2021-12-31 23:54:19 -08:00

383 lines
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// TODO(naman) here, wherever you see pythonresource.Symbol, the distribution is irrelevant, since the model gets keyed on the path hash;
// eventually, we'll want to include the distribution in the key, but for now this is good, since an arbitrary matching symbol for a path
// may be used when computing probabilities
package typeinduction
import (
const (
outlierTypeLogp = -10.
outlierAttrLogp = -10.
builtinPkg = "builtins"
alpha = 2.
anneal = 0.85
var replacements = map[string]string{
"builtins.bytearray": "builtins.list",
// Element is a named entry within a discrete probability distribution
type Element struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
LogProbability float64 `json:"log_probability"`
// Type represents a python class together with a probability distribution over its attributes
type Type struct {
Name string `json:"type"`
Attributes []Element `json:"attributes"`
// ResolvedType represents a python class together with a probability distribution over its attributes.
type ResolvedType struct {
Symbol pythonresource.Symbol
Attributes []Element
// Function represents a fully qualified python function together with a probability distribution
// over its return type
type Function struct {
Name string `json:"function"`
ReturnType []Element `json:"return_type"`
// ResolvedCandidate is a possible return type with a log probability
type ResolvedCandidate struct {
Symbol pythonresource.Symbol
LogProbability float64
// ResolvedFunction represents a python function together with a probability distribution
// over its return type
type ResolvedFunction struct {
Symbol pythonresource.Symbol
ReturnType []ResolvedCandidate
// Options encapsulates parameters used to construct a client
type Options struct {
Types string
Functions string
DependencyGraph map[string]*pythonimports.Package
// DefaultRoot is the default root directory for type inference models
var DefaultRoot = "s3://kite-data/type-inference-models/2016-11-04_17-54-37-PM/"
// DefaultClientOptions is a set of reasonable defaults for constructing a client
var DefaultClientOptions = Options{
Types: fileutil.Join(DefaultRoot, "/types.json.gz"),
Functions: fileutil.Join(DefaultRoot, "/functions.json.gz"),
// OptionsFromPath generates a client Option object using the base path provided for the models.
func OptionsFromPath(path string) Options {
return Options{
Types: fileutil.Join(path, "/types.json.gz"),
Functions: fileutil.Join(path, "/functions.json.gz"),
// Client performs type induction using a pretrained type and function models
type Client struct {
Types map[pythonimports.Hash]*ResolvedType
Functions map[pythonimports.Hash]*ResolvedFunction
TypePriors map[pythonimports.Hash]float64
DependencyGraph map[string]*pythonimports.Package
SymbolGraph pythonresource.Manager
// LoadModel constructs a client from data files in options
func LoadModel(manager pythonresource.Manager, opts Options) (*Client, error) {
var types []*Type
err := serialization.Decode(opts.Types, func(t *Type) {
types = append(types, t)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var functions []*Function
err = serialization.Decode(opts.Functions, func(f *Function) {
functions = append(functions, f)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ModelFromData(types, functions, manager, opts.DependencyGraph), nil
// ModelFromData constructs a client from data
func ModelFromData(ts []*Type, fs []*Function, rm pythonresource.Manager, deps map[string]*pythonimports.Package) *Client {
numMissingByPkg := make(map[string]int)
types := make(map[pythonimports.Hash]*ResolvedType)
for _, t := range ts {
sym, err := rm.PathSymbol(pythonimports.NewDottedPath(t.Name))
if err != nil {
top := t.Name
if period := strings.Index(top, "."); period != -1 {
top = t.Name[:period]
types[sym.PathHash()] = &ResolvedType{
Symbol: sym,
Attributes: t.Attributes,
for pkg, count := range numMissingByPkg {
if count > 2 {
log.Printf("%d classes from type induction not found in %s", count, pkg)
var numNodes, numMissing int
functions := make(map[pythonimports.Hash]*ResolvedFunction)
for _, f := range fs {
sym, err := rm.PathSymbol(pythonimports.NewDottedPath(f.Name))
if err != nil {
function := ResolvedFunction{
Symbol: sym,
for _, c := range f.ReturnType {
name := c.Name
if replacement, ok := replacements[name]; ok {
name = replacement
sym, err := rm.PathSymbol(pythonimports.NewDottedPath(name))
if err != nil {
function.ReturnType = append(function.ReturnType, ResolvedCandidate{
Symbol: sym,
LogProbability: c.LogProbability,
if len(function.ReturnType) == 0 {
functions[function.Symbol.PathHash()] = &function
if numMissing > 0 {
log.Printf("loaded type induction tables containing %d nodes, of which %d were missing from graph",
numNodes, numMissing)
client := &Client{
Types: types,
Functions: functions,
TypePriors: make(map[pythonimports.Hash]float64),
DependencyGraph: deps,
SymbolGraph: rm,
return client
// SymbolProbability represents a pythontype.Value and an associated probability
type SymbolProbability struct {
Symbol pythonresource.Symbol
Probability float64
// Distribution represents a Distribution over pythontype.Values
type Distribution map[pythontype.FlatID]*SymbolProbability
// Estimate represents a probability distribution over the type of a variable
type Estimate struct {
MostProbableType pythonresource.Symbol
// Distribution is slice of values and probabilities, it is guaranteed to
// contain at least one element and the probabilities sum to 1.
Distribution []SymbolProbability
// TopByPercent returns a slice containing the `limit` (as a cumulative percentage) most probable symbols
func (e Estimate) TopByPercent(limit float64) []SymbolProbability {
acc := float64(0)
for i, sp := range e.Distribution {
acc += sp.Probability
if acc > limit {
return e.Distribution[:i+1]
return e.Distribution
// Observation represents the observables from which a type estimate is computed
type Observation struct {
// ReturnedFrom is the name of the function that the object was returned from
ReturnedFrom pythonresource.Symbol
// Attributes is the attributes that were accessed on the object
Attributes []string
// Imports are the imports used in the current file, these can only be top level imports, e.g os or sys
// sub modules are not yet suppoted, e.g os.path is not supported.
// TODO(juan): support sub modules
Imports []string
// EstimateType computes the distribution over types for a variable given the function it
// was returned from and the attributes accessed on it. If no type information could be
// induced then this function returns nil.
func (c *Client) EstimateType(observation Observation) Estimate {
types := c.getTypes(observation)
if len(types) == 0 {
return Estimate{}
bestLogp := math.Inf(-1)
var bestType pythonresource.Symbol
distr := make([]SymbolProbability, 0, len(types))
for typeHash, vp := range types {
logp := vp.Probability
resolvedType := c.Types[typeHash]
if resolvedType != nil {
for _, attr := range observation.Attributes {
var found bool
for _, a := range resolvedType.Attributes {
if a.Name == attr {
logp += a.LogProbability
found = true
if !found {
logp += outlierAttrLogp
} else {
logp += float64(len(observation.Attributes)) * outlierAttrLogp
distr = append(distr, *vp)
if logp > bestLogp {
bestLogp = logp
bestType = vp.Symbol
// Convert distr to a proper pdf.
normalize(distr, bestLogp)
return Estimate{
MostProbableType: bestType,
Distribution: distr,
// returns map from type to a prior probability
func (c *Client) getTypes(observation Observation) map[pythonimports.Hash]*SymbolProbability {
types := make(map[pythonimports.Hash]*SymbolProbability)
if !observation.ReturnedFrom.Nil() {
if f, found := c.Functions[observation.ReturnedFrom.PathHash()]; found {
for _, entry := range f.ReturnType {
types[entry.Symbol.PathHash()] = &SymbolProbability{
Symbol: entry.Symbol,
Probability: entry.LogProbability,
return types
return nil
if c.SymbolGraph == nil || c.DependencyGraph == nil {
return types
// always include builtins
imports := append(observation.Imports, "builtins")
for _, imp := range imports {
// for now the dependency graph only supports top level modules.
if pos := strings.Index(imp, "."); pos > -1 {
imp = imp[:pos]
pkg, found := c.DependencyGraph[imp]
if !found {
// types from dependencies
// note that if C depends on B and
// B depends on A then A is included in the
// dependencies for C, thus this does not need to
// be recursive.
names := append(pkg.Dependencies, pkg.Name)
for _, name := range names {
sym, err := c.SymbolGraph.PathSymbol(pythonimports.NewDottedPath(name))
if err != nil {
children, err := c.SymbolGraph.Children(sym)
if err != nil {
for _, child := range children {
childSym, err := c.SymbolGraph.ChildSymbol(sym, child)
if err != nil {
lp, found := c.TypePriors[childSym.PathHash()]
if !found {
types[childSym.PathHash()] = &SymbolProbability{
Symbol: childSym,
Probability: lp,
return types
// convert distr to a proper pdf
func normalize(distr []SymbolProbability, bestLogp float64) {
var total float64
for i := range distr {
exp := math.Exp(distr[i].Probability - bestLogp)
total += exp
distr[i].Probability = exp
for i := range distr {
distr[i].Probability /= total
// sort from most to least probable
sort.Slice(distr, func(i, j int) bool {
return distr[i].Probability > distr[j].Probability