#!/usr/bin/env python3 # License: GPL v3 Copyright: 2017, Kovid Goyal import argparse import datetime import glob import io import json import mimetypes import os import pprint import re import shlex import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress from typing import IO, Any, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional, cast import requests os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) docs_dir = os.path.abspath('docs') publish_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', 'kovidgoyal.github.io', 'kitty')) building_nightly = False with open('kitty/constants.py') as f: raw = f.read() nv = re.search(r'^version: Version\s+=\s+Version\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)', raw, flags=re.MULTILINE) if nv is not None: version = f'{nv.group(1)}.{nv.group(2)}.{nv.group(3)}' ap = re.search(r"^appname: str\s+=\s+'([^']+)'", raw, flags=re.MULTILINE) if ap is not None: appname = ap.group(1) ALL_ACTIONS = 'man html build tag sdist upload website'.split() NIGHTLY_ACTIONS = 'man html build sdist upload_nightly'.split() def echo_cmd(cmd: Iterable[str]) -> None: isatty = sys.stdout.isatty() end = '\n' if isatty: end = f'\x1b[m{end}' print('\x1b[92m', end='') print(shlex.join(cmd), end=end, flush=True) def call(*cmd: str, cwd: Optional[str] = None, echo: bool = False) -> None: if len(cmd) == 1: q = shlex.split(cmd[0]) else: q = list(cmd) if echo: echo_cmd(cmd) ret = subprocess.Popen(q, cwd=cwd).wait() if ret != 0: raise SystemExit(ret) def run_build(args: Any) -> None: def run_with_retry(cmd: str) -> None: try: call(cmd, echo=True) except (SystemExit, Exception): needs_retry = 'arm64' in cmd or building_nightly if not needs_retry: raise print('Build failed, retrying in a few seconds...', file=sys.stderr) if 'macos' in cmd: call('python ../bypy macos shutdown') time.sleep(25) call(cmd, echo=True) for x in ('64', '32', 'arm64'): prefix = f'python ../bypy linux --arch {x} ' run_with_retry(prefix + 'program --non-interactive') call(prefix + 'shutdown', echo=True) run_with_retry('python ../bypy macos program --sign-installers --notarize --non-interactive') call('python ../bypy macos shutdown', echo=True) call('./setup.py build-static-binaries') def run_tag(args: Any) -> None: call('git push') call('git tag -s v{0} -m version-{0}'.format(version)) call(f'git push origin v{version}') def run_man(args: Any) -> None: call('make FAIL_WARN=1 man', cwd=docs_dir) def run_html(args: Any) -> None: call('make FAIL_WARN=1 "OPTS=-D analytics_id=G-XTJK3R7GF2" dirhtml', cwd=docs_dir) add_old_redirects('docs/_build/dirhtml') def generate_redirect_html(link_name: str, bname: str) -> None: with open(link_name, 'w') as f: f.write(f''' Redirecting...

Redirecting, please wait...

''') def add_old_redirects(loc: str) -> None: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(loc): if dirpath != loc: for fname in filenames: if fname == 'index.html': bname = os.path.basename(dirpath) base = os.path.dirname(dirpath) link_name = os.path.join(base, f'{bname}.html') if base else f'{bname}.html' generate_redirect_html(link_name, bname) old_unicode_input_path = os.path.join(loc, 'kittens', 'unicode-input') os.makedirs(old_unicode_input_path, exist_ok=True) generate_redirect_html(os.path.join(old_unicode_input_path, 'index.html'), '../unicode_input') generate_redirect_html(f'{old_unicode_input_path}.html', 'unicode_input') def run_docs(args: Any) -> None: subprocess.check_call(['make', 'docs']) def run_website(args: Any) -> None: if os.path.exists(publish_dir): shutil.rmtree(publish_dir) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(docs_dir, '_build', 'dirhtml'), publish_dir, symlinks=True) with open(os.path.join(publish_dir, 'current-version.txt'), 'w') as f: f.write(version) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(docs_dir, 'installer.sh'), publish_dir) os.chdir(os.path.dirname(publish_dir)) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', 'kitty']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'kitty website updates']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'push']) def sign_file(path: str) -> None: dest = f'{path}.sig' with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(dest) subprocess.check_call([ os.environ['PENV'] + '/gpg-as-kovid', '--output', f'{path}.sig', '--detach-sig', path ]) def run_sdist(args: Any) -> None: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: base = os.path.join(tdir, f'kitty-{version}') os.mkdir(base) subprocess.check_call(f'git archive HEAD | tar -x -C {base}', shell=True) dest = os.path.join(base, 'docs', '_build') os.mkdir(dest) for x in 'html man'.split(): shutil.copytree(os.path.join(docs_dir, '_build', x), os.path.join(dest, x)) dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('build', f'kitty-{version}.tar')) subprocess.check_call(['tar', '-cf', dest, os.path.basename(base)], cwd=tdir) with suppress(FileNotFoundError): os.remove(f'{dest}.xz') subprocess.check_call(['xz', '-9', dest]) sign_file(f'{dest}.xz') class ReadFileWithProgressReporting(io.FileIO): # {{{ def __init__(self, path: str): io.FileIO.__init__(self, path, 'rb') self.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) self._total = self.tell() self.seek(0) self.start_time = time.monotonic() def __len__(self) -> int: return self._total def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes: data = io.FileIO.read(self, size) if data: self.report_progress(len(data)) return data def report_progress(self, size: int) -> None: def write(*args: str) -> None: print(*args, end='') frac = float(self.tell()) / self._total mb_pos = self.tell() / float(1024**2) mb_tot = self._total / float(1024**2) kb_pos = self.tell() / 1024.0 kb_rate = kb_pos / (time.monotonic() - self.start_time) bit_rate = kb_rate * 1024 eta = int((self._total - self.tell()) / bit_rate) + 1 eta_m, eta_s = eta / 60, eta % 60 if sys.stdout.isatty(): write( f'\r\033[K\033[?7h {frac:%} {mb_pos:.1f}/{mb_tot:.1f}MB {kb_rate:.1f} KB/sec {eta_m} minutes, {eta_s} seconds left\033[?7l') if self.tell() >= self._total: t = int(time.monotonic() - self.start_time) + 1 print(f'\nUpload took {t//60} minutes and {t%60} seconds at {kb_rate:.1f} KB/sec') sys.stdout.flush() # }}} class Base: # {{{ def info(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: print(*args, **kwargs) sys.stdout.flush() def warn(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: print('\n' + '_' * 20, 'WARNING', '_' * 20) print(*args, **kwargs) print('_' * 50) sys.stdout.flush() # }}} class GitHub(Base): # {{{ API = 'https://api.github.com' def __init__( self, files: Dict[str, str], reponame: str, version: str, username: str, password: str, replace: bool = False ): self.files, self.reponame, self.version, self.username, self.password, self.replace = ( files, reponame, version, username, password, replace) self.current_tag_name = self.version if self.version == 'nightly' else f'v{self.version}' self.is_nightly = self.current_tag_name == 'nightly' self.requests = s = requests.Session() s.auth = (self.username, self.password) s.headers.update({'Accept': 'application/vnd.github+json'}) self.url_base = f'{self.API}/repos/{self.username}/{self.reponame}/releases' def patch(self, url: str, fail_msg: str, **data: Any) -> None: rdata = json.dumps(data) try: r = self.requests.patch(url, data=rdata) except Exception: time.sleep(15) r = self.requests.patch(url, data=rdata) if r.status_code != 200: self.fail(r, fail_msg) def update_nightly_description(self, release_id: int) -> None: url = f'{self.url_base}/{release_id}' now = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()).split('.')[0] + ' UTC' commit = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', '--verify', '--end-of-options', 'master^{commit}']).decode('utf-8').strip() self.patch( url, 'Failed to update nightly release description', body=f'Nightly release, generated on: {now} from commit: {commit}.' ' For how to install nightly builds, see: https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/binary/#customizing-the-installation' ) def __call__(self) -> None: # See https://docs.github.com/en/rest/releases/assets#upload-a-release-asset # self.clean_older_releases(releases) release = self.create_release() upload_url = release['upload_url'].partition('{')[0] asset_url = f'{self.url_base}/assets/{{}}' existing_assets = self.existing_assets(release['id']) def delete_asset(asset_id: str) -> None: r = self.requests.delete(asset_url.format(asset_id)) if r.status_code not in (204, 404): self.fail(r, f'Failed to delete {fname} from GitHub') def upload_with_retries(path: str, desc: str, num_tries: int = 4, sleep_time: float = 10.0) -> None: fname = os.path.basename(path) if self.is_nightly: fname = fname.replace(version, 'nightly') if fname in existing_assets: self.info(f'Deleting {fname} from GitHub with id: {existing_assets[fname]}') delete_asset(existing_assets[fname]) del existing_assets[fname] for i in range(1, num_tries+1): try: r = self.do_upload(upload_url, path, desc, fname) except Exception: if i >= num_tries: raise import traceback traceback.print_exc() print('Failed to upload retrying in a short while...', file=sys.stderr) else: if r.status_code == 201: break if i >= num_tries: self.fail(r, f'Failed to upload file: {fname}') self.print_failed_response_details(r, 'Failed to upload retrying in a short while...') try: asset_id = r.json()['id'] except Exception: try: asset_id = self.existing_assets(release['id'])[fname] except KeyError: asset_id = 0 if asset_id: self.info(f'Deleting {fname} from GitHub with id: {asset_id}') delete_asset(asset_id) time.sleep(sleep_time) if self.is_nightly: for fname in tuple(existing_assets): self.info(f'Deleting {fname} from GitHub with id: {existing_assets[fname]}') delete_asset(existing_assets[fname]) del existing_assets[fname] self.update_nightly_description(release['id']) for path, desc in self.files.items(): self.info('') upload_with_retries(path, desc) def clean_older_releases(self, releases: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None: for release in releases: if release.get( 'assets', None) and release['tag_name'] != self.current_tag_name: self.info(f'\nDeleting old released installers from: {release["tag_name"]}') for asset in release['assets']: r = self.requests.delete( f'{self.url_base}/assets/{asset["id"]}') if r.status_code != 204: self.fail(r, f'Failed to delete obsolete asset: {asset["name"]} for release: {release["tag_name"]}') def do_upload(self, url: str, path: str, desc: str, fname: str) -> requests.Response: mime_type = mimetypes.guess_type(fname)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' self.info(f'Uploading to GitHub: {fname} ({mime_type})') with ReadFileWithProgressReporting(path) as f: return self.requests.post( url, headers={ 'Content-Type': mime_type, 'Content-Length': str(f._total) }, params={'name': fname, 'label': desc}, data=cast(IO[bytes], f)) def print_failed_response_details(self, r: requests.Response, msg: str) -> None: print(msg, f'\nStatus Code: {r.status_code} {r.reason}', file=sys.stderr) try: jr = dict(r.json()) except Exception: pass else: print('JSON from response:', file=sys.stderr) pprint.pprint(jr, stream=sys.stderr) def fail(self, r: requests.Response, msg: str) -> None: self.print_failed_response_details(r, msg) raise SystemExit(1) def already_exists(self, r: requests.Response) -> bool: error_code = r.json().get('errors', [{}])[0].get('code', None) return bool(error_code == 'already_exists') def existing_assets(self, release_id: str) -> Dict[str, str]: url = f'{self.url_base}/{release_id}/assets' r = self.requests.get(url) if r.status_code != 200: self.fail(r, 'Failed to get assets for release') return {asset['name']: asset['id'] for asset in r.json()} def create_release(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: ' Create a release on GitHub or if it already exists, return the existing release ' # Check for existing release url = f'{self.url_base}/tags/{self.current_tag_name}' r = self.requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 200: return dict(r.json()) if self.is_nightly: raise SystemExit('No existing nightly release found on GitHub') r = self.requests.post( self.url_base, data=json.dumps({ 'tag_name': self.current_tag_name, 'target_commitish': 'master', 'name': f'version {self.version}', 'body': f'Release version {self.version}.' ' For changelog, see https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/changelog/#detailed-list-of-changes' ' GPG key used for signing tarballs is: https://calibre-ebook.com/signatures/kovid.gpg', 'draft': False, 'prerelease': False })) if r.status_code != 201: self.fail(r, f'Failed to create release for version: {self.version}') return dict(r.json()) # }}} def get_github_data() -> Dict[str, str]: with open(os.environ['PENV'] + '/github-token') as f: un, pw = f.read().strip().split(':') return {'username': un, 'password': pw} def files_for_upload() -> Dict[str, str]: files = {} signatures = {} for f, desc in { 'macos/dist/kitty-{}.dmg': 'macOS dmg', 'linux/64/dist/kitty-{}-x86_64.txz': 'Linux amd64 binary bundle', 'linux/32/dist/kitty-{}-i686.txz': 'Linux x86 binary bundle', 'linux/arm64/dist/kitty-{}-arm64.txz': 'Linux arm64 binary bundle', }.items(): path = os.path.join('bypy', 'b', f.format(version)) if not os.path.exists(path): raise SystemExit(f'The installer {path} does not exist') files[path] = desc signatures[path] = f'GPG signature for {desc}' b = len(files) for path in glob.glob('build/static/kitty-tool-*'): if path.endswith('.sig'): continue path = os.path.abspath(path) exe_name = os.path.basename(path) files[path] = f'Static {exe_name} executable' signatures[path] = f'GPG signature for static {exe_name} executable' if len(files) == b: raise SystemExit('No static binaries found') files[f'build/kitty-{version}.tar.xz'] = 'Source code' files[f'build/kitty-{version}.tar.xz.sig'] = 'Source code GPG signature' for path, desc in signatures.items(): sign_file(path) files[f'{path}.sig'] = desc for f in files: if not os.path.exists(f): raise SystemExit(f'The release artifact {f} does not exist') return files def run_upload(args: Any) -> None: gd = get_github_data() files = files_for_upload() gh = GitHub(files, appname, version, gd['username'], gd['password']) gh() def run_upload_nightly(args: Any) -> None: subprocess.check_call(['git', 'tag', '-f', 'nightly']) subprocess.check_call(['git', 'push', 'origin', 'nightly', '-f']) gd = get_github_data() files = files_for_upload() gh = GitHub(files, appname, 'nightly', gd['username'], gd['password']) gh() def current_branch() -> str: return subprocess.check_output(['git', 'symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD']).decode('utf-8').strip() def require_git_master(branch: str = 'master') -> None: if current_branch() != branch: raise SystemExit(f'You must be in the {branch} git branch') def safe_read(path: str) -> str: with suppress(FileNotFoundError): with open(path) as f: return f.read() return '' @contextmanager def change_to_git_master() -> Generator[None, None, None]: stash_ref_before = safe_read('.git/refs/stash') subprocess.check_call(['git', 'stash']) try: branch_before = current_branch() if branch_before != 'master': subprocess.check_call(['git', 'switch', 'master']) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'debug']) try: yield finally: if branch_before != 'master': subprocess.check_call(['git', 'switch', branch_before]) subprocess.check_call(['make', 'debug']) finally: if stash_ref_before != safe_read('.git/refs/stash'): subprocess.check_call(['git', 'stash', 'pop']) def require_penv() -> None: if 'PENV' not in os.environ: raise SystemExit('The PENV env var is not present, required for uploading releases') def exec_actions(actions: Iterable[str], args: Any) -> None: for action in actions: print('Running', action) cwd = os.getcwd() globals()[f'run_{action}'](args) os.chdir(cwd) def main() -> None: global building_nightly parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Publish kitty') parser.add_argument( '--only', default=False, action='store_true', help='Only run the specified action, by default the specified action and all sub-sequent actions are run') parser.add_argument( '--nightly', default=False, action='store_true', help='Upload a nightly release, ignores all other arguments') parser.add_argument( 'action', default='all', nargs='?', choices=list(ALL_ACTIONS) + ['all', 'upload_nightly'], help='The action to start with') args = parser.parse_args() require_penv() if args.nightly: with change_to_git_master(): building_nightly = True exec_actions(NIGHTLY_ACTIONS, args) return require_git_master() if args.action == 'all': actions = list(ALL_ACTIONS) elif args.action == 'upload_nightly': actions = ['upload_nightly'] else: idx = ALL_ACTIONS.index(args.action) actions = ALL_ACTIONS[idx:] if args.only: del actions[1:] else: try: ans = input(f'Publish version \033[91m{version}\033[m (y/n): ') except KeyboardInterrupt: ans = 'n' if ans.lower() != 'y': return if actions == ['website']: actions.insert(0, 'html') exec_actions(actions, args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()