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synced 2025-01-05 20:04:49 +03:00
Move TH functions to construct and to decompose records.
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,19 +11,26 @@ module Database.Record.TH (
derivingEq, derivingShow, derivingRead, derivingData, derivingTypable,
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase
(ConName(conName), VarName(varName), conCamelcaseName, toTypeCon)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.Extra (integralE)
import Language.Haskell.TH
(Q, TypeQ, Dec, DecQ, dataD,
recC, cxt, varStrictType, strictType, isStrict)
(Q, mkName,
TypeQ, conT,
Dec, DecQ, dataD, sigD, funD,
appsE, conE, varE, listE, stringE,
listP, varP, wildP,
clause, normalB, recC, cxt, varStrictType, strictType, isStrict)
import Database.Record.KeyConstraint
(HasKeyConstraint(constraintKey), specifyKeyConstraint, Primary, NotNull)
import Database.Record.Persistable
(fromSql, toSql)
defineHasKeyConstraintInstance :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineHasKeyConstraintInstance constraint typeCon index =
@ -68,3 +75,44 @@ defineRecordType typeName' fields derives = do
dataD (cxt []) typeName [] [recC typeName (map fld fields)] (map conName derives)
fld (n, tq) = varStrictType (varName n) (strictType isStrict tq)
defineRecordConstructFunction :: TypeQ -- ^ SQL value type.
-> VarName -- ^ Name of record construct function.
-> ConName -- ^ Name of record type.
-> Int -- ^ Count of record fields.
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Declaration of record construct function from SqlValues.
defineRecordConstructFunction sqlValType funName' typeName' width = do
let funName = varName funName'
typeName = conName typeName'
names = map (mkName . ('f':) . show) [1 .. width]
fromSqlE n = [| fromSql $(varE n) |]
sig <- sigD funName [t| [$(sqlValType)] -> $(conT typeName) |]
var <- funD funName
[ clause
[listP (map varP names)]
(normalB . appsE $ conE typeName : map fromSqlE names)
clause [wildP]
[| error
$ "Generated code of 'defineRecordConstructFunction': Fail to pattern match in: "
++ show funName
++ ", count of fields is " ++ show width) |])
[] ]
return [sig, var]
defineRecordDecomposeFunction :: TypeQ -- ^ SQL value type.
-> VarName -- ^ Name of record decompose function.
-> TypeQ -- ^ Name of record type.
-> [VarName] -- ^ List of field names of record.
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Declaration of record construct function from SqlValues.
defineRecordDecomposeFunction sqlValType funName' typeCon fields = do
let funName = varName funName'
accessors = map (varE . varName) fields
recVar = mkName "rec"
sig <- sigD funName [t| $typeCon -> [$(sqlValType)] |]
var <- funD funName [ clause [varP recVar]
(normalB . listE $ map (\a -> [| toSql ($a $(varE recVar)) |]) accessors)
[] ]
return [sig, var]
@ -45,29 +45,28 @@ import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Database.HDBC (IConnection, SqlValue)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase
(ConName (conName), VarName (varName),
(ConName, VarName (varName),
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.Extra
(integralE, simpleValD, compileError)
import Language.Haskell.TH
(Q, mkName, runIO,
(Q, runIO,
TypeQ, Dec,
appsE, conE, varE, listE, stringE,
listP, varP, wildP,
sigD, funD, valD,
clause, normalB)
varE, listE, stringE,
sigD, valD,
import Database.HDBC.Session (withConnectionIO)
import Database.Record.Persistable
(fromSql, toSql, persistableRecord, Persistable, persistable,
(persistableRecord, Persistable, persistable,
persistableRecordWidth, PersistableWidth, persistableWidth)
import Database.Record.TH
(recordTypeNameDefault, recordTypeDefault,
defineHasPrimaryKeyInstanceDefault, defineHasNotNullKeyInstanceDefault,
defineRecordType, defineRecordConstructFunction, defineRecordDecomposeFunction)
import Database.Record.FromSql (FromSql(recordFromSql), recordFromSql')
import Database.Record.ToSql (ToSql(recordToSql), recordToSql')
import Database.Relational.Query.Type (unsafeTypedQuery)
@ -92,32 +91,6 @@ fieldInfo n t = ((varCamelcaseName n, t), n)
mayDeclare :: (a -> Q [Dec]) -> Maybe a -> Q [Dec]
mayDeclare = maybe (return [])
defineRecordConstructFunction :: TypeQ -- ^ SQL value type.
-> VarName -- ^ Name of record construct function.
-> ConName -- ^ Name of record type.
-> Int -- ^ Count of record fields.
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Declaration of record construct function from SqlValues.
defineRecordConstructFunction sqlValType funName' typeName' width = do
let funName = varName funName'
typeName = conName typeName'
names = map (mkName . ('f':) . show) [1 .. width]
fromSqlE n = [| fromSql $(varE n) |]
sig <- sigD funName [t| [$(sqlValType)] -> $(conT typeName) |]
var <- funD funName
[ clause
[listP (map varP names)]
(normalB . appsE $ conE typeName : map fromSqlE names)
clause [wildP]
[| error
$ "Generated code of 'defineRecordConstructFunction': Fail to pattern match in: "
++ show funName
++ ", count of fields is " ++ show width) |])
[] ]
return [sig, var]
defineTableInfo :: VarName -> String
-> VarName -> [String]
-> VarName -> Int
@ -149,21 +122,6 @@ definePersistableInstance widthVar' typeCon consFunName' decompFunName' width =
recordToSql = recordToSql'
defineRecordDecomposeFunction :: TypeQ -- ^ SQL value type.
-> VarName -- ^ Name of record decompose function.
-> TypeQ -- ^ Name of record type.
-> [VarName] -- ^ List of field names of record.
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ Declaration of record construct function from SqlValues.
defineRecordDecomposeFunction sqlValType funName' typeCon fields = do
let funName = varName funName'
accessors = map (varE . varName) fields
recVar = mkName "rec"
sig <- sigD funName [t| $typeCon -> [$(sqlValType)] |]
var <- funD funName [ clause [varP recVar]
(normalB . listE $ map (\a -> [| toSql ($a $(varE recVar)) |]) accessors)
[] ]
return [sig, var]
defineRecord :: (VarName, VarName)
-> (String, ConName)
-> (VarName, VarName, VarName)
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