tonycheang 7446960904
Notification for All Feat Pro (#370)
* feat: presentational notification handler

* improve: migrate hover.js to typescript

* rename: kite.more-position -> kite.copilot-docs-from-position

* fix: events checks version from package to avoid circular dependencies

* refactor: docs-related commands lives with hover provider

* refactor: hover.ts -> docs.ts and no default export

* add: check for notification on docs command error

* improve: render buttons in presentational error notif

* clean: remove unused kite.more

* improve: use promisifiedKiteAPIRequest insetad of Kite.request

Avoids circular dependency when compiling for typescript.

* improve: variable naming

* improve: log unexpected hover errors

* improve: notifyFromError takes optional default error message

* fix: don't notify on JSON.parse error

It is expected that not all errors will send a notification.

* improve: set up ICommandRegistrant[] to signal refactor intent
2021-01-29 16:49:12 -08:00

138 lines
4.8 KiB

import fs from 'fs';
import vscode from 'vscode';
import { assert } from 'chai';
import { withKite, withKiteRoutes } from 'kite-api/test/helpers/kite';
import { fakeResponse } from 'kite-api/test/helpers/http';
import { fixtureURI } from './helpers';
import { KiteHoverProvider } from '../src/docs';
describe('KiteHoverProvider', () => {
let provider;
beforeEach(() => {
provider = new KiteHoverProvider();
withKite({ reachable: true }, () => {
describe('for a python function with a definition', () => {
o => /\/api\/buffer\/vscode\/.*\/hover/.test(o.path),
() => fakeResponse(200, fs.readFileSync(fixtureURI('test/increment.json').toString()))
it('provides a definition item', () => {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(fixtureURI('sample.py'));
return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
.then(doc => provider.provideHover(doc, new vscode.Position(19, 13), null))
.then(({ contents }) => {
assert.equal(contents.length, 1);
const contentString = contents[0].value;
assert.include(contentString, '[Docs](command:kite.copilot-docs-from-position?{"position":{"line":19,"character":13},"source":"Hover"}');
assert.include(contentString, '[Def](command:kite.def?{"file":"sample.py","line":50,"source":"Hover"})');
describe('for a python function with no id and no definition', () => {
o => /\/api\/buffer\/vscode\/.*\/hover/.test(o.path),
() => fakeResponse(200, fs.readFileSync(fixtureURI('test/increment-no-id-no-def.json').toString()))
it('does not provide links for web and def', () => {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(fixtureURI('sample.py'));
return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
.then(doc => provider.provideHover(doc, new vscode.Position(19, 13), null))
.then(({ contents }) => {
assert.equal(contents.length, 1);
const contentString = contents[0].value;
assert.include(contentString, '[Docs](command:kite.copilot-docs-from-position?{"position":{"line":19,"character":13},"source":"Hover"}');
describe('for a python module', () => {
const osjson = fs.readFileSync(fixtureURI('os.json').toString());
o => /\/api\/buffer\/vscode\/.*\/hover/.test(o.path),
() => fakeResponse(200, osjson)
it('displays the proper kind in the hover', () => {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(fixtureURI('sample.py'));
return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
.then(doc => provider.provideHover(doc, new vscode.Position(19, 13), null))
.then(({ contents }) => {
assert.equal(contents.length, 1);
const contentString = contents[0].value;
assert.include(contentString, '[Docs](command:kite.copilot-docs-from-position?{"position":{"line":19,"character":13},"source":"Hover"}');
const data = JSON.parse(osjson);
data["symbol"][0]["value"].forEach(({ type }) => {
assert.include(contentString, type);
describe('for an instance', () => {
const selfjson = fs.readFileSync(fixtureURI('self.json').toString());
o => /\/api\/buffer\/vscode\/.*\/hover/.test(o.path),
() => fakeResponse(200, selfjson)
it('displays the proper kind in the hover', () => {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(fixtureURI('sample.py'));
return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
.then(doc => provider.provideHover(doc, new vscode.Position(19, 13), null))
.then(({ contents }) => {
assert.equal(contents.length, 1);
const contentString = contents[0].value;
assert.include(contentString, "[Docs](command:kite.copilot-docs-from-position");
assert.include(contentString, '"position":{"line":19,"character":13}');
const data = JSON.parse(selfjson);
data["symbol"][0]["value"].forEach(({ type }) => {
assert.include(contentString, type);
describe('when the endpoint returns a 404', () => {
o => /\/api\/buffer\/vscode\/.*\/hover/.test(o.path),
() => fakeResponse(404)
it('returns undefined', () => {
const uri = vscode.Uri.file(fixtureURI('sample.py'));
return vscode.workspace.openTextDocument(uri)
.then(doc => provider.provideHover(doc, new vscode.Position(19, 13), null))
.then(res => assert.equal(res, undefined));