -> p1 c (Maybe b)
projectPiMaybe' p = project . Projection.piMaybe' p
-- | Get narrower projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
(!) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection a -- ^ Source projection
=> Projection c a -- ^ Source projection
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p b -- ^ Narrower projected object
-> p c b -- ^ Narrower projected object
(!) = projectPi
-- | Get narrower projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
-- 'Maybe' phantom type is propagated.
(?!) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
=> Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' type result
-> p c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' type result
(?!) = projectPiMaybe
-- | Get narrower projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
-- 'Maybe' phantom type is propagated. Projection path leaf is 'Maybe' case.
(?!?) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
=> Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a (Maybe b) -- ^ Projection path. 'Maybe' type leaf
-> p (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' phantom type result
-> p c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' phantom type result
(?!?) = projectPiMaybe'
-- | Get narrower aggregated projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
(<!>) :: Projectable Aggregation p
=> Aggregation a -- ^ Source 'Aggregation'
(<!>) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection c a -- ^ Source projection
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p b -- ^ Narrower projected object
(<!>) = projectPi
-> p c b -- ^ Narrower projected object
(<!>) = (!)
-- | Get narrower aggregated projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
-- 'Maybe' phantom type is propagated.
(<?!>) :: Projectable Aggregation p
=> Aggregation (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Aggregation'. 'Maybe' phantom type
(<?!>) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' phantom type result
(<?!>) = projectPiMaybe
-> p c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' type result
(<?!>) = (?!)
-- | Get narrower aggregated projection along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
-- 'Maybe' phantom type is propagated. Projection path leaf is 'Maybe' case.
(<?!?>) :: Projectable Aggregation p
=> Aggregation (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Aggregation'. 'Maybe' phantom type
(<?!?>) :: Projectable Projection p
=> Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a (Maybe b) -- ^ Projection path. 'Maybe' type leaf
-> p (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' phantom type result
(<?!?>) = projectPiMaybe'
-> p c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower projected object. 'Maybe' phantom type result
(<?!?>) = (?!?)
-- | Get narrower projected expression along with projectino path
-- and strip 'Maybe' phantom type off.
(.!) :: (ProjectablePi p, Projectable p (Expr p))
=> p (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection type 'p'. 'Maybe' phantom type
(.!) :: Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection type 'p'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> Expr p b -- ^ Narrower projected expression. 'Maybe' phantom type is stripped off
-> Expr c b -- ^ Narrower projected expression. 'Maybe' phantom type is stripped off
(.!) p = fromJust . projectPiMaybe p
-- | Get narrower projected expression along with projectino path
-- and strip 'Maybe' phantom type off.
-- Projection path leaf is 'Maybe' case.
(.?) :: (ProjectablePi p, Projectable p (Expr p))
=> p (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection type 'p'. 'Maybe' phantom type
(.?) :: Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source projection type 'p'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a (Maybe b) -- ^ Projection path. 'Maybe' type leaf
-> Expr p b -- ^ Narrower projected expression. 'Maybe' phantom type is stripped off
-> Expr c b -- ^ Narrower projected expression. 'Maybe' phantom type is stripped off
(.?) p = fromJust . projectPiMaybe' p
@ -216,35 +198,34 @@ instance ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe a) (Maybe a) where
flatten = id
-- | Get narrower projection with flatten leaf phantom Maybe types along with projection path.
flattenPiMaybe :: (ProjectablePi p, ProjectableMaybe p, ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c)
=> p (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
flattenPiMaybe :: (ProjectableMaybe (Projection cont), ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c)
=> Projection cont (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p c -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. Flatten 'Maybe' phantom type
flattenPiMaybe p = flatten . Projectable.piMaybe p
-> Projection cont c -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. Flatten 'Maybe' phantom type
flattenPiMaybe p = flatten . Projection.piMaybe p
projectFlattenPiMaybe :: (ProjectablePi p0, ProjectableMaybe p0, Projectable p0 p1, ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c)
=> p0 (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
projectFlattenPiMaybe :: (ProjectableMaybe (Projection cont),
Projectable Projection p1, ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c)
=> Projection cont (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p1 c -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. Flatten 'Maybe' phantom type
-> p1 cont c -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. Flatten 'Maybe' phantom type
projectFlattenPiMaybe p = project . flattenPiMaybe p
-- | Get narrower projection with flatten leaf phantom Maybe types along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
(!??) :: (ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c,
Projectable Projection p, ProjectableMaybe p)
=> Projection (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Aggregation'. 'Maybe' phantom type
Projectable Projection p, ProjectableMaybe (p cont))
=> Projection cont (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p c -- ^ Narrower flatten and projected object.
-> p cont c -- ^ Narrower flatten and projected object.
(!??) = projectFlattenPiMaybe
-- | Get narrower aggregated projection with flatten leaf phantom Maybe types along with projection path
-- and project into result projection type.
(<!??>) :: (ProjectableFlattenMaybe (Maybe b) c,
Projectable Aggregation p, ProjectableMaybe p)
=> Aggregation (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Aggregation'. 'Maybe' phantom type
Projectable Projection p, ProjectableMaybe (p cont))
=> Projection cont (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' phantom type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> p c -- ^ Narrower flatten and projected object.
(<!??>) = projectFlattenPiMaybe
-> p cont c -- ^ Narrower flatten and projected object.
(<!??>) = (!??)
-- | Interface to run recursively identity element laws.
@ -272,5 +253,5 @@ flattenPh = runIds
-- => p a -> p b -> p c
-- (>?<) = generalizedZip'
infixl 8 !, ?!, ?!?, !??, <!>, <?!>, <?!?>, <!??>, .!, .?
infixl 8 !, ?!, ?!?, !??, .!, .?, <!>, <?!>, <?!?>, <!??>
-- infixl 1 >?<

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@ -24,11 +24,14 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Projection (
pi, piMaybe, piMaybe',
flattenMaybe, just
flattenMaybe, just,
unsafeToAggregated, unsafeToFlat
) where
import Prelude hiding (pi)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Aggregated, Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Table (Table)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Table as Table
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (Pi)
@ -40,23 +43,23 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Sub
-- | Phantom typed projection. Projected into Haskell record type 't'.
newtype Projection t = Projection { untypeProjection :: UntypedProjection }
newtype Projection c t = Projection { untypeProjection :: UntypedProjection }
typedProjection :: UntypedProjection -> Projection t
typedProjection :: UntypedProjection -> Projection c t
typedProjection = Projection
units :: Projection t -> [ProjectionUnit]
units :: Projection c t -> [ProjectionUnit]
units = untypeProjection
fromUnits :: [ProjectionUnit] -> Projection t
fromUnits :: [ProjectionUnit] -> Projection c t
fromUnits = typedProjection
-- | Width of 'Projection'.
width :: Projection r -> Int
width :: Projection c r -> Int
width = sum . map widthOfProjectionUnit . units where
-- | Get column SQL string of 'Projection'.
column :: Projection r -- ^ Source 'Projection'
column :: Projection c r -- ^ Source 'Projection'
-> Int -- ^ Column index
-> String -- ^ Result SQL string
column = d where
@ -68,7 +71,7 @@ column = d where
| otherwise = rec us (i - widthOfProjectionUnit u)
-- | Get column SQL string list of projection.
columns :: Projection r -- ^ Source 'Projection'
columns :: Projection c r -- ^ Source 'Projection'
-> [String] -- ^ Result SQL string list
columns p = map (\n -> column p n) . take w $ [0 .. ]
where w = width p
@ -76,53 +79,67 @@ columns p = map (\n -> column p n) . take w $ [0 .. ]
-- | Unsafely generate 'Projection' from SQL string list.
unsafeFromColumns :: [String] -- ^ SQL string list specifies columns
-> Projection r -- ^ Result 'Projection'
-> Projection c r -- ^ Result 'Projection'
unsafeFromColumns = typedProjection . untypedProjectionFromColumns
-- | Unsafely generate 'Projection' from qualified subquery.
unsafeFromQualifiedSubQuery :: Qualified SubQuery -> Projection t
unsafeFromQualifiedSubQuery :: Qualified SubQuery -> Projection c t
unsafeFromQualifiedSubQuery = typedProjection . untypedProjectionFromSubQuery
-- | Unsafely generate unqualified 'Projection' from 'Table'.
unsafeFromTable :: Table r
-> Projection r
-> Projection c r
unsafeFromTable = unsafeFromColumns . Table.columns
-- | Concatenate 'Projection'.
compose :: Projection a -> Projection b -> Projection (c a b)
compose :: Projection c a -> Projection c b -> Projection c (pair a b)
compose a b = fromUnits $ units a ++ units b
-- | Unsafely trace projection path.
unsafeProject :: Projection a' -> Pi a b -> Projection b'
unsafeProject :: Projection c a' -> Pi a b -> Projection c b'
unsafeProject p pi' =
. (`UnsafePi.pi` pi')
. columns $ p
-- | Trace projection path to get narrower 'Projection'.
pi :: Projection a -- ^ Source 'Projection'
pi :: Projection c a -- ^ Source 'Projection'
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> Projection b -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'
-> Projection c b -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'
pi = unsafeProject
-- | Trace projection path to get narrower 'Projection'. From 'Maybe' type to 'Maybe' type.
piMaybe :: Projection (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
piMaybe :: Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a b -- ^ Projection path
-> Projection (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type result
-> Projection c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type result
piMaybe = unsafeProject
-- | Trace projection path to get narrower 'Projection'. From 'Maybe' type to 'Maybe' type.
-- Leaf type of projection path is 'Maybe'.
piMaybe' :: Projection (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
piMaybe' :: Projection c (Maybe a) -- ^ Source 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type
-> Pi a (Maybe b) -- ^ Projection path. 'Maybe' type leaf
-> Projection (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type result
-> Projection c (Maybe b) -- ^ Narrower 'Projection'. 'Maybe' type result
piMaybe' = unsafeProject
unsafeCast :: Projection c r -> Projection c r'
unsafeCast = typedProjection . untypeProjection
-- | Composite nested 'Maybe' on projection phantom type.
flattenMaybe :: Projection (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> Projection (Maybe a)
flattenMaybe = typedProjection . untypeProjection
flattenMaybe :: Projection c (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> Projection c (Maybe a)
flattenMaybe = unsafeCast
-- | Cast into 'Maybe' on projection phantom type.
just :: Projection r -> Projection (Maybe r)
just = typedProjection . untypeProjection
just :: Projection c r -> Projection c (Maybe r)
just = unsafeCast
unsafeChangeContext :: Projection c r -> Projection c' r
unsafeChangeContext = typedProjection . untypeProjection
-- | Unsafely lift to aggregated context.
unsafeToAggregated :: Projection Flat r -> Projection Aggregated r
unsafeToAggregated = unsafeChangeContext
-- | Unsafely down to flat context.
unsafeToFlat :: Projection Aggregated r -> Projection Flat r
unsafeToFlat = unsafeChangeContext

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@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Relation (
union', except', intersect'
) where
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat, Aggregated)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Qualify (Qualify, evalQualifyPrime, qualifyQuery)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Class
(MonadQualify (liftQualify), MonadQuery (unsafeSubQuery), on)
@ -52,7 +53,6 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Internal.Product (NodeAttr(Just', Maybe))
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
import Database.Relational.Query.Aggregation (Aggregation)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projectable
(PlaceHolders, addPlaceHolders, projectZip)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ subQueryQualifyFromRelation = d where
-- | Basic monadic join operation using 'MonadQuery'.
queryWithAttr :: MonadQualify Qualify m
=> NodeAttr -> Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection r)
=> NodeAttr -> Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection Flat r)
queryWithAttr attr = addPlaceHolders . run where
run rel = do
q <- liftQualify $ do
@ -94,42 +94,42 @@ queryWithAttr attr = addPlaceHolders . run where
-- d (Relation q) = unsafeMergeAnotherQuery attr q
-- | Join subquery with place-holder parameter 'p'. query result is not 'Maybe'.
query' :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection r)
query' :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection Flat r)
query' = queryWithAttr Just'
-- | Join subquery. Query result is not 'Maybe'.
query :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation () r -> m (Projection r)
query :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation () r -> m (Projection Flat r)
query = fmap snd . query'
-- | Join subquery with place-holder parameter 'p'. Query result is 'Maybe'.
queryMaybe' :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection (Maybe r))
queryMaybe' :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation p r -> m (PlaceHolders p, Projection Flat (Maybe r))
queryMaybe' pr = do
(ph, pj) <- queryWithAttr Maybe pr
return (ph, Projection.just pj)
-- | Join subquery. Query result is 'Maybe'.
queryMaybe :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation () r -> m (Projection (Maybe r))
queryMaybe :: MonadQualify Qualify m => Relation () r -> m (Projection Flat (Maybe r))
queryMaybe = fmap snd . queryMaybe'
-- | Finalize 'QuerySimple' monad and generate 'Relation'.
relation :: QuerySimple (Projection r) -> Relation () r
relation :: QuerySimple (Projection Flat r) -> Relation () r
relation = SimpleRel
-- | Finalize 'QuerySimple' monad and generate 'Relation' with place-holder parameter 'p'.
relation' :: QuerySimple (PlaceHolders p, Projection r) -> Relation p r
relation' :: QuerySimple (PlaceHolders p, Projection Flat r) -> Relation p r
relation' = SimpleRel . fmap snd
-- | Finalize 'QueryAggregate' monad and geneate 'Relation'.
aggregateRelation :: QueryAggregate (Aggregation r) -> Relation () r
aggregateRelation :: QueryAggregate (Projection Aggregated r) -> Relation () r
aggregateRelation = AggregateRel
-- | Finalize 'QueryAggregate' monad and geneate 'Relation' with place-holder parameter 'p'.
aggregateRelation' :: QueryAggregate (PlaceHolders p, Aggregation r) -> Relation p r
aggregateRelation' :: QueryAggregate (PlaceHolders p, Projection Aggregated r) -> Relation p r
aggregateRelation' = AggregateRel . fmap snd
-- | Restriction function type for direct style join operator.
type JoinRestriction a b = Projection a -> Projection b -> Projection (Maybe Bool)
type JoinRestriction a b = Projection Flat a -> Projection Flat b -> Projection Flat (Maybe Bool)
unsafeCastPlaceHolder :: Relation a r -> Relation b r
unsafeCastPlaceHolder = d where
@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ leftPh :: Relation (p, ()) r -> Relation p r
leftPh = unsafeCastPlaceHolder
-- | Basic direct join operation with place-holder parameters.
join' :: (qa -> QuerySimple (PlaceHolders pa, Projection a))
-> (qb -> QuerySimple (PlaceHolders pb, Projection b))
join' :: (qa -> QuerySimple (PlaceHolders pa, Projection Flat a))
-> (qb -> QuerySimple (PlaceHolders pb, Projection Flat b))
-> qa
-> qb
-> [JoinRestriction a b]
@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ full' :: Relation pa a -- ^ Left query to join
full' = join' queryMaybe' queryMaybe'
-- | Basic direct join operation.
join :: (qa -> QuerySimple (Projection a))
-> (qb -> QuerySimple (Projection b))
join :: (qa -> QuerySimple (Projection Flat a))
-> (qb -> QuerySimple (Projection Flat b))
-> qa
-> qb
-> [JoinRestriction a b]

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module Database.Relational.Query.Restriction (
import Database.Record (PersistableWidth)
import Database.Relational.Query.Context (Flat)
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi (id')
import Database.Relational.Query.Table (Table)
import Database.Relational.Query.Projection (Projection)
@ -38,14 +39,15 @@ import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.Restricting (prependWhere)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Restrict (Restrict, RestrictedStatement, expandWhere)
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Target (Target, TargetStatement, expandPrepend)
-- | Restriction type with place-holder parameter 'p' and projection record type 'r'.
newtype Restriction p r = Restriction (Projection r -> Restrict ())
newtype Restriction p r = Restriction (Projection Flat r -> Restrict ())
-- | Not finalized 'Restrict' monad type.
type RestrictionContext p r = RestrictedStatement r (PlaceHolders p)
-- | Finalize 'Restrict' monad and generate 'Restriction'.
restriction :: (Projection r -> Restrict ()) -> Restriction () r
restriction :: (Projection Flat r -> Restrict ()) -> Restriction () r
restriction = Restriction
-- | Finalize 'Restrict' monad and generate 'Restriction' with place-holder parameter 'p'
@ -65,13 +67,13 @@ sqlWhereFromRestriction tbl (Restriction q) = prependWhere aw
-- | UpdateTarget type with place-holder parameter 'p' and projection record type 'r'.
newtype UpdateTarget p r =
UpdateTarget (Table r -> Projection r -> Target r ())
UpdateTarget (Table r -> Projection Flat r -> Target r ())
-- | Not finalized 'Target' monad type.
type UpdateTargetContext p r = TargetStatement r (PlaceHolders p)
-- | Finalize 'Target' monad and generate 'UpdateTarget'.
updateTarget :: (Table r -> Projection r -> Target r ())
updateTarget :: (Table r -> Projection Flat r -> Target r ())
-> UpdateTarget () r
updateTarget = UpdateTarget
@ -107,13 +109,13 @@ liftTargetAllColumn' rs = updateTarget' $ updateAllColumn rs
-- | Finalize 'Restrict' monad and generate 'UpdateTarget'. Update target columns are all.
updateTargetAllColumn :: PersistableWidth r
=> (Projection r -> Restrict ())
=> (Projection Flat r -> Restrict ())
-> UpdateTarget r r
updateTargetAllColumn = liftTargetAllColumn . restriction
-- | Finalize 'Restrict' monad and generate 'UpdateTarget'. Update target columns are all. With placefolder type 'p'.
updateTargetAllColumn' :: PersistableWidth r
=> (Projection r -> Restrict (PlaceHolders p))
=> (Projection Flat r -> Restrict (PlaceHolders p))
-> UpdateTarget (r, p) r
updateTargetAllColumn' = liftTargetAllColumn' . restriction'

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import qualified Database.Relational.Query.Projection as Projection
-- | Generate select SQL. Seed SQL string append to this.
selectSeedSQL :: Projection r -> ShowS
selectSeedSQL :: Projection c r -> ShowS
selectSeedSQL pj =
(unwordsSQL [SELECT, columns' `SQL.sepBy` ", "] ++)
where columns' = zipWith