2021-12-31 23:54:19 -08:00

383 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Main process for the slackbot-based release system"""
import random
import argparse
from bot import respond_to, default_reply
import build_commands
import server
# Permission handling
PERMITTED = {"tarak", "juan", "naman", "jonathan", "tony", "ryan", "ed"}
"I can't let you do that",
"My mother told me not to talk to strangers",
"You can't tell me what to do",
"You're not the boss of me!",
"Don't be messing with things you don't fully understand",
"You are not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported",
"I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't do that",
"[Slackbot won't obey! It hurt itself in its confusion!]",
"no you",
# lock list
# NOTE: only use locks defined as constants here
L_REPO = "repo" # lock for commands that change the repo
L_RELEASE = "release" # single shared lock for release commands
def allowed(bot):
"""Check permissions first before allowing a command
Responds with a mildly amusing message if not allowed
sender = bot.sender
if sender in PERMITTED:
return True
not_allowed = random.choice(NOT_ALLOWED)
# output user ID in case they need to be added
return False
async def unknown_command(bot):
"""Show default response for unknown commands"""
bot.reply("Unknown command. To show a list of commands, type `list commands`")
@respond_to(r"^list commands")
async def list_commands(bot):
"""Show the list of acceptable commands, along with the first line of the docstring"""
intro = "Write `help <command name>` to show documentation for a command\n\n"
commands_list = [
(f.__name__, _sdoc(f.__doc__))
for f in bot.commands.values()]
# filter out commands with empty docs
commands_list = [i for i in commands_list if i[1]]
commands_text = ".\n".join(["`{}`: {}".format(*t) for t in commands_list])
bot.send(intro + commands_text)
def _sdoc(docstr):
"""Small helper to get the first line of a docstring
Mostly to help reduce verbosity in the code
if docstr is not None:
split_txt = docstr.strip().split("\n")
if split_txt:
return split_txt[0]
return "" # if empty
@respond_to(r"^help `*([a-zA-Z_ ]+)`*")
async def show_help(bot, command):
"""Show the docstring for the command function as a help message
Usage: help [command function name]
Since the docstring serves as both documentation for the code and help text for the slackbot
interface, the docstring should follow this format:
[one-line brief summary]
Usage: [simplified usage text]
[more details]
The usage format is just the command written out where required words are unbracketed and
non-required/parameter words are bracketed and can be a short description instead of the
literal words. See other docstrings for examples. Usage line can be omitted if the command has
no parameters.
# find command in command list
command_f = None
for reg, func in bot.commands.items():
if func.__name__ == command:
command_f = func
regex_str = reg
if command_f is None:
"Help for command not found. Type `list commands` for a list of available commands")
msg_fmt = "`{}`: {}\n\nCommand regex:\n```{}```".format(
command_f.__name__, command_f.__doc__.strip(), regex_str.pattern)
cmd_regex = (
r"^stage (mac|backend|website) ([\w.]+)$"
async def stage_release(bot, artifact_type, ref):
"""Stage a new release
Usage: stage [thing to stage] [Git ref]
Refer to the command regex for all valid things to stage
if not allowed(bot):
# set kwargs based on messsage
kwargs = {}
kwargs["prepare"] = False
kwargs["binaries"] = False
kwargs["quiet"] = True
kwargs["backend"] = artifact_type == "backend"
kwargs["website"] = artifact_type == "website"
kwargs["client"] = "macos" if artifact_type == "mac" else False
kwargs["ref"] = ref
async with bot.require_lock(L_RELEASE):
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.stage_release(**kwargs)
cmd_regex = (
r"^build (clients|macos|windows) for testing(| from [\w\-]+)(| without binaries)(| only [\w]+)$"
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
async def build_test(bot, build, branch, no_binaries, only_plugins):
"""Build a test build (only supports clients at the moment)
Usage: build <thing to build> for testing [from <branch name>] [without binaries] [only <comma separated plugin list>]
The functionality of each parameter in the command are as follows:
- You can specify "clients" for the thing to build to build all clients
- Adding "without binaries" at the end will skip the bindata build process (you would only
include this if you know for sure that your changes do not need to be built into bindata)
- "from <branch_name>" will use the given branch to create the build.
- Omitting this will build from the latest master of both the main repo and submodules
- You can also specify "current" to build from whatever state the repo is currently on the
Solness machine (you would only use this if you have physical access to the machine)
- Note that to test submodule changes, you need to commit the updated submodule to the branch
you are testing from
- "only <comma delimited plugin list>" will only build the specified plugins if included
and if "without binaries" is not included
- legal plugin names are: "intellij", "sublime", and "vim"
Refer to the command regex for all valid things to build
# set kwargs based on messsage
kwargs = {}
kwargs["binaries"] = not no_binaries
kwargs["build"] = build
kwargs["only_plugins"] = []
if only_plugins:
plugin_list = only_plugins.strip().split("only ")
if len(plugin_list) == 2:
kwargs["only_plugins"] = plugin_list[1].strip().split(',')
kwargs["branch"] = ""
if branch:
branch_name = branch.strip().split("from ")
if len(branch_name) == 2:
kwargs["branch"] = branch_name[1].strip()
async with bot.require_lock(L_REPO):
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.build_test(**kwargs)
CLIENTS = ("macos", "windows", "linux")
PLUGINS = ("vscode", "atom")
cmd_regex = r"^release ([\w%, ]+)"
async def release(bot, items): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
"""Release staged releases
Usage: release [items to release]
Items to release is a comma-separated (spaces optional) list of valid items to release:
- `all [x%]`: equivalent to `clients [x%], plugins, binaries, readmes`
- `clients [x%]`: macos, windows and linux clients. note that this will implicitly release attached plugin bindata
- `macos [x%]`: macos client
- `windows [x%]`: windows client
- `linux [x%]`: linux client
- `backend [release branch]`: backend release (requires release branch)
- `website`: website
- `npm`: publish kite's npm package suite (kite-connector, kite-api, kite-installer)
- `plugins`: publish all plugins
- `vscode`: publish vs code
- `atom`: publish atom
- `binaries`: publically upload binaries
- `readmes`: copy and push plugin readmes to kiteco/plugins
NOTE: running a release will always release the *latest staged version* of the items to
release, save for a few important exceptions:
- the backend will release the backend deployment given by the *release branch*
- plugins publish will publish the *latest master* (this is not ideal as differences can emerge
between testing staging and release)
- readmes will publish the *latest master readme of atom* (this is because atom is not a
submodule, therefore to update we need to pull it separately)
The release branch is outputted by the stage command and looks like `release_[timestamp]`. Make
sure to double-check the branch name as the backend release will fail if given the wrong branch
if not allowed(bot):
# artifacts to build
artifacts = [s.strip() for s in items.split(",") if s.strip() != "and"]
# kwargs to pass to build command
kwargs = {}
for artifact in artifacts:
artifact_type, *artifact_args = artifact.split()
# aggregate artifact types
if artifact_type == 'all':
artifacts.extend(('binaries', 'readmes'))
artifacts.extend(plat + ' ' + ' '.join(artifact_args) for plat in CLIENTS)
elif artifact_type == 'clients':
artifacts.extend(plat + ' ' + ' '.join(artifact_args) for plat in CLIENTS)
elif artifact_type == 'plugins':
# client platforms (with optional canary)
elif artifact_type in CLIENTS:
pct = 100
if len(artifact_args) > 0:
pct_str = artifact_args[-1].strip()
if not pct_str.endswith('%'):
bot.reply("invalid percentage `{}` (must end in %)".format(pct))
pct = int(pct_str[:-1])
except ValueError as e:
bot.reply("invalid percentage `{}` ({})".format(pct, e))
kwargs[artifact_type] = pct
# backend release branch
elif artifact_type == 'backend':
if len(artifact_args) == 0:
bot.reply("backend release requires a branch")
# release branch is last artifact_args
kwargs[artifact_type] = artifact_args[-1]
# everything else
elif artifact_type in PLUGINS or artifact_type in (
'website', 'binaries', 'readmes', 'npm'):
kwargs[artifact_type] = True
bot.reply("invalid artifact type `{}`".format(artifact_type))
async with bot.require_lock(L_RELEASE):
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.release(**kwargs)
cmd_regex = (
r"^verify datadeps"
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
async def verify_datadeps(bot):
"""Verify kitelocal datadeps
Usage: verify datadeps (FOR TESTING ONLY)
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.verify_datadeps()
cmd_regex = (
r"^upload sitemaps"
async def upload_sitemaps(bot):
"""Generate and upload a new sitemap for
Usage: upload sitemaps
Note: will first pull from latest master
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.upload_sitemaps()
async def dummy(bot):
"""Say hi"""
@respond_to(r"make me a sammich")
async def sammich(bot):
"""Test command permissions"""
if not allowed(bot):
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.sammich()
async def cleanup(bot):
"""Cleanup unused deployments"""
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.cleanup()
async def changelog(bot):
"""Show the changelog since last release"""
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.changelog()
@respond_to(r"^sleep for ([0-9]+)")
async def sleep(bot, seconds):
"""Sleep for some seconds
Usage: sleep for [seconds]
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.sleep(int(seconds))
async def youre_welcome(bot):
"""Reply to a thanks message; testing for file uploads"""
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.youre_welcome()
@respond_to("^hold lock ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) for ([0-9]+)")
async def hold_lock(bot, lock, seconds):
"""Hold the given lock for some seconds
Usage: hold [lock name] for [seconds]
Mostly used for testing but can be useful if you want to lock down some commands temporarily
if not allowed(bot):
async with bot.require_lock(lock):
cmd_runner = build_commands.CommandRunner(bot)
await cmd_runner.hold_lock(lock, int(seconds))
@respond_to("^unlock ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)")
async def release_lock(bot, lock):
"""Unlock a lock
Usage: unlock [lock name]
if not allowed(bot):
if __name__ == "__main__":
# read debug arg
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False)
args = parser.parse_args()