2021-12-31 23:54:19 -08:00

128 lines
3.6 KiB

"""Script to download reports from TestRail and convert them to PDFs to be pushed to Dropbox"""
import json
import zipfile
import shutil
import os
import time
import datetime
import requests
import pdfkit
import slacker
# JSON file with download info
TESTRAIL_JSON = "testrail.json"
REPORT_NAME = "report-{}"
DROPBOX_DIR = os.path.expanduser("~/dropbox_kite/Shared/Testrail Reports/")
# slack interface
slack = slacker.Slacker(os.environ["SLACK_TOKEN"])
def download_report(report_id=None):
"""Download a testrail report as zip and return file name"""
tr_info = json.load(open(TESTRAIL_JSON))
# make URL using ID; use latest from JSON if None
if report_id is None:
report_id = tr_info["latest_report_id"]
url = tr_info["dl_url"].format(id=report_id)
# download with cookie info from JSON
r = requests.get(url, cookies={"tr_session": tr_info["tr_session"]})
content = r.content
# save content to zip file
timestamp = date_from_report_id(report_id)
filename = REPORT_NAME.format(timestamp) + ".zip"
with open(filename, "bw+") as f:
def zip_to_pdf(filename):
"""Unzips report and converts into a PDF"""
# check if invalid zip - happens when report does not exist
if not zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
raise ValueError("Invalid zip file")
# if valid, unzip all to folder with same name as zip
dirname = filename[:-len(".zip")]
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as f:
# create pdf
pdf_filename = dirname + ".pdf"
pdfkit.from_file(os.path.join(dirname, "index.html"), pdf_filename)
return pdf_filename
def to_dropbox(report):
"""Copy report to dropbox and replace the latest report with this one"""
# copy new report
shutil.copy2(report, DROPBOX_DIR)
# replace latest
shutil.copy2(report, os.path.join(DROPBOX_DIR, "latest.pdf"))
def to_slack(report):
"""Post report to slack"""
# test channel
# ch_id = "C1FM10CSK"
# release channel
ch_id = "C0M76GA13"
# upload file and check response
r = slack.files.upload(report, channels=[ch_id])
if not r.successful:
def date_from_report_id(report_id):
"""Get the date of the report from the report ID
Report IDs are sequential and one has been generated each day
The start date is based off of the fact that the first scheduled report generated on 2017-05-25
had report ID 17
start_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 5, 7)
report_date = start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=report_id)
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
return report_date.strftime(date_format)
def update_tr_info():
"""After successful export, update testrail info JSON"""
tr_info = json.load(open(TESTRAIL_JSON))
# increment report id
tr_info["latest_report_id"] += 1
# write it back
json.dump(tr_info, open(TESTRAIL_JSON, "w"))
def run():
"""Once a day, check for the latest report and write it if it exists"""
while 1:
# if outside of posting time, continue
dt =
if not (dt.weekday in (1, 2, 3) and dt.hour == 19):
f = download_report()
report = zip_to_pdf(f)
# only do the rest if valid zip is downloaded
except ValueError:
print("Invalid zip")
print("Uploaded {} to Dropbox".format(report))
if __name__ == "__main__":