2021-12-31 23:54:19 -08:00

171 lines
4.2 KiB

package codewrap
import (
func leadingIndent(line string, tabwidth int) int {
var n int
for _, rune := range line {
if rune == '\t' {
n += tabwidth
} else if unicode.IsSpace(rune) {
} else {
return n
func leadingIndentStr(line string) string {
var s string
for _, rune := range line {
if unicode.IsSpace(rune) {
s += string(rune)
} else {
return s
func escaped(s string) string {
if s == "\n" {
return "\\n"
} else if s == "\t" {
return "\\t"
} else {
return s
func width(s string, tabWidth int) int {
var n int
for _, rune := range s {
if rune == '\t' {
n += tabWidth
} else {
return n
// subProblem represents a layout sub-problem solved in the dynamic program.
type subProblem struct {
index int // index of the next token to be laid out
column int // ending column of the previous token
// solution represents a solution to a layout sub-problem.
type solution struct {
layout []string
cost float64
// layoutDP represents a dynamic program for solving the code layout problem.
type layoutDP struct {
cache map[subProblem]solution
tokens []Token
opts Options
// newLayoutDP creates a new dynamic program for laying out the specified tokens
// with a given column limit.
func newLayoutDP(tokens []Token, opts Options) layoutDP {
return layoutDP{
cache: make(map[subProblem]solution),
tokens: tokens,
opts: opts,
// Look up a solution to a DP subproblem in the cache, or compute the solution
// if it's not present.
func (dp *layoutDP) solve(index, column, indent int) solution {
key := subProblem{index, column}
// Try to look up a cached solution
if solution, found := dp.cache[key]; found {
return solution
// Otherwise, compute the solution for this subproblem and cache it
solution := dp.solveImpl(index, column, indent)
dp.cache[key] = solution
return solution
// Solve a DP subproblem
func (dp *layoutDP) solveImpl(index, column, indent int) solution {
// Base case: at the end of the line
if index == len(dp.tokens) {
return solution{[]string{""}, 0.}
s := dp.tokens[index].String()
// Find the last non-comment token
lastToken := dp.tokens[len(dp.tokens)-1]
if lastToken.IsComment() && len(dp.tokens) > 1 {
lastToken = dp.tokens[len(dp.tokens)-2]
// Compute cost for continuing on the same line
if column > indent && dp.tokens[index-1].InsertSpace(dp.tokens[index]) {
s = " " + s
var penalty float64
if column+width(s, dp.opts.TabWidth) > dp.opts.Columns {
penalty = float64(ExtraColumnCost * (column + width(s, dp.opts.TabWidth) - dp.opts.Columns))
subSolution := dp.solve(index+1, column+len(s), indent)
// Construct a solution from the sub-solution
var best solution
best.layout = append([]string{}, subSolution.layout...)
best.layout[0] = s + best.layout[0]
best.cost = subSolution.cost + penalty
// Compute cost for splitting at this token
if index > 0 {
transition, continuation := dp.tokens[index-1].SplitCost(dp.tokens[index])
if transition >= 0. {
extra := dp.opts.TabWidth
prefix := strings.Repeat(" ", indent+extra) + dp.tokens[index].String()
subSolution := dp.solve(index+1, len(prefix), indent)
// It could be that it is impossible to lay out this code from this column
if subSolution.cost+transition < best.cost {
// Construct a solution from the sub-solution
best.layout = append([]string{continuation}, subSolution.layout...)
best.layout[1] = prefix + best.layout[1]
best.cost = subSolution.cost + transition
return best
// Layout a list of tokens on one or more lines so as not to exceed the given column limit.
// This version uses a dynamic program to minimize a sum of splitting costs.
func layoutLine(tokens []Token, raw string, opts Options) []string {
// First count the number of leading tabs
indent := leadingIndent(raw, opts.TabWidth)
// If the line is empty then return a single empty line as output
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return []string{""}
// Initialize DP
dp := newLayoutDP(tokens, opts)
solution := dp.solve(0, indent, indent)
solution.layout[0] = strings.Repeat(" ", indent) + solution.layout[0]
return solution.layout