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synced 2024-12-04 15:03:58 +03:00
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158 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.Int
import Data.Time
import Database.Relational.Query
import Database.Relational.Query.TH
import Database.Relational.Query.Monad.Trans.Ordering (Orderings)
import Person (Person (Person), person)
import Birthday (Birthday, birthday)
import qualified Person
import qualified Birthday
personAndBirthday :: Relation () (Person, Birthday)
personAndBirthday = relation $ do
p <- query person -- Join product accumulated
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
return $ p >< b
personAndBirthdayL :: Relation () (Person, Maybe Birthday)
personAndBirthdayL = relation $ do
p <- query person
b <- queryMaybe birthday -- Maybe not match
on $ just (p ! Person.name') .=. b ?! Birthday.name'
return $ p >< b
sameBirthdayHeisei' :: Relation () (Day, Int64)
sameBirthdayHeisei' = aggregateRelation $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
wheres $ b ! Birthday.day' .>=. value (fromGregorian 1989 1 8)
gbd <- groupBy $ b ! Birthday.day'
having $ count (p ! Person.name') .>. value (1 :: Int64)
return $ gbd >< count (p ! Person.name')
sameBirthdayHeisei :: Relation () (Day, Int64)
sameBirthdayHeisei = aggregateRelation $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
let birthDay = b ! Birthday.day'
wheres $ birthDay .>=. value (fromGregorian 1989 1 8)
gbd <- groupBy birthDay
let personCount = count $ p ! Person.name'
having $ personCount .>. value 1
return $ gbd >< personCount
birthdayHeiseiDesc :: Relation () (Day, Int64)
birthdayHeiseiDesc = aggregateRelation $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
let birthDay = b ! Birthday.day'
wheres $ birthDay .>=. value (fromGregorian 1989 1 8)
gbd <- groupBy birthDay
let personCount = count $ p ! Person.name'
orderBy personCount Desc
return $ gbd >< personCount
personAndBirthdayO :: Relation () (Person, Birthday)
personAndBirthdayO = relation $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
orderBy (b ! Birthday.day') Asc -- Specify ordering key
orderBy (p ! Person.name') Asc
return $ p >< b
specifyPerson :: Relation String (Person, Birthday)
specifyPerson = relation' $ do
pb <- query personAndBirthday
(ph, ()) <- placeholder (\ph' -> wheres $ pb ! fst' ! Person.name' .=. ph')
return (ph, pb)
data PersonAndBirthday =
{ pbPerson :: Person
, pbBirthday :: Birthday
$(makeRelationalRecordDefault ''PersonAndBirthday)
personAndBirthdayT :: Relation () PersonAndBirthday
personAndBirthdayT = relation $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
on $ p ! Person.name' .=. b ! Birthday.name'
return $ PersonAndBirthday |$| p |*| b -- Build record phantom type
-- Birthday.day' :: Pi Birthday Day
uncurryPB :: Pi (Person, Birthday) PersonAndBirthday
uncurryPB = PersonAndBirthday |$| fst' |*| snd'
personAndBirthdayP :: Relation Person PersonAndBirthday
personAndBirthdayP = relation' $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
(ph, ()) <- placeholder (\ph' -> on $ p .=. ph')
return $ (ph, PersonAndBirthday |$| p |*| b)
personAndBirthdayP2 :: Relation Person PersonAndBirthday
personAndBirthdayP2 = relation' $ do
p <- query person
b <- query birthday
(ph0, ()) <- placeholder (\ph0' -> on $ p ! Person.name' .=. ph0')
(ph1, ()) <- placeholder (\ph1' -> on $ p ! Person.age' .=. ph1')
(ph2, ()) <- placeholder (\ph2' -> on $ p ! Person.family' .=. ph2')
return (Person |$| ph0 |*| ph1 |*| ph2, PersonAndBirthday |$| p |*| b)
agesOfFamilies :: Relation () (String, Maybe Int32)
agesOfFamilies = aggregateRelation $ do
p <- query person
gFam <- groupBy $ p ! Person.family' -- Specify grouping key
return $ gFam >< sum' (p ! Person.age') -- Aggregated results
agesOfFamiliesO :: Relation () (String, Maybe Int32)
agesOfFamiliesO = aggregateRelation $ do
p <- query person
gFam <- groupBy $ p ! Person.family'
let s = sum' (p ! Person.age')
orderBy s Desc -- Only aggregated value is allowed to pass
orderBy gFam Asc
return $ gFam >< s
ageRankOfFamilies :: Relation () ((Int64, String), Int32)
ageRankOfFamilies = relation $ do
p <- query person
return $
rank `over` do
partitionBy $ p ! Person.family' -- Monad to build window
orderBy (p ! Person.age') Desc
p ! Person.family'
p ! Person.age'
nonsense :: Relation () (Person, Birthday)
nonsense = personAndBirthday `union` personAndBirthdayO
heiseiBirthday :: MonadRestrict Flat m
=> Projection Flat Birthday -> m ()
heiseiBirthday b = wheres $ b ! Birthday.day' .>=. value (fromGregorian 1989 1 8)
orderByName :: Monad m
=> Projection c Person
-> Orderings c m ()
orderByName p = orderBy (p ! Person.name') Asc