
231 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
# License: GPLv3 Copyright: 2021, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>
from typing import Dict, List
functional_key_defs = '''# {{{
# kitty XKB macOS
escape Escape -
enter Return -
tab Tab -
backspace BackSpace -
insert Insert -
delete Delete -
left Left -
right Right -
up Up -
down Down -
page_up Page_Up -
page_down Page_Down -
home Home -
end End -
caps_lock Caps_Lock -
scroll_lock Scroll_Lock -
num_lock Num_Lock -
print_screen Print -
pause Pause -
menu Menu -
f1 F1 -
f2 F2 -
f3 F3 -
f4 F4 -
f5 F5 -
f6 F6 -
f7 F7 -
f8 F8 -
f9 F9 -
f10 F10 -
f11 F11 -
f12 F12 -
f13 F13 -
f14 F14 -
f15 F15 -
f16 F16 -
f17 F17 -
f18 F18 -
f19 F19 -
f20 F20 -
f21 F21 -
f22 F22 -
f23 F23 -
f24 F24 -
f25 F25 -
f26 F26 -
f27 F27 -
f28 F28 -
f29 F29 -
f30 F30 -
f31 F31 -
f32 F32 -
f33 F33 -
f34 F34 -
f35 F35 -
kp_0 KP_0 -
kp_1 KP_1 -
kp_2 KP_2 -
kp_3 KP_3 -
kp_4 KP_4 -
kp_5 KP_5 -
kp_6 KP_6 -
kp_7 KP_7 -
kp_8 KP_8 -
kp_9 KP_9 -
kp_decimal KP_Decimal -
kp_divide KP_Divide -
kp_multiply KP_Multiply -
kp_subtract KP_Subtract -
kp_add KP_Add -
kp_enter KP_Enter -
kp_equal KP_Equal -
2021-01-10 08:58:10 +03:00
kp_separator KP_Separator -
kp_left KP_Left -
kp_right KP_Right -
kp_up KP_Up -
kp_down KP_Down -
kp_page_up KP_Page_Up -
kp_page_down KP_Page_Down -
kp_home KP_Home -
kp_end KP_End -
kp_insert KP_Insert -
kp_delete KP_Delete -
left_shift Shift_L -
left_control Control_L -
left_alt Alt_L -
left_super Super_L -
right_shift Shift_R -
right_control Control_R -
right_alt Alt_R -
right_super Super_R -
media_play XF86AudioPlay -
media_pause XF86AudioPause -
media_play_pause - -
media_reverse - -
media_stop XF86AudioStop -
media_fast_forward XF86AudioForward -
media_rewind XF86AudioRewind -
media_track_next XF86AudioNext -
media_track_previous XF86AudioPrev -
media_record XF86AudioRecord -
lower_volume XF86AudioLowerVolume -
raise_volume XF86AudioRaiseVolume -
mute_volume XF86AudioMute -
''' # }}}
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
functional_encoding_overrides = {
'insert': 2, 'delete': 3, 'page_up': 5, 'page_down': 6,
'home': 7, 'end': 8, 'tab': 9, 'f1': 11, 'f2': 12, 'enter': 13, 'f4': 14,
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
'f5': 15, 'f6': 17, 'f7': 18, 'f8': 19, 'f9': 20, 'f10': 21,
2021-01-12 11:12:12 +03:00
'f11': 23, 'f12': 24, 'escape': 27, 'backspace': 127
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
different_trailer_functionals = {
'up': 'A', 'down': 'B', 'right': 'C', 'left': 'D', 'end': 'F', 'home': 'H',
'f1': 'P', 'f2': 'Q', 'f3': 'R', 'f4': 'S', 'enter': 'u', 'tab': 'u',
2021-01-12 11:12:12 +03:00
'backspace': 'u', 'escape': 'u'
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
functional_key_names: List[str] = []
name_to_code: Dict[str, int] = {}
name_to_xkb: Dict[str, str] = {}
start_code = 0xe000
for line in functional_key_defs.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith('#'):
parts = line.split()
name = parts[0]
name_to_code[name] = len(name_to_code) + start_code
if parts[1] != '-':
name_to_xkb[name] = parts[1]
last_code = start_code + len(functional_key_names) - 1
def patch_file(path: str, what: str, text: str, start_marker: str = '/* ', end_marker: str = ' */') -> None:
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
simple_start_q = f'{start_marker}start {what}{end_marker}'
2021-01-09 10:21:41 +03:00
start_q = f'{start_marker}start {what} (auto generated by do not edit){end_marker}'
end_q = f'{start_marker}end {what}{end_marker}'
with open(path, 'r+') as f:
raw =
start = raw.index(start_q)
except ValueError:
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
start = raw.index(simple_start_q)
except ValueError:
raise SystemExit(f'Failed to find "{simple_start_q}" in {path}')
end = raw.index(end_q)
except ValueError:
raise SystemExit(f'Failed to find "{end_q}" in {path}')
raw = raw[:start] + start_q + '\n' + text + '\n' + raw[end:]
def generate_glfw_header() -> None:
lines = [
'typedef enum {',
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
f' GLFW_FKEY_FIRST = 0x{start_code:x}u,',
2021-01-12 12:33:53 +03:00
klines, pyi, names, knames = [], [], [], []
for name, code in name_to_code.items():
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
lines.append(f' GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()} = 0x{code:x}u,')
klines.append(f' ADDC(GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()});')
pyi.append(f'GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()}: int')
names.append(f' case GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()}: return "{name.upper()}";')
2021-01-12 12:33:53 +03:00
knames.append(f' case GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()}: return PyUnicode_FromString("{name}");')
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
lines.append(f' GLFW_FKEY_LAST = 0x{last_code:x}u')
lines.append('} GLFWFunctionKey;')
patch_file('glfw/glfw3.h', 'functional key names', '\n'.join(lines))
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
patch_file('kitty/glfw.c', 'glfw functional keys', '\n'.join(klines))
2021-01-12 05:16:21 +03:00
patch_file('kitty/fast_data_types.pyi', 'glfw functional keys', '\n'.join(pyi), start_marker='# ', end_marker='')
2021-01-12 04:37:37 +03:00
patch_file('glfw/input.c', 'functional key names', '\n'.join(names))
2021-01-12 12:33:53 +03:00
patch_file('kitty/glfw.c', 'glfw functional key names', '\n'.join(knames))
def generate_xkb_mapping() -> None:
lines, rlines = [], []
for name, xkb in name_to_xkb.items():
lines.append(f' case XKB_KEY_{xkb}: return GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()};')
rlines.append(f' case GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()}: return XKB_KEY_{xkb};')
patch_file('glfw/xkb_glfw.c', 'xkb to glfw', '\n'.join(lines))
patch_file('glfw/xkb_glfw.c', 'glfw to xkb', '\n'.join(rlines))
def generate_functional_table() -> None:
lines = [
'.. csv-table:: Functional key codes',
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
' :header: "Name", "CSI sequence"',
enc_lines = []
for name, code in name_to_code.items():
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
if name in functional_encoding_overrides or name in different_trailer_functionals:
code = oc = functional_encoding_overrides.get(name, code)
trailer = different_trailer_functionals.get(name, '~')
code = code if trailer in '~u' else 1
enc_lines.append((' ' * 8) + f"case GLFW_FKEY_{name.upper()}: S({code}, '{trailer}');")
2021-01-11 19:28:54 +03:00
if code == 1 and name not in ('up', 'down', 'left', 'right'):
trailer += f' or CSI {oc} ... ~'
trailer = 'u'
name = f'"{name.upper()}",'.ljust(25)
lines.append(f' {name} "CSI {code} ... {trailer}"')
patch_file('docs/keyboard-protocol.rst', 'functional key table', '\n'.join(lines), start_marker='.. ', end_marker='')
patch_file('kitty/key_encoding.c', 'special numbers', '\n'.join(enc_lines))
def main() -> None:
if __name__ == '__main__':