mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 15:47:08 +03:00
Update to use SQL TH functions defined in relational-record.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,144 +15,32 @@
-- This module contains templates to generate Haskell record types
-- and instances correspond to RDB table schema.
module Database.HDBC.TH (
defineSqls, defineSqlsDefault,
) where
import Data.Char (toUpper, toLower)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, listToMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.List (elemIndex)
import Database.HDBC (IConnection, SqlValue)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase
(ConName, VarName (varName),
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.Extra
(maybeD, compileError)
import Language.Haskell.TH
(Q, runIO,
TypeQ, Dec,
sigD, valD,
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.CamelCase (ConName)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Name.Extra (maybeD)
import Language.Haskell.TH (Q, runIO, TypeQ, Dec)
import Database.HDBC.Session (withConnectionIO)
import Database.Record.TH
defineHasPrimaryKeyInstanceDefault, defineHasNotNullKeyInstanceDefault)
import Database.Relational.Query.Type (unsafeTypedQuery)
import Database.Relational.Query (Query)
import Database.Relational.Query.TH (defineRecordAndTableDefault)
import Database.Record.TH (recordTypeDefault)
import Database.Relational.Query.TH
(defineRecordAndTableDefault, defineSqlsDefault,
defineHasPrimaryKeyInstanceDefault, defineHasNotNullKeyInstanceDefault,
tableVarExpDefault, relationVarExpDefault)
import qualified Database.Relational.Query.TH as Query
import Database.HDBC.Record.Persistable ()
import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..), (.=.))
import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL
import Database.HDBC.Schema.Driver (Driver, getFields, getPrimaryKey)
nameOfTableSQL :: String -> String -> String
nameOfTableSQL schema table = map toUpper schema ++ '.' : map toLower table
defineConstantSql :: VarName -> String -> Q [Dec]
defineConstantSql name' sqlStr = do
let name = varName name'
sig <- sigD name [t| String |]
var <- valD (varP name)
(normalB . stringE $ sqlStr)
return [sig, var]
defineConstantSqlQuery :: TypeQ -> TypeQ -> VarName -> String -> Q [Dec]
defineConstantSqlQuery pkeyType recordType name' sqlStr = do
let name = varName name'
sig <- sigD name [t| Query $pkeyType $recordType |]
var <- valD (varP name)
(normalB [| unsafeTypedQuery $(stringE $ sqlStr) |])
return [sig, var]
defineSqlPrimarySelect :: VarName -> (String, TypeQ)-> [(String, TypeQ)] -> String -> Q [Dec]
defineSqlPrimarySelect name' (table, recordType) fields pkey =
defineConstantSqlQuery pkeyType recordType name'
. SQL.unwordsSQL
$ [SELECT, fields' `SQL.sepBy` ", ",
FROM, SQL.word table, WHERE, SQL.word pkey .=. "?"]
where fields' = map (SQL.word . fst) fields
pkeyType = fromJust $ lookup pkey fields
defineSqlPrimaryUpdate :: VarName -> String -> [String] -> String -> Q [Dec]
defineSqlPrimaryUpdate name' table fields pkey =
defineConstantSql name'
. SQL.unwordsSQL
$ [UPDATE, SQL.word table, SET, assignments `SQL.sepBy` ", ",
WHERE, SQL.word pkey, "= ?"]
where assignments = map (\f -> SQL.word f .=. "?") . filter (/= pkey) $ fields
defineSqlInsert :: VarName -> String -> [String] -> Q [Dec]
defineSqlInsert name' table fields = do
defineConstantSql name'
. SQL.unwordsSQL
$ [INSERT, INTO, SQL.word table, fields' `SQL.parenSepBy` ", ",
VALUES, pfs `SQL.parenSepBy` ", "]
where fields' = map SQL.word fields
pfs = replicate (length fields) "?"
defineSqls :: VarName -- ^ SQL insert statement var name
-> (String, TypeQ)
-> [(String, TypeQ)]
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ SQL statement String declarations
defineSqls ins (table, _recordType) fields =
defineSqlInsert ins table (map fst fields)
defineSqlsWithPrimaryKey :: Int -- ^ Primary key field index
-> VarName -- ^ SQL select statement var name
-> VarName -- ^ SQL update statement var name
-> (String, TypeQ) -- ^ Table name String in SQL and record type
-> [(String, TypeQ)] -- ^ Field name strings
-> Q [Dec] -- ^ SQL statement String declarations
defineSqlsWithPrimaryKey i sel upd (table, recordType) fields = do
let width = length fields
fields' = map fst fields
| i < 0 || width <= i = compileError
$ "defineSqls: Index out of bounds!: "
++ "fields count is " ++ show width ++ ", but index is " ++ show i
| otherwise = return . fst $ fields !! i
keyName <- getPrimaryKeyName
selD <- defineSqlPrimarySelect sel (table, recordType) fields keyName
updD <- defineSqlPrimaryUpdate upd table fields' keyName
return $ selD ++ updD
defineSqlsDefault :: String -> String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> Q [Dec]
defineSqlsDefault schema table fields =
defineSqls ins (tableSQL, recordType) fields
tableSQL = nameOfTableSQL schema table
recordType = recordTypeDefault table
ins = table `varNameWithPrefix` "insert"
defineSqlsWithPrimaryKeyDefault :: String -> String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineSqlsWithPrimaryKeyDefault schema table fields idx =
defineSqlsWithPrimaryKey idx sel upd (tableSQL, recordType) fields
tableSQL = nameOfTableSQL schema table
recordType = recordTypeDefault table
sel = table `varNameWithPrefix` "select"
upd = table `varNameWithPrefix` "update"
defineWithTableDefault' :: String
-> String
-> [(String, TypeQ)]
@ -160,16 +48,22 @@ defineWithTableDefault' :: String
-> Q [Dec]
defineWithTableDefault' schema table fields derives = do
recD <- defineRecordAndTableDefault [t| SqlValue |] schema table fields derives
sqlD <- defineSqlsDefault schema table fields
let recType = recordTypeDefault table
tableE = tableVarExpDefault table
sqlD <- defineSqlsDefault table recType tableE
return $ recD ++ sqlD
defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault :: String -> String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault schema table fields idx = do
instD <- defineHasPrimaryKeyInstanceDefault table idx
sqlsD <- defineSqlsWithPrimaryKeyDefault schema table fields idx
defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault :: String -> [(String, TypeQ)] -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault table fields idx = do
let pkeyType = snd $ fields !! idx
instD <- defineHasPrimaryKeyInstanceDefault table pkeyType idx
let recType = recordTypeDefault table
tableE = tableVarExpDefault table
relE = relationVarExpDefault table
sqlsD <- Query.defineSqlsWithPrimaryKeyDefault table pkeyType recType relE tableE
return $ instD ++ sqlsD
defineWithNotNullKeyDefault :: String -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineWithNotNullKeyDefault :: String -> TypeQ -> Int -> Q [Dec]
defineWithNotNullKeyDefault = defineHasNotNullKeyInstanceDefault
defineWithTableDefault :: String
@ -180,9 +74,10 @@ defineWithTableDefault :: String
-> Maybe Int
-> Q [Dec]
defineWithTableDefault schema table fields derives mayPrimaryIdx mayNotNullIdx = do
let keyType = snd . (fields !!)
tblD <- defineWithTableDefault' schema table fields derives
primD <- maybeD (defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault schema table fields) mayPrimaryIdx
nnD <- maybeD (defineWithNotNullKeyDefault table) mayNotNullIdx
primD <- maybeD (defineWithPrimaryKeyDefault table fields) mayPrimaryIdx
nnD <- maybeD (\i -> defineWithNotNullKeyDefault table (keyType i) i) mayNotNullIdx
return $ tblD ++ primD ++ nnD
putLog :: String -> IO ()
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