name: HDBC-schema-th version: synopsis: Database access template for HDBC using database system catalogs description: This package contains template haskell functions to generate codes correspond to Database table definitions and functions which read table and index definitions from Database system catalogs. homepage: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Kei Hibino maintainer: copyright: Copyright (c) 2013 Kei Hibino category: Database build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.10 library default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: Database.HDBC.Record.Persistable Database.HDBC.Record.Query Database.HDBC.TH Database.HDBC.SqlValueExtra Database.HDBC.Schema.Driver Database.HDBC.Schema.IBMDB2 Database.HDBC.Schema.PgCatalog.PgAttribute Database.HDBC.Schema.PgCatalog.PgType Database.HDBC.Schema.PostgreSQL build-depends: base <5 , template-haskell , containers , time , convertible , sql-words , DB-record , HDBC >=2 , HDBC-session hs-source-dirs: src Test-suite postgreSQL Build-depends: HDBC-schema-th , Cabal , HDBC-postgresql , bytestring , text Type: detailed-0.9 Test-module: PgTest hs-source-dirs: pgTest