divide arbitraries and test definitions.

This commit is contained in:
Kei Hibino 2016-12-18 14:44:06 +09:00
parent 50726dd0e7
commit e6160675c6
3 changed files with 54 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ library
-- other-modules:
other-extensions: TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances
build-depends: base <5

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@ -1,22 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (
Selector (..), qJoin1,
Selector (..), Ranged (..),
) where
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Gen, elements, listOf, Property, ioProperty)
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..), Gen, elements, listOf)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (sort)
import Database.HDBC (IConnection, rollback)
import Database.HDBC.Session (withConnectionIO')
import Database.Relational.Query
import Database.Relational.Query.Pi.Unsafe (unsafeExpandIndexes)
import Database.HDBC.Record (runQuery')
import Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Model
import Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Transaction (initializeTable)
data Selector r =
@ -58,37 +52,3 @@ instance Arbitrary (Ranged B) where
<$> range10
<*> range10
<*> range10
qJoin1 :: IConnection conn
=> IO conn
-> Selector A
-> Selector B
-> Ranged A
-> Ranged B
-> Property
qJoin1 connect pa pb as0 bs0 = ioProperty . withConnectionIO' connect $ \conn -> do
let select = relationalQuery . relation $ do
x <- query relA
y <- query relB
on $ x ! sql pa .=. y ! sql pb
orderBy x Asc
orderBy y Asc
return $ (,) |$| x |*| y
as = runRanged as0
bs = runRanged bs0
initializeTable conn as
initializeTable conn bs
qresult <- runQuery' conn select ()
let expect =
[ (a, b)
| a <- as
, b <- bs
, let x = int pa a
y = int pb b
, x == y
let judge = qresult == expect
unless judge . putStr $ unlines [show qresult, " =/=", show expect]
rollback conn
return judge

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Tests (
) where
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, ioProperty)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.List (sort)
import Database.HDBC (IConnection, rollback)
import Database.HDBC.Session (withConnectionIO')
import Database.Relational.Query
import Database.HDBC.Record (runQuery')
import Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Transaction (initializeTable)
import Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Model
import Test.Relational.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Selector (..), Ranged (..), )
qJoin1 :: IConnection conn
=> IO conn
-> Selector A
-> Selector B
-> Ranged A
-> Ranged B
-> Property
qJoin1 connect pa pb as0 bs0 = ioProperty . withConnectionIO' connect $ \conn -> do
let select = relationalQuery . relation $ do
x <- query relA
y <- query relB
on $ x ! sql pa .=. y ! sql pb
orderBy x Asc
orderBy y Asc
return $ (,) |$| x |*| y
as = runRanged as0
bs = runRanged bs0
initializeTable conn as
initializeTable conn bs
qresult <- runQuery' conn select ()
let expect =
[ (a, b)
| a <- as
, b <- bs
, let x = int pa a
y = int pb b
, x == y
let judge = qresult == expect
unless judge . putStr $ unlines [show qresult, " =/=", show expect]
rollback conn
return judge